MTL - Forced To Survive-Chapter 123 before going crazy

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"I know the secret of Tianyan Sword Immortal, and I want to make a deal with you."

After Luo Yu finished speaking, she waited unhurriedly, and the smile on the corner of her lips became more and more beautiful.

Instinct told Yun Ranran not to listen, and something bad would happen if she heard it, but Luo Yu did not lie to her, she probably told her the trap clearly and let her jump on her own initiative.

Seeing that Yun Ranran remained silent for a while, Luo Yu said, "I won't lie to you, I swear on my soul."

After saying this, Yun Ranran knew that she was doomed, and Luo Yu was sure that she would not be able to escape. In this case, the matter about Tianyan must be very important, so she no longer hesitated, and simply said: "Let's talk."

Luo Yu looked at Ling Juefeng in the distance, then at Canglan Mansion hidden in the clouds, then lowered his voice: "Do you know that Tianyan Sword Immortal also cultivates Canglan Sword?"

Yun Ranran raised her eyebrows in surprise, Tianyan Sword Immortal Xiu Canglan Sword? Originally, she thought it was impossible, how could someone like the Sword Immortal take such a crooked path, but when she thought of the indifference and ruthlessness of the Sword Immortal, she felt a bit like it.

Luo Yu said again: "Then do you know who his master is?"

Yun Ranran looked up at her.

Luo Yu smiled: "Oh, I'll just ask, I don't know, I only know that on the day when his kung fu is perfect, he will cut off the tenth chain of heaven."

The news was so shocking that Yun Ranran was stunned for a moment.

Luo Yu pointed out something: "Tell me, a good Tianyan Sword Immortal, why is he going to die? Could it be that his master ordered him to go?"

Following Luo Yu's train of thought, isn't Cang Jue the master of Tian Yan? Cang Jue forced Tianyan to practice the Canglan Sword, and ordered Tianyan to cut off the chain for him on the day when the sword art was perfected, which sounds very reasonable.

Yun Ranran looked at Luo Yu, and Luo Yu also looked at her with deep meaning, with a faint smile on his face.

Yun Ranran stared at her for a while, then suddenly said: "The master is not Cang Jue."

The smile on Luo Yu's face froze, and he immediately asked and answered: "How can you be sure that that person can't do anything..."

Yun Ranran thought of all the souls of Cang Jue he had seen in the enchantment, and said, "Forcing people to practice sword scores, with his temperament, he probably doesn't want to do it."

Luo Yu sneered: "It's just such a ridiculous reason, so you don't think so?"

Yun Ranran said: "It's not ridiculous, I understand him."

Luo Yu then asked: "How do you explain the fact that Yan cut off the chain for Cang Jue that day? He can't be willing, right?"

Yun Ranran didn't answer, but asked, "Why did you tell me such a thing?"

Luo Yu paused for a moment, and then turned to another matter: "I can tell from Xiaoyaozong's enchantment that you have a very close relationship with Cang Jue, don't you want to let him out?"

Yun Ranran looked at Luo Yu suspiciously, she must have a purpose, she simply didn't think about it, and waited for her to say it.

Luo Yu said: "You are used to meddling in other people's affairs, Tian Yan is on good terms with you, and Cang Jue is also on good terms with you, don't you want to help?"

Yun Ranran remained silent.

Luo Yu's inquisitive eyes fell on her face: "I have a solution to get the best of both worlds, do you want to listen?"


She knew she shouldn't listen, but she still said, "Speak."

"Do you know Immortal Lord Jikong? When everyone wanted to kill Cang Jue, he was the one who did his best. He used to cherish his talent. When the twelve sects sealed Cang Jue, he also participated in it and kept Cang Jue alive." With some compassion, as long as Cang Jue has a little bit of kindness, he can get out of trouble."

"He left a curse on his power of heaven, as long as the person who can make Cang Jue's soul fluctuate, sprinkle his blood on the chain, his power of heaven will dissipate."

"If part of the power of heaven is eliminated, the chain of heaven will not be complete. In this way, even if Tianyan Sword Immortal cuts off the chain, it will not exhaust all of it. At least the remnant soul can be kept, and there will be vitality, and Cang Jue will be able to get out of trouble."

Yun Ranran asked: "What do you mean by the person who makes Cang Jue's soul fluctuate?"

Luo Yu smiled: "It's probably the person he misses. The Immortal Lord Jikong believes that if a person's heart belongs to him, he can always be brought back to the right path. That's why he made this oath. Do you know who the person he misses?"

Yun Ranran naturally knew that it was herself, and every part of his soul wanted to be with her.

Apply blood on the chains of heaven? With Luo Yu around, he couldn't live or die.

Luo Yu looked at her calm face, and said bluntly: "Yes, I want you to die, if you go, you will die."

"What I told you is all the truth. I swear on my life."

"Tianyan Sword Immortal's cultivation technique will be completed tomorrow."

"So, are you going or not?"

Yun Ranran only said: "I see."

Luo Yu smiled: "Think slowly, I'll be waiting for you at the tenth chain of heaven."

Yun Ranran turned to look at Ling Juefeng, where the elders and elites of the twelve sects were surrounded. The magic circle was just formed, and the tenth chain of heaven gradually emerged, and the thick chain runes flickered, containing daunting power .

This is her killing game, right? Everything is clear and there is no cover-up.

She once thought that she is not stupid, knowing that Luo Yu will kill her and stepping into a dead end, but now it seems that she can't escape this fate at all.

Unknowingly, she walked to the Canglan Courtyard, where the red maple is still better than the fire.

Luo Yu told her that Tianyan was cultivating the Canglan Sword, how could she not understand that Tianyan was the missing Yun Jian...

That young man like a rising sun, if he decides to cut off the chain, he must be upright and calm. A person like him will not be embraced by anyone unless he is willing.

He is always willing for others, so who will be willing for him?

She stood in Canglan Courtyard for a while, thinking maybe she could meet him again.

But after waiting for a long time, that person did not show up. She was a little disappointed. When she turned to leave, a gust of wind gently hit her face, like a lingering kiss.

She couldn't help turning around and looking, there was no one behind her, only the maple leaves fell one after another.

She stretched out her hand to gently press on her cheek, smiled, and lifted her foot to leave Canglan Courtyard.

Take it as a parting kiss.

When they returned to the courtyard, Qing He stood at the gate of the courtyard, smiling at her in the hazy twilight.

She walked over quickly, and he put his arms around her and stuffed her into his arms.

Yun Ranran was bored in his arms, and suddenly said: "I miss Xiao Qi."

Qing smiled angrily: "Say such things in my arms?"

Yun Ranran followed with a smile: "I don't know if he is awake now, he is so stupid."

Qing He asked, "If he doesn't recover, what will you do?"

Yun Ranran was surprised: "I've always been a little fool? Then I have to raise him for the rest of my life..."

When she said this, she suddenly stopped, and suddenly looked at Qinghe: "You raise it!"

Qing He was full of displeasure: "Why me?"

Yun Ranran said: "You are always angry with him. If he really becomes a little fool, you are half responsible. You have to be responsible. You will support him for the rest of your life."

"If you really don't want to raise it, then you are called Wuxuan Yang, or you two raise it together."

Both Qing and eyebrows frowned: "The more you talk, the more outrageous you are, don't you want to raise it?"

Yun Ranran said: "Of course I will raise him too, then we will raise him together. You swear now that you will raise him forever!"

Qinghe: ...

Yun Ranran pushed him away: "Then I'll go find Wuxuan."

Qing He pulled her back, pressed her into his arms, and said with a headache, "I swear."

Yun Ranran looked up at him, then rolled her eyes with a satisfied smile.

If she was gone, Xiao Qi would be most worried, and everything would be settled after entrusting Xiao Qi to her.

Qing He finished the oath angrily, and pinched her face: "Satisfied now?"

Yun Ranran nodded.

"Senior brother, I've made up my mind. We will leave Taihuazong tomorrow and go back to Penglai."

Qing He said: "Tomorrow? That's exactly what I mean."

Yun Ranran said: "I'm afraid I won't come back after leaving this life. I have something to say to my old brothers and sisters. See you at the foot of the mountain, brother."

Qing He nodded: "I also have some things to deal with, so we will agree on this."

Yun Ranran looked at him and nodded seriously.

Qing He smiled suddenly, bowed his head and kissed her lips.

It was very light, like the icy moonlight, which made her heart ache for no reason.


After Yun Ranran got up the next day, she didn't see Qinghe.

She was confused for a moment before remembering that he said that she had something to deal with. After a little grooming and walking out of the other courtyard, she suddenly saw the thick chains above Ling Jue Peak, which were more obvious than yesterday, like several giant dragons entrenched on the abyss.

His heart sank, and he remembered what Luo Yu said, the great achievement of the practice is today.

She didn't have time to think about it, and immediately rushed to Ling Juefeng.

When he arrived, he saw the person standing in the center, looking gentle and amiable, it was Taihua, and the person standing peacefully beside him was Tianyan whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

Taihua was scanning the audience to check whether the formations of each sect were correct. At this moment, he was staying in the formation of the Artifact Refining Sect, and the person in charge of the formation was the elder of the Artifact Refining School. The magic weapon is continuously injected into the chain.

Maybe it was too much consumption, and there were big beads of sweat on his forehead.

Taihua inspected it and found that the formation was correct, and when he was about to leave, Tianyan behind him suddenly condensed a spirit sword, which pierced through the elder's chest in an instant.

The elder screamed and spewed out a mouthful of blood, dyeing the formation red.

This movement alarmed everyone, and everyone looked over in horror.

Taihua's face darkened, and he said angrily: "Tianyan!"

Standing behind him, Tian Yan looked calm, but small bright red chains suddenly emerged from his wrists and chest, and the chains instantly wrapped around his body and wrists, twisted hard, he let out a muffled grunt, and let go of the spirit sword he was holding. , collapsed in an instant, and his body was dripping with blood from being twisted by the chains at this moment.

The people of the Artifact Sect stopped the magic circle and looked at Taihua angrily: "What does this mean?"

Taihua smiled apologetically: "I didn't teach well enough, so let him apologize to you all."

He turned to look at Tianyan, his pupils suddenly turned red, and then said slowly: "Tianyan, apologize."

Tianyan Sword Immortal looked at him calmly, and his expression became docile at this moment.


Said the incomparably cold and proud Sword Immortal.

After he finished saying this, Taihua smiled and was quite obedient.

Although Cai Cai's manipulation cost him a lot, it will take a certain amount of time to recover, and he can no longer control him in a short time, but after such a lesson, Tian Yan will be honest for a while...

But before he finished thinking, Tian Yan suddenly grinned at him, and condensed a spirit sword with his backhand.


【Under the Abyss】

Qinghe returned to the dark underground, he stepped on the rotten leaves, and walked through places without sunlight.

He came to his usual resting place, and saw the cold stone chair covered with dust.

He raised his hand to caress, turned and sat down.

There are cold and slippery stone walls on both sides, and rotten and withered bones on the ground. Not far away, there is a narrow beam of light that falls from nowhere.

He had sat here, watching that light day and night.

He thought that if he went out, he would wipe out the cultivation world and make this rotten place stand on top of the light.

Ask them to beg in despair, ask them to die, and ask them to repent for everything they have done.

If he wants to go out, he can go out naturally.

The eighth chain Yan Xiuming, the ninth chain Xiaobai, the tenth chain... is that boy named Yun Jian...

If Yun Jian is too bright, it will inevitably be rough. Anyway, if you can't live, it is better to make the best use of everything...

He followed the little girl down the mountain, only for Yun Jian. As long as Yun Jian thinks about everything, he can figure out the key point. This young man cares about too many people. He made a little promise, and he would cut this one down for him. sword.

He never miscalculated.

He sat in the dark, only the icy wind carried a stench.

There was a lot of noise overhead, like an absurd farce.

The chain was thick and conspicuous, like an impenetrable net, and the power of heaven penetrated his soul, preventing him from acting rashly.

He sat lazily, waiting for the moment when the boy drew his sword.

Suddenly, sword lights flew in the air, and he heard the sound of countless bones breaking, followed by a man in black clothes standing on the chains.

There are cranes on the clothes, as if fluttering their wings in the clouds.

The man was dripping with blood, and the tiny chains pierced through every inch of his bones, and blood dripped from his body continuously, hitting the chains.

Countless arrows and arrows shot at him like a rain of sword glow spells.

He can't avoid it, he is alone in the air.

Even so, those eyes were as clear as ever, and he suddenly turned his head and smiled at him.

"I advise you, if you want to do it, be the number one sword fairy in the world."

"Today, let the whole world see it with their own eyes."

After he finished speaking, those arrows had completely enveloped him, and a bright sword glow suddenly swung out, illuminating the entire sky. Those arrow spells were easily torn apart like dust, and the man's body was also After this sword light, it shattered inch by inch, followed by this sword light, and slashed fiercely towards the tenth chain of heaven.

The light of the sword is like the dazzling sunlight, carrying the power to destroy the heavens and the earth, and the abyss of the earth is crumbling because of this power.

Surrounded by horrified roars and screams, everyone's expressions changed, even Taihua showed a look of despair. He gritted his teeth and tried to control Tianyan, but just now asking him to apologize had exhausted his spiritual power. Only then did he suddenly understand that Tian Yan did this on purpose just now, just to get out of control for a short time.

A scene of war and chaos, like a purgatory on earth, only Jikong stood in the wind, with a calm face.

Qing He also raised his head at this moment.

The strong wind blew his clothes up and down, and he remained motionless, looking at the bright sunlight.

The sun was intense and hot, dispelling the darkness of the abyss.

He had sworn many oaths that he would flatten the realm of comprehension, no longer trust anyone, live recklessly and willfully, and make everyone prostrate at his feet.

But before he started to do evil, a little girl took his hand.

【Brother is a good man. 】

nice guy?

He had been planning for more than ten years, and finally reached the moment of success. As long as he waited quietly, he could realize his long-cherished wish for many years, and he could step out of the cage and be free.

But, she said he was a good guy...

She was stupid, but she held his hand before he went crazy.

He remembered what she had said angrily.

【Qing and Senior Brother don't understand love. 】

He really doesn't understand, he just wants to possess, destroy, and do whatever it takes, so he will give her back Tianyan who understands love, okay?

His eyes turned red, and he quickly smiled again.

The Canglan sword transformed by Tianyan was cut on the chain of heaven, and both sides were destroyed. In the face of irresistible power, all the constraints of the rules will become invisible, and the restraint of the Canglan sword on Tianyan will naturally disappear, as long as he completely collapses. Catch him before he is broken, and give him the strength he has accumulated for many years.

The sun was in front of him in the blink of an eye.

Qing He Ning took out a pitch-black dagger, held it in the palm of his hand, looked at the sword light, and waited for the moment of contact.

There was only a loud bang, and the heavenly chains suddenly vibrated violently, sending out a loud Sanskrit sound.

This is the tip of the sword light hitting the chain of heaven, and the two forces are fighting against each other at high speed.

At this moment, the dagger flipped over and aimed at his chest, and just as he was about to pierce it, a smear of blood red suddenly flashed across his eyes.

The faint smell of blood drifted along the wind.

His fingertips trembled, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

In the distance that could not be seen clearly, the huge chain was suddenly sprayed with fresh blood.

There was a "hum" sound in the air, and the originally indestructible power of the heavenly power unexpectedly had a flaw, as if a part of the power had been wiped out by the blood.

And beside the thick iron chain, a thin, thin white hand that was dripping with blood was hanging down softly.

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