MTL - Forced To Survive-Chapter 113 give me a hug

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Yun Ranran sat in the yard thinking about something.

It was sunset at that time, and the warm orange afterglow dyed the clouds thoroughly, like a fragrant and soft sweet potato that was scorched and split open.

She put the [Encounter] in her palm, and turned her head to look at it seriously.

People who see him at the first sight will regard him as their favorite person.

But why, would Tianyan have a good impression of her? Is Ning Kui reliable or not... I always feel that this guy is also a fool...

But thinking of the situation where I made it worse and worse every time I did a strategy, I don't have any hope for myself...

Try it anyway, she made up her mind, grabbed the pill into her palm, got up and walked to Tianyan's room.

The first room is Wuxuan, he is retreating, the second room is Qinghe, and the third room is Tianyan.

The surroundings gradually darkened, and she walked through the twilight to the front of Tianyan Gate.

Standing still hesitantly, to be on the safe side, she must see herself before eating love Gu, she took a deep breath and knocked on the wooden door.

"Come in" quickly came from the door.

She was mentally prepared and pushed the door open.

Tian Yan was sitting cross-legged on the bed, when he saw her coming in, he opened his eyes, blood red suddenly flashed in his eyes, and then faded away quickly.

It was dusk, Yun Ranran didn't see it, she just said: "You saved Wuxuan, I'm here to thank you."

Tian Yan came over and motioned for her to sit down, and he sat next to her at the table.

I don't know if it was Yun Ranran's illusion, but she felt that this person was somewhat familiar, like someone close to her, and even the coldness and murderous aura on his body melted a lot.

He looked at her with some inquiry in his eyes: "How are you going to thank me?"

Yun Ranran thought for a while, this guy must have no shortage of treasures, and said: "If you don't mind, I will make snacks."

[Small snacks] The three words made Tian Yan startled, as if recalling some sad past, he was silent, and asked: "Can you make it for me yourself?"

Yun Ranran nodded.

He was silent again, and then asked: "Will you bring me the first one?"

Yun Ranran thought his question was really strange, but still said: "Of course I will give you the first one, and only you."

Why is he so unbelievable? To the extent that this guy is a scumbag, these are all lies to him, right?

After all, he has a criminal record, so people can't rest assured.

Tian Yan didn't speak for a long time, and the atmosphere turned cold.

Yun Ranran didn't know which sentence she said was wrong, so she tried her best to save it: "Or, if you don't want to eat, I can do other things."

Tian Yan lowered his eyes, this guy was looking at him nervously, his small face was soft and beautiful in the twilight, those eyes were serious, as if he was the only one contained in them.

He approached her slowly, stared into her eyes, and said softly, "I want to eat."

He was getting closer and closer, his naked eyes fell from her eyes, slid along the straight and small bridge of the nose to the red lips, paused for a while, and then turned back to her shy eyes, expressing something refer to.

"I want to eat right now."

As soon as the words fell, the cheeks of the little girl opposite suddenly flushed, all the way to the base of her neck.

She understood, she was about to explode in shyness, her eyes flickered, and she wanted to run again.

Can't run, Yun Ranran, isn't it a failure to run at this time? But her mind has started to become chaotic, and she can't do anything if she doesn't run away!

By the way, Love Gu!

She frantically touched the teapot on the table, and stammered: "I, I'm thirsty, I want to drink tea."

Tian Yan picked up the teacup with his fingertips and placed it in front of her.

Yun Ranran tremblingly went to pour the water, and after pouring it, she held it to her lips, cruelly threw the Love Gu into it, then raised her head, and gulped it up.

The pill melted into the water and was swallowed by her again. The spiritual power scattered and rushed to her limbs and bones. She suddenly became dizzy and woke up quickly.

At this time, I have to look at Tianyan...

She dropped the tea bowl, raised her head hard, and was about to look across.

Suddenly there was a "bang" sound from behind, the wooden door exploded open, and the door panels quickly fell to both sides, followed by the sound of hurried footsteps.

Before she could react, her eyes were suddenly covered by a cold hand.

My eyes went dark, I couldn't see anything clearly, this, this...

She froze in place for a moment, and the familiar laughter of that person came from her ear: "Junior Sister, I have been looking for you for a long time, so you are here."

This is...the voices of Qing and Senior Brother...

What is he doing here? Why is she going crazy at such a critical moment!

Qing He covered her eyes without letting go, and said with a smile: "Junior Sister, guess what good things I brought you."

nice one? What else did he bring?

She was thinking wildly, when suddenly a puff of hot air was sprayed on her cheeks, something was stuffed, and there was a humming sound in her ears.

Humming? Is it some kind of small animal?

Qing He held the object in front of her, and smiled: "Junior Sister, it's the cub of Dangkang Divine Beast, I managed to catch it."

Dang Kang beast? Isn't Dang Kang the kind who looks like a pig? What is in front of her is this kind of thing?

Tian Yan said coldly: "Qing and you are blind? This is Dangkang, isn't this just an ordinary piglet?"

Qinghe was not happy, and mocked: "You know nothing, this is Dangkang, you have no experience."

Tian Yan said: "I don't know it? Where did you get it?"

Qing He said: "Aunt Zhang's next door."

Tian Yan: "Isn't that a pig? How much did you spend?"

Qinghe: "Two taels of silver."

Tian Yan: "Isn't that a pig?"

Qing He: "You don't understand, let me ask my junior sister."

Qing He's hand was still covering her eyes, she couldn't see anything, she just felt that the thing was brought to her face again, and the humming sound was in her ears.

"Junior sister, look, what is this, is it Dangkang or Xiaozhu?"

Yun Ranran was struck by lightning.

Qing and this bastard, she had eaten the love gu, he actually hugged a piglet, she was going to cry, this guy is really unbecoming, she can pay it off just by looking at it, that is really not going to live.

She said in pain: "I don't want to read it, you take it away."

Qing He said: "That won't work, I worked so hard to find it for you, you have to see it."

Yun Ranran was about to scream, she said loudly: "Take it away, I won't read it!"

Qing He: "No, you have to watch, I let go, Junior Sister, take a good look."

The blood in Yun Ranran's whole body flowed backwards, and the coldness in front of her eyes suddenly disappeared. She squatted down in a panic, closed her eyes nervously, worried, and covered her face with her hands.

Qing He then squatted down, and sent the piglet to her face again: "Junior Sister, take a look."

Look at the hell, this guy is so bad.

Yun Ranran was about to cry, she didn't want to stay in this ghostly place for a second, and couldn't open her eyes, so she pushed Qing He away and stumbled towards the door.

"Xianzun, my eyes are not feeling well. I'll go back to rest first. Let's see you another day."

Although Yun Ranran couldn't see, her spiritual sense could clear the obstacles. She walked to the door without any mistakes, and fled without looking back. As soon as she left Tianyan's room, she quickly ran to her own room, intending to wait Stay inside the house and wait for the effect of the medicine to pass.

But within two steps, his hand was suddenly held by someone.

It was completely dark in front of my eyes, and I lost even the ability to clear the obstacles with my spiritual consciousness.

This this…

Qing He's chuckle came from next to his ear: "Junior Sister, be careful, I will send Junior Sister back."

Yun Ranran was furious, and threw it away: "I don't want you to send it."

But the man put something into her arms, stretched out his arms to wrap around her waist, and fastened it very tightly, not giving her any room to escape.

The thing in his arms was washed very clean, no smell, and even a faint fragrance, small and soft, making a humming sound.

It's the little piggy of the aunt next door...

Yun Ranran is about to cry...

Suddenly her cheeks got wet, and Piggy licked her...

She choked up and said, "I don't want this thing, you take it away."

Qing He didn't say a word, just led her forward.

Being embraced by him, the eyes are completely black, and the power of spiritual consciousness can't be used. This guy must be deliberately suppressing it.

If he didn't speak now, she knew that resistance was futile, so she closed her eyes in pain, hugged the piglet, and let him take it with her. Anyway, it's good to go back.

After a while, she heard the sound of the wooden door being pushed open, and the torture was finally over. She quickly walked into the room, pushed the piglet in Qinghe's direction, and chased away the guests, "Senior brother, I want to rest. Give it back to you, you go first..."

Before she finished speaking, she was pushed, she panicked and fell backwards, her back was pressed against the soft bed, and then her body was heavy, and Qing He fell on top of her.

The little piggy fell from her embrace with a whimper, and ran somewhere.

She couldn't see, and she didn't dare to open her eyes hastily. If she saw that the pig or Qinghe were very bad, she could only close her eyes, push Qinghe's chest with both hands, and said anxiously: "Brother, let me go, don't...don't you ..."

But the man didn't speak, he held her hands that were in the way, bowed his head and kissed her.

Yun Ranran's words were all stuck in his throat, and he shattered them into pieces.

Qing and his senior brother have bad tempers and do things as they please, but seriously, they treat her gently and rarely disregard her wishes, but today they are very fierce, and they exude a cold and terrifying aura.

He was mad at her, in a special way.

But he was still talking to her with a smile just now, why on earth? Was it because she hadn't opened her eyes to look at Piggy? Can she see it? Cried…

She struggled hard, took advantage of the gap between his raising her head and fled, when suddenly he grabbed her waist, pulled her hard, and pressed her back under her body.

She shouted desperately: "I know you have one heart, I'll see if it's okay tomorrow?"

Qing He turned a deaf ear to her, stretched out her hand and pulled off her belt, and the clothes slid to the sides.

Yun Ranran was finally scared, and shouted: "Don't, I will hate you, I will really hate you."

Qinghe stopped moving.

The air became quiet for a moment.

Yun Ranran couldn't see, but the corners of her eyes were already wet with fear. She didn't know what his expression was at the moment, did he plan to let her go?

Just when she was uneasy, the man sneered.

"It's good to hate if the heart is not with me."

When she was startled, she felt a chill in her body, then Qing He bent down and gently bit her neck.

The pain hit in an instant, and tears welled up.

He seemed determined to do it to the end, and he didn't soften his heart when he cried, and it was useless to resist desperately. He moved down his neck, and a delicate kiss fell on her trembling shoulder.

Yun Ranran was powerless to resist, knowing that it would be useless to close his eyes, he had to open them in a critical situation, and just as he opened them, the man seemed to be aware of it, and suddenly raised his eyes.

The lines of sight meet.

Everything froze at this moment, and was gradually melted by the twilight.

The little girl's clothes were messy, her eyes were as red as the tip of her nose, and tears were hanging from the corners of her eyes. The gaze she was looking at him was no longer the resistance and anger just now, but gradually softened.

Seeing all this, Qing He not only showed no joy, but his eyes became colder and colder.

The first night was given to Wuxuan, and the second night was given to Tianyan.

What the **** is he?

But it doesn't matter, he is not a good thing, even if he cries, he has to stay by his side every day.

It doesn't matter how many people he likes, whether he is in his heart or not, if he wants her, he wants her no matter what.

Even if her heart is broken tonight, he will not let her go.

Now that Love Gu is effective, although it was not her intention, at least she can have some fun, isn't it good?

He didn't care if she would feel ashamed and angry when she woke up tomorrow, or if she hated him to the bone.

Thinking of this, he became more hostile, grabbed her waist, pulled her into his arms, and was about to continue what he had just done.

As soon as he leaned over, his sleeves were suddenly pulled.

When he looked down, he saw the little girl's eyes were wide open, tears were rolling down one by one, from her fair and tender face all the way to her neck.

She seemed to be afraid of making him angry, and tried hard to hold back her tears, but she cried even harder because of her instinct.

She shivered a little from the cold, and her little face became paler. She tugged on his sleeve, and said aggrievedly: "Qing and brother."

He was taken aback.

She raised her face and said pitifully, "I'd like to be with you...but I'm afraid, can you hug me first?"

Qinghe froze.

His thoughts were confused and he could not utter a word.

All the oaths and harsh words that were made just now were thrown out of the blue.

She...she...she's so cute...she wants him to hug her...

The girl looks soft, but in fact she has a tough personality, she seldom acts like a baby, she doesn't even say a soft word often, she is usually very shy, and she turns into anger when she is teased, she has never acted like this before.

He couldn't move his eyes.

Seeing that he hadn't responded for a long time, the girl felt even more aggrieved. She mustered up the courage to come up to him, kissed his cheek lightly, and looked at him cautiously. Her cheeks were flushed with wet tears.

"This, how about this? Can you give me a hug?"

The little girl's kiss was green and shy, like a feather.

Qinghe is crazy...

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