MTL - Forced To Survive-Chapter 111 Cang Jue

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Yun Ranran never expected that Tianyan would appear.

Why on earth did this guy come? It was as sudden as the last time he rescued Spirulina.

But just because of his arrival, he successfully stopped Wuxuan's spell and prevented Wuxuan from dying under the sword.

Yun Ranran wiped away her tears and looked worriedly into the arena. Tian Yan suddenly turned his eyes to look at her, raised his hand and swung a sword aura.

The sword energy looked random, but the spiritual power it contained was extremely terrifying.

Yun Ranran was trapped in the barrier, unable to avoid it for a while, her eyes widened in fear at this moment.

What is this guy going to do? Did you kill her? By the way, it's Luo Yu!

Luo Yu left Xiaoyaozong and returned to Taihuazong, so he must seize the time to attack Tianyan, so this guy is Luo Yu's licking dog!

Luo Yu hated her to the bone, Luo Yu must have asked him to kill her!

She quickly woke herself up, and even if it was impossible, she had to do her best to save herself, and when she condensed the spirit sword in front of her, the sword energy was already in front of her eyes.

Murderous, unstoppable.

She clenched the spirit sword tightly in horror, the sword energy hit the barrier with a "bang", the barrier cracked, and then the sword energy continued to charge towards her.

In her frightened eyes, he smashed her spirit sword, and then hit her cheek again.


Just when she thought she was going to splatter blood on the spot, the sword energy withdrew all of its strength, and gently pounced on her cheek like a cloud of mist.

Gentle and numb, it fell apart the moment it hit it, like a kiss that goes away at the touch of a touch.

She was a little taken aback, raised her eyes and looked again, Tian Yan was also looking at her, with narrow eyes.

Her cheeks flushed inexplicably.

What the **** is this **** doing!

Annoyed, she couldn't really do anything if she couldn't fight, Wuxuan was still below, since the barrier was broken, she didn't care about other things, she immediately jumped off the tall building and ran to Wuxuan.

She ran extremely fast and arrived in front of Wuxuan almost instantly. She deliberately avoided Tianyan and reached out to grab Wuxuan, but unfortunately her fingers still penetrated his body.

She withdrew her hand in disappointment, and said with Wuxuan: "Don't do stupid things."

Wuxuan looked at the trembling Canglan Duanjian floating in the air, and smiled wryly: "It seems that there is no need for it."

Since the appearance of Tianyan, the murderous aura of the Canglan Broken Sword was immediately suppressed, and he was still trembling, but it was not the excitement just now, but fear.

This guy is the real Canglan Sword, these broken swords dare not be presumptuous in front of him.

Wuxuan looked at him worriedly, wondering how long he could last, this thing should have already started to erode his mind.

Blood flashed in Tianyan's eyes, and he quickly regained his composure. He looked at Cang Lan's broken swords, opened his storage bag, and said to those broken swords, "Come in."

Those Broken Swords didn't dare to resist, they actually lined up and got in one by one. After the last Broken Sword entered, Tian Yan put away the storage bag again.

What he did shocked twelve cases.

They never thought that someone could take all of this peerless treasure in broad daylight like this, and they did it so logically that they were stunned for a moment.

Tianyan took advantage of this moment to drag Yun Ranran to his side, took out a jade box from his bosom and stuffed it to her: "Help me put away all the Nether Flowers."

Yun Ranran: ...

How could this guy be so confident that he asked her to do something without knowing the enemy? Put it away for him and let him give it to Luo Yu?

Wuxuan also said softly: "Ran Ran, help him."

Now that Wuxuan said so, Yun Ranran stopped thinking about it and reached out to take the jade box.

Tianyan: ...

Is he so unpleasant? Why does the girl look at him with such distaste...

Yun Ranran didn't notice the slight change in his mood. The situation was urgent. She took out a small dagger and carefully dug the Nether Flower out of the soil, protecting the root system, and carefully put it into a box.

Tian Yan looked at her bent over and busy, and his mood became relaxed again.

The members of the Twelve Sects finally realized that something was wrong, this **** not only took the Broken Sword, but also took all the Nether Flowers away?

Someone shouted eagerly: "Isn't it inappropriate for Xian Zun to do this?""

When the man shouted, everyone woke up.

Gui Wu said angrily: "With so many of us watching here, is Xianzun planning to collect it alone?"

Tian Yan stood in front of Yun Ranran, holding his long sword horizontally, and said lazily: "Which one of you wants? Come up and get it yourself."

As soon as these words came out, no one dared to respond.

Maybe this guy is not the opponent of the Twelve Schools, but when he goes crazy, no one will give him face. The key point is that no one can take his sword...

If there is a fight, half of them will die here, and no one wants to be that unlucky half...

This guy is even more troublesome than the fallen ghost Wuxuan.

Everyone had nothing to do with Tianyan, and suddenly remembered that he was a member of the Taihua Sect, so they all looked at Qingyun and Luoyu, their eyes became even more hostile.

Qingyun was under tremendous pressure and was extremely angry. This guy must have broken through the restraint and ran out by himself. He said loudly: "Tianyan, are you crazy?"

Tian Yan: "I haven't."

There is no fart, Qingyun said angrily: "Have you come out and talked to the suzerain? Do you know what you are doing now? The twelve sects are working together, so don't interfere."

Tian Yan looked at him with a sneer: "Then you stop me."

Qingyun was so angry that he was about to vomit blood, if he could stop him from talking to him here.

Seeing that the Nether Flowers had been taken away by the girl who appeared out of nowhere, Gui Wu was furious: "Qingyun, your Tai Hua Sect is too unethical, are you trying to make enemies of our other sects?"

Qingyun said: "Wait for me to contact the suzerain."

Gui Wu pointed at the field: "He's going to take all the Nether Flowers away. You said you're in touch now? After you get in touch, he's already gone, right?"

Qingyun was also driven into a hurry, and said angrily: "You can do it, you go?"

Ghost Wu choked on him, shut up on the spot, didn't he die when he went up? He is not stupid!

The others were full of grievances, but they had no choice but to wait for him to contact them.

Qingyun walked to the side, took out the sound transmission stone, and then transmitted the sound to Taihua with a dark face. After a while, his expression became even worse. He turned around and said to the people who were looking at him eagerly: "Our suzerain said that Tianyan can To subdue the Canglan Broken Sword, you can imprison the Canglan Broken Sword into the Diyuan to suppress it, and the Nether Flower is the same."

Shi Ling said with a sullen face: "What does the Taihua Sect Master mean? Do you want Tianyan to bring the Broken Sword and Nether Flower back to the Taihua Sect and suppress them in the Diyuan?"

Qingyun was exhausted and didn't bother to care about it, so he just said: "Everyone is worried, but you can come with us, or if you don't want to, you can go to Tianyan to ask for it yourself, and our Taihuazong will not stop you."

These words were really rascal, but no one had the guts to look at Qingyun angrily.

Qingyun didn't want to either, but who told Tianyan to go crazy and meddle in other people's business, Fangcai Taihua also had an extra headache, so he could only follow Tianyan to think of a new solution.

Everyone was aggrieved, Elder Jin Yuan said: "It's not wrong for Taihua to think so. Originally, we had no choice but to take the Canglan Broken Sword. Even if we subdue it, we would have to pay a price. It is a blessing that we can solve it properly now."

He looked at everyone, and said slowly: "The cemetery of Xiaoyaozong was destroyed, the place of exile of Tianxiangzong was destroyed, the forbidden area of ​​Guizong was destroyed, and several places where Cang Jue was suppressed were destroyed. The common seal of the two sects is still intact, if you really want to suppress the Canglan Sword, there is only one place to go."

As soon as he said this, everyone also realized that the Canglan Broken Sword is not unique to one sect, and the only way to solve it temporarily is to suppress and destroy it. Thinking about it this way, the only suitable place is the Taihua Sect.

Everyone looked different, but they stopped talking.

Gui Wu said: "That's barely enough, but will Tian Yan obey orders?"

Qingyun said: "Although he is crazy, he always listens to the suzerain's words. The suzerain is already on his way here. You will see him later, so you can inquire in person."

Gui Wu asked again: "How should Wu Xuan deal with it?"

Jin Yuan looked at the center intently, with a serious expression. The Buddha's body was covered with magic lines. He should have fallen into a ghost, but after so long, he still retained his sanity, but his body became thinner and thinner.

He sighed: "Don't worry about it, the little monk is gone."

Gui Wu was stunned, with a surprised look on his face, gone? Is it what he understood?

And Yun Ranran in the center had already packed all the Nether Flowers and handed them to Tian Yan, who then stuffed the jade box into the storage bag.

Yun Ranran shook off the dust from his body and looked around. The murderous aura of the Twelve Sects was no longer there. Presumably some consensus was reached and the crisis was resolved?

Is it because of Tianyan?

She couldn't help but look at him quietly, but when he saw it, he turned his face and caught her straight.

She blushed, this person is too sensitive...

She had to look away.

Suddenly there was a tremor under the feet, and the dilapidated tall buildings collapsed one after another, shaking the mountains for a while, presumably the twelve sects were trying to bring the city of exile back to the sky above Penglai Island.

Wuxuan stretched out his hand to help Yun Ranran, but his fingertips pierced through at the moment of touching, he withdrew his hand, with a sad expression on his face.

Yun Ranran said: "It's okay, when I go back, I will definitely be able to figure out a way to solidify your soul."

But Wuxuan shook his head and said, "It's useless."

He would have been completely torn apart just now, but Tianyan saved him with a sword, but it only gave him a chance to breathe. He had already exhausted his soul power in order not to fall into a ghost and lose his mind.

It won't be long before he will completely collapse, and there may still be a chance to enter reincarnation, but in this world, Wuxuan is gone.

Yun Ranran went to the doctor in a hurry, and looked at Tianyan: "Xianzun, do you have a solution?"

Tian Yan lowered his eyes and said bitterly: "No."

The atmosphere became sad for a while.

Wuxuan said: "I've been in the game all my life, I can't stand it, I can't get out, it's a fate that can never be restored."

"You guys saved me."

"This is the best ending for me."

With red eyes, Yun Ranran said in a low voice, "Not for me."

Wuxuan suddenly broke into a smile, he looked at the little girl with tears in his eyes, and reached out his hand to touch her cheek.

"Then next time you meet me, finish what we haven't done."

Yun Ranran asked, "When is the next time?"

Wuxuan said: "I don't know."

Yun Ranran gritted her teeth and said, "Just this time, if you survive, we will finish the unfinished business."

Wuxuan paused, reaching out his hand to stroke her hair, but he could only rest on it vainly.

Yun Ranran looked up at him.

He smiled at her, exactly the same as usual, and then his figure suddenly collapsed and scattered into the air.

Good Wuxuan, this is gone.

Yun Ranran stared blankly at the place where Wuxuan disappeared, tears welled up again.

Tian Yan couldn't stand aside, so he walked quietly to her side, reaching out his hand to comfort her, but due to his current status, it was inconvenient, so his fingers hung on her shoulders, and he froze there.

Just about to say something, Yun Ranran stood up unsteadily, and he looked at her in astonishment.

The girl wiped away her tears with the back of her hand, her voice hoarse: "Xianzun, I still have something to do, so I will take my leave first."

Tian Yan said: "I will be with you."

Yun Ranran refused: "No, I can only do this by myself."

She was going to find Cang Jue, how could she let Tian Yan follow her.

Tian Yan said: "I know what you want to do, I will accompany you."

When he said this, Yun Ranran couldn't refuse, but he didn't know what he wanted, so he could only take one step at a time.

She glanced at Wuxuan again, then turned her head and walked towards the ruins.

She knew in her heart that no matter how sad she was, she couldn't delay. The Twelve Sects were dragging the exiled city down, and she had no time to worry about Cang Jue. She had to find Cang Jue before they got close to Penglai Island. .

But where is this guy?

It is completely different from the previous seals, this time it can be said that there is no clue, and no one even mentioned him in the twelve sects. When I think about it at this time, I feel a little strange.

The Twelve Sects attacked the city of exile, it seemed that they only cared about Wuxuan. It stands to reason that they would not be so bold when Cang Jue was here, and Wuxuan had been in the city of exile for so many years, he knew every inch of vegetation in the city, but But he never mentioned Cang Jue at all, why?

According to various signs, Cang Jue doesn't seem to be in the city of exile at all. Could it be that Qing He made a mistake?

The more she thought about it, the more confused she became, so she rummaged around in the inner city, but found nothing, and finally arrived at Wuxuan's residence in the center of the city.

The tall building just now had crashed, and now there are ruins everywhere. She swept away the broken bricks, tiles and sawdust, managed to clear a way, and found the first floor that she just entered.

The broken wood barely supported a space, and as she walked, dust fell everywhere.

Before she took two steps, she saw a man in white sitting on the steps.

He propped his cheek lazily, and cheered up the moment he saw her.

Yun Ranran said in astonishment: "Qing and Senior Brother..."

The man was Qing He, and he sat cleanly under the narrow gap, without any sense of crisis.

Yun Ranran said: "Brother, why are you here? This building collapsed, and you were buried..."

Qing said, "I'm waiting for you."

Yun Ranran didn't understand, and looked at him suspiciously.

Qing He said: "Aren't you looking for Cang Jue? It's right below."

Yun Ranran was taken aback, Cang Jue was under her feet? She asked, "How did senior brother know?"

Qing He said: "Guess."

He did guess that the previous soul splits had a clear location, and they would be drawn by breath when they approached, but this one is different, this one is the hardest to find, there is no breath, and the soul power is weak, as if it will dissipate in the next moment.

If he hadn't already fused with the other three souls, maybe even he wouldn't be able to find this.

He also didn't understand why this sub-soul was so weak.

Yun Ranran looked at the ground worriedly, what is there? Is it in the center of the earth? How to get in if it is in the center of the earth? Could it be split with a sword? But there seems to be an enchantment seal underneath...

Just as he was thinking, Tian Yan stepped forward and drew out his spirit sword: "I'll do it."

Qing He looked up at him and frowned: "Don't kill me."

Tian Yan: "What are you afraid of? If you die, you will die."

Qinghe: ...

Qing He turned to look at Yun Ranran: "Junior Sister, don't you care?"

Yun Ranran's scalp tingled, what, when is Tianyan in her hands? But it was Cang Jue after all, she still tried her best and said, "Immortal Venerable is merciful."

Tian Yan paused, turned to her coldly, and said after a while: "Okay."

Surprisingly easy to talk about...

Tianyan adjusted his position, and then swung a bright sword. The half-moon-shaped sword cut into the ground conveniently, which was beyond Yun Ranran's expectation. Not only did it not explode, but it was also very smooth, just like cutting tofu. All the way down.

After a while, the sword cut out a half-moon-shaped hollow, the inside was dark and bottomless.

Tian Yan threw the spirit sword into the air, and the spirit sword collapsed into a starlight.

"Okay, the enchantment is broken, you can go straight down."

Yun Ranran glanced at him, hesitated for a moment, then jumped down.

Qing He stood up with a solemn expression, and was about to jump down too.

Tian Yan said in surprise: "Why, even you are not at ease?"

Qing He said: "There is something wrong here, I suspect that my soul is gone."

Tian Yan frowned: "What does it mean that it's gone?"

Qing He said: "This sub-soul has lost contact with me a long time ago. Recently, after merging three sub-souls, I barely sensed it again. Something must have happened to this sub-soul."

"Even if it doesn't dissipate, it's not far from dissipating. Something must have happened."

When he said this, Tian Yan also became nervous, and jumped into the hollow together with him.

The three of them entered the cave one after the other, and their bodies kept falling in the cave. After about a stick of incense, the three of them fell to the ground.

As soon as Yun Ranran woke up, she froze.

Because this place is very different from what she imagined, the sun is shining brightly here, and the breeze is gentle.

There is a bamboo forest in front of you. In front of the bamboo forest, there is a house with exquisite floor tiles and a gurgling stream in front of the door.

In front of the stream, there is a short bamboo table, and two people are playing chess.

One is a young red-clothed Cang Jue, and the other is a young monk with picturesque features, he is dressed in frosty white monk clothes, and he is in his teens.

The little monk said bitterly, "I don't want to go down."

Cang Jue raised his eyebrows and said, "You don't want to go down? You say you don't want to go down? Did I catch you to make you happy?"

The little monk said angrily: "I have played thousands of rounds with you, and I have racked my brains to let you win every round. When will you let me out?"

Cang Jue raised his hand and overturned the chessboard: "Let you go out? Do you still want to go out? I captured you, and you are my slave. Don't even think about going out in your life."

The little monk turned pale with anger: "You bastard!"

Cang Jue's beautiful eyes narrowed, and he raised his hand to grab his collar: "You still dare to scold me, aren't you merciful? You have broken the precept, little monk."

The little monk said: "You bastard, don't lock me up, I want to go out."

Cang Jue threw him away, and said rascally: "You read the scriptures to me, and I will let you out when I am happy."

The little monk tidied up his clothes angrily, and asked, "Which part do you want to listen to?"

Cang Jue said: "Whatever you want, I just don't want to listen to you."

The little monk was stunned, and became even more angry, so angry that he threw himself on him and wrestled with him.

The three onlookers: …

Tian Yan couldn't bear to look directly, and asked Qinghe softly: "What's going on here? Who is the little monk?"

Qing He also frowned: "How would I know... I couldn't sense this ghost before, the ghost knows what he did..."

"But this little monk looks very familiar..."

Yun Ranran stepped forward involuntarily, and said softly, "What's the matter with you two, stop fighting."

When she said that, both of them stopped.

The two teenagers separated suddenly and stood up in a panic.

Cang Jue looked at her in surprise, not knowing why she was so familiar, but the young monk wept with joy, and immediately asked: "How did the girl get in? Can you take the little monk out? It's a great kindness, and the little monk will never forget it."

Yun Ranran looked at the familiar face of the little monk and blocked her throat: "What's your name?"

The little monk clasped his hands together, his eyes rolled up: "Young monk Wuxuan."

Wuxuan? This guy is Wuxuan? Why Wuxuan? Yun Ranran couldn't understand.

Cang Jue leaned over at this time, and said with a smile, "Is the name I gave you nice?"

Yun Ranran was even more confused by what he said, what name did Cang Jue give? Then is he Wuxuan? What's the matter?

But the little monk came up with tears in his eyes: "The benefactor doesn't know. This guy is a bastard. The little monk was accidentally caught by him and imprisoned for many years. He has been refusing to let the little monk out, and even forced the little monk to play chess with him." , pray for him."

"I also asked the little monk to be an ox and a horse, beat his back, cook rice and fetch water. The little monk did everything to get out of trouble. But he refused to keep his promise and let the little monk out. Devil, this guy is a devil."

Cang Jue stepped forward, his eyes fell on Yun Ranran, and he said happily: "Girl, I like you so much."

Yun Ranran: ...

Every Cang Jue has this virtue...

Yun Ranran pulled him aside, pointed to Wuxuan and asked, "What's going on here?"

Cang Jue: "Oh, it's boring. Just grab a young monk to accompany me. In fact, it's not that I won't let him go out. I can't go out by myself."

Yun Ranran: "Then why did you arrest a young monk, and where did you arrest him?"

Cang Jue said: "It was caught in the city of exile."

Yun Ranran was full of doubts. At this time, Qing He showed a dazed expression. He pointed to Wu Xuan and asked Cang Jue, "This guy must be the reborn offspring of Wu Xuan, right?"

Cang Jue thought for a while: "It seems to be the case."

"I was suppressed in the center of the city of exile. One day there was a huge impact sound from the city of exile, and the barrier was loose. I forced myself to go out, and saw a little monk like a puppet walking out in a daze. I sent him Back to the center of the earth, he doesn't remember anything, not even his name."

"I can't stay here by myself, it's so boring, I have to find a coolie to accompany me."

Yun Ranran was stunned when she heard this, and she said with trembling eyes: "What do you mean? This little monk is the reborn offspring of Wuxuan? He was caught by Qing He into the center of the earth by accident? In this way, Doesn't Wuxuan still have a descendant alive?"

"I remember Wuxuan's reincarnation technique. As long as a reborn soul finds the remnant soul of the first life, Wuxuan can be resurrected later, and his skill will be greatly increased. Does that mean that as long as this little Wuxuan finds the remnant soul that just collapsed, Can Wuxuan come back?"

Qing He said: "Probably so."

When Yun Ranran heard the news, she was so excited that she hugged the little monk into her arms, crying and laughing.

The little monk didn't know anything, he was frightened, and his face flushed: "Gu, girl, don't be like this, I'm a monk..."

Yun Ranran hugged him and said: "Quick, quick, let's go out, Wuxuangang is broken, and the remnant soul may still be there, let's go find it."

The little monk was at a loss and was led out by her hand. Tian Yan glanced at Qing He and followed Yun Ranran away.

Qing He stayed inside alone, looking at Cang Jue on the opposite side.

He was looking helplessly at the girl who ran away, his eyes full of disappointment.

Qing He sighed: "Come here, let me see if I can still be saved."

Reluctantly, Cang Jue withdrew his gaze, and walked slowly towards him.

Qing He raised his hand to touch his heart, and spiritual power poured into his body bit by bit.


Cang Jue did not expect that part of his body was lost, and the rest were suppressed in different places, only this part was lost in the city of ruins near Fengming Town.

So he wakes up the fastest...

The quickest to wake up, the strongest spiritual power, as long as the power of the soul is solidified, he can break the seal on his body, fight back, and **** the rest of the body back.

Those guys definitely didn't expect that after all the painstaking efforts to dismember him, he would come back to life again.

He entered the realm rapidly, and the power of his soul became more and more powerful day by day. Just when he was about to leave, a young monk came to the city of exile, and he brought a group of inexplicable people with him.

He had a headache, but he couldn't move now, and then his soul power was exhausted, and he fell into a coma.

He originally thought that he could leave this ghostly place after waking up, but he never expected that after waking up, he would not be in the Cultivation Continent anymore.

This damned little monk actually brought the entire city into the space crack.

He was very angry, but right now he was not the young monk's opponent, and he couldn't fight him hard, so he hid in the center of the earth and woke up.

When I woke up, I saw the little monk busy outside. He was very serious and stubborn. He would laugh when he was happy, and blow the wind on a tall building when he was sad.

The city is full of ghost flowers, and he can get out of trouble by eating a few of them, but when he thinks that the little monk will be sad, he forgets it and continues to curl up in the center of the earth to sleep.

After sleeping for a long time, when he woke up again, he found that his strength was unprecedentedly strong. Now the little monk should not be his opponent, and he could finally teach him a lesson. He crawled out of the center of the earth, thinking that he would see the little monk. The monk studied hard, but he didn't expect to see the little monk breaking down and crying.

He hugged the little girl's skinny shoulders and cried very sadly, saying things like "I'm sorry, it's my brother who is useless".

He had never seen the little monk like this before, and he was inexplicably uncomfortable.

He sensed a powerful force in the city of exile, and it was this force that was tormenting the little monk. He didn't dare to appear rashly, so he had to push himself back into the ground.

The little monk was no match for that man at all. He saw his monk's robe gradually turn blood red, saw him fall into madness and collapse, and he often saw him sitting on a tall building crying bitterly, and then rolled down to study those flowers and broken swords after crying bitterly.

A few years later, the city of exile bumped into Penglai Island again, and he saw with his own eyes that there was an extra young monk, and the new young monk walked towards the entrance of Penglai Island in a daze like a puppet.

He knew that every time a new young monk left, Wuxuan would become weaker.

He only has one chance.

So he hid himself, sneaked up behind the little monk, grabbed him, and dragged him into the center of the earth.

As soon as he returned to the center of the earth, he tried his best to form a barrier, and washed the power of his soul into the little monk's body over and over again.

He knew that after rebirth, the next life would not die, and the next one would not be reborn. He couldn't let the person who controlled the little monk notice that he had to make the little monk disappear, so he replaced the little monk's spiritual power with his own soul power, making him become A living ghost, so that the man can be fooled into thinking that the little monk is dead.

He can keep this one.

Although he doesn't know what's the use of keeping it, what if it's useful?

It's a pity that in this way, his soul power is exhausted, and he and the little monk can't get out of this barrier, so they can only wait forever, waiting for the soul to disappear, or a miracle...

Once all the soul power he had accumulated for so many years was exhausted, he became the weakest of all the souls, and in this way, it was nowhere in sight to escape.

However, it doesn't matter...

Anyway, there is nothing in this world to be nostalgic for, but the little monk has many people who miss him...


Qing and Youyou came up from the hollow, released their consciousness, and soon sensed where everyone was.

He walked towards the crowd.

Fortunately, it came in time, otherwise this part would be completely gone.

When he walked to the center, he saw the little girl holding the little monk's hand and leading him to look around.

The little monk blushed, couldn't say a word, and followed her shyly.

Tian Yan stood beside him, his eyes turned green with jealousy.

At this moment, the little monk suddenly let go of Yun Ranran's hand, took out his bodhi beads, and slid them across his fingertips one by one, a little bit of golden light overflowed from the bodhi beads, and then went to the distance along the wind Gone with the wind, it quickly stopped in one place.

Those golden lights kept wandering in the air, and soon condensed into the appearance of a remnant soul.

With a handsome face, it was Wuxuan, but his eyes were closed at the moment, unconscious.

The little monk walked towards the golden lights step by step, his eyes turned red, and he slowly reached out to touch them, and those golden lights suddenly entered his body along the meridians.

All three of them remembered the gentle Sanskrit sound in their ears, and there was a "buzz" in their minds.

After waking up, he looked at the young monk again, he was standing with his eyes closed, his monk's robe was frosty white, and he moved without wind.

The three of them watched intently.

The golden light gradually blurred into his body, and after a while, he finally opened his eyes slowly.

He swept across the three of them lightly and smiled warmly.

Yun Ranran suddenly got wet eyes.

It's Wuxuan, this is Wuxuan, his Wuxuan is back.

She jumped into Wuxuan's arms with joy, and Wuxuan hugged her back.

Tian Yan shook his hand sword, Qing He looked away contemptuously.

This place is separated by a thick barrier, and the outside world has no idea what happened.

Qing and Lanlan leaned against the ruins with far-sighted eyes.

The little monk walked up to him at some point.

Qinghe turned his gaze.

The little monk asked: "Why did you save me? If you didn't save me, you would have been out of trouble a long time ago."

Qinghe didn't care as usual: "Aren't you bored, isn't it interesting to catch a young monk as a slave?"

Wuxuan looked at him, was silent for a moment, his eyes were reddish: "But I gave you a gourd of water, remember so long?"

Qing He was startled, and curled his lips: "Don't talk nonsense, there's nothing wrong."

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