MTL - Forced To Survive-Chapter 107 I can't be better

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"Since we met, you have been alone."

The little girl in front of her looked terrified and eager, and Yun Ranran's scalp went numb.

She immediately turned her head to look at Wuxuan, Wuxuan was standing beside her with a gentle look, seeing her looking over, he even smiled at her.

She looked at Chengyin suspiciously, pointed at Wuxuan and said, "Can't you see him? Just stand here, Wuxuan, the son of Buddha."

Cheng Yin shook his head again and again: "No one, only you."

Yun Ranran looked at Chengyin, and then at Wuxuan, Wuxuan was clearly standing beside her, with the facial features and demeanor of the person she was familiar with.

She could see clearly, was it Cheng Yin's problem, or Wu Xuan's problem?

Yun Ranran hesitated for a moment, walked towards Wuxuan, and reached out to grab his arm, but he didn't move, but she grabbed his wrist.

Yun Ranran looked up at him.

Wuxuan smiled: "Aren't you afraid?"

Yun Ranran said: "It's okay."

Just as Wuxuan was about to say something, Yun Ranran gave a serious "shh", then he calmed down and let her hold her hand obediently.

Yun Ranran closed her eyes, and opened them again after a while.

"You are right."

"I had a contract with your junior brother Wu Nian. Although the contract was dissolved, I later found out that I have some secret connection with you. I did sense this connection just now."

Wuxuan didn't speak, just looked at her.

Yun Ranran let go of his wrist: "Since you are indeed Wuxuan, what's going on? Why can't she see you?"

Wuxuan glanced at Chengyin lightly, then looked away: "She's normal, probably... it's my problem."

Yun Ranran asked: "What's the problem?"

Wuxuan lowered his eyes slightly, frowned, and shook his head: "I don't know, it shouldn't be a good thing."

Yun Ranran: "What happened to you?"

Wuxuan: "I don't know."

Yun Ranran said: "Then let's leave here immediately and go find Qinghe and Xiaoqi. They may know what happened to you."

Wuxuan was silent for a moment, and replied vaguely "Yes".

Yun Ranran had lingering fears about this place, she took Chengyin's hand, brought the little girl in front of her, looked back at Wuxuan, motioned him to follow, and then ran out of the barrier.

But not long after she ran out, there was a "click, click" sound behind her, as if something was struggling to escape from the pile of rocks, pointing sharply at her back.

The blood in her whole body froze at this moment, she turned around suddenly, and saw countless broken swords jumping into the air from the broken stones, walls, and various gaps, aiming straight at her, each sword was stained red with blood, Exuding a terrifying aura.

Cheng Yin squeezed her hand tightly in fright.

This is the Canglan Duanjian who lost his mind and was completely controlled by killing intent.

Yun Ranran recalled Yun Jian's past, knew how terrifying Canglan's broken sword was, immediately condensed the spirit sword, looked at Wuxuan who was standing still, and said loudly: "Go out first."

Wuxuan swept over those broken swords, with a light expression: "There are too many, I can't get out."

Yun Ranran gritted her teeth: "Then run first, as far as you can run."

Wuxuan no longer looked at those broken swords, his eyes fell on her face, and suddenly asked: "Ran Ran, if I was better, would you like me?"

Why did this guy say this at this time, it sounded like a last word, she said loudly: "You go out with me, I'll try to see."

Wuxuan stood in a piece of ruined walls, behind him were densely packed Canglan Broken Swords, whose murderous aura condensed into a huge phantom of the blood sword, covering most of the sky.

He was dressed in a frosty white monk's robe without any wind, clearly appearing in this chaos.

He tilted his head and smiled, his voice warm, just like before.

"Unfortunately, I can't do better."

He said this sentence for the second time, what does it mean?

But even if she didn't understand the meaning, Yun Ranran sensed that something was wrong with Wuxuan at the moment, she told Chengyin to run towards the edge of the barrier, while she bit her tongue and sprayed blood on the spirit sword, then ran towards Wuxuan desperately go.

Wuxuan looked at her, standing on the spot without moving a bit.

Yun Ranran increased the escape speed to the fastest, and was about to touch Wuxuan, the densely packed broken swords were suddenly activated at this moment, and the power that made the world tremble burst out instantly, carrying the power to destroy everything towards the two of them. swept up.

Yun Ranran held up the protective barrier with difficulty, trying to pull Wuxuan in.

Wuxuan made a tactic with both hands, and the golden Buddha's light rose in an instant, blocking all the broken swords behind him.

There was a bang in the ear, and all the sound shapes disappeared in an instant.

Yun Ranran called Wuxuan loudly, but she couldn't convey it to him at all. She finally got close to him, grabbed his wrist forcefully, and when she was about to pull it to her side, her palm suddenly emptied.

She was taken aback, and looked down, only to see that her hand had penetrated his wrist.

How is this going?

She rushed towards his body in disbelief, but passed through the moment he touched it.

She looked at her hands in horror, then raised her head to look at Wuxuan.

The sound of the explosion finally dissipated, the glare gradually turned cold, and everything was settled.

Wuxuan was still standing in a piece of ruined walls.

He smiled at her with gentle eyes.

Yun Ranran stretched out his hand tremblingly towards Wuxuan, and was about to touch him, but Wuxuan completely shattered at this moment, turning into bits of broken light.

Yun Ranran froze, her outstretched hand was still hanging in the air.

What about Wuxuan?

Why is Wuxuan gone?

How could a man as big as Wuxuan turn into broken light? Is it because of blocking the damage of Canglan Broken Sword?

Impossible, no matter how powerful Cang Lan's Broken Sword is, even if it blows his flesh and blood flying, it is impossible to turn him into pieces.

How can a person have nothing left, just disappear?

Or is Wuxuan not a human being?

She knelt down in embarrassment where Wuxuan had just stood, there was nothing left, it was empty.

She can't understand.

It's all like a dream.

How could Wuxuan be gone?

She didn't have any emotions, except dazed or dazed.

At this moment, the jade pendant on her neck became slightly hot. She took it off and saw a few lines of writing on it.

[Obtain Wuxuan's memory fragments - Infernal Affairs]

[Please make persistent efforts. 】

Yun Ranran's pupils shrank, Wuxuan's memory fragments? What's the meaning?

She clenched the jade pendant tightly, Wuxuan's memory fragments?

Wuwei's memory fragment—karma fire, Wuwei died.

Wuwang's memory fragment - Nirvana, Wuwang died.

Unknown memory fragments—Boundless, from the follow-up, he has been haunted by evil thoughts, and he is probably dead.

Wu Nian's memory fragment - Obsession, Wu Nian fed all ghosts with her body, and finally died. She rescued his repeated nightmares, and he went to Wangchuan to reincarnate.

Now there are more memory fragments of Wuxuan on the jade pendant, so, is Wuxuan also dead? Did he just die, or was it the same as the others, early in the morning...

If he died just now, there should be some remnants of his body, but he just dissipated like a soul wandering around the world.

Wuxuan, is he the same as his juniors, who actually died early in the morning?

So what is he? What are those juniors? Why do all Wuxuan's juniors have a preference for her, why is Wunian so dependent on her when she is in deep pain, why does Wunian sign a contract with Wuxuan and have a secret connection with Wuxuan?

She hadn't thought about that direction before, after all Wuxuan was by her side, but if Wuxuan had died early in the morning, would the juniors he was looking for all the way be Wuxuan's past?

The more she thought about it, the clearer she became, and the more confused she became, the words Wuxuan said suddenly popped up in her mind.

[I can't do better. 】

She didn't understand it at the time, but now that she thought about it, she was connected with the weird situation in front of her.

If Wuxuan had died long ago, then he really couldn't have been better, because all this was already a foregone conclusion.

She knelt on the ground in a daze, looking at the place where Wuxuan disappeared.

Wuxuan is dead?

Wu Xuan died long ago?

I kept chewing on the meaning of these words in my mind, and my emotions were too shocking to respond.

So what is Wuxuan doing?

Thinking about it carefully, the Bodhi Temple does have exercises related to nirvana and rebirth. As a big brother, Wuxuan must be successful in cultivation.

At that time, he was young and energetic, entered the world of mortals for the first time, and was determined to save the common people. He died under his own compassion and righteousness again and again, carrying too much negativity and sadness, and relied on Nirvana to save himself and rebuild morality. They all exhausted their cultivation and almost fell into a ghost.

She was shocked, if Wu Nian was Wu Xuan's previous life, then Wu Nian would not be able to be reincarnated. He must have lied to himself by saying that he was reincarnated. Did he completely collapse like Wu Xuan?

Now that Wuxuan has disappeared, will he be reborn?

Will he?

Thinking this way in my heart, my heart is extremely heavy.

If he could be reborn from Nirvana, why did he say [I will not be better]?

It's as if he won't have a new life after that.

Will he really be born again?

Yun Ranran's eyes suddenly became wet, and the belated sadness overwhelmed her. At first, the sadness was only a little bit, and it gradually intensified, and then it made her breathless.

Tears fell uncontrollably on the ground.

Cheng Yin watched from a distance, although he was afraid, he approached her cautiously, and didn't know what to say after approaching, so he squatted beside her and looked at her with red eyes.

Yun Ranran was uncontrollably sad.

There were orderly footsteps behind him, and Chengyin looked over vigilantly, and saw two tall and thin men walking slowly, one in white and one in black.

That elder brother in Xuanyi looked quite gentle, and although the other one was smiling, he backed away in fear.

She involuntarily leaned towards her elder sister, who was obviously immersed in sadness, but still grabbed her hand and protected her in front of her body.

Yun Ranran also heard footsteps, and she was about to condense the spirit sword when her shoulders suddenly sank.

She was startled, and the spirit sword in her palm shattered instantly, and then she couldn't hold back her tears, she choked up and said, "'s gone..."

When someone came to sit beside her, it was Qing He and Xiao Qi.

Qing He looked at the empty eyes, and said in a low voice: "I have also wondered what Wuxuan is. He is not a body, a body, or a soul. He is different from his so-called juniors."

"I now know that Wuxuan is my dying wish."

Yun Ranran suddenly turned to look at him.

Qing He smiled nonchalantly.

"In Wuxuan's previous life, everyone died and was trapped after death. Wuwei was trapped in a secret realm, Wuwang was trapped in an enchantment, Wuwen was trapped in regret, and Wunian was trapped in a nightmare."

"If it's true that all of them have fallen into ghosts, even the gods in this cultivation world will be hard to save."

"He couldn't rest assured, and he couldn't be reborn, so his obsession turned into Wuxuan. He walked all the way to find his junior, but he was looking for his former self."

"Seeing that they were liberated and their last wishes were fulfilled, they naturally collapsed into the world."

Yun Ranran asked with wet eyes: "So Wuxuan..."

Qing He nodded cruelly: "Dead, at the time of Wu Nian, he died."