MTL - Forced To Survive-Chapter 104 Wuxuan

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Yun Ranran quickly copied it twice, then put the rice paper into his pocket, planning to go out to ask Wuxuan for a favor, and then replenish him after the city of exile.

But when he went out, Wuxuan was nowhere to be seen.

Yun Ranran asked Xiao Qi, Xiao Qi gnawed on the fruit, and said heartlessly: "It is said that you are in a bad mood, so let's go first."

Yun Ranran let out an "oh".

Xiao Qi said: "I told the children to go back and stay. Qing and Tong Wuxuan will go first, so let's go too." "

Yun Ranran nodded, and then went out with Xiao Qi.

When she walked to the central island, she saw a majestic city appearing above her head, casting a shadow that covered the entire central island, showing a sense of gloom and depression.

Penglai Island was in turmoil, and countless people rushed to the central island, wanting to go in and find out.

After accumulating experience from the previous few times, there are surprisingly many people gathered at the entrance of the Exiled City this time.

When Yun Ranran and Xiao Qi arrived, many people had already approached the city of exile. In order to break the protective restriction of the city of exile, countless sword lights and treasures exploded in the air.

What shocked Yun Ranran the most was that she saw Luo Yu's figure in the crowd in front of her.

Luo Yu and Qing Yun stood at the top of a group of Penglai Island disciples.

Yun Ranran was a little strange, why Luo Yu dared to provoke Cang Jue, she almost died in Cang Jue's hands last time, but what made her more concerned was that not only Qing Yun was there, she also saw the other twelve elders, come here There are quite a few of them, and they can be regarded as an all-out force, all looking solemnly at the city of exile.

She felt that there were some things she couldn't figure out.

If the rumors are true, why did they suppress Cang Jue in that kind of place full of treasures, aren't they afraid that he can absorb spiritual power and break out of the forbidden area? Or is there no treasure at all, and everything is just a lie?

Everything is unknown at present, and she can only think carefully after entering. She found Wuxuan and Qinghe outside the crowd. The two stood in the shadows, looking idle.

Yun Ranran stepped forward, and the two looked over together.

One look was lazy and the other was warm, but there was no smile at all.

Wuxuan was still angry, Yun Ranran stepped forward, took out two crumpled pieces of paper from his pocket, and handed them to Wuxuan: "Don't be angry, I will give you more next time."

Wuxuan looked at her, but didn't reach out to take her. At this moment, the Buddha showed a different alienation than before, and said softly: "No need."

Yun Ranran showed a look of surprise, Wuxuan had never been like this before, she must have gone too far, she said sincerely: "It was my mistake, I will copy it a few more times, don't be angry."

Wuxuan just looked at her indifferently, looked at her for a moment and said: "You didn't do anything wrong, it's because of my greed."

"Now that I wake up, I know that there is nothing wrong with the world."

"You and me, that's fine."

Yun Ranran was stunned, did Wuxuan get too angry? You kissed me just now, but now the world is innocent?

She looked at him uneasily, Wuxuan did not avoid his gaze, and looked back at her calmly, but the familiarity and gentleness from before disappeared, leaving only politeness and unfamiliarity.


Is he trying to draw a line with her?

Yun Ranran suddenly panicked, regretting what she did at the beginning, she reached out to tug on his sleeve, but he avoided it without a trace.

This sucks.

She still wanted to say something, but suddenly the mountain shook, she almost couldn't stand still, a hand stretched out from one side, and held her arm.

She looked up and saw that it was Wuxuan who was standing closest just now.

He was still caring about her, that might not be that bad... But before she had time to be happy, the man had already retracted his hand, without looking at her, and walked forward first.

The eyes that had just lit up instantly dimmed.

Is Wuxuan not going to talk to her anymore?

Her heart was slightly sour, and the person behind grabbed her into her arms, carried her to the central island, and asked as she walked, "Why are you so innocent? He is so angry?"

Yun Ranran took a look, it was Qinghe, how could he dare to say it, he kept his head sullen and didn't say a word.

Qing He looked at Wuxuan who was in the distance, and asked doubtfully, "I've never seen him so angry before. In the whole world, is there anyone else who can provoke him to this extent?"

Yun Ranran continued to fall.

Qing He asked, "Why did you provoke me? Tell me about it."

Yun Ranran took a look at Qinghe, and if she wanted to live, she must not be able to speak, so she held back her mouth.

Qinghe said: "I am different from Wuxuan, he is stingy, I definitely don't mind."

Yun Ranran looked at him speechlessly, how could this person have the face to say such words.

Qing He looked at the little girl's complicated expression, and narrowed his eyes: "You don't believe me?"

Yun Ranran: ...

This made him angry, and he still had the face to say that he didn't mind, Qing and senior brother really had no self-knowledge.

Although she was slandering in her heart, she couldn't show it on her face, she said perfunctorily: "I believe, I believe, of course I believe you, you are the most broad-minded, gentle and generous."

The corners of Qing He's lips curled up, obviously it was beneficial, but Xiao Qi leaned over at this time, and said with a smile: "Broad-minded, gentle and magnanimous, are you talking about Wuxuan again?"

Qinghe: ...

Yun Ranran held back her laughter and dared not speak, it would be a disaster if she laughed at this time.

At this moment, there was an explosion in my ears, and I looked up again, and the barrier of the exiled city was shattered into dross at this moment, the mysterious veil was peeled off, and countless people rushed towards the exposed city with excited eyes.

All of a sudden, there was light everywhere.

Yun Ranran saw that people from the twelve sects also entered the city of exile in an orderly manner, and then her eyes fell on Wuxuan in front of her.

My mind became heavy again.

The time she stayed in the city of exile was very short, she didn't dare to delay, so she rushed towards the city of exile together with Xiao Qiqing and Yi Yi, and after a few breaths, Dunguang came to the entrance of the city.

The majestic city tower was hidden behind the clouds and mist, she no longer hesitated, pressed the light, and then plunged into the city of exile.

In an instant, the situation changed, and the clouds and mist in front of him gradually dispersed, revealing the true face of the city.

Her feet quickly stepped on the floor tiles. She was standing on a desolate street with lifeless shops and houses on both sides.

There was a pale sun overhead, and the streets were empty.

Xiaoqi and Qinghe who came in with her also disappeared, and she was the only one here.

Just when she was in a daze, there was a violent vibration under her feet, and the house next to her made the sound of being overwhelmed, and several rooms completely fell apart with the vibration.

Nothing living came out of it.

Then Yun Ranran clearly noticed that the exiled city was moving away from Penglai Island at an extremely fast speed.

Is this going to escape into the space gap?

She stopped her thoughts and planned to check the surrounding buildings. She drew out her spirit sword, raised her vigilance, and walked to the vacant pharmacy on the right. She used her spirit sword to open the hanging curtain and entered the inner room.

The medicine cabinet was neatly arranged one by one, and Yun Ranran opened it casually, and there were scattered medicinal materials inside.

The surface of the counter is clean, she wiped it with her hands, and there is no dust.

So clean and everyday, there are people living here…

With a jump in her heart, she suddenly clenched the spirit sword tightly and swung it to the right. Something quickly hit the spirit sword, and with a "bang", the spirit sword shattered on the spot.

Such a high level of cultivation...

Yun Ranran pressed his eyes, and immediately condensed the spirit sword again, looking around vigilantly.

Her current cultivation level is not low, and there are not many people who can crush her spirit sword with one blow.

There seems to be something very powerful hidden here...

The air suddenly became condensed, and something was quietly approaching...

Yun Ranran held her breath, her nerves were tense, and the light on the spirit sword hesitated.

At this moment, the curtain was suddenly lifted.

She turned her head suddenly, and the spirit sword almost came out of her hand.

There was a familiar person standing there, Wuxuan.

And the thing that made her stress just now disappeared the moment Wuxuan appeared.

She breathed a sigh of relief, but then became a little depressed.

Because Wuxuan was looking at her with a flat look, as if looking at a stranger, and his tone was so polite that it made people uncomfortable. The Buddha asked with the usual compassion for the world: "Are you okay?"

Yun Ranran felt a little uncomfortable.

The monster disappeared, and she couldn't feel the slightest danger at this moment. She simply put away the spirit sword, stepped forward, and looked up at him: "How can you forgive me?"

Wuxuan said: "There is nothing wrong in the first place, how can we talk about forgiveness?"

Yun Ranran was at a loss, and said in a muffled voice, "It's easy to hold grudges."

Wuxuan didn't say anything, turned and left.

This is gone?

Yun Ranran opened the curtain to chase, but because of her haste, she bumped into the person in front of her. She stopped holding her nose and found that it was Wuxuan.

This guy didn't leave, just stopped outside the curtain, she asked in a low voice, "Are you waiting for me?"

Wuxuan said: "No." After speaking, he walked to the street.

Yun Ranran chased after him again.

Wuxuan didn't stop, just walked forward, neither looking at her nor talking to her.

Yun Ranran cheekily chased after her again, and the two of them walked along the long street like this.

Wuxuan walked very fast, and she couldn't keep up if she was a little slower, so she had to concentrate and try to keep up with his footsteps.

While walking, her heart skipped a beat, and she suddenly looked to the right. It was an ordinary house with a small yard. Flowers were planted in the yard, and the soil was a little wet.

She came along the way, but didn't find any trace of rain. The soil here is wet, did someone water it?

Is there anyone in this room?

Her expression froze, and she wanted to call Wuxuan to stop, but when she turned her head, he had disappeared.

She stood outside the house, hesitating whether to continue chasing Wuxuan, or go in to check, she didn't dare to move rashly for a while, but just when she decided to enter, someone grabbed her wrist.

She turned around in a daze, and saw Wuxuan who had gone and returned.

He let go of her hand and said softly, "There's no one inside, so you don't need to go."

Yun Ranran looked at him for a long time, and couldn't help but said: "You obviously care about me, why do you insist on doing this, can't I apologize to you?"

Wuxuan stood in the empty street, his frosty white monk robe was lifted by the breeze, his eyes were neither sad nor happy.


Yun Ranran: ...

When Wuxuan got angry, it was harder to coax than Qinghe, she reached out and grabbed Wuxuan's sleeve, not letting him go.

Wuxuan turned to look at her, and said coldly: "The benefactor respects himself, the monk is a monk."

Yun Ranran: ...

It's over, this is completely annoying, Wuxuan is going to become a monk...

Read The Duke's Passion