MTL - Forced To Survive-Chapter 10 The boy bent and knelt before her

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Zhang He didn't understand until his death. There was only a boundless will-o'-the-wisp in front of him. Why was that woman able to walk the right path?

He cut off the ghost's hand and chased after her, trying to follow her footsteps, but he couldn't see the difference between these will-o'-the-wisps at all.

I didn't think about it until I was exhausted by the vast arms and dragged into the ground.

After a surge, only a **** long sword was left on the soil.

Luo Yu and the other two people were staying in place, but suddenly the ground under their feet began to churn, the three of them were terrified, and fled to the forest one after another. On the way of fleeing, a tall branch suddenly uprooted and swung at them fiercely.

The other two were of low cultivation and had no time to hide. They were swept away and smashed to the ground. Immediately afterwards, countless white and miserable arms stretched out from the ground, tearing the two of them to pieces, and then dragging them into the ground.

Looking at the deep forest, Luo Yu knew that it was impossible to run out by herself, so she immediately tore off the heart-protecting jade around her neck and crushed it. This was the summoning talisman given to her by Qingyun Immortal. arrive.

The originally silent soil seemed to be hiding a giant loach. It kept churning and approaching, pale arms rushed out frantically, and soon surrounded her layer by layer.

Luo Yu's face was full of fear, but there was nothing he could do. He could only hold the long sword and slash, but his spiritual power was gradually exhausted, and scars appeared on his body...

Just when there were so many rotten arms that they were about to drown her, a fire suddenly ignited among the rotting corpses.

Soon there was a stench mixed with a burnt smell.

Qing Yun Xianzun descended from the sky, with a wave of his long sleeves, the arms in front of him were all turned into powder, he took advantage of this gap to stretch out his hand, and pulled out Luo Yu who was trapped in the center.

He pinched the sword formula and raised his breath to take her away, but the air around his body suddenly tightened.

He felt something in his heart, and when he looked back, he saw a white figure standing not far behind him, thin and slender, with a vague smile, walking slowly towards him step by step.


This is…

Impossible... That person is obviously suppressed... How could he come out...

He was so terrified that his legs could barely move, he bit his fingertips and dripped blood into the spirit sword, and the spirit sword flourished immediately, he didn't dare to delay, Yujian took Luo Yu and fled.

The white figure stood idly, tilting his head, and Qingyun's chest on the sword light suddenly felt as if he had been hit hard, and he vomited a mouthful of blood.

Here Yun Ranran has already run halfway under Deng Deng's guidance, the whole journey is safe, the little girl is very capable.

Rumang's sense of crisis also weakened a lot, she smiled and praised her, but the little girl didn't say anything for a long time.

Yun Ranran was running with all her strength just now, but she didn't pay attention all the time, and only looked down when she had time, and was startled when she saw it.

Deng Deng's body was so transparent that it was about to dissipate. She closed her eyes tightly, as if she had no breath.

Yun Ranran became anxious, and once again gritted her teeth and ran away.

The road paved by the will-o'-the-wisps ahead has come to an end, but there is still a section left.

She had exhausted all her spiritual power, and just as she didn't know how to settle down, her body suddenly tensed up, as if she was being targeted by some peerless beast.

right behind.

Beads of sweat flowed down her forehead quickly, she controlled the fear in her heart, twisted her neck slowly, and tried to turn her head.

The moment she turned her head, her pupils shrank suddenly.

I saw a vague white figure standing in the forest, I couldn't see the face clearly, I only vaguely felt that he was smiling, but I didn't see him walking, but the shadow kept approaching.

But even if you get close, you still can't see the face clearly.

Yun Ranran instinctively felt fear, as if her feet were nailed to the ground, she couldn't move at all.


At this moment, a sword light slashed fiercely, brushing past her body and slashing backward.

The breath of fear stagnated for a while, and she was able to move again.

She pounced forward with all her strength, but countless arms sprang out of her foothold in an instant.

The sword glowed again, and his eyes were full of minced meat.

She was exhausted and was about to fall, one person knelt down in front of her, picked her up horizontally, and rushed towards the foot of the mountain quickly.

She struggled to open her eyes, and saw Xiao Qi's serious face.

The boy ran very fast, and the wind passed by his ears.

Looking over the young man's shoulder, she saw the green stars all over the mountain, and also saw the white shadow, walking on the dry bones on the mountain like a leisurely stroll, the outstretched rotten arm, the torn broken body, seemed to be the white plant he planted. flowers.

He reached out to them and gave them a slight shake.

A huge sword cut swept across, as if it wanted to chop the world into pieces.

The suffocating fear of death pinched her heart for a moment.

She heard herself yelling uncontrollably.

Xiao Qi ran desperately.

Everything disappeared in this white light and the mountains of stars.

Xiao Qi rushed out of the forest, and Ju Zhan came behind him.

With a "plop", the two fell into a ball due to excessive force.

Yun Ranran rubbed her buttocks and sat up, while Xiao Qi lay on the ground across from her.

Yun Ranran reluctantly climbed up, looked into the forest, and was horrified to find that the slash had leveled the forest, but it only went to the edge of the forest.

She understood, it was a barrier...

That white shadow was supposed to be trapped under the forest and couldn't come out, so Slash was also blocked in the barrier.


What a terrifying monster...

The abyss, the abyss...

The jade pendant lost its temperature at this time, Yun Ranran took it out to have a look.

[The crisis is over, please cherish life! 】

Who wouldn't want to...

she's going to cry...

She put down Deng Deng in her arms, and went to see Xiao Qi who was lying on the ground.

She will never forget that it was Xiao Qi who saved her just now.

Instead of seeking death, Xiao Qi ran back to save her.

She was so happy, she ran to the boy, stretched out her hand and pulled him up.

The young man seemed exhausted, unable to move, his clothes and hair were stained with debris and dirt, he was in a state of embarrassment.

A pair of black eyes are crystal clear and clean.

He looked down at her, as if he was angry, and he didn't know who he was competing with.

Yun Ranran joyfully hugged him into her arms.

"Little Qi, you are so kind."

The young man was taken aback for a moment, his brows were very irritable.

If he had known that she was going to hug him, he would not have saved her. Excessive use of spiritual power overwhelmed Xiao Qi's body, resulting in damage to some of her functions, making her unable to push her away.

She didn't know how dirty she was covered in blood and dirt?

How to return kindness and revenge.


Yun Ranran only felt that the boy's body was hard, thin and cramped, and thought about feeding him more food in the future.

She hugged him and quickly let go, holding the boy's hand and pulling him up.

"I have to send Dengdeng to the village chief." Yun Ranran picked up Dengdeng again, and the child became more and more transparent.

Now the boy has regained some strength and can move freely.

Yun Ranran looked at Xiao Qi, then at Deng Deng, she couldn't hold each other, took a look at Xiao Qi, he was so tall and his arms were long,

He simply stuffed Deng Deng into Xiao Qi's arms.

As soon as the soft and waxy child was in his arms, Tian Yan's whole body became stiff.

He gritted his teeth and looked at her.

Yun Ranran didn't delay anymore, grabbed Xiao Qi's hand, dragged him to the village chief's house.

The boy's fingers were long and slender, with distinct joints, and it was a bit cold to hold.

Yun Ranran thought about warming him up.

Touch him again!

Tian Yan just wanted to point to the thunder from the sky, and kill the little **** beside him.

The village chief didn't sleep. He was walking around the courtyard anxiously. When he saw the two of them coming back, he rubbed his eyes happily.

Yun Ranran handed him Deng Deng in the boy's arms, and asked, "Village Chief, is there any way?"

The village head looked at Dengdeng who was about to disappear, his heart was about to break, and he cried immediately: "Little God, how can I do anything, can you do anything? Save her, save her..."

Yun Ranran sighed: "If we find a few more little monsters and infuse them with monster power in turn, we may be able to save them, but where are the little monsters..."

She knew that the little demons near the village had been killed long ago, and humans and demons could not coexist at all.

But the village head said happily: "Really?"

Now it was Yun Ranran's turn to be stunned.

The village head carefully carried Deng Deng out of the yard, went all the way to the locust tree, and shouted: "Everyone come out."

After a while, a few small spirits with incomplete transformations appeared on the branches, all of which were monsters of flowers and plants.

Some even came out of the villagers' homes belching.

All the villagers followed after the commotion. Just now when the village chief went out, everyone was so worried that they couldn't sleep.

Yun Ranran was stunned, what happened to this village?

Where did these cute little monsters come from?

Why are you still in harmony?

According to Yun Ranran's teaching method, the village chief asked those little fairies to surround Deng Deng and began to input the demon power little by little.

There are several circles around the inner and outer three floors.

There are goblins who can't help, and curious villagers, all of whom are engrossed in Deng Deng's rescue.

The moon hangs on the branches, covering the ground with hoarfrost.

There are frogs in the pond.

The old locust tree swayed in the wind, and the fallen leaves floated into the distance along the wind.

The village chief came over and smiled.

"Originally, there were no such monsters in our Qingxi Village, and some of them were wiped out by passing monks. Even if there were no monks, the villagers would unite to kill these little monsters out of fear."

"After meeting Deng Deng, we discovered that little monsters have good ones, so we were not so afraid. When we encountered harmless ones, we got along with them."

"They will help with farming, and they will pray for rain. If they eat too much, they will get sleepy, and if they drink too much, they will talk nonsense and go around in circles. It's not that scary at all."

Yun Ranran couldn't help laughing.

Deng Deng will be happy when he wakes up, right?

The wife of the village chief brought the sorghum wine she made herself. Yun Ranran sat under the locust tree with the wine jar in her arms, and even dragged the young man to her side.

Tian Yan held back his anger.

Just now he had overdrawn his spiritual power just to save her. Now that his body functions were damaged, he was even more unable to resist her, so he could only accept it.

In fact, he had already turned around and left the forest just now, but he still couldn't figure it out.

Knowing that I will die in it, why do I have to be so desperate?

He had heard such words, but had never seen such a person.

He suddenly wanted to know, was this girl lying, or was she serious?

So after waiting for a long time in a bewilderment, he noticed the man's waking up.

He has no compassion.

But he just wanted to hear her say that again.

[Xiao Qi, you need to live longer. 】

Yun Ranran had already drunk the second pot, her cheeks and nose were flushed, she was smiling like a crescent moon.

At this time, there was an exclamation from a distance, and the village head happily ran to tell Yun Ranran that Deng Deng woke up.

Yun Ranran threw away the wine jar, and hurriedly ran under the locust tree. As soon as she got there, she saw a little girl in a green skirt.

Soft and glutinous, with a particularly cute smile.

Yun Ranran raised her hand and rubbed the little girl's hair.

"Are you awake?"

When the little girl saw her, she cheered and called her sister.

Although she has not fully recovered now, at least she will not dissipate, which reassures Yun Ranran a lot.

Sitting cross-legged next to the child, she remembered that she seemed to be waiting for someone, so she asked, "Who did you recognize me as last night?"

After a moment of silence, Deng Deng's eyes turned red.

"He is a very good brother, his name is Yun Jian."

Cloud remonstrance? Yun Ranran was taken aback, wasn't Yun Jian the task she saw in the trading department that day?

She remembered that the person who issued the task was called Song Lingyun, and the content was to find the missing brother Yunjian.

I didn't expect to hear his name here.

She remembered the key to the secret realm in the reward, and cheered up.

"Can you tell me about this brother?"

Deng Deng told all about her encounter with Yun Jian, and Yun Ranran was quite moved when he heard it.

She thought for a while and asked, "Do you know where he went after he left Qingxi Village?"

Deng Deng shook his head and said: "I don't know, I only know that they are going to go to practice. I don't know where they are going. However, when they leave Qingxi Village, they will pass through the forest of mist along the way. My brother said that they should be able to enter practice. After coming out of the misty forest, I will definitely go to Taihua City to replenish supplies, and I don’t know about it later.”

Yun Ranran took out the jade slip and asked Deng Deng to retell what she knew into the jade slip, and prepared to give it to Song Lingyun in exchange for reward.

At the moment when the retelling was completed, Yupei suddenly became slightly feverish.


Yun Ranran was a little terrified, isn't it, a death warning at this time?

The sky is so blue, the flowers are so fragrant, I ran desperately last night, now give her this?

Is it suitable?

She took out the jade pendant with a bitter face, and there were indeed new words on it, but it was completely different from what she thought.

[Get Yun Jian's memory fragment—Deng Xiachen. 】

[Please go to Taihua City Changfu to receive rewards. 】

[Please make persistent efforts. 】

Yun Ranran was startled, the content on the jade pendant was always closely related to her, why would there be a boy who had nothing to do with it?

Does this young man have anything to do with him?

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