MTL - Forced Marriage VIP Front-Seat: My Superstar Ex-wife is very Popular-Chapter 488 You let me go!

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An Yue hung up the phone and felt cold.

He, he found it.

What to do, what to do, what should she do.

Her first thought was to escape quickly.

However, after she ran a few steps to the dormitory, she suddenly realized a problem. Even if she ran to the ends of the earth, he could find her.

An Yue is afraid that he will call again and try to stay away from the school gate.

Unfortunately, after looking for a circle, she did not find anyone who had been Zeng Yuqi.

However, not long after, she received a call from Wang Jiaxin and said that Zeng Yuxi went back to the dormitory.

She put her heart down and prepared to go to the dormitory.

Suddenly the two figures were in front of her, she subconsciously stepped back and then prepared to detour.

But she just took a step and was stopped.

"What are you doing?" An Yue is not happy.

"Mr. Shao, please come back with us."

An Yue knows where her uneasiness comes from, she licks her lips and turns to prepare to run.

On the face, I came over again.

"Little lady, don't let us be embarrassed."

An Yue looked at An Su, licking her lips, obviously she was making her embarrassed.

However, she also knows how to escape.

An Yue followed Ansuo and his party to the school gate and saw the car parked outside. When she thought of the person inside, she gave birth to a bit of chills.

When the door opened, she saw the man's cold side face and quickly regained her gaze and sat in.

Ansu sat in the driver's seat and drove.

When the vehicle is driving, An Yue feels that the person beside him can not ignore the aggression, subconsciously squatting in the direction of the door, bowing his head, and wishing to bury himself.

She fled the day, and he must be particularly angry.

Now that he caught her, how would he punish her?

"Did you eat?" The cold voice of the man came.

An Yue licked his lips and sounded like a mosquito. "Eat."

"I haven't eaten yet," he said.

An Yue licked his lips, he did not eat, what has anything to do with her.

She turned her head and looked out the window, her eyes full of sorrow.

About half an hour later, the car stopped at the door of a hotel.

An Yue got out of the car and went in behind Anshi.

Into the room, Ansu and others have retreated.

Only An Shizhen and her two are left in the room.

An Yue stood at the door and could not move his feet.

An Shijin went in and took off his suit and hung it on the shelf. When he looked back, she saw that she was still standing at the door and said, "Come in."

An Yue body shook and walked a few steps inside.

An Shizhen looked at her cautiously nervous look, her eyebrows were tight, still afraid of him?

“Is it good at school these days?” he asked.

An Yue lowered his head and replied: "It's good."

"But I have not been good."

An Yue eyelid jumped and came.

"Do you know that your escape from marriage that day made me lose my face?" His voice was a bit cold.

An Yue’s hand grabbed the clothes and whispered, “I’m sorry?”

"I am here, I don't want to hear you say sorry."

An Yue is a bit stunned, what should she do?

How could she marry him.

Also, why did he marry her?

It won't be, because that night, want to be responsible for her?


If he is responsible to her, what about Jiang Xinjie?

Besides, she didn't want him to be responsible for her.

Just as she thought about it, An Shizhen approached and held her cheek and asked, "How is it still so thin?"

An Yue was shocked by his sudden movement, she subconsciously wanted to avoid.

Suddenly there was a big hand at the waist, and she tightened her.

"You let me go."

An Yue struggled, and looked up and ran into his deep scorpion, seemingly pity.

Read The Duke's Passion