MTL - Forced Marriage VIP Front-Seat: My Superstar Ex-wife is very Popular-Chapter 464 Booking wedding cancellation

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An Shizhen was so blasted out that he stood at the door and could hear the crying inside.

In the end she offended her last night, she was afraid that it would take time to accept.

At this moment, he said in his heart that no regrets are false.

But once again, can he really restrain himself?

Standing at the door for a while, An Shizhen went downstairs, and now he has a lot to deal with.

For example, tomorrow's engagement banquet, such as the marriage contract with the Jiang family.

An Shizhen looked downstairs and looked at the old man sitting in the living room, suddenly said: "Tomorrow's engagement dinner is cancelled."

Chen Rong took the fruit's hand and looked at An Shizhen. She didn't get it wrong.

An old man is reading the newspaper, thinking that he did not hear clearly, and asked: "What do you say?"

"The engagement is cancelled."

An old man looked at him and said with dissatisfaction: "What is the nonsense in the early morning!"

An Shiyi did not explain and continued: "I am getting married next month."

"Shi Yan, are you kidding? How can a wedding ban be cancelled and I will get married later?" Chen Rong couldn't help but ask.

An old man is also a strange face. "What is going on, you have to get married next month, it may be a hasty, but it is not impossible, but the good end of the engagement banquet is canceled! There is no conflict at all."

"There is a conflict." An Shizhen looked faint.

Chen Rong and others are increasingly puzzled. "What do you mean?"

"The bride is not Jiang Xinjie." An Shizhen said softly.

"Who is that?" Chen Rong asked subconsciously.

An Shizhen did not answer and did not seem to want to tell them.

An old man is a return to the taste, this is to change the bride.

He picked up the cane next to him and snorted on the floor. "Mix things, you say it again!"

"I will go to the back of the Jiang family, as for the bride, there are others." An Shizhen said indifferently.

"There is a day for you, who will allow you to retire, ah, have you put my grandfather in your eyes." An old man was furious, "You tell me, who are you going to marry?"

An Shizhen looked at An Lao’s father and said indifferently: "This is my business. Grandpa only needs to be present on the wedding day."

"You, you just want to mad at me!" An old man grabbed his cane and went to Anshi.

However, An Shizhen would not eat this kind of loss in a straightforward manner. He grabbed the flying cane with his hand.

He looked at the old man and said: "I know that Grandpa wants to let me know what Jiang's daughter is. However, the Jiang family is going bankrupt, and it is not necessary to marry their daughter."

"What do you say!" An old man changed his face.

An Shizhen did not explain, throwing his cane to the butler next to him and went directly to the kitchen.

An old man is still in shock at this moment, how can the good end of the Jiang family to go bankrupt, and the world will have to retreat!

Chen Rong was also puzzled. She pondered and looked at An's father. "Dad, you said that this world would not want to marry Miss Jiang, so let the Jiang family go bankrupt."

An old man wants to say that it is impossible, but thinking of his grandson's means, I think Chen Rong's words may not be impossible.

Then why is he doing this?

Thinking of him saying that he is going to get married next month, he couldn't help thinking, who is he going to marry? !

There was nothing in the wind before this incident.

After a while, An Shizhen came out of the kitchen and took the food upstairs.

Chen Rong looked at his back and sighed, "An Yue hasn't got up yet?"

The only young man who can work hard is his only baby sister.