MTL - For My Sister, I Became the World Boss-Chapter 457

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Their 3 billion sky-high reward task has just been released.

Is it a coincidence?

and also,

This terrifying pit like a black hole,

Who made it again?

Humans can't do it!

The man of prey shook his head.

He doesn't believe it.

These are just guesses.

Regarding the organization's stronghold of God's Smile, they all know only a general location.

How can you say that it will disappear? !

"Smile for me to keep in touch with God until I reach their people."

"Also, send someone to the black hole site to check what happened!"

"Waste! Rice bucket! Such a big thing happened in the territory, and it was only discovered now?!"

Below 605... will it really be connected to hell?

That night.

Lu Zhenguo got in touch with Bai Yu, and the phone revealed the current form of Longguo's crisis.

At the same time, he also learned the fact that God's smile was destroyed.


There was silence on the other end of the phone for a while.

Just when Bai Yu was about to hang up, Lu Zhenguo's voice couldn't restrain his excitement.

"God smiles... Destroyed by you??"

Only then did Lu Zhenguo understand that what Bai Yu was dealing with should be to destroy the smile of God.

I was shocked.

This is the strength of this young man now.

The international mercenary organization that made every country feel troublesome was destroyed in Bai Yu's hands.

And it's still an unstoppable uprooting.



It's so overbearing!


It's so happy!

Not long ago, Lu Zhenguo heard from the white-bearded old man that the Lighthouse Kingdom threatened the Dragon Kingdom with a bounty at a high price.

As a result, he turned his head and the entire God Smile organization was wiped out.

The slap in the face just don't come too fast.


With the example of God's smile, I believe that other forces that are just around the corner will feel extremely afraid and dare not take action easily.


God Smile is already a well-known organization in the world.

If other forces want to get that astronomical reward, they should first ask themselves in their hearts, who is stronger or weaker than God's smile?

Let's talk about whether we can take down Bai Yu.

Lu Zhenguo clenched his fist tightly,

I shouted in my heart that it was well done.

Through the phone, Bai Yu could feel the excitement of the old man across from him, and said lightly:

"Don't get excited, I still have something here, I believe you will be interested."


Lu Zhenguo hurriedly asked.

"A USB flash drive, found at the base of God Smiles. The information in it...should be useful to you, remember to send someone over to get it."

"That's it, hang up."


Hearing the busy tone from the phone, Lu Zhenguo didn't even have time to inquire about the information in the USB flash drive, and then he laughed, but he was not at all annoyed.

Except for this young man, no one dared to hang up his phone like this.

No problem, though.

Totally out of the way.

At this time, Lu Zhenguo kept thinking about the destruction of God's Smile and the USB flash drive.

To be able to say the word "useful" from Bai Yu's mouth, there must be very important news, and it comes from the organization that smiles from God...

Lu Zhenguo immediately arranged for his cronies to go to City A, and specifically explained that after getting there, don't alert the owner of the villa, and wait until dawn to get things.

He thought about it, and immediately told the white-bearded old man the news.


Some are happy, some are sad.

Lighthouse Country.

an office.

The sinister man looked at the report in front of him, which clearly showed:

"The smile of God is gone."

His face changed constantly, and finally he pushed all the things on the table to the ground, unable to rage in the office.


Falco! !

The people standing guard outside the office couldn't help but tremble when they heard the movement inside.

until a long time later,

The sound inside gradually stopped.

The man of prey was sitting on the chair without saying a word, his meticulously combed hair was already a bit messy.

His eyes flickered, and he didn't know what to think in his mind.


Similar scenes are happening in many places.

Those countries that jointly launched the bounty are all at a loss at this moment.

They had just issued a bounty, and the smile of God was wiped out.

In the eyes of all countries in the world, the cancer, the stubborn disease, was not very strong before, wasn't it?

Why doesn't it disappear sooner or later?

Why don't you say no now?


The other forces also kept silent because of the incident of God smiling.

This money is hot!

No, it's... terrifying!

Although the real reason for the disappearance of God's smile is not known yet.

However, I always feel that it is inseparable from the Dragon Kingdom, or more precisely, the Dragon Kingdom boy.

"Just wait and see for a while."

"Let's see if other forces have started."

"Until the cause of the matter is found out, don't move for the time being."

The sky-high bounty is tempting,

There must also be outlaws who want money but not their lives.

However, most of the organizational forces all chose to wait and see tacitly.


In the lighthouse country, somewhere in a barren land.

Under the dark night.

A line of figures in uniforms appeared in front of that huge black hole.

They looked at the bottomless black hole under their feet, like an abyss, and everyone couldn't help swallowing.

"What... is this thing made of?"

They were ordered to come here to check the reason.

However, after checking for so long, they didn't even check out a fart.

"It has been several kilometers deep underground, and the monitor is disturbed and cannot continue to descend..."

"Detected that there is a lot of... red energy aura under the black hole, as well as unknown cluttered sounds..."

Listening to the reports of the team members,

The action team captain looked at the black hole solemnly, and muttered:

"You said... Is there really a connection to **** below?"

The others around were silent,

I don't know if there is **** in this world.

But they know,

If you fall from this black hole, it is very likely to go to hell.


606 Frequent Actions Top Secret Information

tribe, palace.

Red Dragon Little Lolita is playing happily with Little Linger.

Bai Yu looked at this scene with a smile in his eyes, quite a sense of sight from an old father.

Beside, the girl frowned slightly and reported the situation of the tribe:

"Lord Snake God, there have been more and more outsiders interfering with the tribe recently."

The girl clearly felt that the situation was a little different from before.

Read The Duke's Passion