MTL - For My Sister, I Became the World Boss-Chapter 450

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Sounds like this sounded in the forest ahead.

The next second, everyone noticed Bai Yu and the others appearing in the other direction, and their expressions couldn't help changing.

Is someone coming? !

The elf also noticed Bai Yu and others, but the smile on her face was not seen at all. Using her flexible posture, she wanted to fly over Bai Yu's head.


When it came to Bai Yu, it suddenly felt that the air around it became solidified, and it seemed to be stuck in the mud, the speed became slower and slower, and finally it was frozen in mid-air.


The elf's eyes widened, his face full of surprise, and he struggled, but found himself unable to move.

Immediately, he saw the silver-haired human in front of him, stretched out his palm, and pressed it on its head, neither light nor heavy.


The elf closed his eyes in fright and shrank his head.

Seeing this scene, the expressions of everyone in the back changed, and their eyes were split.

It was as if Bai Yu's hand on the elf's head defiled the goddess in their hearts!

They worked so hard, they couldn't even touch the edge of the elf's clothes, how could this sudden appearance catch the elf so easily!

How can he be? ?

They will not agree to die!

596 The Great Secret That Shocked Bai Yu

"Get your dirty hands off!!"

This supporting role, who does not deserve a name, has a deep role and rushed towards Bai Yu angrily.

The others followed suit.

However, some people stopped and looked at Bai Yu and the others, their expressions constantly changing.

They have already recognized the identity of the person.

The rumored strongest lander!

Killing the blood master of the Longevity Sect is like killing a dog.

And the Queen of Thorns next to him, Jiang Xinyan!

And that girl in soft armor, who is also the strongest warrior of the tribe, Rin!

The only unrecognized figure in a red robe also gave everyone an unfathomable feeling.

Moreover, it feels vaguely familiar, and seems to have seen it somewhere...

What kind of fairy lineup is this? ?

Those who stopped, only felt their scalps tingle, but it was obviously very unwilling to let them do nothing and just give up.


They saw the exciting scene that followed.

I saw the figure of Xin Chang in a red robe, and a flash appeared in front of Bai Yu, and afterimages appeared in the air. Under the hood, those eyes were indifferent, which made everyone's heart tremble.


next moment,

The purple flame on Xiyue's body burned, and the fire was so great that it drowned all the rushing people in an instant, and spread turbulently around.

Suddenly, screams continued to come from the flames, and within a few seconds, they completely lost their movement.


Everyone in the back was shocked, and only felt a cold feeling running from the back of the back to the back of the head.

That's more than 20 people? !

Killed all in just one face-to-face? ? !

Seeing Xiyue's indifferent eyes looking at them, everyone turned pale in shock, and immediately retreated to the back.

They were actually scared away by a look?

Looking at the figure in the red robe, and at the elf in Bai Yu's hands, everyone hesitated.


But Xiyue didn't give them time to think. She flashed away, leaving red afterimages in the space, and the whole person was already attacking them.

Everyone was startled, but the speed of escaping under their feet was getting faster and faster.

Just kidding, a red-robed woman is so strong.

There are still three people over there who are staring at each other, and there is no chance of winning at all!

"Wait, wait, my own!"

Yin Shi's voice sounded, and the look in Xiyue's eyes was also full of fear.

He has already recognized the identity of the other party. Regarding the top combat power of the tribe, all countries have studied it, and the Dragon Kingdom is no exception.

The moment Xiyue made her move, he recognized it as the black-robed woman.

However, now that he suddenly changed his clothes, and the pressure on him was unprecedented, he felt that the assessment of Xiyue's strength in the news was completely inaccurate.


What happened to her in this secret realm? Strength has grown again.

Yin Shi couldn't help looking at the red robe that glowed with magic.

With Xiyue's actions, leaving behind afterimages, it looks... very cool!

Obviously not a mortal thing, it is very likely an artifact item, or... a world item!

Others naturally discovered the extraordinaryness of the magic robe on Xiyue's body, but now they are more worried about their own safety.

Faced with the pursuit of such an extremely dangerous character, everyone was frightened and had no time to take care of others.

When they saw Xiyue directly crossing Yinshi and others and chasing them, everyone's expressions changed again.

I couldn't help but curse in my heart!

Sure enough, the Dragon Kingdom and the tribe are together!

No, the news here must be taken out!

Even if the elf...

No matter what!

Everyone quickly made up their minds and tacitly retreated. However, they obviously underestimated Xiyue's strength.

Before she got this [Grand Magus Robe], her strength was enough to suppress everyone present. Now that her strength is doubled, it is even easier.

Want to escape?

Not so easy.


Looking at the group of people chasing out, Yin Shi and the two teammates next to him stopped, listening to the screams from a distance, and couldn't help grinning and taking a breath.

Immediately, he turned his head to look at Bai Yu, with a wry smile in his eyes.

They waste so much energy, and in the end they can only watch the treasure being taken away by others.

The key is nothing to say.

From the moment Bai Yu made his move just now, he easily grabbed the elf, and it was not difficult to see the gap between them.

In contrast, they still felt a little fortunate in their hearts.

If it wasn't for knowing Bai Yu and the others.

I'm afraid they don't even have a chance to stand here at this time.


The task of fighting has been completely handed over to Xiyue, and it seems that in order to be more secure, Rin has also chased after him to assist.

Bai Yu was completely relieved about the combination of the two, and turned his attention to the elf in his hand.

The moment his palm was placed on the elf's head, Bai Yu couldn't help being surprised.

Such a strong breath of life.

In this elf's body, Bai Yu felt a steady stream of life breath, the kind of vigorous vitality, which made people look at him.

It seems that as long as you touch it, you can heal the wounds and exhaustion on the body, and all the consumption will be emptied.


Feeling that the palm above his head did not move for a while, the elf slowly opened his eyes and looked at Bai Yu with ignorant eyes. He always felt that the person in front of him made it feel very intimate.

The next moment, the words are amazing and endless:


As soon as these words came out, the surroundings suddenly fell silent.

The tender voice echoed in the forest, so conspicuous.

Jiang Xinyan stopped the steps she was about to take, and turned her head to look at the elf, her eyes full of shock.

the other side,

Yin Shi and the others who were about to come over to say hello were also stunned like wooden stakes, their chins almost dropped to the ground, their eyes were full of disbelief, as if they had heard some shocking secret.

dad? ? ?

Bai Yu: "..."

597 When will I have a daughter

"Hee hee, Dad."

Seeing Bai Yu looking at him "kindly", the elf had a bright smile on his face, and opened his hands with difficulty, wanting to hug him.

"Dad, hug."

The elf struggled to break free from the shackles of that invisible energy, with an uncomfortable expression on his face, and looked at Bai Yu pitifully.

Bai Yu: "..."

He quietly watched it perform, the expression on his face quickly returned to calm, and he could not see any change.


Does he look so old?

No, when did he have such an older daughter?

Looking at Jiang Xinyan's meaningful eyes, even though Bai Yu knew that this was her **** bad taste, he still felt a little dumbfounded.

"Xiaoyu, when did you have such a beautiful daughter?"

Eyes alone were not enough, Jiang Xinyan suddenly came over, Mei Mu carefully looked at the elf.

Not to mention, it looks pretty good, like a porcelain doll.


Facing Jiang Xinyan's teasing, the elf's eyes were bent into a crescent, and the smile was bright, looking really cute.

Jiang Xinyan was slightly stunned, and then her eyes brightened instantly, and her eyes almost wrote the word "cute" directly on her face.

Bai Yu looked at it from the side, a little surprised.

Read The Duke's Passion