MTL - For My Sister, I Became the World Boss-Chapter 447

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You must know that with his current physical strength, even if he stands still and makes people bombard, he will not be easily injured.

This sword... kind of interesting.

The infinite barrier quietly covered the palm of his hand, Bai Yu held the blade tightly and pushed it up, the whole ground trembled.

The sword body still sinks to the ground, unmoved.

so stable?

Brows twitched slightly, Bai Yu didn't keep it any longer this time, using almost 70% of his body's strength, he abruptly pulled the "Sword in the Stone" out of the ground.

The whole earth turned upside down, as if someone had ploughed it hard.

【Earth Sword】

The moment Bai Yu drew his sword, information about it was also presented.

"It turned out to be a world item."

Bai Yu was a little surprised, this thing is not equipment?

You must know that there are essential differences between world props and equipment.

That is to be able to bring back to the real world, to be able to use in both worlds.

If it is only equipment, even if it is divine equipment, it can only be used in the [Inner World].


Just as Bai Yu carefully checked the introduction of this Earth Sword, the silent sword body suddenly trembled, and then a sharp light radiated, covering the whole body of the sword.

In the end, a circle of light circles formed between the earth, detached from Bai Yu's palm, flew into the air, and then slowly sank into the earth and disappeared.


Jiang Xinyan's three girls blinked and looked at this scene in amazement, then turned their attention to Bai Yu.

"I see."

Bai Yu whispered to himself, then stretched out his palm, the ground shook suddenly, gravel splashed around, and huge cracks spread.

Immediately afterwards, an amazing light burst out from the crack, and a simple and simple long sword slowly rose from the ground.


It wasn't until Bai Yu held the hilt of the sword that the shaking ground gradually stopped.

This is one of the characteristics of this earth sword.

When the user summons it, it will emerge from the ground, and usually it will be silent in the ground.


This sword also has the power of the earth. To put it simply, it can carry the power of the earth between swings.

Bai Yu held the sword and tried to slash forward.


The seemingly relaxed wave gave people a feeling of heavy force. The air waves split by the blade stirred up dust and smoke, and spread out towards both sides.

"This sword is not bad."

Although Bai Yu had rarely used weapons after stepping into the **** rank.

However, Bai Yu was quite satisfied with this rare weapon-like world item.

Don't forget, before that, he was a melee mage, a double-cultivator of magic and martial arts!

These weapons, swords and staffs, are all proficient.

Touching Rin's little head to show encouragement, Bai Yu gave the three girls the sword of the earth to watch for a while under the curious eyes of the three girls, and then sank the sword into the ground again and fell into silence.

With this harvest, the group of people looking for treasures became more motivated.

Xiyue put her whole body and mind into it, with her very serious and cute appearance, she didn't know if she was interested in treasures, or if she wanted to be praised by Bai Yu...

592 Harvest

The process of finding treasures is boring. Even if Bai Yu has a strong mental sense, finding treasures and finding people are two completely different things.

Those treasures do not show the red life response, on the contrary, they are still very hidden.

Of course, at the moment of finding the treasure, it is also a joy.

As time goes by.

Bai Yu and his party gradually shifted their positions and searched all the way to the depths of the mountains.

The monsters encountered on the way were easily resolved by Bai Yu. Jiang Xinyan's three daughters only needed to focus on finding treasures. There was no need to worry about safety issues.

This is completely different from the previous secret experience.

Never before had I been alert to the crisis around me at any time, my mind was highly concentrated, and my whole person was in a state of high pressure and tension.

After some fierce fighting, there may not be any gains in the end, and it is likely to return empty-handed.

Where is it like now...

Jiang Xinyan was very emotional.

Immediately, she thought of her little sister Su Yin, and further thought of the people in the attacking team.

They should be somewhere in the secret realm now, right?

Time passed, and night fell.

After an afternoon of searching, Bai Yu and the others didn't gain much, but in Jiang Xinyan's words, they were already very rich.

You must know that all the teams that entered the secret realm, nine out of ten, did not have as much gain as they did.

The results of the afternoon include: three world props and more than ten artifacts.

The world items are the first [Heart of Netherworld], the [Earth Sword] in Bai Yu's hand, and the [Great Mage Robe] that Xiyue finally found.

A magic robe that can increase magical attacks by 100%, and also has a phantom effect.

At this time, Xiyue has been replaced.

The original black robe was gone, and it was replaced by a deep red robe. The magic circle was flowing on the robe, and as Xiyue walked, there were afterimages...

In short, you can see the extraordinaryness of this magic robe at a glance.

With the increase of this robe, Xiyue's combat power is directly doubled, which can be said to be the most effective of the three world props.

Of course, Jiang Xinyan's [Netherworld Heart] is also powerful, and even Bai Yu's [Earth Sword] is actually a rare equipment-type world item.

It is also because Bai Yu's own strength is already strong to a certain level, so the increase of foreign objects does not seem to be that important.

It is no exaggeration to say that if this [Earth Sword] is thrown out at this time, it will definitely attract the madness and killing of countless people in the secret realm.


Night, somewhere in a cave.

The light of the fire dispelled the darkness in the cave.

Bai Yu and his party sat around the fire, the atmosphere was very quiet.

Xiyue and Jiang Xinyan exchanged something in a low voice, a smile appeared on their faces from time to time, and their eyes swept inadvertently to the figure next to them.

Rin volunteered to bake food and prepare dinner for everyone, and the corners of his mouth also showed a slight arc, and he seemed to be in a good mood.

To be honest, this seemingly ordinary night has very different meanings for Xiyue and Rin.

It seemed that the distance between them and the people they admired was suddenly narrowed, and there was a little bit of strangeness in their hearts, but also a little joy.

Bai Yu may not know the thoughts of the two little girls, but he can feel their mood at the moment, as long as they are happy, and at the same time, they are very leisurely pointing at the barbecue.

During the period, I talked about Long Hong and other members who ran out to celebrate.

With the strength of these organization members, even in the secret realm, as long as they don't overkill, there shouldn't be any danger.

Or, the freshness of those guys has passed, and they may go back early.


At the same time.

In other parts of the secret realm, many forces are still operating overnight.

Even the team that stopped and rested did not dare to completely relax their vigilance and kept an eye on the surrounding movement.

Somewhere in the woods, dimly lit.

A few figures could be vaguely seen, and they were closing their eyes and resting. If you look closely, you can see their closed eyes, open them from time to time, and close them again after seeing nothing out of the ordinary.

This group of people was the Dragon Kingdom team that stayed near the grassland during the day.

"I don't know where the others are now? Did they find any useful props."

"It's unfortunate that I haven't found any treasures all day long."

"Normal, it should be more than us. This is the first day, and there are still opportunities later."

Several people chatted quietly.

Su Yin couldn't help sighing in her heart, Xinyan, where are you now? You must have found a lot of babies, right?


At this moment, there was a loud noise in the distance, and the hot fire shot up into the sky, which startled Su Yin.

The members of the Dragon Kingdom who were resting were on guard, and they were nervously paying attention to the movement in the distance.

One of the members sneaked in quietly to find out.

Soon, the news will come back.

It was said that a little girl who looked seven or eight years old wiped out a team of more than a dozen people, and seized the treasure.

Not to mention the person who inquired about the news, after everyone else heard the news, their faces also showed a suspicious expression of "what are you talking about".

Murder and overtake?

It's quite normal for this scene to take place in the secret realm.

But what happened to that seven- or eight-year-old girl?

"Really! I faintly saw that little girl, she should really be that old!"

The members who inquired about the news said with some lingering fears.

If he hadn't smeared oil on the soles of his feet just now, he might not have escaped the little girl's claws.

Everyone fell silent.

Looking at each other, they all saw the horror in each other's eyes.

The secret realm is really too dangerous!

Even a seven- or eight-year-old girl was so terrifying.


The night passed.

Inside the cave, Bai Yu opened his eyes. He didn't rest last night, but kept an eye on the situation outside the cave.

The periphery of the secret realm is already extremely dangerous, not to mention the belly area where they are located.

After a while, Jiang Xinyan's three daughters also woke up one after another. In this environment, they naturally couldn't sleep too deeply.

The group simply added some water and food, then left the cave and continued to set off.

593 The Devil in Red

For the next two days, Bai Yu and his party spent their activities in this hinterland mountain range, but they didn't find any world items.

"Actually, that's normal."

Read The Duke's Passion