MTL - For My Sister, I Became the World Boss-Chapter 433

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The cousin asked curiously, and all the confidants also looked over.

Hearing this, the red-haired man couldn't help grinning, "That's a good thing. I feel like I can finally break through the bottleneck of my cultivation for so many years."


The red-haired man smiled and said nothing.

more than true? He felt that there was a trace of silver power, and there was a greater effect waiting for him to develop. reach heights they couldn't have imagined before.



[Tower of God] Fifty floors, desert.

A golden portal suddenly appeared.

Bai Yu's figure came out from the inside, and then the dragon dog also flew out of it. Looking at the surrounding desert, feeling the dryness and high temperature in the air, he couldn't help but say:

"Finally home."

Bai Yu looked at the sky, and before dawn, he waved the dragon dog away, and he himself returned to the real world.

Villa living room.


Bai Yu's figure flashed out, the lights in the living room went out, and no one was there, "Looks like the old lady has already slept."

Psychologically, he glanced at the upstairs bedroom, and at the figure lying on the bed resting, Bai Yu did not go upstairs to rest immediately, but went to the sofa to lie down, recalling everything that happened in El Dorado.

It wasn't until the sound of footsteps suddenly heard from upstairs that he regained his senses and looked up.

"Come back? Why didn't you come up to rest?"

Jiang Xinyan was standing at the entrance of the stairs in her nightdress, and walked to the sofa step by step. The hazy moonlight sprinkled on her body, and her whole body seemed to be covered with a hazy veil, like a dream.

"I disturbed you? You must be very tired today."

Bai Yu sat up, Jiang Xinyan sat down beside him, took his arm, Zhen head rested lightly on his shoulder, eyes slowly closed.

Although she wasn't worried about Bai Yu's strength, but he didn't come back, how could Jiang Xinyan sleep soundly.

570 I have something for you

The living room is dark and quiet.

After a few minutes, Bai Yu couldn't help laughing when he heard Yun Jing's breathing, did he fall asleep again?

However, Bai Yu immediately understood Jiang Xinyan's actions in the [Inner World] during the day.

The last boundary tablet was successfully sealed, presumably the process must be full of difficulties and dangers. Now that everything is over, you can rest easily.

That's right,

When Bai Yu was busy searching for bloodline materials, the seal of the last boundary monument was also completed in the evening, which was the time for the world to celebrate.

get up,

He gently picked Jiang Xinyan up, Bai Yu went back to the bedroom and put Jiang Xinyan on the bed, but she didn't let go of his arms, so Bai Yu had to lie down beside him.

Silent all night.


The next day, early morning.

Villa living room.

Bai Yu stood by the window, looking at the sky outside.

With the seal of the last boundary monument, the vision in the sky has completely disappeared, and the whole world seems to have returned to its original state.

The influence of the dimensional wall should also return to its original state.


Bai Yu felt that his strength was not affected in any way, and he did not feel suppressed at all.

In fact, it's not just him, Jiang Xinyan, including everyone else who is following this incident, has noticed that her own strength has not been suppressed too much, or, it has not been suppressed at all...

This situation has attracted the attention of the authorities.

After all, the reason for the turmoil in the world, in addition to a large number of monsters invading the world, is all the evil forces that possess extraordinary power but are beyond their control.

Now that the boundary monuments are all sealed, the effect of the suppression of the dimension wall has not recovered, which is...

Some people are more worried, is the impact of the boundary monument in this world irreversible?

In this case, no matter how they try to make up for it, I am afraid it will be of no avail.

"The world...probably has entered a whole new phase."


Naturally, all the countries in the world are concerned about the above issues, and it is not at all in Bai Yu's turn to intervene, nor is he interested.

Bai Yu's idea is very simple. Since changes are coming, they should adapt to the times and make changes.

Compared with these questions, Bai Yu is more concerned about what will happen next.

"Let's speed up."

The gods did not disappear for no reason, but Bai Yu's previous guess was wrong.

Mistaking the power of the gods left by the other party as the deity.

In fact, the gods never showed up.

It is likely to be located somewhere in the [Tower of God], watching everything from above.

However, things are different now.

The existence of Bai Yu must have already attracted the attention of the gods, and I don't know when he will make his next move.

Whether it was the original apostle or Beamon of El Dorado, they all mentioned that Bai Yu would attract the attention of the gods before they died.

And judging from their reactions, that god's strength should be very powerful.

The strength of the incarnation of God's power is weaker than that of the deity. From this point, Bai Yu can spy on some clues. After all, he has personally experienced it twice.

From this, we can roughly infer the true strength of the gods...

Therefore, Bai Yu must speed up the collection of bloodline materials.

Try to increase your strength as much as possible before the **** deity appears.

"What are you looking at? Why do you feel so preoccupied."

Jiang Xinyan's voice came from behind her. She was dressed in casual home clothes, came over with two cups of coffee, handed a cup to Bai Yu, and took a sip.


Bai Yu took the coffee with a smile, and after taking a sip, he didn't know how to take Jiang Xinyan's words.

Tell her about the next possible battle of gods?

The problem is that even Bai Yu doesn't know when that **** will choose to act.

Telling her now will only add to her troubles.

"The boundary monuments have all been sealed, can you relax for a while now, sister?"

Bai Yu naturally changed the subject.

Jiang Xinyan glanced at him, and also looked out the window. The blue sky seemed to have not been seen for a long time, and her mood became much clearer.

"Yeah, you can rest for a while."

"By the way, I have something for you when I go online in a while."

Bai Yu said suddenly.


"Secret, you'll know when the time comes."

Bai Yu actually wanted to say that he still had a special set of secret cultivation techniques that he wanted to discuss with her, but it was just dawn, and the daytime was a little bit...

not too good.


And just when Jiang Xinyan wondered what Bai Yu had for her,

In a secret base, Lu Zhenguo stood in front of the bathroom mirror, tidying up his instruments, took a deep breath, and let it out slowly, his expression seemed a bit serious.

The seal of the boundary monument was successfully completed.

It's time for the big event he's been busy preparing for these days.

You must know that in order to convince those old buddies, Lu Zhenguo made a lot of preparations.

Thinking of that boy's request to collect crystal core fragments...

Lu Zhenguo's expression gradually became firmer.

Everything is for the Dragon Kingdom!

Next, it was when he walked to the battlefield and fought against the Confucian scholars.


meeting room.

When everyone came here, they found that Lu Zhenguo had already taken their seats.

After everyone was seated and the regular meeting was held,

Lu Zhenguo cleared his throat and said slowly:

"Everyone, I have a very important matter here, please listen carefully."

571 This world belongs to me

As the boundary monuments were all sealed and the sky vision disappeared, the whole world was in a jubilation.

People vented the pressure that had been accumulated in their hearts for a long time, and welcomed the arrival of peace again with joy.

Although the influence of the dimensional wall has not recovered, it is not clear whether it will recover.

However, in the previous several sealing operations, the evil forces around the world suffered heavy casualties, and now they have to restrain their arrogance and develop their wretchedness.

In any case, at least as far as the current situation is concerned, everything is changing for the better.

In this festive atmosphere, countries around the world did not let up and carried out a series of secret plans non-stop.

The main point of the spear is to point to Bai Yu, or to be more precise, to that mysterious tribe.

Now that the world trend has gradually stabilized, the external crisis has been lifted, and the remaining problems need to be dealt with slowly.

Then, the focus of countries around the world will naturally shift.

The Ultimate Secret of Zombie Power...

Bear the brunt.

"Pay attention to the movements of those snake **** believers, be on call at any time, don't rush to do it first, and pay attention secretly."

"How is the situation on the special operations team? This time, we must make adequate preparations. Just mention what you need, and the country will meet the requirements to the greatest extent possible."

"Have other countries contacted you? It seems that those old guys can't sit still anymore."

"Continue to send people to the Dragon Country, secretly contact the young man, and find a way to win people over, so that it will be more powerful for us in any aspect..."

