MTL - For My Sister, I Became the World Boss-Chapter 397

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The entire hall became silent.


around the same time.

Thirty floors, Tiankeng Waterfall.

A spaceship hovers in the air.

Everyone on the deck looked at the black stone tablet ahead.

"It's already the third one."

If this boundary monument is successfully sealed, only the last piece will be left.

Everyone was a little excited.


The action unfolded, from cleaning up nearby monsters, to setting up defense lines, to the final seal, the whole process was completed in one go.

Jiang Xinyan stood on the edge of the Tiankeng, like a beautiful landscape, attracting the attention of many people.

Jiang Xinyan didn't care about this, she looked away from the seal staff below and swept around, always on alert for the attacker's arrival.

Feeling the unbridled scrutiny of the pair of eyes next to him, he couldn't help but say:

"Pay attention to your surroundings, this action is likely to be met with a strong counterattack by the enemy, don't stare at me all the time."

Su Yin smiled and said coquettishly:

"Hmph, so many people are looking at you, but I am the only one.

But then again, Xinyan, why do I feel that you are becoming more and more beautiful, and I feel like I'm falling into the trap after a few more glances, and you said that you didn't secretly use skin care products?

Those guys' eyes are almost straight. "

When Jiang Xinyan heard the words, she seemed to be thinking of something, her cheeks flushed slightly, but she quickly calmed down and said with a strong air:

"They are them, you are you.

Besides, do I need skin care products or something? Sister, I am a natural beauty. "

Well, this is indeed true.

She doesn't use any skin care products.

If Jiang Xinyan had doubts in her heart yesterday, now she is completely certain.


It can really beautify her face, not only that, but also has great benefits for her body.

In Bai Yu's words, it was the essence of God.

Thinking of the playful and smug expression on the little guy's face when he said this, Jiang Xinyan couldn't help but secretly spit in her heart.

It's time to bite him hard in the morning.

Let him know what the majesty of a sister is.

"Natural beauty…"

Su Yin recited these four words silently in her heart, feeling a little sour, but she couldn't find a place to refute at all.

Her best friend is indeed a natural beauty. She's drowning in fish and geese, shy of the moon and flowers, and she has a decent appearance.

Now the complexion has become better, and the effect of one plus one is greater than two is immediately exerted.

Even as a woman, she couldn't help but sigh at Jiang Xinyan's perfect and charming state at this time.

Not to mention those big pig hooves,

If it weren't for the fact that they still had tasks, I'm afraid they couldn't help but come up and talk to each other, each of them still pretending to be elites.


Su Yin pouted, and at this moment, Jiang Xinyan's eyes suddenly changed,

"Watch out, someone's here."

As soon as the voice fell, an explosion sounded in the distance.

Amidst the sweeping dust waves, a figure with fluttering long hair came slowly, exuding a powerful aura all over his body.

Just at a glance, everyone realizes that the comer is not good.

Definitely an S-class villain.


[Tower of God] Forty floors, Dier Empire, Royal Palace.

Xiyue, Albert, and Honglong were all looking at the figure in front of them at this time.

"Brother Bai Yu."

Hearing Xiyue's somewhat uncertain voice, Bai Yu couldn't help but smile,

"What? Don't know me anymore? It doesn't feel like the change has been that big?"

Saying that, he looked down at his whole body.

In addition to the silver hair, the body has become more perfect, the chest has a pattern of the snake of the world, and the body exudes silver light...

The rest, haven't changed at all.

At least that face was as cold and handsome as always.

Seeing the familiar smile on Bai Yu's face, Xiyue was completely determined, pursed her lips and smiled softly, saying:

"It's just that all of a sudden, the change is so big, I feel a little surprised. And..."

"The feeling of my brother has become a little different from before."

In the past, Bai Yu made people feel easy-going and close.

So now,

There is an aura of awe on his body, and the face is obviously no different from before, but it gives people two completely different feelings.

Especially before speaking, that kind of cold and handsome feeling.

Therefore, Xiyue didn't dare to recognize it for a while.

As a red dragon of the dragon clan, the feeling is even more direct. The moment he saw Bai Yu, he felt a shudder in the depths of his blood, excited and afraid.

Bai Yu came here this time, in addition to meeting the members of the organization, he gave them a higher level of energy.

A little space between the fingers, three silver energies spurted out, covering the members.

After the light disappeared, Bai Yu's voice slowly sounded:

"You can master this trace of energy as soon as possible, which will greatly help you improve your strength."

After doing all this,

Bai Yu looked at Hong Long, who opened his big cute eyes, tilted his head, and looked at him cutely:

"Let's go, I'll take you to learn to transform."

A flash of joy quickly appeared in the red dragon's eyes, and he almost jumped up, "Really, oh, that's great!"

A pair of wings kept flapping, and the generated wind swept through almost the entire palace.

Seeing its happy look, Bai Yu couldn't help but smile, but there was a glimmer of light in his eyes, "Of course it's true."

It was time for him to go back to the 50th floor to take a look.

521 Madness

"Have you done everything you were told to do before?"

Before leaving, Bai Yu asked the Red Dragon.


The red dragon nodded.

"How many floors are you at now?"

"Fifty floors."

Bai Yu was slightly surprised when he heard this, but he was not surprised.

Although the tower guard boss on the forty-ninth floor is a level 90 thousand-eyed angel, his strength is far stronger than other bosses.

But the current level of the red dragon is approaching level 90, reaching level 88.

There is little difference in level.

In terms of strength, it is stronger than the tower guarding boss, which is normal.

After all, he is a member of his fancy, and it is no problem to fight one or two levels.

"How is it? How do you feel about the strength of the boss on the forty-ninth floor?"

"You mean that disgusting monster with a lot of eyes? It's really a little tricky, it made me hurt a little bit, but it's better now."

The red dragon stuck out his tongue.

Bai Yu smiled and looked at Xiyue and Albert, "Then I'll leave it to you."

After all, take the red dragon to the fifty floor.


The sky is blue, the blue waves are like washing, and the clouds are full of clouds.


With two beams passing by.

Two figures, one large and one small, appeared in the sky.

Compared with the body of the nearly 1,000-meter Red Dragon, it was almost impossible to see Bai Yu's existence.

"Is there a way to transform me into shape? Yemengard."

The red dragon flapped its wings and looked around impatiently.

The short silver hair fluttered in the wind, Bai Yu was suspended in the air, and all the mental sensations spread out without reservation.

The pictures along the way kept appearing in his mind, and they were presented as clearly as a picture scroll...

After a while.

A gleam of light flashed across the snake's eyes, and an inexplicable smile formed on the corner of his mouth.

When Bai Yu came to this floor, he quickly attracted the attention of the guardian spirit.

Although the guardian spirits on this floor were killed in pieces by him, they should not have been completely killed.

Under Bai Yu's induction, there was no sign of the guardian spirit coming.

As for the god, the same is true.

"Perhaps...still on the way?"

Bai Yu smiled and turned to look at the red dragon, "Let's go, I'll take you to find the way to change shape first."

"En, hey hey hey."

The red dragon chicken nodded as if pecking at rice.

Bai Yu stretched out his hand and, under the gaze of the Red Dragon, grabbed its claws and said with a smile, "Let's go then."

The voice fell.

Hearing a "whoosh" sound, a sharp whistling sound resounded in the air.

The huge body of the red dragon was grabbed by Bai Yu and "flyed".

About ten minutes.