MTL - For My Sister, I Became the World Boss-Chapter 375

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"I think it's very likely..."

"Now among the believers, there are only a small number of people who get the skill bonus of Lord Snake God, and all of them are defensive skills, and that guy...maybe the blessing of faith is higher than all of us."

"It's just that I don't know the identity of that person. If you know it, you can ask in person at that time."

"The brothers of the Dragon Country branch are already on the move."

Listening to the surrounding discussions,

Bai Yu raised his brows slightly, his expression unmoved.

These guys... have some eyesight.

It really made them guess something.

Listening to this situation, the snake **** believers in the Dragon Kingdom have already begun to look for him? ?

Shaking his head secretly in his heart, Bai Yu walked towards the tribe with Rin, and finally entered the magnificent palace.

In the crowd in the distance, a pair of eyes did not notice this scene.

Because walking with Rin will inevitably attract the attention of believers,

So when he saw that Rin actually brought an outsider into the palace, the owner of those eyes couldn't help but be surprised, and then watched the two disappear into the palace.

That guy... is also a believer?

With this thought in mind, the man waited for a while in a hidden place outside the palace. Seeing that no one had come out, he shook his head and left.


Inside the palace.

Bai Yu lifted his hood, revealing that young and handsome face.

The girl next to her didn't know why Bai Yu suddenly covered her face, but she didn't ask any more questions and told Bai Yu about the attack by the infiltrator.

The two came all the way to the front of the hall, and saw a black figure, already waiting here.


The moment he saw Bai Yu, the King of Darkness was overjoyed, and he rushed up immediately. If this guy had a tail, he would have been wagging very happily at the moment.

"I've heard it all, and it's well done."

Bai Yu looked out of the darkness and said with a light smile.

"Hey hey, this is what I should do, it's not worth mentioning, it's not worth mentioning."

The King of Darkness touched his head and laughed. He looked quite proud and seemed to want to hear Bai Yu's exaggeration.

Bai Yu pretended not to see him, and walked into the hall while chatting with the girl beside him.

The King of Darkness naturally followed, raised his furry head, and listened to the conversation between the two...

"In short, those who sneaked in will not give up easily. You have worked hard during this time."

"Don't worry, boss, with my king of darkness, as long as those stupid humans dare to step into the tribe, none of them will be able to escape."

The Dark Lord patted his chest and assured.

Please, those infiltrators are really weak~

If you can't do this kind of errand well, just find a place to wash and wipe your neck.

"It's good to have confidence."

Bai Yu nodded.

Now that the palace and the teleportation array on the 40th floor have been built, it is very convenient to transmit to each other.

Other members of the organization will also come to the tribe to check it out from time to time.

Therefore, there is absolutely no need to worry about the big problems of those infiltrators.

Bai Yu was even worried that they didn't make a big enough fight, because then it wouldn't hurt enough.


around the same time.

Long Kingdom, a secret meeting room.

It was only at this point that the meeting of various countries, which had been on for almost an entire night, finally came to an end.

How should I put it, the high-level talks from various countries were not very good, and they even broke up a little.

Just because all countries asked Long Guo to disclose the identity and information of that young man, Long Guo refused.

After the whole meeting, when it comes to the topic of Bai Yu, Long Guo will always talk about him, avoid the important ones, and do not intend to make them public.

However, this attitude makes the high-level officials of other countries very angry, and they dare not speak out.

Only the lighthouse country and other big countries dare to put pressure on the dragon country on this issue.

Unfortunately, in the end there was no useful information to ask.

Even so, the Dragon Kingdom still felt a deep pressure.

It is not difficult to see from the reactions of other countries that the end of this meeting does not mean the end of this matter, but the real beginning...

This gives me a headache.

490 I remember happy things

Long Guo's idea is not wrong,

The unhappy breakup of this meeting led to the final result of various countries' attack on the Dragon Kingdom.

Although it is currently in a special period, there is some restraint on the bright side, but the small actions in private are constant.

Dragon Country, an airport.

A figure wearing a beige trench coat and black high heels came out, looking at the sky outside, the eyes under the sunglasses flickered slightly.

"Has arrived in the Dragon Country."

The woman whispered, and finally stopped a taxi and left the airport.

No one knows her identity,

And people with special status like her have successively entered the territory of the Dragon Kingdom and started their mission on this trip.

"Next, it's up to who's going to start fast."

In the back seat of the taxi, the woman in the windbreaker looked at the photo on the phone, and the corner of her mouth evoked a charming arc.

In the photo, the boy's eyes are indifferent, as cold as a knife...

I have to admit, it's really... fascinating.


On the Dragon Country side, although they are trying their best to prevent the actions of various countries.

However, some basic information about Bai Yu was inevitably exposed.

After all, there are no impervious walls in the world.

Those all-pervasive, even if there is no hole, can drill a hole for you.

The senior officials of Longguo contacted Bai Yu immediately.

Unfortunately, the phone didn't get through.

When I contacted Jiang Xinyan again, no one answered.

"Maybe in [Inner World]??"

With such an anxious mood, Jiang Xinyan's phone was finally connected when it was almost evening.

Knowing that Bai Yu has not come back, the senior officials of Longguo can only tell Jiang Xinyan about the situation first, and then contact him after Bai Yu returns.


After hanging up the phone, Jiang Xinyan fell into deep thought.

Her first reaction was actually similar to that of the senior officials of the Dragon Kingdom. Are other countries reacting too violently? ?

What's up with this? ?

All the countries started to search for Bai Yu with all their strength and demanded that his identity be disclosed!

You know, this is only part of Bai Yu's exposed strength, his true identity is...


After thinking about the key point, Jiang Xinyan quickly understood.

after all,

In the eyes of their small group of people who knew Bai Yu's true identity, although Bai Yu's performance last night was amazing, it was not incomprehensible.

For those who are completely unaware, Bai Yu's appearance is as if such a peerless master suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

Strength suddenly a group.

Directly crush those two evil sect leaders.

How can this kind of terrifying combat power not make people shocked, worried, afraid...

The Dragon Kingdom with this kind of combat power almost directly broke the original balance of the world structure, and the high-level officials of various countries had to take corresponding actions.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xinyan couldn't help feeling a huge pressure, and Bai Yu...

Completely like a nobody.

"Is it so aggressive?"

At night, at the table.

After listening to Jiang Xinyan's words, Bai Yu couldn't help but smile, the expression on his face looked relaxed and free.

"Aren't you worried at all? You seem to be in a good mood."

Seeing this, Jiang Xinyan couldn't help but smile and asked curiously.

The tension in my heart gradually relaxed because of Bai Yu's performance.

It seems that her younger brother has long been prepared.

"Indeed, something pleasant happened."

Bai Yu laughed and said,

That's right, the power of belief has exceeded 80%, and in less than ten days, he will be able to advance to the bloodline again.

What could be more exciting than this?

As for the attention and concern of various countries, to be honest, Bai Yu really didn't care about it.

"I don't need to move out, I'm used to living here."

"As for the protection of manpower, there is no need to know who will protect whom..."

Jiang Xinyan told the proposals made by the senior officials of Longguo on the phone, but Bai Yu refused one by one.

If people from other countries really touched him, it would be good to have self-knowledge, otherwise, Bai Yu wouldn't mind destroying them to ashes.


Not long after dinner, a phone call from the senior officials of Long Guo called again.

Lv Zhenguo solemnly proposed to Bai Yu the protection measures of Longguo for him.

The result, of course, was...rejected.

Lu Zhenguo didn't seem to be surprised by this result. Looking at the young man's completely unconcerned expression, no matter how many words he had in his heart, it all turned into a sigh.

No way, that young man really has that strength.

No need for their protection.


Read The Duke's Passion