MTL - Food Circle Plug-in Emperor-Chapter 816 messed with people who shouldn't be messed with

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  Yuan Zixiang's aunt was silent for a while without speaking.

  She couldn't figure out the twists and turns in it for a while.

  However, although she didn't know whether Gao Jinbo's behavior was really what she found out, she still knew her nephew very well.

  With Yuan Zixiang's prudence and shrewdness, he has always been tactful and winky. All the people who have been with him before can get along very well with him, and he will not easily provoke others, let alone do things that offend others.

   Logically speaking, it shouldn't be!

  Especially how long he has only been in office, and he hasn't stayed for half a month, so how could he provoke Gao Jinbo.

  And there is no vicious competitive relationship between these two people.

   Besides, with Gao Jinbo's ability and performance, when he is transferred again, he will definitely be transferred to the provincial side.

   Wouldn't it be a good thing to be able to support someone of your own in Bei'an?

However, no matter how many speculations he had in his heart, the old man still responded: "Well, let me inquire first to see if there are any new measures from above recently. If not, then find a way to find out the specific situation. Wait for my call." .”

   After all, it is my nephew. Now that I have encountered a problem, the aunt must worry about it.

  The old man thought for a while, and dialed the phone number of an old sister who had a good relationship with him.

Although the two are not in the same city, they usually communicate frequently. After the call was connected, before she could speak, they had already greeted her with a smile: "I was just trying to contact you. Last time you emailed me Toad oil, I steamed papaya and ate it, it tastes really good, but I don’t know how it works.”

  The old man hummed, and cut straight to the point: "If you eat well, I'll send someone to get some more. Hey, I remember your cousin works in the Public Security Bureau of Bei'an, right?"

  When the other party heard this, he hurriedly said, "That's right, what's wrong?"

  The old man told the truth about his nephew: "My place is far away, and I don't know anyone in Bei'an. I just want you to help me get in touch and see if I can get some news."

  The other party responded readily: "Okay, then wait for me for a while, I will call him now and ask."

  The old man hung up the phone, his heart couldn't help hanging up, and all kinds of thoughts came to him for a while, and he couldn't suppress it.

   Ten minutes later, the old man's cell phone rang.

  Her old friend is very efficient in handling affairs, and in a short period of time, she found out the matter clearly.

After the call was connected, the other party truthfully repeated what he had learned: "I heard about it, and said that there are no new measures at present. Of course, it cannot be ruled out that the Gaoju Bureau is preparing for the 315 event in advance. However, I I think, let your nephew be more cautious in his words and deeds in the future, he has just taken office, it is best to keep a low profile in everything."

"Also, if the owners of large, small and medium-sized enterprises and shops in the jurisdiction don't understand each other's situation clearly, it's best not to provoke them. After all, a strong dragon does not suppress a bully, and everything stays on the front line, so we can meet each other in the future! Otherwise, The people below are unwilling to cooperate, and the future work will not be easy to carry out.”

   These words are very clear!

  Since she entrusted her old friend to help her find out, these few exhortations must be groundless!

  The old man was also the leader of the agency before retirement. What storms have he not experienced, and what things are unclear?

   This old friend belongs to her who is more intimate. Now that she can say such a thing, she must have heard something.

   It's just that the person who leaked the news is probably quite sensitive, so some things can't be said clearly.

   Rao is like this, the old man is still very grateful.

  She responded and did not continue to ask: "Okay, I see, I will call Zixiang back first, and we will talk later."

  Hung up the phone, the old man dialed Yuan Zixiang's number.

  Yuan Zixiang had been waiting for a long time, almost as soon as the phone rang, he was connected immediately.

   "Hey, aunt, are you listening? What's going on?"

  The old man sighed: "Have you provoked someone recently?"

  Yuan Zixiang was taken aback!

   Who can he mess with?

  Because of his transfer, he had only stayed in Beian for less than half a month, and the work hadn't started yet. The heads of the two companies he had dealt with before were doing well.

   As for the others

   I really have no idea for a while!


  He started working after only a few years, who can he mess with?

   "Probably not, anyway, I didn't think of it."

  The old man was a little helpless when he heard the words, saying that he was misunderstood by his cleverness, and his nephew responded to this sentence.

  She sighed: "Okay, don't worry, how about this, you talk about the things after the transfer, and I will help you analyze and analyze."

  Among all the relatives in the family, who is the most capable, the person Yuan Zixiang admires and admires the most is his aunt.

   Now that his aunt is willing to help him, that is simply the best thing.

Yuan Zixiang counted them one by one: "I arrived on the day when I was young. I only got acquainted with the personnel and environment in the bureau a year ago, and I started working in the next year. There is a sales department manager in the clothing factory in the jurisdiction. In his teens, he"

   "A section chief of Beian Brewery."

   "The owner of the Red House Restaurant"

  "Business Manager of Agricultural Bank of China"

  Yuan Zixiang was talking, the old man could not help but frown, this is a normal work relationship, logically there is nothing wrong with it?

   Moreover, Yuan Zixiang was very skillful in handling these matters, and many details were perfect.

  However, how could Gao Jinbo be offended?

  The words at the meeting, even she could feel the obvious beating meaning when she listened to it!

   Seeing Yuan Zixiang go through all the big and small things after the transfer, but there is no clue at all, the old man thought of something and reminded: "Could it be someone around you who caused the trouble?"

   There are not a few examples of this kind of foxes pretending to be powerful and pretending to be bullying and making trouble.

  Since it is not my own problem, it is very likely that it was implicated by people around me.

  Yuan Zixiang couldn't help but tremble when he heard this!

  He suddenly thought of two people!

   Said quickly: "Oh, yes, my aunt and uncle! On New Year's Eve, when they went to the restaurant to order a New Year's Eve dinner, they had an argument with the waiter in the restaurant. Later, they found me and asked me to help out."

  When the old man heard this, he was surprised and said, "Didn't your aunt's family move their business to other provinces? Why did you go back to Bei'an to hold a New Year's Eve dinner?"

  Yuan Zixiang explained: "They planned to invite their friends and business partners from Bei'an to have a good get-together before leaving. It was a little late to make a reservation at the time, and there was no room in the restaurant, so they quarreled with them."

   After understanding the whole story clearly, the old man's expression changed!

   "Your aunt and the couple have bad personalities. Why are you meddling in their affairs!"

   After reprimanding, the old man couldn't help but asked carefully: "How is the size of that restaurant? Do you know the boss?"

  Although Yuan Zixiang is new here, he knows a lot about the situation in the jurisdiction.

  Hearing this, he hurriedly introduced: "My aunt and the others went to the Maxima Hotel. It is quite large and a century-old restaurant. I heard that the business is very good."

   "It's just nonsense! You have just been transferred and you are not familiar with the working environment. How can you solve this kind of thing?"

"What's more, it's a century-old shop. It's been in Bei'an for hundreds of years. Do you know how many connections and circles the shop owner has? It's been run for generations, and the couple still want to go wild! Now Involving you again, you really have a pair of dog brains, and you are still doing business like this!"

  The more the old man talked, the more excited he became!

  She has always looked down on her sister-in-law's natal family, all of them are nouveau riche, which is completely different from their family's quality!

  The elders always hope that the younger generation will live well, for fear that they will drag the other party down.

   When it came to his sister-in-law's natal family, everything was reversed!

  Being an elder's fox pretends to be a tiger, and puts on airs and prestige everywhere.

  You said that you can’t play wild wherever you go, you have to go to a restaurant!

   Moreover, it is a century-old store, which happened to be within the jurisdiction of Yuan Zixiang.

   Who are these people!

   Doesn't look like an elder at all!

  Thinking of this, the old man's heart was shaking, and it really hurts to mention that family.

  But now that things have affected her nephew, she has to take care of it.

   "Are your aunt and the others still in Bei'an? If they haven't left, you can go directly to Maxima to book a table, call everyone up, and hurry over to apologize, sorry!"

  Yuan Zixiang was taken aback for a moment: "Auntie, can't you?"

  The old man sneered: "Isn't it? Let me tell you, the high score is probably for the people of that restaurant, don't you believe it!"

  Yuan Zixiang really didn't think about it when he first started, but now that his aunt reminded him, he immediately realized it.

  Because he was transferred to another post for a relatively short period of time, and the things he handled were limited.

   Except for his aunt, he really has no other chance to offend anyone.

  Having figured this out, Yuan Zixiang couldn't help crying secretly.

   This is really hunting geese all day long, and finally being blinded by geese!

  He thought over and over again, thinking that his aunt begged to come to the door in person, and it was not easy for him to intervene, and he couldn't directly refuse, so he responded perfunctorily.

   Afraid that his aunt would be too angry to trouble her to find a restaurant in private, so she happened to pass a message through Hao Zhenqi's mouth.

   Neither side should offend, and I can still take the opportunity to throw an olive branch to Hao Zhenqi.

   As a result, I never expected that I would offend my immediate boss because of this matter!

  Yuan Zixiang was so annoyed that he patiently listened to his aunt's admonition on the phone, and then hung up the phone hastily.

  He tried to calm himself down, and after some consideration, he called Hao Zhenqi and called him to the office.

  Hao Zhenqi didn't think much about it at all, thinking that Yuan Zixiang was going to assign him some work.

  Since going to work after the new year, Yuan Zixiang has obviously started to rely heavily on Hao Zhenqi, and he will handle all major and minor matters to him.

   Moreover, the two people's personalities and hobbies are very compatible, and they are more able to talk after work.

  Hao Zhenqi couldn't help being a little complacent about this.

  After all, it is a good thing to be appreciated by the leader.

   Especially Yuan Zixiang is very good at work, and he will be a candidate for the position of director in the future.

  Being able to gain his favor is also very helpful to my future career.

  So, Hao Zhenqi didn't say that he had to do everything personally, but he did his best to complete the things Yuan Zixiang told him.

  Because of this, Yuan Zixiang never thought that he would have a big fall with Hao Zhenqi!

  Hao Zhenqi entered the office unprepared. Hearing Yuan Zixiang's question, he was only slightly taken aback, and immediately responded.

He said truthfully: "I have called the boss of Maxima before, and when I happened to pass by yesterday, I made a special trip there in person. The matter was clearly explained. Their boss is quite grateful, and nothing will happen. What's wrong?"

  Yuan Zixiang asked carefully: "When you went to Maxima, did you meet anyone in our bureau, or were you heard when you called before?"

  Hao Zhenqi is such a shrewd person, when he had a meeting in the morning, he already noticed that something was wrong!

  He has worked in the bureau for more than three years, and he knows Gao Jinbo's behavior quite well.

   Not to mention how abrupt the meeting was held today, but when the working group was formed, he was appointed to assist Yuan Zixiang. This alone was enough for all the old foxes in the bureau to smell out the tricks!

  This event is not aimed at the new Deputy Director Yuan, but to deal with him!

If it was before yesterday, Hao Zhenqi must be thinking about it now, whether he has violated the bottom line of the leader recently, or whether he has not done a job well, which made the leader have an opinion on him ?

But now, he is quite safe in his heart. On the one hand, he is more confident in his ability to work, and on the other hand, he just wooed Gao Ju's family yesterday. Do yourself a favor?

  However, it was a coincidence that I met Gao Ju's family yesterday, so there is no need to hide it.

  As for why Gao Ju wants to punish Deputy Yuan, that is a matter between their leaders.

  Knowing that when gods fight, it is always the kid who suffers, Hao Zhenqi has no intention of being cannon fodder.

  Thinking of this, Hao Zhenqi simply told the truth about his experience yesterday.

  Of course, during the process, I didn’t mention such things as helping with the checkout. I just mentioned that Gaoju seems to be very familiar with the chef of Maxima.

   After listening, Yuan Zixiang was so angry that his lungs almost exploded!

   So it is!

   Then no wonder!

   Who can be blamed for such a coincidence?

  Although it is inevitable that Hao Zhenqi complains in his heart that he is not doing things well, but he has never been a character of complaining.

   After figuring out what happened, he calmed down completely and began to think about countermeasures.

  Hao Zhenqi was also somewhat guilty. If he hadn't followed Yao Shi to meet Gao Jinbo at that time, it probably wouldn't have caused the following series of things.

Thinking that he would still work under Yuan Zixiang's subordinates in the future, he hesitated for a while, and then offered his advice: "Deputy bureau, I have a good relationship with the boss and chef of Maxima, tell me, do you want them Make an appointment to meet up? There is some misunderstanding, see if you can make it clear in person?"

   This is embarrassing!

  I made a typo in yesterday's chapter name, but the content is continuous.

   Today's update is still old time, but I never expected to be blocked for review, and finally found the editor in charge, and the new chapter was released.

   Fortunately everything worked out!

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