MTL - Food Circle Plug-in Emperor-Chapter 813 Watertight

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  Chapter 813 is impeccable

  When Gao Jinbo's family drove to Maxima, Ren Yuchang and Li Zongming had already arrived.

  The two parties met in the box and had a lively chat.

  Hearing that Gao Jinbo's family had just returned from the music restaurant, Ren Yuchang and Li Zongming immediately regained their spirits, and inquired carefully about the custom-made medicinal diet.

  When it came to the medicated food table, Gao Jinbo's family was full of praise, and they recognized Fu Yu's medicated food level very much.

  However, they are laymen after all, and they don't know much about cooking, so from their mouths, Ren Yuchang and Li Zongming can only get a general idea of ​​how the herbal diet is arranged and how it tastes.

   It turned out that in order to allow Gao Shaoyuan to eat the medicinal diet normally, Fu Yu did not know what method he used to lose his sense of smell until he finished eating.

   Both of them were amazed!

   There is such a trick?

Ren Yuchang looked regretful: "If I knew you were going to see a doctor today, I would have gone directly to the music restaurant. Originally, I came to Qianlima to eat, but I also wanted to taste Fu's cooking skills, and then I would meet him and chat with him. Let's talk."

   Gao Jinbo was surprised when he heard the words: "Isn't Chef Fu working in a music restaurant?"

Ren Yuchang explained: "Chef Fu works on the side of Maxima. He usually goes to the music restaurant. This is just to supervise the stall of medicinal food. Haven't you met the owner of the music restaurant? His name is Yao Shi, and he is from the side of Maxima." Chef"

  Gao Jinbo was taken aback when he heard that.

  It turned out that Fu Yu was the chef of Maxima. In the past, the cooking of medicinal meals at the music restaurant was actually to support Chef Yao Shi's shop.

  Before Gao Jinbo opened his mouth, Gao Shaoyuan couldn't help but said, "Fu Fu's level is so high, why is he working here as a chef instead of opening his own shop?"

  Lin Yu said: "Do you think it is so easy to open a shop? Cooking skills are not enough!"

   "However, Boss Yao is actually the head chef of this restaurant? Didn't he open his own restaurant?"

  Gao Jinbo turned his head and asked Ren Yuchang, feeling very puzzled.

  Just looking at the scale of the music restaurant, it is even more luxurious than Maxima!

  I have become a big boss myself, but I still want to stay in this store and help manage the kitchen?

  Is this your own store, or is there something else hidden?

  Everyone in the circle knows about Yao Shi and Dong's family. Although Ren Yuchang doesn't open a restaurant, since he got acquainted with Yao Shi, he has gradually inquired about each other.

   Come and go, like this kind of secret that is not a secret, I have heard it all.

   There were no outsiders in the box, so Ren Yuchang told the truth about what he had heard.

  After listening to this, everyone in the room was stunned.

  This old Dong’s family is really blessed by eight lifetimes of cultivation, to be able to hand over such an outstanding person as Yao Shi.

   And Yao Shi is indeed a good person, benevolent and responsible.

  Associating with Fu Yu again, Ai Wuji Wu felt more and more that people are divided into groups, and things of a kind flock together.

  Yao Shi can reuse Fu Yu and is willing to help him, which also shows that Fu Yu is also a good person.

  However, they just came from the music restaurant, and Fu Yu was still there, so it was impossible to try Fu Yu's cooking skills for today's meal.

  So everyone ordered a table of Maxima's special dishes.

  At the dinner table, there was a lively discussion about the custom-made medicinal diet, and then the topic naturally revolved around Fu Yu.

  Ren Yuchang mentioned that Fu Yu joined the Provincial Gastronomy Association at a young age, and became a special consultant of the National Medicinal Diet Research Association, and was praised and recognized by national medicinal diet experts.

  Gao Jinbo's family already recognized Fu Yu's culinary skills very much, and now they are even more convinced by Ren Yuchang's words.

   No wonder Ren Yuchang was full of praise, this young medicated diet master is really amazing!

  The specialty of Maxima, the taste is really good.

  Everyone in the room ate deliciously, except Gao Shaoyuan, who was not hungry at all because he had just eaten the herbal meal.

  He drank the jujube tea delivered by the store while listening to other people chatting.

  He had already drank a full stomach of soup and water at the medicated meal before, and while chatting just now, he unknowingly refilled two cups of jujube tea.

   After sitting for a while, I couldn't help but want to go to the bathroom.

  Gao Shaoyuan greeted the others, got up and left the box.

  The box that Ren Yuchang booked happened to be on the first floor. Gao Shaoyuan was not very familiar with the terrain of this store, so when he went out, he subconsciously walked in the direction he used to come and go.

   As a result, because the box was located not far from the front hall, so I didn't walk very far. After turning a corner, I arrived at the hall.

  Gao Shaoyuan was about to call a waiter to ask for directions, when he turned his head, he happened to see Fu Yu hurrying over behind Yao Shi.

   Looking at the direction, he went straight to the aisle leading to the stairwell.

  Gao Shaoyuan didn't expect Fu Yu to come here, so he hurriedly greeted him in surprise: "Chef Fu!"

  Yao Shi and Fu Yu heard the sound, they both stopped and turned to look over.

   Seeing that it was Gao Shaoyuan, the two of them were a little surprised.

  Fu Yu stepped forward and asked, "Mr. Gao, why are you here?"

Gao Shaoyuan hurriedly said: "Oh, my parents and I made an appointment to have dinner with Dr. Ren and Dr. Li. They ordered here, and now they are all in the box! Fu Fu, have you eaten yet? Come and eat with us? "

  Indeed, Fu Yu was so busy making the medicated meal table that he didn't even have time to eat, and now he hurried back to Maxima with Yao Shi. At this time, he was really hungry.

  However, now is not the time to eat.

  Fu Yu explained: "This. Mr. Gao, the leader of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau came to our store to check. There may be something on my side, and it may not be able to pass. Why don't you eat first?"

Gao Shaoyuan had seen Fu Yu at first, thinking that Ren Yuchang said he wanted to meet him just now, so he raised his mouth on purpose, but when he heard what Fu Yu said, he was slightly taken aback: "Inspection by the Industrial and Commercial Bureau? Now ?"

  The Bureau of Industry and Commerce conducts regular inspections of the catering shops in the jurisdiction every year, but now that the New Year is just over, it’s not time for routine inspections yet?

  Gao Shaoyuan asked in surprise: "People from our bureau came to check? Can't it? Who is it?"

This time, without waiting for Fu Yu to speak, Yao Shi said first: "Oh, I guess there is a temporary random inspection. Anyway, it's not a big deal, so it shouldn't take too long. How about this, Xiao Fu, you go with me first, When it's finished over there, you can come to the front hall again."

   After finishing speaking, he said to Gao Shaoyuan: "Mr. Gao, go to dinner first, and Xiao Fu will be there soon?"

  Gao Shaoyuan's reaction just proved Yao Shi's previous guess, and Fu Yu also heard one or two of them.

  However, Yao Shi didn't want to waste a favor like this, especially when he hadn't met the new deputy director.

  Gao Shaoyuan has been influenced by his parents since he was a child. Although he is only in his early twenties, he is still a fine person.

  Hearing what Yao Shi said, he immediately nodded slightly: "Our box is at 105, you go to work first, and come back when you have time."

  Actually, if Gao Jinbo could be invited to come forward, it would definitely be resolved smoothly.

  However, he still hasn't figured out what the new deputy chief is planning to do, so it's not good to startle Gao Jinbo rashly.

It would be most appropriate for Fu Yu to go to the private room to have a meal with them and have a chat with them. After all, Ren Yuchang is also here, so it’s fine if you don’t know about it. .

   After all, Ren Yuchang also contributed to the annual meeting in the provincial capital.

It has to be said that Yao Shi is very tactful in dealing with people. Let Fu Yu socialize and kill two birds with one stone. At that time, he can not only seek help from Gao Jinbo through Fu Yu's mouth, but also enhance the relationship between each other, which is good for Fu Yu himself. .

   And Gao Jinbo would not have any other thoughts, after all, everything that happened was such a coincidence.

Fu Yu followed Yao Shi to the stairs in a hurry, Yao Shi paused, turned his head to look at Fu Yu's clothes, and reminded: "You go and change your clothes first, then go to the back kitchen and tell Lao Zhao, I'll be back gone."

   Fu Yu hurriedly agreed, turned around and went to the locker room, while Yao Shi went to the office area on the second floor first while thinking.

  To be honest, he also wanted to see what kind of medicine the deputy director was selling in his gourd, what tricks he was going to make, and how he was going to do it.

  Just as he went up to the second floor, he happened to see Dong Juntian standing in the corridor in front of the office.

  The two looked at each other, and Dong Juntian hurriedly gave Yao Shi a wink.

  Yao Shi walked forward quickly.

  Dong Juntian waited for him to approach, then turned around and opened the door of the office, and walked in.

  Yao Shi then followed in. When he saw the person sitting on the reception sofa, he was taken aback for a moment, and then a smile appeared on his face: "Director Hao? Hello, hello!"

  Hao Zhenqi saw Yao Shi arriving, so he got up quickly and nodded with a smile: "Chef Yao, long time no see."

  Although it is said that all the catering shops in this district are under the management of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, in addition to work, in fact, human relations are always indispensable.

   It's just that compared to other departments, it is more difficult for the Industrial and Commercial Bureau to accommodate things.

  However, Maxima is a century-old store after all, and it has a deep foundation in Bei'an. After working for a long time, and having dealt with the Industrial and Commercial Bureau more, it is natural to get to know several staff members.

  Visit during the holidays, what coupons and other interactions are launched in the store, and take the initiative to send a few.

  This is how human relations are. Once you come and go, you will gradually have your own contacts.

  Yao Shi has been busy running music restaurants these years, and he attaches great importance to the management department above. With the resources of Maxima, he has also met many people.

  However, after seeing Hao Zhenqi, he was still a little surprised, because although the relationship between the two is not very good, Hao Zhenqi and Dong Juntian have known each other for many years.

  Less aside, this year, Dong Juntian gave Hao Zhenqi a new year's gift with the help of finance.

  And he himself has frequent dealings with Hao Zhenqi.

  At Christmas, Hao Zhenqi's mother-in-law celebrated her birthday, and the birthday party was booked at the music restaurant.

  Yao Shi gave a 25% discount at the time, which didn’t sound like much, but all the drinks that day were free, and a bottle of wine on a single table cost four figures.

  The meal fee charged in the store is just good-looking on the surface, but in fact, inside and out, it is equivalent to giving free bills directly.

  So, Yao Shi is also a little curious.

  Hao Zhenqi has just gotten such a big benefit from him, how can he really mess with him as soon as he turns around?

  Yao Shi had all sorts of thoughts popping up in an endless stream, but even though his mind was turning a thousand times now, he didn't show it in the slightest.

  After sitting down, Hao Zhenqi said: "Boss Dong, Chef Yao, I came here today to remind you that someone may come to the store to make trouble in the next two days!"

  Yao Shi suddenly realized when he heard this!

   Originally thought that Hao Zhenqi was here to deliver a message for the deputy director, or to find fault, but he didn't expect to come here to report the letter.

   Immediately asked curiously: "Director Hao, what do you mean?"

Hao Zhenqi said seriously: "Our bureau has a new leader, Yuan Zixiang, Yuan Bureau. He is newly transferred and has started to work in the bureau officially. I am also following orders, and I don't know the specifics, but Bureau Yuan heard that I have something to do with you, so let me come over to remind you, it seems that someone went to him to sue your store and insisted on doing something for you, and that person has something to do with Bureau Yuan. Yuan Ju's words are quite vague, and it's not easy for me to inquire about it."

   "It wasn't convenient for me to go into details on the phone before. I happened to be passing by today, so I wanted to come over to remind you. No matter what, I should have prepared in advance."

  Dong Juntian had obviously chatted with Hao Zhenqi, and he didn't show any surprise, but just looked at Yao Shi with a frown.

  Yao Shi nodded and understood what was going on.

   Dare to love turned out to be something like this!

  Although he has not had the chance to meet the newly appointed Deputy Director Yuan, Yao Shi has already labeled him cunning through this matter alone.

   It's no wonder he was transferred to be the deputy director. It is estimated that with his level, he will continue to be promoted in less than three years.

   This Yuan Ju is really impeccable in terms of human relations!

  For the first time here, through just one incident, he settled down with a relative who was not easy to provoke, sold a favor from them, and showed favor to a subordinate.

  Thinking of this, Yao Shi smiled lightly.

  However, he is also very grateful for Hao Zhenqi's suggestion.

   After all, although it was Yuan Ju's order, Hao Zhenqi made a special trip to report the news after making a phone call.

  Just this point made Yao Shi look at him more and more.

   It's not that Hao Zhenqi is so righteous, but because of his actions, it shows that this person's mind is delicate enough, and his work is safe enough.

   Such a person will definitely not stop at the position of deputy director in the future.

  Especially when Hao Zhenqi is still so young.

  At this time, he can come and report this letter, so that they can know some information in advance and make preparations earlier.

   Deputy Director Yuan seems to be planning to train Hao Zhenqi to be his leg!

  Thinking of this, Yao Shi hastily said: "Director Hao, thank you for your advice, thank you very much for this matter!"

Hao Zhenqi smiled, stood up and prepared to leave as he spoke: "You're welcome, everyone is on your own! I won't stay any longer, I just happened to be passing by today, and I have other things to deal with. , we have to go now."

  (end of this chapter)

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