MTL - Food Circle Plug-in Emperor-Chapter 801 Follow Chef Fu and study hard

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  Chapter 801 Follow Fu Chu to study hard

  After this time, Boss Pang's attitude when he saw Fu Yu again became more warm and attentive.

  If there are no outsiders around, he will jokingly call Fu Yu: "Fu Chu!"

  Fu Yu was terrified by this, and every time he heard it, he would go out of his way to whisper to Zhao Meng: Chef Zhao, don't worry, I never thought of usurping the throne!

   However, jokes are jokes.

  This matter also made Zhang Jiaxin and Zhang Jinyu realize at the same time that the phrase "Fuchu" is not just a nickname, and it has a different meaning from what they usually say casually.

  In their hearts, Fu Yu has real talents and real learning!

   Especially for the cooking of dishes, it is very powerful.

  Fu Yu's aura of taking orders in the back kitchen is no different from that of a chef.

  Thinking of this, they belatedly realized that in their subconscious mind, they really regarded Fu Yu as a chef.

  However, no matter how much Fu Yu's status in everyone's mind improves, in front of Zhao Meng, everything is still the same!

All the preparations in the roasting area were properly arranged. As soon as Fu Yu returned to the red case area, Zhao Meng handed over several reservation forms and said with a smile: "Chef Fu, come and take them. The orders are all orders from your regular customers."

   Actually called me "Fu Chu"! ?

  Fu Yu was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Zhao Meng in surprise.

  Sun Qingning spoke quickly, and said with a smile: "Boss Pang came over just now and told Chef Zhao to be careful, otherwise it will be easy to be slapped on the beach by your back wave and replace him."

   Also replace it!

  Fu Yu hurriedly expressed his loyalty to Zhao Meng, and said all nasty things out of his mouth.

  Everyone knows that Boss Pang just casually joked.

   Similarly, Sun Qingning could see that Zhao Meng was very proud of Fu Yu's outstanding performance, which made him a little envious.

   Zhao Meng got goosebumps from Fu Yu's words, and pretended to kick people dumbfounded: "Come on less! Stay away from me!"

   Fu Yu laughed and said: "No, I have to let you see my sincerity today!"

  The two laughed and laughed, which caused another burst of laughter from the back kitchen.

  As long as Fu Yu is around, Zhao Meng never seems to lack laughter.

  The people at Gu Yunwu's side heard the movement, and they all raised their heads to watch the excitement.

   Today's New Year's Eve dinner reservations, they also received a lot here, and everyone is busy preparing dishes.

  Gu Yunwu was not idle either, checking the heat of the old soup and the preparation of the side dishes, and arranging special tasks for several people under him.

This time, he also accepted two new interns here, and they all looked very clever, and one of them was a boy named Zhu Wan, who was very talented in cooking and learned things quickly. Gu Yunwu's impression of him That's right, after a short time, I began to let him take charge of the work of cleaning the oil.

  The preparation of dishes this morning is mainly based on the preparation of semi-finished dishes.

  For dishes like pot-wrapped meat and deep-fried dishes, the ingredients are prepared first, and the oil is prepared once it is finished.

   It saves time and does not waste effort.

  Gu Yunwu went through the cooking sequence of the pre-order, and went to instruct Zhu Wan to prepare the quantity of oily ingredients.

  One of the two said and the other remembered.

   After explaining everything, Gu Yunwu didn't leave. He stood by and instructed Zhu Wan on what to pay attention to when frying different ingredients.

   Just as he was talking, he heard the sound of laughter from Zhao Meng.

   Hearing the sound, Zhao Meng was arguing with Fu Yu, and other people gathered around to watch the excitement.

   Gu Yunwu took a look, then turned his head and continued to guide.

  Zhu Wan looked at the lively atmosphere over there, and felt yearning for it.

  He was still very interested in Fu Yu, mainly because Sun Mingze, who had a good relationship with him, happened to be assigned to work under Fu Yu.

  Sun Mingze always admired Fu Yu very much, which also aroused the dissatisfaction of others.

  Zhu Wan actually didn't think Fu Yu was so great.

   Like joining this or that association, isn't it all based on the help of nobles?

   Who doesn't know that Zhao Chu has always been partial to Yu Yu, and Yao Chu and Zhao Chu are as close as brothers.

  With the help of leaders, it will definitely be smoother in terms of official career.

  So taking advantage of the opportunity of chatting with Gu Yunwu, Zhu Wan couldn't help asking Fu Yu.

  When it came to Fu Yu, Gu Yunwu was obviously silent a lot, but occasionally he would pick up questions and answer a sentence or a half.

  Young people can't hold back their anger. When they see people who are about the same age as themselves, but they are so much better than themselves, they can't help but feel a little arrogance and a little more comparison.

   This is actually normal, who can not have a competitive heart?

   What's more, he is an excellent student recommended by the school. He enters the kitchen of the restaurant with enthusiasm and prepares to learn art well. He will strive to apply for a job after graduation in the future.

  Gu Yunwu didn't think it was a bad thing either, young people must have the vigor of young people.

  Besides, sometimes, reasonable comparison and competition can really drive enthusiasm for work.


   Gu Yunwu looked at Zhu Wan like this, and couldn't help but want to say something more, you can compare with others, and even set others as your goals, but this person must not be Fu Yu.

   Even if you are choosing a target, you must choose a suitable one.

   After all, comparing you and Fu Yu is not called comparison, it is called abuse!

   It is a good thing to find a goal for yourself.

   But you can't find a goal that will never be achieved, which is a bit of a joke.

  However, looking at the ambitious Zhu Wan, Gu Yunwu swallowed the words again, and didn't say much after all.

  Young people are all like this, very "single stupid", even if I say it, I guess he may not take it to heart.

   Forget it, how can young people know humility if they don’t suffer some setbacks?

  Zhu Wan saw that Gu Yunwu suddenly looked at him expectantly, and was immediately flattered.

  Could it be that Chef Gu has also discovered his potential and feels that he may catch up with Fu Yu in the future?

  Thinking of this, Zhu Wan decided that from now on, he must practice his cooking skills and strive to improve himself.

  After frying two pots of fish meat, Zhang Jiaxin came back from the roasting area and reported to Gu Yunwu: "Chef Gu, cooking is about to start in the roasting area. Who should we transfer to follow me today?"

  Gu Yunwu pointed at Zhu Wan without thinking, and ordered: "Xiao Zhu, go, he works quickly, and he can work with you, and he can also get acquainted with the operation of baking."

  Go to the roasting area, and the work in the red case area can no longer be done.

  There are a lot of pre-orders today, Yao Yihang will definitely stay in charge, so he can only send Zhang Jiaxin to the baking area to cooperate with receiving orders.

   As for Xiaogong, Qi Shun can basically go to the stove, and he can stand up for a while at critical moments. A newcomer like Zhu Wan is sent over, and it doesn't have much impact.

   When Gu Yunwu sent people, he considered the overall arrangement, not the person.

  But when Zhu Wan heard that Chef Gu was going to arrange for him to study in the baking area, he was overjoyed.

  Look, the leader attaches great importance to him. Among the students who came together at the same time, only he can go to the baking area. Even Sun Mingze, who seems to be the best, doesn't have this opportunity.

  The more Zhu Wan thought about it, the more complacent she became. When she followed Zhang Jiaxin to the baking area, the smile on her face was almost uncontrollable.

   Arrived at the roasting area, Zhang Jiaxin knew the way, and went straight to his roasting position.

  Zhu Wan came here for the first time, looking around while walking.

  The grilling area is very spacious and well organized.

  There are three ovens in total, and Zhang Jinyu is busy burning charcoal in front of the oven facing the food transfer table.

  Seeing Zhang Jiaxin bringing Zhu Wan over, Zhang Jinyu smiled: "Chef Zhang, my side is already cooked, why don't you just take it?"

  Zhang Jiaxin used the oven on the left. Hearing this, he hurriedly thanked him and brought two pieces of charcoal.

  Because of Fu Yu's relationship, Zhang Jinyu and Zhang Jiaxin got along pretty well, and they chatted while working.

  Zhang Jinyu picked up the carbon block, and said casually: "Chu Fu hasn't come back yet, I have burned all the carbon."

  Zhang Jiaxin smiled: "When I passed by just now, I saw him joking with Chef Zhao."

  Zhang Jinyu was delighted when he heard it: "Chu Fu is a treasure, with him, even Chef Zhao has become amiable."

  Zhang Jiaxin joked with a smile: "Is it really okay for you to say that about Zhao Chu behind your back?"

  Zhang Jinyu laughed and said, "I dare not say it face to face!"

  The two chatted and laughed, and Zhang Jiaxin started to prepare for grilling. He first went through all the dishes on the takeaway order list. The customers basically ordered the special barbecue in the store.

   Roughly arranged all the dishes in their minds, Zhang Jiaxin looked at Zhu Wan: "Have you ever touched barbecue?"

  Zhu Wan's eyes lit up when he heard Zhang Jiaxin's question: "I have contacted it before. My family owns a barbecue restaurant. I usually go to my restaurant to help out as long as I catch up with the holidays."

  Zhang Jiaxin didn't expect this to happen, and he was happy when he heard it: "That's good, I'll bake it, and you help me."

  Now Zhang Jiaxin is quite confident, even if Zhang Jinyu encounters cooking problems, he can handle it with his current level.

  Zhu Wan was a little excited when he saw that he could learn the roasting technique of Maxima. Hearing Zhang Jiaxin's instructions, he began to process the seafood that needed to be roasted for a while.

  Zhang Jiaxin was a little worried, so he deliberately watched it for a while.

  Zhu Wan's basic skills are still very solid, whether it is handling seafood or skewering the grill, he is very professional.

  The barbecue restaurant in his family has been open for more than 20 years, and he has been familiar with it since he was a child. Although the conditions in various aspects are definitely not as good as those of Maxima, the skills are generally changed.

  He is quite experienced in the operation process, and now he is helping Zhang Jiaxin, and he is doing very well.

   There is a degree of relaxation and ease!

  Zhang Jiaxin didn't expect Zhu Wan's cooperation to be so high, and he was very satisfied. He thought that he would bring Zhu Wan with him when he came to the baking area in shifts in the future.

  Grilled oysters and grilled eel are the more popular seafood barbecues now. It doesn’t take long to cook, and they can be packed and sent away in a short time.

  Zhu Wan is quite satisfied with her performance.

   Zhang Jinyu on the side also smiled, and praised: "Little Zhu did a good job, she doesn't look like a rookie at all."

  Zhu Wanyi smiled. It is something to be proud of for an intern like him to be recognized by veteran employees.

   And Zhang Jiaxin was also very happy to see that Zhu Wan was doing well. After all, which chef in charge doesn't want his helper to be smart and capable?

  Zhu Wan smiled politely: "Where, the main thing is that our Chef Zhang and Chef Gu are approachable and willing to take me."

Zhang Jiaxin was very pleased when he heard this, and nodded, "I'm nothing, you should learn from Chef Gu. If you have the opportunity to get the guidance of Chef Fu in the future, you will definitely make great progress. After all, you Still very talented!"

  Zhu Wan was stunned for a moment.

  Why does this sound weird?


  Zhu Wan was working and pondering, feeling more and more wrong!

  He pondered Zhang Jiaxin's words carefully.

   "Learn from Chef Gu".

   There is nothing wrong with this sentence. After all, Chef Gu is much better than Zhang Jiaxin. He is a master chef, so he is definitely worth learning!

  But what does it mean "If you have the opportunity to get the guidance of Fu Chu, you will definitely make great progress."

   How did you say this? !

   Usually, Zhang Jiaxin is a very strict person, so he won't mention things like this easily.

  However, it is so smooth to say it now, it is clear that he thinks so in his heart!

  Thinking of this, Zhu Wan couldn't help putting away his contempt for Fu Yu, and re-examined this person formally!

  Through his discovery and understanding since entering the back kitchen, Fu Yu's achievements in cooking have been carefully reviewed.

  Such a detailed product, let alone, this person is really not simple!

However, because he usually learns cooking from Gu Yunwu, he has no chance to know how Fu Yu's cooking skills are. All the news is obtained from other people's descriptions, which makes it difficult for him to understand from the bottom of his heart. Approve this thing.

  After much deliberation, Zhu Wan decided to observe Fu Yu carefully in the future, whether this person is really as powerful as the rumors say.

  After Zhang Jiaxin finished baking here, he contacted the waiter to come over and deliver the packed barbecue takeaway to the front desk.

   As a result, not long after, Liu Yuqing came over with the prepared New Year's Eve barbecue reservation.

  Zhang Jinyu went to the red case area to find Fu Yu, only Zhang Jiaxin and Zhu Wan were left in the baking area.

   As soon as Liu Yuqing entered the door, she heard Zhu Wan greet her: "Xiaoqing, you are here!"

   Liu Yuqing was taken aback for a moment, then smiled out of politeness: "Oh, yes, you are busy."

  People in the shop only call her Xiaoqing if they are close to her.

  Like this new intern, it seems that he has never dealt with him twice, but he is quite familiar with him.

  Liu Yuqing handed the order form to Zhang Jiaxin: "This is the takeaway order form drawn out by Sister Jiang. Take a look, it's all matched with the dishes on the table."

  Zhang Jiaxin took it over, looked it over carefully, and praised: "You guys are really careful in doing things. If you circle them like this, we can also arrange the order of baking."

   Liu Yuqing smiled: "The main reason is that Sister Jiang is careful."

  While the two were talking, Zhu Wan kept staring at Liu Yuqing with good eyes.

   Thanks: 600 starting coins for the favorite watermelon! Thank you!



  (end of this chapter)