MTL - Food Circle Plug-in Emperor-Chapter 790 Oyster Dinner

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  Chapter 790 Oyster Banquet

  Fu Yu followed Liu Yuqing to the front desk, and moved all the New Year's goods to the back kitchen.

  As soon as the things were placed, Zhang Jinyu shouted: "Fu Chu, there is an order from your regular customer!"

  Fu Yu was taken aback for a moment, and quickly walked towards his kitchen counter.

  Sun Mingze, who was busy preparing materials, also hurriedly got up and ran over.

  It's not time for lunch yet, but a customer rushed to the door early and ordered Fu Yu's cooking directly.

   This is an order placed by the two chefs. Under normal circumstances, it will definitely attract attention.

  But now the people in the kitchen have a very high degree of trust in Fu Yu. In their hearts, without knowing it, Fu Yu's weight has begun to catch up with Zhao Meng and Gu Yunwu.

  Hearing him take the order is the same as hearing the chef take the order, and I feel more at ease.

   Zhao Meng and Gu Yunwu are even more accustomed to this.

  In their view, Fu Yu is now in the promotion process between the chef and the chef.

  The level is higher than ordinary chefs, but not as experienced as chefs who have worked for many years.

  If it is said that every order and cooking in the back kitchen is an assessment, Fu Yu's assessment score is very high.

  This is also the reason why everyone trusts him more.

  Sun Mingze looks very simple and innocent on the outside, but in fact, the little fat man is very thoughtful.

  Every time Fu Yu is in charge, he must seize every opportunity to watch from a close distance. Even if he can't get verbal guidance, being able to see all the details of the operation is a very beneficial thing for him.

   Fu Yu took the order list and glanced at it, he couldn't help but be taken aback!

  Good guy, I actually ordered a table of oyster feasts, and basically ordered all the oyster dishes on the menu.

   Fu Yu counted, there are ten kinds of oyster dishes owned by Maxima.

  Raw, steamed, stir-fried, pan-fried, dry-roasted, baked oysters with cheese, classic oysters, vinegar-marinated oysters, bacon oyster rolls, charcoal-grilled oysters.

   What you order is enough!

  However, why did you specially prepare a table of oyster dishes?

   This meal is a bit too filling!

The orderer seriously explained: "Chef Fu, the customer said that in addition to these oyster dishes on the menu, if the back kitchen can make other flavors of oyster dishes, they can also serve them directly. .”

   Fu Yu was a little curious, and couldn't help asking, "Why did you order a table of oyster feasts?"

The order clerk is a young daughter-in-law with a cheerful personality. Hearing this, she smiled and said, "I heard that someone is getting married tomorrow, and I have to go back to arrange the wedding in the afternoon. Isn't this a celebration to bid farewell to being single today? I ordered a table of oyster dishes, ready to make up for the groom."

  As soon as the words came out, everyone around suddenly burst out laughing.

   These people can really make trouble!

  Sun Qingning has always been a fan of meat and vegetables. Hearing this fun, he couldn't help saying: "It's so lively to eat such a table of oysters!"

   Zhao Meng just came back at this time, and when he heard them talking, he was speechless and said: "You don't care how you make love, if you are envious, when you get married later, I will ask Fu Yu to make you a table of oyster feast!"

  Sun Qingning has been with Zhao Meng for a long time, and he is not as restrained as before. Hearing this, he said with a smile: "Hey! You all heard that, Fu Chu, you have to set up a table for me by then!"

   Fu Yu laughed and said: "Okay, it's a deal!"

  Everyone in the back kitchen laughed again.

   Zhao Meng laughed and scolded: "Okay, hurry up and work, there are so many nonsense in a day."

   As he spoke, he walked up to Fu Yu and asked, "What did you order?"

   Fu Yu handed over the order list.

   Zhao Meng looked at it carefully and nodded: "Well, I ordered everything that can be ordered, so let's do it."

   Maxima itself is a seafood restaurant. In terms of various seafood dishes, the dishes are still very complete.

  There are recipes, which are basically a summary of all the cooking methods of the ingredients.

  Fu Yu was about to nod his head in response. In fact, the store has a full range of oyster dishes, including everything that is common on the market.

   At this time, the familiar electronic prompt sounded suddenly:

【Ding! The task of the NPC customer: My buddy will get married tomorrow, please make him a table of 18 auspicious oyster feasts that symbolize being rich and in charge of family wealth. Task completion reward: a random reward]


  This task

After hearing the mission requirements, Fu Yu couldn't help complaining in his heart. This mission system is actually very cunning. Although it doesn't force him to do any missions, it sets nodes at critical moments. As long as you want to get rewards, To become stronger, it is necessary to complete its mission.

  And the task rewards are always set at a specific moment, which is particularly attractive.

   Just like now!

  Relying on his past mission experience, the so-called random rewards have never been casual.

Glancing at the task content, Fu Yu scratched his head and said to Zhao Meng: "Chef Zhao, the customer specifically requested that if we can make other oyster dishes here, I hope we can make as many dishes as possible. I just learned from my master. After two things, it’s just a matter of practice.”

   Zhao Meng couldn't help frowning when he heard this: "Your master taught you, it must be a private kitchen over there. It's not good to make it here?"

   What Liu Yunong taught Fu Yu to cook must be Liu's family dishes, which are the dishes usually operated by Shangshi's private restaurant.

   There is no need to cook on this side.

  And the customer has already ordered a large table noodle menu, no matter how many dishes are added, it is a commission money.

  Not to mention Bai's efforts, he still has to suffer.

Fu Yu smiled, but still insisted: "This customer is my regular customer. He is very nice. I used to introduce friends here. It is rare for him to make a request. Since I can do it, I want to make him as good as possible." satisfy."

   During this period of time, he has read a lot of classic old-style recipes, because he needs to cook a lot of seafood dishes, so he pays more attention to this aspect.

  In the recipes he has read, there are some cooking methods about oysters.

   It should not be difficult to make up 8 dishes carefully.

  The cooking method is already known, and the practical aspect should not be a problem. He is still very confident in his cooking skills.

  Fu Yu knows Zhao Meng very well. As long as it involves cooking ethics, Zhao Meng will definitely understand and support the general requirements.

  Now he wants to work hard to satisfy the customers, and Zhao Meng will not stop him regardless of emotion or reason.

   Sure enough, Zhao Meng finally nodded to Fu Yu's proposal: "Okay, then do what you can. I'll help you make two of the few dishes you've ordered, so don't delay the serving."

   It's not time for lunch yet, and the back kitchen is not busy.

   After Zhao Meng finished speaking, he carefully looked at the menu and tore off a few dishes.

  Steamed, stir-fried, dry-roasted, baked oysters with cheese, classic oysters, oyster rolls with bacon.

   He took over six dishes in one go, and the remaining four are simple and easy to handle, and Fu Yu cooks the barbecue.

  Sun Qingning saw that Zhao Meng was helping to take the order, and hurriedly came over and said, "Fu Chu, I happen to be idle, is there anything I can do?"

  Fu Yu was not polite, and directly handed over the list of charcoal-grilled oysters: "Go to the roasting area, I just can't do without it."

  Sun Qingning agreed, took the list and left.

  Fu Yu didn't waste any more time, and ordered Zhang Jinyu to prepare the dishes, while he started cooking.

   Taking advantage of the preparation time, Fu Yu went to get some Tieguanyin by himself first, and made tea with hot broth.

   Maxima has always used authentic Tieguanyin to make pan-fried oysters, so the taste is authentic.

  After Zhang Jinyu and Sun Mingze prepared all the side dishes, Fu Yu started cooking.

  After brewing Tieguanyin, filter out the tea soup and set aside.

   Peel the onion and cut into slices.

  Wash the oysters with salt, add tea soup to marinate and drain, then dip in starch, fry the oysters in a pan until golden brown, remove and set aside.

  Dip the onion slices with custard powder, fry them in a frying pan until golden brown, remove them and put them on the bottom of the dish, and put the fried oysters on top.

  Boil the Tieguanyin tea soup, add marinated oysters to thicken it, and pour it around the plate.

   Pan-fried oysters are ready to serve.

  As soon as the dishes were taken away, Fu Yu began to clean up the raw oysters himself.

  Raw oysters must be handled carefully.

  Fu Yu picked up a moderately sized oyster and put it under clear water. He used a small brush to scrub off the sand on the surface of the shell. At the same time, he took out the oyster meat, rinsed it under running water, and put it back into half of the shell.

  Cut the lemon, wash it, squeeze out the juice and pour it on the oyster meat.

   Squeeze wasabi into special hoisin sauce, and put another small dish for dipping sauce.

  Fu Yu cooked at a fast speed. It took less than ten minutes to serve the two dishes.

  There is still a vinegar-marinated oyster left on the order list. This dish was the unique skill of Mr. Dong back then.

   When cooking this dish, when choosing the ingredients, Fu Yu picked up small oysters the size of a thumb, which taste the best.

  Rinse the oysters repeatedly with clean water until there are no impurities, drain the water, and pour the corn oil that has been heated until smoking and cooled down into the oysters for soaking.

  Soaking in corn oil that has been heated and let cool is to thoroughly clean the mucus of oysters and enhance the fragrance.

  After soaking, rinse it with clean water, and pass it through cold water for the last time. Drain the water and put it in the refrigerator to keep it fresh.

  Wash and chop the peppers, peel the garlic and chop into minced garlic, wash and remove the leaves of the celery and chop into pieces, wash and chop the coriander.

  Mix soy sauce, mature vinegar and sugar to make a sauce.

   Stir the chili, minced garlic, celery, coriander and sauce evenly to form a marinade.

  Take out the oysters, pour over the marinade, and let stand.

   After processing the vinegar-marinated oysters, Fu Yu began to cook the oyster dishes in the classic old recipe.

  The few dishes he chose were all characteristic oyster cooking dishes.

  Fried oysters, baked oysters, milk oysters, Gillette oysters, the cooking methods of these dishes are relatively simple.

   After Fu Yu finished cooking quickly, he began to cook oyster lean meat porridge and oyster miso pot.

   Shred lean pork meat, mix well with water starch, wash oysters, shred green onion and **** for later use.

  Wash the polished round-grained rice and put it in the pot, bring it to a boil over a strong fire and change to a low heat until the porridge is ready, then pour in shredded pork, green onions, shredded ginger, and oysters in turn.

  Cook shredded pork and oysters over low heat, add sesame oil, refined salt, and monosodium glutamate according to taste.

  When Fu Yu was cooking oyster and lean meat porridge, he had a whim and looked through the [List of the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine (1)].

   It is said that oysters are great tonic, but in fact the most important effect is to nourish blood, nourish blood and nourish yin.

  However, oysters are a traditional Chinese medicinal material. Both the meat and the shell can be used as medicine, and they have high medicinal value.

   While cooking porridge, Fu Yu checked the specific medicinal effects of oysters.

  In the future, if you encounter an applicable disease, you can add it to the recipe as a medicinal dish.

   "Fu Chu, the white radish has been ground into mud."

  Zhang Jinyu came over with the grated white radish puree.

  Fu Yu happened to hand over the lean oyster porridge boiled in the pot to him to take care of, while he started cooking the oyster miso pot.

  Grind the white radish into a puree, put it into the oyster meat and rub it lightly to remove the broken shells left on the oyster meat, then put the oyster meat into a mesh sieve, and wash off the radish puree with water.

  Cut baked tofu into cubes, and cut long onions into sections.

  Tear the medicine into irregular pieces by hand, cut the celery into sections, soak in ice water for a while and then drain.

  Put white miso, red miso, sugar, and **** paste in a large bowl according to the proportion and mix well, then add rice wine and mix thoroughly to make miso paste.

   Spread the miso paste around the hot pot, then pour in the broth and bring to a boil, then put the ingredients into the hot pot until cooked.

  The broth is cooked by Fu Yu. Rinse the dried kelp and put it in a pot with water to heat it. Cook until small bubbles form on the edge of the kelp. Remove the kelp and add a little salt and light soy sauce.

   While Fu Yu was cooking the broth, Zhao Meng took the time to take a look.

   For a while, he was stunned and didn't understand what Fu Yu was doing.

   Zhao Meng asked: "What are you cooking?"

  Fu Yu explained: "Oh, I need to use kombu broth to make oyster miso pot."

  Zhao Meng was taken aback for a moment: "Kombu boiled broth?"

   Fu Yu smiled: "Yes, the taste of the miso pot made this way is better."

   Seeing that Fu Yu could cook kombu soup, Zhao Meng didn't say anything, but he was very emotional.

   It's Liu's family food after all!

   It's not easy!

  It was the first time he knew that to make miso soup, he needed to use kombu to boil the broth.

   There are several kinds of miso in the back kitchen, but Fu Yu chose the sweeter miso to make the sauce.

  Because it is paired with oysters, the taste is more delicious when cooked with high-sweet miso.

  Even Zhao Meng was amazed by the secret cooking method, Zhang Jinyu and Sun Mingze all stared wide-eyed, staring at Fu Yu's operation with full concentration, for fear of missing any key steps.

   Taking advantage of the cooking time of the ingredients, Fu Yu turned around and cooked oyster soup and soft fried oyster eggs.

  In fact, the dish of soft fried oyster eggs used to be served in Maxima, but later because of the sudden popularity of oyster omelette snacks in the market, because the taste is somewhat similar, the ingredients and ingredients are not much different.

  But because the store uses fresh oysters, the price is more expensive than the price of food stalls.

  The ordering rate of this dish is getting lower and lower, and it was removed from the menu later.

  But now it can be used as an oyster dish.

  It is not only delicious, but also simple to make. Before the oyster soup is cooked, the soft fried oyster eggs have been taken away and sent to the customer's table.

  (end of this chapter)

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