MTL - Food Circle Plug-in Emperor-Chapter 782 Chrysanthemum fish

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  Fu Yu looked at Liu Yuqing's serious face, and smiled and said: "The new wife is here, how can I let you into the kitchen? Besides, I am the chef. You just need to order what you want to eat."

  New daughter-in-law. Come to the door

  Liu Yuqing felt dizzy for a while. With a blushing face, she tried her best to keep herself awake, and her voice was low and inaudible: "Then I have to behave well, right?"

   After saying this, Liu Yuqing was so shy that her ears turned red.

   Fu Yu had a smile on his lips: "You, you don't have to do anything, just follow me back, and they will be happy!"

  Liu Yuqing shook her head: "Then how can it be the same! No matter how kind my uncle and aunt are, I should also learn what I should learn. If I can't get past it, let them be busy serving, what will it be!"

Speaking of this, Liu Yuqing made up her mind that after returning home, she would concentrate on practicing her specialty dishes, and then learn from her sister, not only to shock the two elders, but also to make them feel that she is a good teacher Be a good future daughter-in-law in the kitchen!

  Liu Yuqing has always had an idea, since she wants to do it, she will not hesitate any longer.

   The two of them went back to the hotel after shopping. After Liu Yunong packed up his luggage, he drove back.

  It was already half past five when we arrived in Beian.

  It gets dark early in winter, and at this time, the sky is already very dark.

   Liu Yunong sent Fu Yu back to Maxima, and while waiting for Fu Yu to pick up his luggage, he handed over the bought New Year's goods along the way.

   "I went to the provincial capital this time, and I bought some local specialties by the way. It just so happens that you go home during the Chinese New Year. Take it back and give it to your parents to try."

  Although Fu Yu already knew about it, he never expected that Liu Yunong would prepare so many gifts for him.

  Looking at the piles of special products piled up all over the floor, he was moved and grateful and said, "Thank you, master!"

  Liu Yunong smiled: "You're welcome with me, that's fine, after a hard day, you should go back and rest early."

   Fu Yu kept watching the car drive away, and then moved everything back to the dormitory with his arms and arms.

  Hang up the new clothes, set aside part of the new year’s goods separately, call the courier to pick them up, and allocate the rest in advance.

   While everyone was working, Fu Yu secretly sent Zhao Meng's share to the house first, and let them come and pick up the others' shares when the time comes.

   And Liu Yuqing drove home with her sister, hurriedly carried all the things she bought upstairs, changed into home clothes, and went straight into the kitchen.

   Liu Yunong came out after changing clothes, and saw Liu Yuqing standing in front of the refrigerator, rummaging through the things inside.

   "What are you doing? I'm tired from cooking all day today, let's order takeaway. Didn't you want to eat maocai before? It's Chuanxiangyuan's house, right?"

   Upon hearing this, Liu Yuqing hurriedly said, "Don't eat takeaway, sister, you've been driving for a long day and you've worked hard. I'll cook tonight!"

  When these words came out, Liu Yunong couldn't help being taken aback.

  She looked at her sister in surprise, full of disbelief!


  Although Liu Yuqing has cooked before, she is obviously more interested in food research.

  The family always orders takeaway, or she cooks, and Liu Yuqing hardly ever enters the kitchen.

   How many years has Liu Yuqing not cooked for herself?

   Liu Yunong suddenly felt a little uneasy. She looked at her sister worriedly, and secretly guessed in her heart, this girl must have been stimulated by something, right?

   Seeing Liu Yuqing busy, Liu Yunong turned around and prepared to go to the living room to make a phone call.

  It's too late today, she doesn't plan to go to the store, but there are some things that need to be explained to the back chef.

   "Sister! Don't leave, I still want to ask you for advice!" Seeing that her sister was about to leave, Liu Yuqing hurriedly called someone to stop her.

   Liu Yunong turned around in surprise: "Ask me for advice?"

   Liu Yuqing said expectantly: "Yes, sister, teach me two easy-to-operate, delicious and delicious Liu family dishes!"

   Liu Yunong was even more surprised this time: "Learning to cook Liu's family dishes? Hey, what kind of wind is this blowing?"

  Liu Yuqing hesitated for a moment, but still told about Fu Yu's plan to take her home.

   Liu Yunong's eyes lit up immediately, which was a bit beyond her expectation.

   It is precisely because of understanding that she can rest assured that her younger sister will fall in love with Fu Yu.

  She knew that Fu Yu could treat Liu Yuqing well, but she never thought that Fu Yu would take Liu Yuqing to see her parents so early on.

  The in-laws of the two parties met, and the relationship between the young lovers can be regarded as a certainty.

  For Liu Yuqing, this must be a good thing.

   And Fu Yu was willing to take Liu Yuqing home to meet his parents, which also showed the importance he attached to this relationship.

  My sister was treated sincerely, so Liu Yunong was naturally very helpful.

So he nodded and said: "Okay, our family has a few special dishes, which are easy to learn and easy to use. You have a cooking foundation, so it will not be difficult to learn. I will arrange the things in the store first, and I will come to teach you. "

  Liu Yuqing's talent is not bad, mainly because she has been exposed to it since she was a child. Although she doesn't get started many times, she still knows a lot more about cooking than ordinary people.

  The two sisters, one devoted to guidance and the other to study hard, quickly cooked a few authentic Liu family dishes.

  The conditions at home are limited, and all the dishes are simple and easy to operate, but they are delicious in color and flavor.

  Although it is not as complete as the store's complete ingredients and exquisite presentation, it is already very good for the family to eat.

  The two sisters dine together.

  Looking at the dishes on the table, Liu Yunong sighed secretly.

   This is the power of love, it is really too powerful.

  If Liu Yuqing had the energy to learn how to cook at the beginning, now the sisters will join hands to develop the family business.

  Looking at it this way, my sister is really good at the hall and the kitchen, and Fu Yu is really lucky!

   "Ah Choo!"

   Fu Yu sent the special products to Zhao Meng's room, then changed into a chef's uniform and went straight to the back kitchen.

   This time is the busiest time for dinner, Zhao Meng is obviously very busy, but he still tries to find time to ask Fu Yu carefully about his experience of going to the provincial capital this time.

  Fu Yu explained in great detail.

  Hearing that Fu Yu performed well at the exchange meeting and was recognized and praised by everyone, Zhao Meng was immediately delighted from ear to ear.

   But no matter how proud and proud he is in his heart, he deliberately disliked him and said, "You kid will put gold on your face. How can anyone praise yourself like a flower? Can't you be more humble?"

Fu Yu and Zhao Meng have always been poor and used to it, and they said cheerfully: "Who made me so good! When I stop there, my whole body has a flash effect, and I have superb cooking skills. They were stunned! Oh, Chef Zhao, you didn't go to the scene to take a look, and everyone asked for my contact information!"

   Zhao Meng was amused, and made a gesture to kick someone: "You boy, really."

   While joking, Zhao Meng's cell phone rang suddenly.

   Zhao Meng picked it up and took a look, and found that it was Yao Shi calling.

  Zhao Meng quickly picked up the phone: "Hey, Chef Yao, what's the matter?"

  The background sound on the other end of the phone sounded chaotic and very lively.

   "Old Zhao, can you come here now?"

  Zhao Meng: "Yes, what's wrong?"

Yao Shi's voice was a bit embarrassed: "Old Zhao, it's like this. An old friend of mine is going to entertain a few people for dinner tonight. Isn't it Chinese New Year? They airlifted him an ultra-low temperature tuna and wanted to get it to our shop. Help with processing."

  When Zhao Meng heard this, he quickly responded, "Okay, then let them come over."

  Yao Shi said: "Already on the way, I asked Xiao Gao to help arrange the box."

  In the last two days of the previous year, the reserved tables in the store were already full. Except for the customers who had access to the reserved private rooms, everyone else could only dine in the lobby.

  Zhao Meng understood: "Okay, that's it? Then I know."

  Yao Shi warned again: "Don't make the dipping sauce, they brought the wasabi themselves."

   Zhao Meng smiled: "That's great, these people are pretty good at eating."

  Yao Shi also smiled: "That's not it, I have something to do here today, please help to pay attention, I asked them to enter the store and directly report your regular customer list."

   Zhao Meng responded: "Okay, I understand, don't worry."

  Hung up the phone, Zhao Meng contacted Gao Wenjing directly: "Xiao Gao, it's me, Lao Zhao."

   Gao Wenjing heard it, and said quickly: "Chef Zhao, what's wrong?"

   Zhao Meng asked: "Chef Yao contacted you just now, he has a friend to eat at the restaurant, which box are you going to arrange?"

  Gao Wenjing said: "103, we have contacted here, and the customer said that he will arrive at the store in half an hour."

  When Zhao Meng heard it, he said before it was too late: "Okay, then I know, the person is here, you can just place an order with me, and I will catch up with the work at hand first."

  Gao Wenjing hurriedly said, "Okay, I see."

   Zhao Meng hung up the phone, not in the mood to gossip with Fu Yu, and hurriedly adjusted the list in his hand.

  Fu Yu is back, Zhao Meng can save a lot.

  When he called, Fu Yu was beside him, vaguely hearing that Yao Shi had sent some work to Zhao Meng.

  So he asked in a low voice: "What's wrong? Are you all right?"

  Zhao Meng shook his head: "It's okay, some friends from Chef Yao will come to the restaurant for dinner, and the seafood they bring, let our back kitchen help to deal with it."

  Fu Yu didn't take it seriously, and asked casually, "What seafood? Did you catch it yourself?"

   Maxima was originally a seafood restaurant, with all kinds of seafood.

  However, I occasionally meet special customers who bring their own ingredients to the store for processing.

  Under normal circumstances, the store will not accept such orders.

  It’s just like today’s situation, when friends or relatives with leaders come to the store, the kitchen can only cooperate as much as possible.

   Now is the time to start winter fishing, Fu Yu thought that he sent some fresh river fish over and asked them to help cook.

   Zhao Meng said, "It's ultra-low temperature tuna brought in by air."

   "Ultra-low temperature tuna?!" Fu Yu was a little surprised when he heard this.

  Qianlima also sells tuna, but they are all frozen in ordinary cold sea water, because most of the customers who come to the store eat fresh seafood, and there are not many people ordering this kind of frozen fish that specializes in sashimi.

  However, although Fu Yu has never cooked real ultra-low temperature tuna, he heard it from the teacher when he was in school.

  Ultra-low temperature tuna is the short-term processing of the caught tuna. In the links of return, storage, distribution and terminal storage, the tuna is in a state of deep freezing at -55°C.

  It is generally red or dark red after thawing.

   However, the shades of the tuna shades vary greatly, but the luster is natural.

  After thawing, you can still smell the unique aroma of tuna. The meat is tender, refreshing, elastic, and melts in your mouth.

   It's just that such refrigeration requirements are relatively strict, and ordinary restaurants like them simply cannot meet such standards.

   Chef Yao’s friend is probably not an ordinary person who can transport ultra-low temperature tuna by air.

  Zhao Meng nodded: "Well, customers still have half an hour to arrive at the store, let's hurry up here, and just don't delay the serving of food by then."

  There are too many people in the back kitchen, and Fu Yu didn't mention the special products brought back, and just took orders to work.

   Not long after, news came from Gao Wenjing that the customer had arrived and was ordering food.

  Although I bring my own seafood, I still order a few special dishes in the store.

   Zhao Meng received the news that he had almost cooked all the dishes at hand, so he hurriedly ordered the little worker to free up his hands to prepare the side dishes for the new list.

  At this time, Gao Wenjing was personally receiving these customers in the ordering area of ​​the front hall.

  Xue Shu handed Gao Wenjing the low-temperature tuna that he brought with him, and explained: "Just ask the back kitchen to help cut it directly. The sauce only needs a plate of soy sauce."

   Gao Wenjing nodded, and ordered the waiter to send the ingredients to the back kitchen.

  After the waiter left, Xue Shu dragged a few friends over to choose seafood.

  Xue Shu is an obscure rich second generation. He is in his thirties and doesn’t even have a serious career. He lives entirely on his family’s assets.

  Although this person has no ambition, he has a good personality and his only hobby is tasting food.

  He has no ability, and the family business has never intervened, but he has a capable elder brother who has made the company flourish.

   Even brought him along with him.

  Especially when Xue Shu and his elder brother were close since childhood, his elder brother also took special care of him.

  Therefore, in order to establish a relationship with his brother, many people will deliberately approach him to please him, just thinking that he can help introduce him and make a few good words.

   Today's low-temperature tuna was specially given to him by someone. Xue Shu has already been taken care of by his elder brother for the kindness of eating, drinking and drinking, so he has no burden to put it away.

  Getting something good, he hurriedly invited his friends to come and taste it together.

   Having many friends, there must be good and bad.

   Someone is grateful that he has encountered good things and thinks about himself, so the relationship will naturally become closer.

   There are also people who are hot-eyed and he doesn't care about shit, but they are better than themselves, so they are envious and jealous, and some bad things come out from time to time.

When everyone was ordering, Chen Chen squinted his eyes at Xue Shu who was surrounded by stars like a moon, and suddenly said loudly: "Hey! I heard that the yusheng made by Qianlima is very good, especially the chrysanthemum yusheng. The sliced ​​fish is almost thinner than paper, Young Master Xue, let's order a plate and try it?"