MTL - Food Circle Plug-in Emperor-Chapter 770 you boy can do it

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  Chapter 770 You are really good, kid

   Fu Yu was overjoyed, and sent a screenshot of the news to his parents.

   It's an honor to be on the news, and it's worth showing off.

  The message from his side had just been sent, and an electronic notification sound suddenly sounded in his ear:

【Ding! NPC godfather Zhao Meng's long-term serial mission: complete all the set goals, surpass Che Yuhang, break all his achievements one by one, and do what he says. The established task (5) Join the national research association, the task has been completed, the reward: RMB +100, Che Yuhang's personal skill: cooking (intermediate level). 】

   Fu Yu was stunned for a full minute, but he didn't react!


  He didn't do anything, why did he suddenly complete a task?

  Join a national research association?

   Except Liu Shaoxian said before that he was going to invite him to join the National Medicinal Diet Research Association as a consultant, and he didn't join other national research associations?

   What the **** happened?

  Why did I suddenly become a member of the National Research Association?

  Originally, he planned to take this opportunity to go to the provincial capital to participate in the award ceremony to follow Liu Shao to meet the members of the inspection team, but he failed to go.

   Others failed to pass, but now they successfully joined the association. This must be the help of Liu Shaoxian!

   After thinking about it for a while, Fu Yu figured it out.

   It should be that he won the award in the video cooking competition held by the Provincial Food Association this time, so Liu Shaoxian took this opportunity to help him apply for membership.

   Now that the matter of joining the club has been confirmed, that's why he suddenly received a reminder that the task was completed.

  Because Liu Shao's ancestors were not in front of him, and he made a sudden decision, he didn't receive the mission first.

  Thinking about it this way, it makes sense.

   Fu Yu was very grateful in his heart, wondering if he should call Liu Shaoxian to express his gratitude.

   As soon as the idea came to him, he suddenly realized that this call really shouldn't be made casually. After all, in reality, he probably didn't know about it.

  However, I clearly made an appointment with Liu Shaoxian before, and when I met this annual meeting in the provincial capital, I didn't go at all, so I should take the initiative to explain to Liu Shaoxian.

  Thinking of this, Fu Yule was delighted, and just in time, he took the opportunity of explaining to contact Liu Shaoxian.

  It is a good thing to help me apply for membership. Liu Shaoxian should tell him about it by the way, so he can solemnly express his gratitude.

  Fu Yu found Liu Shaoxian's phone number and called.

   As soon as he dialed the phone, Liu Shaoxian got through immediately.

After Fu Yu explained that he had something to do here and couldn't go to the annual meeting, Liu Shaoxian just smiled and said instead: "Good job, Xiaofu! I've seen the news about your matter, this matter You did the right thing! I asked for it for you, and the award ceremony will mail your reward."

   Fu Yu didn't expect this, so he hurriedly expressed his thanks.

   Liu Shaoxian laughed and said, "Your entry video is really exciting. After watching it, I wanted to have a good chat with you."

   Fu Yu said politely: "Okay, I actually have a lot of questions I want to ask you for advice."

Liu Shaoxian laughed as soon as he heard it, and said: "Xiao Fu, there is something that I will tell you. Didn't I submit an application to our vice president to invite you to join the research association? Just now our inspection team A vote was held by all the members, and your admission to the club was unanimously approved!"

   "Congratulations, you officially joined our research association!"

  Fu Yuming already knew about this matter, but he still cooperated with surprise and said: "Really? That's great! Thank you, Teacher Liu! Thank you so much!"

   Liu Shaoxian said: "Hey, why are you being polite? By the way, the vice president has notified the research association, and will send you a membership notice directly."

  Fu Yu said gratefully: "That's great! I'm really surprised, Mr. Liu, when will you come to Bei'an again, I'll treat you to dinner!"

Liu Shaoxian said in a happy mood: "I'm actually planning to contact you, Xiaofu, can you come to the provincial capital tomorrow morning? That's right, our inspection team will be flying back tomorrow morning, I want to go Before, I recommended you to meet with the members of the inspection team, and our vice president is also there, so we can share our experience in medicinal food, and you can also introduce yourself to everyone.”

"After all, after going back this time, I don't know when I will have the opportunity to come here. Are you busy with work now? It must have been inconvenient to go to the headquarters in the past. I just want to take this opportunity to let you come here." Meet you guys."

   "You don't know, our inspection team has seen today's news, and everyone is full of praise for you!"

   Fu Yu understood immediately.

  Liu Shao first planned to strike while the iron was hot. It just so happened that his affairs had just hit the news, and while everyone in the inspection team had a good impression of him, he happened to meet and get acquainted with him.

  Those who can join the National Medicinal Diet Research Association are no ordinary people, and any relationship they make casually may be of great help in the future.

   Moreover, according to what Liu Shaoxian meant, it was precisely because I saw his cooking video at today's awards ceremony, and later heard about his being on the news, so I took the opportunity to hold a vote. "

   It is due to Liu Shaoxian that he can have such a good result.

  After all, the meaning of Liu Shaoxian's words is obvious. He had already helped submit the application for inviting Fu Yu to join the association, but the research association has not approved it.

  Just in front of such a good opportunity, Liu Shaoxian hurriedly seized it and helped Fu Yu complete the application for membership.

  Fu Yu really admired Liu Shaoxian's ability.

  This person is too shrewd, too good at seizing the opportunity.

  With emotion in his heart, Fu Yu hurriedly said, "Mr. Liu, what time are you leaving tomorrow morning?"

   Liu Shaoxian said: "The plane at 10:50 needs to leave for the airport at 10 o'clock."

  Fu Yu heard this, and promised: "Okay, Teacher Liu, I will go to find you tomorrow morning."

  Liu Shao first talked about the hotel where the inspection team stayed, and he did not forget to tell him: "Try to come here as early as possible tomorrow. We all get up early, and with more time, we can communicate more."

   Fu Yu hurriedly responded: "Okay, thank you, Teacher Liu!"

  Hung up the phone, Fu Yu couldn't sit still immediately, and hurried over to discuss with Zhao Meng about asking for leave.

  Zhao Meng never expected that Fu Yu was invited to join the National Medicinal Diet Research Association as a consultant.

  It is not a simple membership, but a consultant!

   "You boy, you can really do it!"

   Zhao Meng was so surprised that he didn't know what to say!

   Taking advantage of the absence of outsiders, Zhao Meng asked about this matter carefully.

  Fu Yu honestly told how he met Liu Shaoxian in the music restaurant.

   Zhao Meng sighed endlessly when he heard it: "You are really lucky. Okay, I will say hello to Yao Chef now."

   After finishing speaking, he helped out with an idea: "If you arrive tomorrow morning, then you have to leave today, or it will be too late!"

   Fu Yu nodded: "I think so too, they have to leave for the airport at ten o'clock tomorrow morning, I have to go there earlier."

  Zhao Meng took out his mobile phone, looked for Yao Shi's number, and said, "What time is it now, why don't you go directly, the bus station seems to pick up the bus after six o'clock, right? Don't delay the business."

   With Zhao Meng helping to deal with the aftermath, Fu Yu didn't hesitate any longer. After thanking him, he hurried back to the dormitory to pack his things, and hurried to the bus station.

  The spacious and bright room, because no one has lived in it for a long time, when the door is opened, one can feel a very obvious desertion.

  Yao Shi came back early, cleaned up briefly, then sat on the sofa and waited patiently.

  Today is the day when he and his wife agreed to meet to discuss the division of divorce property. Although he had already prepared for it, but when this day really came, he felt quite uncomfortable.

  Especially when sitting in the old home and looking at familiar scenes and things, the married life in memory can't help playing back in my mind.

  Including when he and his wife were sweet and loving, when they were arguing, until the last time they saw each other and hated each other, and felt tired.

  Since it is a division of property, there will definitely be some disputes.

   After his wife came over, there was indeed a fight over various movable and immovable properties, large and small.

  When the two were arguing over the ownership of a store, Yao Shi's cell phone rang suddenly.

  Yao Shi picked up the phone and glanced at it. It was Zhao Meng calling.

   "Wait a minute, I'll answer the phone first." Yao Shi explained and connected the phone.

  Zhao Meng cheerfully reported that Fu Yu joined the National Medicinal Diet Research Association as a consultant.

  Yao Shi was immediately delighted after hearing this: "Really? Good thing! When Liu Shao first came here, he mentioned this matter. I really didn't expect him to be so efficient!"

   Zhao Meng heard that Yao Shi was happy, and hurriedly asked for leave for Fu Yu.

Yao Shi happily approved: "Okay, no problem, let him go now, don't delay the business. If you are too busy tomorrow, I will go to work for a day. Ouch! This kid is really upbeat !Hahaha!"

  Yao Shi and Zhao Meng praised Fu Yu on the phone.

  The two of them were chatting speculatively, but when they started talking, they stopped talking immediately.

  When people are on the phone, they tend to be very focused.

  So when Yao Shi stared at the pile of real estate certificates and bank cards on the coffee table, he actually didn't think about these things at all.

  His wife frowned when she saw Yao Shi's eyes fixed on the photo of the shop.

Yao Shi chatted with Zhao Meng for a few words, and accidentally raised his head to see his wife, and then hurriedly interrupted Zhao Meng's smooth talk: "Okay, Lao Zhao, let Xiao Fu go quickly, I'm still here I have something to deal with, let's talk about it when we meet tomorrow."

  Hung up the phone, Yao Shi said to his wife, "Let's continue."

   The two continue to divide the family property!

   At this time, Fu Yu had already taken a taxi to the bus station.

  The car had just driven not far away when it received a call from Zhao Meng.

  Zhao Meng relayed Yao Shi's words again, and then specially instructed Fu Yu for a long time, for fear that he would not be able to handle interpersonal relationships well.

  After hanging up the phone, Fu Yu suddenly remembered the mission reward he had just obtained.

  At that time, I was only concerned about being happy, and didn’t look at it carefully.

  How did he remember that the rewarded skills don’t seem to be of a high level?

  With the thought together, Fu Yu hurriedly checked the rewards he had just received.

   After looking at it, I realized that what I got was Che Yuhang's personal cooking skill (intermediate level).

  Cooking is a very commonly used skill in cooking operations. It is a cooking technique that is based on frying or deep-frying and cooking with clear juices to make dishes tasty.

  Although Fu Yu already has fire control skills and time management skills, but in terms of cooking operations, if the level can be improved, then the cooking effect will definitely be better.

  It was the first time he learned the skill of cooking, and it was indeed very useful.

  Thinking about it this way, although the level is a little lower, it is very useful!

   Moreover, in the future, you can slowly accept tasks to increase the level. For now, the intermediate level is barely enough.

   Flipping through the task rewards, Fu Yu suddenly remembered Zhao Meng's advice just now, so he picked up his phone and sent Yao Shi a thank you text message.

  Zhao Meng taught him that when getting along with superiors and subordinates, one must place oneself in a correct position. No matter how close the relationship is, there should still be respect.

  Fu Yu thought about it, edited the message and sent it.

   Chef Yao is really kind to himself, and he still needs to express his thanks.


  Yao Shi did not see the thank you message from Fu Yu in time.

  He is struggling to deal with his wife's greedy and domineering offensive for family property.

  Moving with emotion and understanding with reason, he made what he said pitiful and pathetic, and made Yao Shi into the world's number one scumbag and heartless man.

  But obviously, besides being busy with work every day, Yao Shi never even touched other women's hands.

   There is no physical cheating, let alone mental infidelity.

  He couldn't laugh or cry, watching his wife's tears and tenderness offensive, his heart was slowly cooling down.

  How did you manage a good marriage like this?

  He obviously wants to live a good life, why can't his wife understand him?

   Isn’t it a good thing to earn more money?

   It is said that poor and lowly couples are sad, but why did he end up like this in the end after working so hard to earn money to support his family?

  His wife wept and wiped away her tears: "I have been with you for so many years. After work every day, I am alone at home. No one eats when I cook, and no one listens to my words. Am I living my life or practicing cultivation?"

   "I figured it out. Since I can't get anyone, I should ask for money. Anyway, this store also collects rent money, so it should be your alimony for me."

   "Also, I hope that after the divorce, we will go back to the road completely, even if we meet on the street, we will treat it as if we don't know each other."

Looking at his hysterical wife, Yao Shi suddenly felt physically and mentally exhausted, and couldn't help interrupting his wife's complaint: "Okay, the store can give it to you, but I want to keep the car, and I have to use it for work. As for the rest, follow the agreement.”

  His wife achieved her goal, wiped her tears with a tissue, packed her things, and left without any regrets.

  Yao Shi sat on the sofa alone, dazed for a long time, then picked up the phone and wanted to make a call.

  In the end, I saw the message sent by Fu Yu.

  Looking at the sincere words of gratitude in the content, Yao Shi couldn't help but smiled wryly.

   Alas, what is this called?

   Frustrated marriage, successful career?

  (end of this chapter)

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