MTL - Food Circle Plug-in Emperor-Chapter 768 if i were a cook

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  Chapter 768 If I were a cook

  After the awards ceremony, the president of the association and industry leaders specially invited to the scene will come on stage to give an overall summary of this year's video cooking competition.

   Soon it was Liu Shaoxian's turn to take the stage, and the acquaintances applauded as soon as they heard the name.

  For those who don’t know him, after listening to the long list of names introduced by the host, especially the experts of the National Medicinal Diet Research Association, with just this title, he knows that this expert Liu has a lot of background.

  Liu Shaoxian made some eloquent comments and conclusions.

   Then he stepped down and communicated with the members of his research team about the past annual meeting of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

  The person in charge of the research team who visited the place this time was Lu Yan, and all the itineraries were arranged by him.

  Liu Shao communicated with Lu Yan first, decided to say hello to the person in charge of the annual meeting, and led the team there to participate in the event.

Lu Yan explained to the team members: "The activities here are almost done, let's go to the annual meeting of the Provincial Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine. After tonight's affairs are over, everyone will be ready to go tomorrow morning, and the hotel will directly bring their own things. Someone will be sent here to arrange a see-off."

  After explaining the things that should be explained, Lu Yan turned to Liu Shaoxian and asked, "Why didn't the chef Fu you mentioned earlier come to the annual meeting?"

  After Liu Shaoxian returned to the provincial capital from Bei'an, he mentioned to Lu Yan that he planned to recruit Fu Yu as a consultant for his research project.

   It was agreed at the time that they would introduce both parties at today's event, but Fu Yu didn't show up at all, and he didn't even show up on the stage to accept the award.

   Lu Yan asked Liu Shaoxian directly in front of everyone. Although he didn't say much during the conversation, his attitude was very clear.

   Very dissatisfied with Fu Yu's failure to keep the promise.

  The National Medicinal Diet Research Association is a national first-level academic social organization registered with the Ministry of Civil Affairs and under the supervision of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

  This level is very high, and it is not easy to join the research association and become a member.

  Now Liu Shaoxian recommends Fu Yu as a consultant to his research group, which is much higher than ordinary members.

   Such a big event, but this chef Fu doesn't pay attention to it so much, isn't this person a little too arrogant?

   Liu Shaoxian is so shrewd, how can he not hear the dissatisfaction in Lu Yan's words, but he is not very clear about Fu Yu's situation.

   It's not good to say anything at this time.

  Liu Shaoxian sighed, if Fu Yu came here today, he would definitely be able to win the position of consultant smoothly.

   After all, when the award-winning cooking video was played before, the part of his entry won a lot of praise from everyone present.

  Even Lu Yan was full of praise at the time.

  However, things have come to this point, and we can only take one step at a time.

  Ren Yuchang and Li Zongming have been paying attention to the movements on Liu Shaoxian's side. Seeing a group of people gather in one place, they immediately guessed that they were about to leave.

  So he hurried over to say hello.

   Liu Shaoxian was also preparing to call someone, but when he saw them coming, he smiled and introduced them.

  Lu Yan heard that they were also going to attend the annual meeting of the Provincial Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, so he greeted with a smile: "It's just right, let's go all the way."

   A group of people left the annual meeting in a mighty way.

  The province sent them a special business car. The compartment is spacious enough for two more people to sit.

   Just as everyone got into the car and began to rush to another event site, the radio content being played in the car suddenly caught the attention of everyone present.

"The police from the South District Bureau of Bei'an City, in cooperation with the law enforcement officers of the Industrial and Commercial Office, investigated and dealt with an unlicensed frozen meat processing factory this morning. After the investigation, it was found that the supply location was an unlicensed frozen meat workshop. The law enforcement team resolutely carried out on-site law enforcement actions, and it was verified that the "meat age" of some frozen zombie meat stored in the frozen meat processing plant has reached seven or eight years."

"According to our reporter's understanding, the callers are two chefs who are going to participate in this year's annual meeting of the Provincial Food Association, Luo Rang and Fu Yu. Because they found that someone in the back kitchen of the Four Seas Banquet Restaurant bought zombie meat privately, in order to protect the interests of customers and maintain the restaurant Reputation, the two reported decisively, and resolutely put down the work at hand, and took the initiative to assist the police in arresting the persons involved.”

  “In the end, the law enforcement officers banned the processing plant according to law, and seized thousands of jin of frozen meat and traced the source of purchase and sales channels.”

   "Now, the illegal person who bought zombie meat without permission has been caught by the police. The suspect is a chef and purchaser from Four Seas Banquet."

   All members of the inspection team were sitting in the commercial vehicle.

   When other people heard Fu Yu's name suddenly, they just felt that the name was a little familiar at first!

   And Liu Shaoxian's eyes widened suddenly, and then he turned to look at Ren Yuchang who also had a surprised expression on his face.

  Ren Yuchang just happened to look over, and the two looked at each other. After being shocked, they screamed in their hearts in a rare tacit understanding at the same time!

   "Yes, it's Fu Chu?" Li Zongming couldn't help being surprised.

  After the others were stunned, they slowly remembered.

   No wonder the name feels familiar!

  Ganqing is the award-winning chef who did not show up at the awards ceremony of the annual meeting today.

  Yes, it is Fu Yu.

  Everyone started talking.

   "The news said it was Chef Fu Yu. He was going to attend the annual meeting of the Provincial Food Association today, right?"

   "The Four Seas Banquet in Bei'an, Fu Yu was introduced at the awards ceremony as Bei'an's, right?"

   The location is right, the name of the person is right, and even the activities to participate in are right!

   It should be me.

   For a moment, everyone was amazed.

  Other members of the group did not know that Liu Shaoxian had recommended Fu Yu to join the club as a consultant, so the focus of attention was only on Fu Yu's award in the cooking video contest, but he was not present to accept the award.

  Lu Yan fell silent after listening to the news report.

  Although the relevant pictures and videos cannot be seen on the broadcast, it is completely conceivable what kind of arrest operation this is and how exciting the scene is.

  Everyone can imagine what kind of tense scenes were staged during the cracking of the whole incident.

  The host's sonorous praise came from the broadcast: "It is because of people like Luo Rang and Fu Yu who stick to the professional ethics of chefs that our catering safety can be guaranteed!"

   "Stick to the chef's professional ethics!"

  The simple summary made the hearts of all the people who listened to the news report warm up.

  This is the virtue of being a chef!

   For a while, everyone listened to the content of the host's broadcast, and each of them couldn't calm down for a long time!

   Relatively speaking, what kind of annual meeting, what award ceremony!

  Do these formal things matter?

   No matter how important it is, can it be more important than the sense of responsibility and loyalty as a chef?

  It is clear to everyone what it means to stand up resolutely and stop and report back kitchen purchases of zombie meat.

  Although it is not the restaurant where Fu Yu works, but with the relationship between him and Luo Rang, it is really not easy to achieve this.

   It is precisely because he knows this that Fu Yu's behavior deeply touched Lu Yan.

   This is an excellent cooking virtue!

  A good chef must have a high sense of responsibility and loyalty.

  Because an excellent chef needs the backing of a good catering company to provide him with a good development platform.

  And a good catering company is also inseparable from skilled chefs.

  Nowadays, there are many chefs who only pursue their personal interests and disregard the interests of restaurants. For example, the chefs of the Four Seas Banquet secretly order zombie meat in private because of their **** for profit.

  As a chef, he can take charge of the restaurant, think more about the restaurant, and pay more. Only in this way can the quality of kitchen management be further improved and the reputation of the restaurant can be guaranteed.

  The two words chef represent not just a job, but a profession.

  Many times, it is also a manifestation of responsibility.

  Ren Yuchang listened carefully to the entire news broadcast, and Li Zongming at the side also listened carefully to the last content of the news.

  Although the two did not communicate directly, they couldn't hide their excitement on their faces.

   Sure enough, I knew I was right!

   This is what Fu Yu should look like!

  Ren Yuchang was very happy. Seeing that Fu Yu was unable to come to the annual meeting because of such an unexpected situation, he felt inexplicably proud of being discerning!

  He looked at Li Zongming beside him, and obviously didn't say anything, but Li Zongming clearly understood his meaning: How is this kid really good?

  Thinking that he almost misunderstood Fu Yu before, Li Zongming couldn't help but his old face turned hot, he nodded in agreement, and said in his heart: Well, he is indeed a very good young man!

  Liu Shaoxian was also very excited. Listening to the content of the news, he couldn't help but think of the scene where Fu Yu was in the music restaurant and watched Fu Yu cooking medicinal meals for customers with a very serious and rigorous attitude.

  This is what a chef should look like!

  Fu Yu is really good!

  He can understand why Fu Yu didn't come to the annual meeting. If it were him, he might make the same choice!

  Perhaps because of his personal experience, Liu Shaoxian originally valued his personal and realistic attitude.

  In his view, a person can only really make a difference by doing things in a down-to-earth manner and being a serious person.

  If Fu Yu neglects his own cooking ethics because he wants to participate in the annual meeting, receive awards, and show off, then don't be such a consultant!

  If I were a chef!

   Must be the chef who works hard and abides by his own responsibility to cook delicious food for customers!

  Don't ask for the profit of those fly camp dogs who only want to sell their conscience for money!

  At this moment, Liu Shaoxian felt an indescribable pride and pride in his heart!

   Really deserves to be the person I fell in love with at first sight!

   He is so proud of this young lad!

   This kid will definitely be a character in the future!

   In the face of fame, fortune and kitchen virtue, he did not waver in the slightest.

  Liu Shaoxian leaned his back on the car seat and stared out the window, unable to let go for a long time.

  He felt guilty for thinking that he had been released as a pigeon, and he felt unhappy.

  At this moment, he understood that Fu Yu was going to do something more meaningful than this.

  Compared to Fu Yu, this kind of mentality is really true.

  Liu Shaoxian has been famous for many years, and for the first time he deeply introspected.

  Thinking of that young and steady young man with superb cooking skills and amazing talent.

   Such a talent, if I can't reach out and help him, I'm afraid I will regret it for the rest of my life.

  Thinking of this, Liu Shaoxian suddenly turned his head and said to Lu Yan: "Vice President, I have an idea about inviting Fu Chu to join the research association as a consultant for our research project."

  At this time, Liu Yuqing, who was still staying at the event site of the annual meeting, was also holding a mobile phone, and saw the news link forwarded by Jiang Mo.

   Read it carefully from beginning to end, even after listening to Fu Yu's dictation, Liu Yuqing still felt very shocked!

  She always knew that Fu Yu was a very responsible person!

  But at this moment, she really felt what kind of an excellent man with both virtues and virtues she was in love with!

   She was very excited when she thought that Fu Yu was her boyfriend, the person she would spend the rest of her life with in the future.

  At this moment, all her vanity was satisfied, and there was only complacency and pride left in her heart.

   At this time, Liu Yuqing's cell phone vibrated suddenly.

   is information.

  Sent by Fu Yu.

  【Sorry, I couldn’t accompany you to the annual meeting this time. I will definitely accompany you next year. 】

  Liu Yuqing frowned when she saw it.

  This idiot, surely he doesn't know that he's already on the news?

  However, thinking that Fu Yu had been thinking about it for fear that she would get angry, Liu Yuqing couldn't help but reply a message.

【OK! What happened today is not your fault, you did the right thing, I am proud of you! 】

  After replying to the message, Liu Yuqing curled her lips and handed the opened news page to her sister.

   "Sister, look, Fu Yu is on the news!"

  The two sisters chatted enthusiastically.

  At the same time, Fu Yu received a reply message, and after reading it, he couldn't help but smile.

  My girlfriend is so cute, so considerate, and I really miss

   Seeing that Liu Shaoxian had something to communicate with Lu Yan, the person sitting next to Lu Yan got up with a wink and changed seats with Liu Shaoxian.

Liu Shaoxian lowered his voice, and whispered to Lu Yan: "Vice President, I have a suggestion. Regarding the matter of inviting Fu Chu to join the research association and serve as a consultant for our research group, I think we can take advantage of the people in the group now. Let’s all vote together by show of hands.”

   "Although Fu Yu is very good, and he is also very insightful about the customization and cooking of medicinal meals, he is still too young."

   "We can just take this opportunity to obtain everyone's consent and recognition, so that Fu Yu can have more say when he participates in research projects in the future."

  After hearing this, Lu Yan smiled and glanced at Liu Shaoxian: "Old Liu, your idea coincides with mine!"

   Liu Shaoxian couldn't help laughing.

   Lu Yan also nodded with a smile.

   Liu Yunong looked at the content of the news in surprise, and read it word by word very carefully.

  Looking at her sister's amazed expression, Liu Yuqing couldn't help feeling a sense of satisfaction and pride in her heart!

  She is so proud of Fu Yu!

   In my heart, I also admire Fu Yu very much.

   It took Liu Yunong only one minute to read the whole news, but after reading it, he was silent for two minutes.

   No wonder Fu Yu gave up such a good opportunity.

   This destroyed a large-scale black workshop, preventing a large amount of zombie meat from flowing to the back kitchen and being served on customers' tables.

   Such an important event is just a small awards ceremony, there is no comparison between the two!

  Thinking of this, Liu Yunong couldn't help but take a deep breath.

  This is the attitude and responsibility a chef should have.

  She knew that she saw the right person!

  (end of this chapter)

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