MTL - Food Circle Plug-in Emperor-Chapter 765 can't swallow this breath

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  Chapter 765 Can't swallow this breath

  Luo Rang saw the zombie meat in the bag clearly, his face turned pale for a moment, his black eyebrows were twisted into a knot, he squatted down quickly, and pulled towards the big bag next to him with his big hands.

  The driver turned around and saw this scene, and immediately became anxious: "Hey! Brother, what are you doing!?"

   It was the back view of Luo Rang tearing the straps vigorously.

  The chef's strength was all on his arms, Luo Rang yanked off the straps, and the bag full of sheep and scorpions suddenly popped out.

  The driver hurried forward to stop him: "Don't touch my cargo!"

  Luo Rang raised his arm to block the driver's obstruction, grabbed the bag and shook it vigorously, and the large sheep scorpion at the mouth of the bag suddenly fell out in pieces.

  The surface of this sheep scorpion is already very dry, and the flesh is darker in color. When you pick it up and look closely, the position close to the bone seam has turned light green or gray.

  Luo Rang saw the quality of the meat clearly, and his eyes instantly burst into deep red.

  Even if it is frozen meat, the meat quality is too bad!

  The color of good-quality frozen lean meat is mostly light gray, while the fat and oil are white. The glossiness can be seen with the naked eye. When the meat is cut, the subcutaneous fat can be seen light yellow, and the muscle part is rose-colored.

  But what do the things in the bag look like?

  Even in the frozen state, you can smell a smell of ammonia!

  The driver saw his cargo being scattered all over the ground, jumped up anxiously, and stretched out his hand to break Luo Rang's arm, trying to stop it.

  Luo Rang waved away the driver's obstruction again, without blinking his eyes, and punched him back.

   "Your mother lacks virtue!"

   When he cursed out this sentence angrily, he stabbed his chest hard, and suddenly felt uncomfortable.

   "Chu Luo, don't be impulsive!" Seeing that the situation was wrong, Fu Yu hurried forward to dissuade him.

  He was in a bad position and couldn't stop Luo Rang, so he could only go to pull the driver, dragging him to a stagger, narrowly avoiding Luo Rang's fierce fist.

   "Tell me, who asked you to deliver the goods? This **** thing is full of zombie meat! Are you crazy to earn such black-hearted money!"

  Luo's eyes burst into red, he roared, thick veins appeared on his neck

  At this time, someone came out from the back door of the Four Seas Banquet. Seeing the movement outside, he rushed forward to help break up the fight.

  People from the back kitchen rushed over after hearing the news.

  Those who don't know the whole story, are at a loss to persuade them to fight.

   Those who came out to pick up the goods felt guilty and short of breath.

   This incident, in fact, in the circle, is like a layer of oily spicy noodles on the noodles, which is commonplace.

  However, those who run restaurants, cut corners on ingredients, or change brands of seasoning and edible oils, can really keep their original intentions, use authentic ingredients, and keep ingredients fresh.

  Sihai Banquet has been able to maintain its reputation for so many years because the boss is a stubborn person who firmly believes that those who lose their hearts will lose their customers.

  Once word of mouth slips, it will be even more difficult to turn around!

  So whether it is a difficult period of restaurant management or a profitable period of prosperous business, we must insist on purchasing good ingredients, selecting good ingredients, and stabilizing the source of customers with word of mouth.

   But the forest is so big that there are all kinds of birds.

   There are people who work hard and earn wages steadily, and there are also people who are mercenary and have an eye for money.

  The trigger for this incident was Duan Weijia, the chef of the Four Seas Banquet. In order to receive kickbacks, he agreed to join forces with the purchasers. Taking advantage of the opportunity when the chef Luo Rang went to the provincial capital, he bought a batch of frozen zombie meat, and Li Daitao stiffened for cooking.

  The sheep and scorpions of the Four Seas Banquet have a strong taste in spicy pots. They are marinated first and then rinsed. It is difficult for those who do not know how to judge the quality of the meat.

  The grilled lamb scorpion is even more spicy and spicy. Even if it is zombie meat, it is easy to confuse it with a higher heat and a stronger seasoning.

  Of course, apart from the purchaser and chef Duan Weijia knowing about this matter, Duan Weijia's assistant chefs also covered it up.

  The three of them expected to test the waters and make a vote before the year. If it goes well, they can continue to work every time they go to Luorang for a rest or ask for leave for something.

  One-time profit is already considerable, and if you do it several times, it will not be a problem for each person to earn tens of thousands of yuan in a year.

  The original plan was good, but no one would have thought that Luo Rang would bump into him by accident.

   Seeing the people in the back kitchen coming over, Fu Yu turned his head and asked Luo Rang in a low voice: "Chef Luo, what should we do now?"

  Luo Rang has a stubborn temper. With his temperament, he didn't think about calling the boss at the time and telling the boss that the buyer colluded with the chef to steal a batch of zombie meat and embezzle the public funds of the store.

   I didn't even think about suppressing the matter and deal with it in private.

  However, he is not impulsive and reckless. He has been in charge of the kitchen for more than ten years, and he has never encountered anything.

  What he thinks now is to kill one to make an example to others, and to kill chickens to make an example to monkeys.

  By taking advantage of this matter, give the people under your command a good beating, and let them understand what can and cannot be done.

  Some mistakes can be made up and forgiven, while some things need to be regretted for a lifetime. When I think of it, I can’t help but feel guilty and regretful.

  Luo Rang took out his mobile phone and said to Fu Yu, "Call the police! I'll call now!"

   Fu Yu looked at Luo Rang in surprise, and saw that the other party's eyes were full of determination.

   If the police are called, this matter will become a big mess.

   Luo Rang's approach clearly does not intend to resolve it privately.

The purchaser and Duan Weijia also heard the news, and they rushed to the back door, and saw Luo Rang slashing to the front of the van, the sheep and scorpions in the big bag were scattered all over the ground, and the driver was caught by two strong kitchen boys. Work and hold down.

  The two of them only glanced at each other hastily, and were completely stunned.

  The purchaser rubbed his teeth, his grandma's, why didn't Chef Luo leave? !

  Duan Weijia was stunned on the spot, completely dumbfounded.

  The two of them panicked together, but they panicked for no reason. They each had their own little things in their stomachs, and their stomachs were churning nervously.

  The goods that were sneaked in were blocked by Luo Rang at the back door and spilled all over the floor.

  The driver was also restrained.

  The purchaser and Duan Weijia neither dared to dissuade them, nor did they dare to look at Luo Rang's face.

  Anyway, this is the end of the matter, so I just pretended to be dead and kept silent.

   And Luo Rang directly called the police!

  The phone was connected quickly.

   Luo Rang was extremely angry, but calmed down. When he called the police, he only said that there was a fight.

  Many of the people who came to help from the back kitchen didn't know the whole story, but when Luo Rang called the police, they were immediately filled with righteous indignation.

The little worker who restrained the driver held him tightly, and said in a rough voice: "You brat is fat, dare to fight with our chef Luo! You **** dare to bully chef Luo, which supplier are you? Do you want to deliver to our store!"

The driver was taken aback by this gesture, and he couldn't care less about the goods. He panicked and said, "You, you, what do you want to do? Don't mess around! I am here to deliver the goods, and you are the ones who contact our boss to deliver the goods Yes, it has nothing to do with me, let me go."

  Xiaogong said in a loud voice: "Crafting? You dare to provoke Luo Chu, just wait, I'll let you see in a while, what is 'chaos'!"

   "Well, this has nothing to do with me! I'm just a delivery person."

  The driver was only in his early twenties, who had never experienced such things before, and was terrified by Xiao Gong’s few words.

  He just took the order and was sent by the boss to deliver the goods. Who knew that he encountered a problem today!

   Normally, he could call for help, but now he is pulling the goods.

  He knew what this thing was, and it was precisely because of this that he felt guilty. He knew that things would really mess up, and he definitely couldn't be kind.

   Before it was time for customers to enter the store to eat, people rushed over from the back door after hearing the news.

  Looking at this scene, those with high positions stepped forward to ask for help, while those with low positions watched from a distance.

  Someone saw Luo Rang calling the police, and muttered, "This must be a big deal! They're all calling the police!"

  Those who can be private in their affairs these days must choose private.

  Especially in the service industry like restaurants, they are most afraid of any bad rumors.

   Now that the Chinese New Year is coming soon, if something happens that delays the business, the loss outweighs the gain.

  In this case, if Luo Rang still chooses to call the police without hesitation, it must be the hotel's fault.

  Since there was nothing terrible on my side, the crowd around the audience suddenly became excited.

   "Hold it down, don't let him run away!"

   "Dare to face off against Chef Luo, don't you want to mix it up!"

   "Hey, what happened?"

   "What's the matter with him, maybe the quality of the delivered goods is faulty? Look at this sheep scorpion, it's not new!"

  The audience spontaneously began to provide all kinds of guesses. Before they knew the whole story, they first characterized the restrained driver.

  The driver was still held down by two small workers, with his back leaning against the car door and unable to move.

Luo Rang did not stop Xiao Gong's actions, but said seriously to the driver: "I have already reported to the police about today's matter, where is your order form? Show it to me, and I want to find out who changed it without authorization. This batch of zombie meat has been brought in by the supplier!"

  Fu Yu followed by and didn't intervene.

He figured it out now, the one who can do this in the Four Seas Banquet must be someone from the back kitchen, not an ordinary handyman, only a chef, and he needs someone reliable under his command to follow Buyers are in the same boat.

  As the chef of the Four Seas Banquet, Luo Rang must not ignore the fact that his subordinates did such a thing.

   Moreover, the buyer dared to collude with the chef to cheat under his nose, so he obviously didn't take him as the chef seriously.

   Luo Rang will not be able to swallow this breath unless he finds the venue back!

  The driver didn't dare to say anything. He was new here and delivered goods for the first time. He hadn't even seen the buyer's face, so he couldn't match the name at all.

  He turned his head and looked around. At this time, he still wanted to find someone to protect himself.

Luo Rang stretched out his hand, pointed at the person from the air and said, "Little brother, don't say that this has nothing to do with you. The business you do is quite wicked. Tell yourself, how long has this truckload of zombie meat been frozen? Is there a year to go up? The meat is sold to restaurants at a low price, and it flows into the market, but in the end, customers spend money to eat it?"

   "You pat your conscience, do you feel at ease earning this money?"

"Let me tell you, anyway, the police have been called now, and this matter will definitely not be suppressed. You have two ways to go now, or you can honestly give me the order, and I will go back to the store to do it." I will deal with this black-minded person, and let you go! Otherwise, you can wait for the police to come, and take your carload of zombie meat to wait for the police to inspect and deal with it!"

  Luo Rang was trying to scare the young van driver, and it really worked.

The driver was a little panicked when he was held down suddenly, but now he was so threatened that he even trembled. He looked at Luo Rang's face and whispered: "Brother, brother, I am a delivery man , the boss gave the bill, I have a sports car, this matter has nothing to do with me. Don’t you want a delivery bill? It’s in my car, and I’ll get it for you now.”

  Luo Rang ordered the two workers to let go and asked the driver to get the delivery note.

  The audience understood at this time, and immediately looked at the purchaser standing next to him.

  The purchaser was completely dumbfounded, his face turned red and white in front of so many people around him.

  He had a guilty conscience and shortness of breath, and panicked terribly.

   It's over, it's all over.

  Already called the police, Luo Rang is clearly going to punish him to death!

The driver quickly brought the order form. The young man was completely frightened at this moment, and said to Luo Rang in a good voice: "This is the order given to me by our boss, and it is the goods you ordered yourself in the store. , I delivered them according to the order, there is no shortage at all, look, there is the signature of the orderer on it!"

   "Brother, this matter really has nothing to do with me"

   Luo Rang held the order form and looked at the buyer: "Old Bao, come on, see if you signed this order!"

The purchaser stepped forward and tried to remain calm, without even looking at the list, he said, "Chu Luo, I ordered this item, but this matter was made by Duan Chu, he asked me to find a supplier, and I want to To enter this batch of meat, I."

   Duan Weijia, who was standing next to him, turned his face to look at the buyer in astonishment, too angry to speak.

   This grandson is talking nonsense, he is the one who made this up, and he just wants to earn some benefits!

  The buyer's eyes flickered, and he continued: "I must have a good relationship with the kitchen staff in this job. The chef Duan has given orders, so why can't I obey?"

Duan Weijia was so angry that his eyes were red, and he couldn't bear it any longer. He strode forward and stretched out his hand to push the purchaser: "Old Bao, you are a jerk! What are you talking about?! Who made this up? Push it on my head?!"

Luo Rang watched the two people clung to each other, his eyes were black and white, bloodshot, revealing extreme anger and aggrieved, as if a raging flame was ignited on the top of his head, he raised his hand and pointed at the shopping center with one finger. The member of staff gritted his teeth and accused: "Old Bao, I never expected it! You are an old man in our shop, and you can do such a thing! I will tell you today, Luo Rang is in the back kitchen for a day, you Don't even think about doing these crooked ways!"

  Luo Rang moved his finger to Duan Weijia, and pointed at Duan Weijia twice as if lucky, without saying a word to this person.

  Duan Weijia looked at Luo Rang anxiously, his face flushed with embarrassment, and he wanted to ask for mercy, but he couldn't say a word that came to his lips.

  Everyone in the audience stared dumbfounded at the scene in front of them, a row of "Ho!", "Damn!", "Damn it!"

  (end of this chapter)

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