MTL - Food Circle Plug-in Emperor-Chapter 763 honor money can't buy

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  Chapter 763 Honor that money can't buy

  After Yao Shi left, everyone in the back kitchen was busy eating lunch.

  Before the meal was finished, except for the chef who was in charge of cooking the staff meals, everyone else found a place to rest.

  Sun Mingze got together with a few of his classmates and squeezed in the corner of the back kitchen.

   This is a rare leisure time for several interns after a day of work.

  The other chefs are all taking care of their own laziness and rest, no one will pay attention to what their interns are doing.

  After Sun Mingze sat down, he couldn't help but open the photo album and admire Fu Yu's invitation letter.

  The other three people were chatting. They saw Sun Mingze fiddling with his phone, and the person sitting next to him tilted his head to look over: "Mingze, what are you looking at, so focused?"

  Sun Mingze smiled: "I just took a picture of Fu Chu's invitation letter, not to mention, it's really noble, even the print on it is very unique."

The male student who spoke was assigned to be an intern at Gu Yunwu's side. Hearing this, he couldn't help but say, "Fu Chu? Oh, you say Brother Fu, oops, just call him Brother, isn't he also a graduate of our school? Is it? Tell Fu Chu to be extravagant, we have to get close to them!"

Another male classmate heard it and nodded as well: "Yes, let me tell you that in our back kitchen, anyone who can be called a master chef must be at the level of Chef Zhao and Chef Gu. Like Brother Fu , Brother Sun, Brother Yao, they are all just cooks in charge, especially Brother Sun, I heard that he hasn’t become a regular yet! Let’s just call him Brother, that’s fine.”

  Sun Mingze couldn't help laughing when he heard this sentence: "I just think that I respect Fu Chu in this way, and he is really amazing. If I can achieve his achievements in the future, I will be so happy!"

   One sentence stunned everyone!

What's the meaning?

The male classmate who spoke couldn't help but mocked: "No, Narusawa, what are you doing? Just for a dirty job, holding Brother Fu every day? It's a good thing to want to make progress, but you shouldn't kneel and lick like this? Let me tell you You, it's useless for you to sneak up on him, if you really want to learn how to cook, you still have to find a way to get close to your chef Zhao, that's the real boss!"

  Sun Mingze was ridiculed, but he was not angry.

  The four of them were assigned to the back kitchen of Maxima for an internship. Everyone else was just doing the cutting work, but he was the only one who had the opportunity to do the oily work because he followed Fu Yu.

  Although the others didn't say anything, they definitely didn't like it in their hearts.

   They are also here for internships, why can he be treated better?

   He definitely knows how to curry favor with others, and seeing him put on a look of admiration and respect for Fu Yu every day, other people are somewhat dissatisfied in their eyes.

  At their age, most of them are a bit rebellious, have never been out of school, and their personalities are generally simple.

  Sometimes, what is on the mind is naturally brought out on the face.

  Sun Mingze shook his head: "Do you know where Fu Chu sent this invitation letter?"

  Everyone shook their heads with a blank look on their faces: "Where is it?"

  Sun Mingze held up his mobile phone and asked them to pass it on: "It was sent by Fu Chu from the Provincial Food Association, and invited him to the provincial capital to participate in the award ceremony of the cooking video contest!"

   Everyone passed around looking at the mobile phone, and immediately put away the smile on their faces.

  Sun Mingze continued: "I thought Fu Fu just participated in the cooking video contest organized by the Provincial Food Association, but it turned out that he had already joined the Provincial Food Association and is a serious member."

   This sentence made the other three people's eyes widen, their faces full of disbelief!

  The male classmate who spoke mockingly of Sun Mingze earlier felt that his breathing was a little short.

  Is Fu Yu so powerful?

   Actually joined the Provincial Gastronomy Association!

Sun Mingze smiled: "I didn't intentionally try to curry favor with Chef Fu, I just think I should learn to cook from him, he is really good. And other people in the back kitchen, as long as they are qualified to cook, they must be much better than us Yes. I think this opportunity to come for an internship is very rare, and I cherish it very much. I want to learn some cooking knowledge through this internship!"

  Sun Mingze's words silenced everyone.

  During the break in the afternoon, Liu Yuqing stayed alone at the front desk. She happily sent a message to her sister while Jiang Mo went to the cafeteria for dinner and hadn't come back yet.

  Liu Yunong goes to the store every afternoon, and when she received the message from Liu Yuqing, she was changing her work clothes in the dressing room.

  Opening the dialog box, Liu Yuqing sent over a picture, and a text message below: [Sister, let me show you something good! 】

   Liu Yunong clicked on the picture curiously, muttering: "What is it? It's mysterious!"

  After the picture is opened, it is an invitation letter.

  Liu Yunong raised his eyebrows, took a closer look at the content, was stunned for a moment, and said to himself in surprise: "The provincial food association's cooking video competition. Fu Yu, when did you participate?"

   It is estimated that I have not received a reply, and I am a little impatient, so Liu Yuqing directly made a video call.

   Liu Yunong connected to the video, and Liu Yuqing's smiling face immediately appeared on the screen.

   "Sister! Did you receive the message?"

  Liu Yunong nodded: "Got it."

  Liu Yuqing was wearing Maxima's waitress overalls, which made her neck slender and her skin fairer.

   "Did you see the photo?"

   Liu Yunong responded, "I see."

   Liu Yuqing asked: "Then why didn't you reply to my message?"

  Liu Yunong smiled and asked without answering: "When did Xiao Fu participate in the competition?"

   Liu Yuqing said with a smile: "It happened last month. I helped edit the video. He recorded it very well. At that time, I thought he would definitely win the award. Sister, isn't he very good?"

  Liu Yunong smiled, it is true that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, Fu Yu won an award, look how happy this silly girl is.

   There is still an international cooking competition trophy in her home, and she didn't see this girl succeeding like this at the time.

However, seeing Liu Yuqing's smiling face, Liu Yunong still couldn't help but smile: "It's amazing, how long has Xiaofu worked, and it's really not easy to win an award in a provincial culinary competition. "

  Actually, in Liu Yunong's view, such a provincial competition is nothing at all.

  But if you look at Fu Yu's actual situation, it's still quite powerful.

   After all, Fu Yu has just been in the industry for more than a year, and with such a short practical experience, he can get the current results, which is definitely impossible for ordinary people.

   Moreover, the provincial food association's video cooking competition is quite competitive, because the publicity of the previous two sessions was in place, and the attention has always been high.

   Fu Yu was able to win an award when he participated in the competition for the first time, which is still very impressive!

  Especially in the circle, the cooking competition held by the Provincial Food Association has always been highly praised.

   With such an award, it can be regarded as an authoritative identification of one's cooking level.

  Sometimes, such an honor cannot be bought with money.

   Otherwise, why would a celebrity chef like Liu Yunong deliberately sign up for some international cooking competitions, just to prove his cooking skills and expand his reputation by the way.

   On the surface, it looks like a simple provincial cooking competition, but in fact, the meaning behind it is not ordinary.

   Just relying on the awards Fu Yu won this time, is it enough to get rid of a group of chefs at the same level around him?

   This is the most powerful proof of cooking skills.

Thinking of this, Liu Yunong looked at Liu Yuqing who was smiling like a flower in the video, and couldn't help but joked: "Don't tell me, you really have a good eye. In fact, at the beginning, I felt that Xiaofu was not worthy Love you, but now I see, if you don't work hard, you will become unworthy of others."

  When Liu Yuqing heard this, her face turned red!

   "Sister, how can you push your elbows out! I'm so good, I'm so good, I can't match him! Believe it or not, if I tell him to get married now, he will faint with joy?"

  However, Liu Yuqing yelled loudly, but in fact, listening to her sister's praise to Fu Yu, she was still flattered in her heart.

  Liu Yunong smiled: "If you can match it, that's fine! Look at how much you hate getting married, it seems that I really have to prepare a dowry for you!"

Liu Yuqing blushed from being teased, and complained coquettishly before she got down to business: "Sister, Fu Yu is going to the provincial capital to attend the annual meeting the day after tomorrow, and I want to go too, you can get tickets ?"

   Liu Yunong didn't think about it at first, but now that he heard that Liu Yuqing wanted to go, he couldn't help thinking about it.

  Let Liu Yuqing go to the provincial capital by herself, she must be worried.

  Besides attending the annual meeting, you can also take a look at Fu Yu's award ceremony and witness the glorious moments in the life of your apprentice (brother-in-law) together, which is quite an important experience.

The most important point is that she has already started preparing for the location selection of the new branch. At the annual meeting of the Provincial Food Association, it is estimated that there will be a lot of big names in the circle. Maybe she will meet some leaders or acquaintances, and she can use this Discuss and exchange.

  Things such as contacts, although there are people who come to them by themselves, they also need to hand out olive branches by themselves, so that others have this opportunity to know each other and make friends.

  Now being reminded by Liu Yuqing, Liu Yunong couldn't help but also moved his mind.

  Liu Yunong has always been very assertive, made up his mind, and immediately said: "It should be no problem, I just want to participate, but, when you go to the provincial capital, do you go by yourself or with Fu Yu?"

  Liu Yuqing didn't expect Liu Yunong to go to the provincial capital, so she hurriedly said, "Sister, how are you going to go?"

   Liu Yunong said: "Let's drive. It's only a three-hour drive anyway. It's more convenient to drive by yourself."

   Liu Yuqing said: "Then I'll ask Fu Yu later, if it's okay, then the three of us will go together."

  After hanging up the phone, Liu Yunong immediately flipped through the address book and started contacting about tickets for the annual meeting.

   The day after tomorrow, I will go to the provincial capital to attend the awards ceremony. Fu Yu discussed with Zhao Meng, and taking advantage of his free time, he reported to Yao Shi in advance about asking for leave.

  Yao Shi readily agreed, and then asked: "Xiao Fu, how will you go to the provincial capital then?"

  Fu Yu hurriedly said: "I'm going to take the bus, but I haven't booked a ticket yet."

  Yao Shi immediately said: "If you haven't booked a ticket, then don't book it. Just now Luo Rang called me. He will go to the Provincial Gastronomy Association to attend the annual meeting the day after tomorrow. He drove there by himself. You can just take a ride."

   "Is it convenient for Chef Luo?" Fu Yu and Luo Rang are fairly familiar. Hearing that Luo Rang is going to attend the annual meeting, Fu Yu is quite happy.

Yao Shi took out his mobile phone: "It's convenient, he heard that you were going to the provincial capital to attend the annual meeting, so he took the initiative to ask just now. Just now, let me tell him, you can go in his car when the time comes, and he should also take the initiative when you come back." I can give you a ride."

"That's great."

   Fu Yu was quite happy, not because he was short of the fare, but mainly because he was going to the provincial capital for the first time to attend the annual meeting, and he was a little uncertain.

  If you can have someone you know to go with you, at least you can help each other out.

  Yao Shi called Luo Rang.

  Hearing that Fu Yu wanted to take his car to the provincial capital, Luo Rang readily agreed.

  Luo Rang also successfully joined the Provincial Food Association last year. Only he knows how many relationships he has gone through.

  Luo Rang swiped his phone in his spare time, and saw Yao Shifa's circle of friends, and then realized that Fu Yu had actually participated in the video cooking competition held by the Provincial Food Association.

  Although he has realized that Fu Yu's culinary skills are really good, he never expected that this kid would successfully join the Provincial Food Association at a young age.

   This is the place he fought for for several years before he squeezed into it.

   I don't know whose affiliation Fu Yu followed, it's too amazing!

  Yao Shi handed the phone to Fu Yu, asking him to communicate directly with Luo Rang.

  Fu Yu hurriedly greeted Luo Rang politely: "Chu Luo, I will mess with you the day after tomorrow."

  Luo Rang laughed and said, "No problem, but Xiaofu, there are too many things in my store, I'm afraid you will have to work hard the day after tomorrow to come to the store to find me."

   In normal times, Luo Rang would definitely have driven to Maxima to pick up Fu Yu.

   After all, I have already helped out, so it’s almost time to open this way.

  The main reason is that the Chinese New Year is approaching, and the business in the store is too prosperous. As the chef, he has to deal with some things himself.

  As a colleague, Fu Yu is very understanding.

   Fu Yu said a few polite words to Luo Rang, and it was considered that the itinerary for the day after tomorrow was finalized.

  Hung up the phone, Fu Yu thanked Yao Shi, got up and went back to the back kitchen.

   After get off work in the evening, Fu Yu sent Liu Yuqing home as usual.

   As soon as the two walked out of the back door of the hotel side by side, Liu Yuqing couldn't wait to say: "Fu Yu, how are you going to the provincial capital the day after tomorrow?"

  Fu Yu said with a smile: "Oh, Luo Rang is the chef of the Four Seas Banquet. He happens to be going to attend the annual meeting of the Provincial Food Association. I will take his car there."

   When Liu Yuqing heard this, she was a little disappointed.

   Fu Yu saw that her expression was not right, and asked quickly: "What's wrong?"

  Liu Yuqing sighed: "My sister said that she can get the admission ticket of the Provincial Food Association, and she can take me there when the time comes. I was thinking of letting you go with us."

  Fu Yu didn't expect that there would be another problem, so he immediately wondered: "Then what should I do, or, I'll tell Chef Luo not to go with him?"

Liu Yuqing hurriedly said: "Forget it, my sister and I just went to join in the fun, you should go with him. Isn't he a member of the club? He must be very familiar with the process of the annual meeting. It will be a lot easier to have him around. .”

  Fu Yu hesitated for a while, then nodded: "Okay, then I'll see you at the meeting later."

  (end of this chapter)

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