MTL - Food Circle Plug-in Emperor-Chapter 757 take advantage and run

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  Sun Mingze listened to Fu Yu's guidance more and more eagerly after hearing this.

  A lot of experience can only really play a role when you practice cooking.

   What Fu Yu said was the practical experience he summed up after his own practice.

  Sun Mingze is well aware of this, so in his eyes, Fu Yu is completely equipped with special halo effects at this time.

  How could he have imagined that so many places should be taken into consideration just to replace the ingredients of a dish.

   This is something he can't think about at all.

   Just like Fu Yu said, if the replacement of ingredients is not perfect, then the cooked ingredients will definitely not be able to achieve the best results!

  As a chef, you must constantly improve your cooking skills.

  This improvement includes cooking operations, plate layout, selection of ingredients, and ingenious responses to various requests from customers.

  It is true that life is full of knowledge.

  At this time, Zhang Jinyu, who had been listening silently, couldn't help but asked: "Fu Chu, when the water gluten is oily, is there any requirement for heat or time?"

  Fu Yu: "Water gluten itself is cooked, so when frying, it should be in the state of batter. In fact, when cooking, the most critical step is cutting, and the thickness must be controlled to a certain extent."

   Speaking of this, Fu Yu looked at the two of them.

"So, when cooking, the most important thing is experience, especially when cooking to order, the knowledge you usually have may not be used for a while, but when you really need it, you will find that some experience is really useful. Very crucial."

  Zhang Jinyu and Sun Mingze nodded together.

Fu Yu looked at Sun Mingze: "Cooking is not an easy task, and it doesn't mean that you have done a good job as long as you do your job well. During the two-month internship, I don't say how much I hope you can learn. Culinary knowledge and operating experience, but if you want to do a good job in this industry and develop, you must learn a little bit!"

   “That is to be diligent in thinking and accumulating experience.”

   One sentence made Sun Mingze fall into deep thought.

   Fu Yu smiled: "So, do you know the difference between chefs and other industries?"

  Zhang Jinyu and Sun Mingze were taken aback, and looked up at Fu Yu.

Fu Yu said earnestly: "Some professions tend to become more timid at work because they are cautious and serious, while cooking tends to become more daring with the accumulation of experience and mastery of cooking skills. "

  The two nodded approvingly.

   Fu Yu saw that they had listened, so he ordered: "Okay, let's do what we should do."

   After finishing speaking, he turned around and continued cooking.

  He doesn't expect the other party to really take what he said to heart and keep it firmly in mind. He only hopes that they can know a little bit. When cooking, they must work hard to accumulate experience and expand their knowledge.

   Cooking is not an easy skill.

   A chef who can only shake spoons is not a really good chef.

  At this time, the intern who was standing not far from Qi Duner silently raised his hand to wipe the cold sweat off his forehead!

  He was so terrified that he didn't even dare to take a sneak peek from the corner of his eye.

  Thinking of his performance just now, he suddenly felt very boring, and it was the first time he realized that he was so immature.

  If this matter is really handled as I thought before.

  What will be the result?

  Tofu can indeed be made into a sweet and sour taste, but if you want to completely restore the taste and presentation effect of pot-packed meat, I didn’t think it before, but now that I think about it, it’s really not satisfactory.

  I am so ignorant and ignorant, but I am so proud and arrogant. Thinking about it carefully, I am really too naive!

  Why can someone become a regular after more than a year of internship after graduation, and start to take orders independently?

  If you change yourself, can you reach this level?

   It's really overreaching

   Seeing that the Chinese New Year is coming soon, there has been no news from the Provincial Food Association.

  It seems that the cooking video competition should be dead.

   Fu Yu was somewhat disappointed.

   Originally, I wanted to take this opportunity to make a blockbuster at the annual meeting.


  A few days ago, according to the usual practice, all the staff in the store only worked in the morning and evening shifts, and they could leave early at night unless there were special circumstances, and everyone else came in the evening shift.

  Late night in winter is not like summer, there are few people on the street, and the side streets are even more deserted.

  Fu Yu lived in the dormitory by himself, so he didn't have to go out after work, and he was just a few steps away from home.

   Liu Yuqing had to walk for more than ten minutes to get to the community.

   Fu Yu was worried and insisted on sending Liu Yuqing back after get off work at night.

  After punching out the card, Fu Yu took the lead in changing his clothes and went to the back door to wait for Liu Yuqing.

   Not long after, Liu Yuqing trotted over.

   "What do you think?"

  Fu Yu was thinking about whether to contact Feng Xiaoxiao to inquire about the cooking video competition when he heard Liu Yuqing's voice.

   Then turned around with a smile.

  Liu Yuqing changed her overalls and wore a white down jacket with a large fur collar piled around her neck, making her face more delicate and cute.

  Looking at his beautiful girlfriend, Fu Yu felt a lot better.

   "Didn't you participate in the cooking video competition of the Provincial Food Association before, and there has been no news." Fu Yu looked at Liu Yuqing: "I guess there is no hope."

  When Fu Yu was recording the competition video, he still felt that his cooking skills were very good. At least the cooking operations of the two competition dishes were quite remarkable.

   Originally, I thought I could use this to show off.

   Now that I think about it carefully, I realize that I was actually not very skilled in cooking at the beginning, and I can obviously improve on many operational details.

  If it is re-recorded now, he feels that he should be able to do better.

After Liu Yuqing heard this, she didn't have the slightest worried expression, but said confidently: "Impossible! I edited your competition video by myself. With your cooking skills and my skills, you can still Can you get an award?"

  Fu Yu was stunned for a moment, a little dumbfounded, but I have to say that the low mood in his heart really improved a lot after being told by Liu Yuqing.

At this time, Liu Yuqing suddenly reached out to hold Fu Yu's face, then squinted her eyes, and said half-jokingly and half-seriously: "Chef Fu, you have to have confidence in yourself, relying on your cooking skills, you will be able to stand in the back of our restaurant." In the kitchen, that’s one of the best, right?”

   "Don't underestimate yourself, give other people who are not so good a little bit of life, okay?"

  Seeing Liu Yuqing's encouraging and teasing eyes, Fu Yu couldn't help laughing.

  Although she knew that Liu Yuqing was intentionally trying to explain herself away, it was very rewarding to be praised so positively by her girlfriend.

   Moreover, Liu Yuqing's looks are really in line with Fu Yu's wishes, she looks exactly according to his liking, every frown, smile, and every move can easily poke at the tip of his heart.

   Fu Yu's face was held in such a way, and Liu Yuqing's eyes met, his heart suddenly felt a little itchy.

  He raised his hand and held Liu Yuqing's hand. Just as he was about to speak, the sound of footsteps came from behind him.

  The two of them happened to be standing at the back door. Fu Yu reacted quickly, quickly took Liu Yuqing's hand, and led him out through the back door.

   "What are you doing? You look like a thief!" Liu Yuqing smiled and followed Fu Yu along the side street to her neighborhood.

   Fu Yu held Liu Yuqing's hand and didn't let go. It was too cold outside, so he simply put both hands in his down jacket pockets, fingers clasped tightly.

   "Stimulating?" Fu Yu deliberately pinched Liu Yuqing's fingers.

   Liu Yuqing laughed and said, "Well, a little bit, but why are we guilty? Am I not your serious girlfriend?"

  When Fu Yu heard this, he suddenly had a sudden impulse. He turned his head and looked around to make sure that no one was passing by, so he stopped.

  Liu Yuqing was walking forward cheerfully, when suddenly, Fu Yu grabbed her hand and stopped in place.

   "What's the matter?" Liu Yuqing put her hand in the pocket of Fu Yu's down jacket, and Fu Yu didn't leave, so she could only stop.

   Liu Yuqing asked strangely: "Why don't you leave?"

  Fu Yu held Liu Yuqing's hand, turned around, and stood face to face with Liu Yuqing: "You must be my serious girlfriend."

  “.” The co-author wants to answer myself more formally.

Liu Yuqing was a bit dumbfounded, but the two were so close, Liu Yuqing found that Fu Yu was really tall, standing face to face like this, if she wanted to see Fu Yu's eyes, she had to look up slightly .

  She touched her nose and said, "I'm kidding you, are you serious?"

  After speaking, she was a little shy, and turned around to pull Fu Yu to move on.

  Suddenly, her arm was pulled, and before she could react, Fu Yu pulled her into his arms.

  The moonlight is beautiful tonight.

  Living in Fu Yu's arms, Liu Yuqing saw fine snowflakes blown away by the wind dancing in the bright white moonlight cast by the moon from the sky.

   She was hugged by Fu Yu with one arm around her waist, and the other was held tightly by Fu Yu. Their palms were facing each other and their fingers were tightly clasped.

  Close together like this, Fu Yu was a bit taller than her, looking down from a high position, his chin showed a beautiful arc.

  She could see the outline of Fu Yuzheng's face, thin lips, high nose bridge, and the shape of eyebrows. Everything that was familiar at first became a little strange because of the different angles.

   "Fu Yu!"


"what happened to you."

   "It's okay, I just want to hug my girlfriend, it's so cute and rare."

  The community where Liu Yuqing lives is just ahead, across an intersection.

  When she thought of herself hugging Fu Yu on the street, her heartbeat accelerated uncontrollably.

  Fu Yu hugged her face to face like a doll, shaved his beard, raised his handsome face, and looked at her with dark eyes: "Think about it carefully, it seems that I have never formally confessed my love to you."

   Liu Yuqing was a little surprised, she looked up at Fu Yu.

   "I like you." Fu Yu looked at her with a very sincere tone: "I am serious about dating you."

  His gaze was so intense, so intense that it was not at all like his usual self, like a blazing flame in a mass of ice, burning so much that the bones and flesh of a person would melt away.

Liu Yuqing, who was originally only moved by Fu Yu's sudden and solemn confession, looked at Fu Yu with an affectionate face, and suddenly felt her heart beat faster. There was an increasingly rapid and heavy heartbeat.

She suddenly felt a little embarrassed to look at Fu Yu, completely relying on instinct, she slowly closed her eyes, the hand hanging by her side, first hanging helplessly, then slowly raised it, and hugged it Fu Yu's waist.

  Beauty is present, don't talk, it's not a man!

  Fu Yu lowered his head, and was about to speak when his eyes were suddenly dazzled by the headlights.

  He subconsciously turned his head to look over, and saw a private car just parked on the side of the road.

   Before Fu Yu recognized the shape of the car, he was shocked by the picture in front of him!

  The window of the driver's seat of the private car slowly fell, and he saw his sister-in-law Liu Yunong turning his head to look over!

   Just happened to see Liu Yuqing being held in Fu Yu's arms, and Fu Yu's head was still slightly lowered at this time, as if pretending to be talking!

   All of a sudden, the two eyes met, their eyes were piercing, and they looked particularly abrupt under the moonlight!

   Fu Yu stared, and the exclamation point in his heart was arranged into the word "lying" for a while, and the word "cao" for a while.

   Liu Yunong felt that his facial nerves were twitching uncontrollably, but... he didn't know which pair of the twelve pairs of facial nerves it was!

  Fu Yu suddenly felt a little short of breath, maybe it was because he stayed outside for too long, and his nose felt a little uncomfortable from the cold.

   And the mouth that was about to move towards it seemed to have some nerve paralysis, um, anyway, I just didn’t dare to make any more movements.

Just at this time.

  Liu Yuqing waited for a long time, but Fu Yu didn't see any movement, her eyelashes trembled, and she slowly opened her eyes.

   asked shyly and timidly: "What's wrong?"

  The voice is soft, seductive, with a hint of melancholy, itchy taste.

this moment!

  Fu Yu's temples jumped and jumped!


   A little flustered!

  It's a bit unbearable!

  The moonlight tonight is very high-profile!

   At this time, Fu Yu swallowed silently, feeling the hairs on his back standing upright, and feeling a little flustered!

   And Liu Yunong closed the car window suddenly, kicked the accelerator, didn't say anything, the car shadow flickered, and drove away.

   The speed of the car is as fast as an arrow off the string.

   Fu Yu was a little dumbfounded!

  This is crazy.

  What a surprise!

   I was at a loss, but I didn't expect my sister-in-law to react quickly, and even retreated in time with lightning speed.

  A famous chef is a famous chef, the more Fu Yu thinks about it, the more he admires him from the bottom of his heart.

  Look at the controlled operation of others.


  Is this a tacit consent?

   Thinking of Liu Yunong's reaction just now, Fu Yu also felt a little ashamed.

  Thinking of this, Fu Yu's mouth suddenly regained consciousness. Looking at Liu Yuqing's surprised expression, he pouted slowly uncontrollably.



  Thinking of this, Fu Yu lowered his head again, only to be kissed on the mouth.

  Just one click.

   One touch points.

   Before Fu Yu could react, Liu Yuqing had already broken away from his embrace, and shyly said: "Okay, you can send it here, I'll go first!"

   After finishing speaking, Fu Yu didn't even have a chance to reply, so he ran away.



   Fu Yu smacked his lips, and he didn't chase after him, and he was a little unwilling not to chase after him.

   Why did you take advantage of this and run away!

  Forget it, fortunately, the future will be long.

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