MTL - Food Circle Plug-in Emperor-Chapter 743 Attribute Level Up

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  Chapter 743 Attribute Level Improvement

  Yao Shi and Fu Yu said goodbye to everyone and prepared to leave.

  Ren Yuchang suddenly asked: "Boss Yao, are you going home directly now, or are you planning to go to the restaurant?"

  Yao Shi was taken aback for a moment, they still had a lot of things with them, they must go back to the restaurant first.

  So he replied: "It's still early, let's go to the restaurant first."

  When Ren Yuchang heard this, he hurriedly said: "That's just on the way, don't you mind if I give Lao Li a ride?"

  Yao Shi hurriedly responded: "Okay, but are you going to leave now?"

  Ren Yuchang nodded: "Yes, I still have two surgeries tomorrow morning, so I just go back and rest early."

   After finishing speaking, he deliberately explained: "When we came here, we thought we would definitely have to drink, so Lao Li and I simply didn't drive here."

  When Liu Yiming heard that Ren Yuchang and Li Zongming were leaving, he originally wanted to keep them for a while, but he heard that Ren Yuchang would have an operation tomorrow, so he didn't stop him.

   Xia Anni and her manager were also sent to the door.

  After saying goodbye, the agent said to Yao Shi: "Boss Yao, let's see you later."

  Yao Shi smiled: "Okay, don't worry, I'll be here anytime."

  Xia Anni looked at Fu Yu and asked earnestly, "Fu Chu, can my disease really be cured?"

Fu Yu nodded, and said seriously: "Miss Xia, your situation is very special. Anorexia has caused your body's immunity to decline, and your body's functions have obviously declined, which aggravated your condition. I suggest that in addition to customizing medicinal diet, it is best to also Make sure you get plenty of rest."

   "Because medicinal diet is effective, but the treatment time is long and the effect is slow"

   Fu Yu explained to Xia Anni for a long time.

  The manager nodded, and immediately said that after the new year, he would find a way to cancel some activities to ensure Xia Anni's rest.

  When Li Zongming heard it, he also agreed with Fu Yu's suggestion. If he wanted to cure a disease, he could only treat the disease through diet and nourishment, but it could not guarantee the body's rest. It could only treat the symptoms, not the root cause.

  Liu Yiming came over and said to Ren Yuchang and Li Zongming: "Uncle Ren, Director Li, thank you for coming to help tonight."

  Ren Yuchang smiled and put his arms around Liu Yiming's shoulders: "If you want to thank, I'd better thank Fu Fu, thanks to him, otherwise Miss Xia's illness is really not easy to cure."

  Liu Yiming is very familiar with Ren Yuchang. Although these words sound polite, but seeing Ren Yuchang's expression, they are very sincere, and it is obvious that he admires Fuyu's medicinal diet in words.

  So he also turned his head to Fu Yu and said, "Fu Chu, you have worked hard today. The herbal diet you made is really good. I will customize it if I need it in the future. Of course, I will also recommend it to my friends!"

   Fu Yu was delighted to hear it.

  With Liu Yiming's connections, if he can get his help, the strength of the publicity must not be underestimated.

  Liu Yiming and Fu Yu exchanged contact information.

   After Fu Yu solemnly shook hands with Liu Yiming, he followed Yao Shi to the front of the car.

  Liu Yiming and others personally sent the four people to the car, and watched the car drive away.

  Ren Yuchang rolled down the car window and waved his hand at Liu Yiming: "Okay, it's cold, let's go back, call if you need anything!"

  Liu Yiming responded, but stood still.

  Ren Yuchang looked in the rearview mirror, cuddling and touched.

  Li Zongming also looked back, and said with a smile: "Old Ren, you have a really good relationship with Xiao Liu!"

  The car turned a corner, and the figure in the rearview mirror was completely invisible. Ren Yuchang looked away: "That is, I also watched this kid grow up. Now that I think about it, time flies so fast!"

  When it came to the question of time, Li Zongming couldn't help feeling: "No, we're all getting old in a flash."

   As he spoke, he remembered something, and suddenly raised his head and patted the co-pilot's seat: "Hey, Xiao Fu, you have nearly two years of work experience, right?"

  Fu Yu hurriedly turned his head: "More than a year and a half."

  Li Zongming nodded: "The working hours are indeed a bit short, but it doesn't matter. I'll make inquiries for you later and see if the Municipal Food Association can make a difference."

  Fu Yu was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect that Li Zongming wanted to promote himself, but he couldn't use it either.

Without waiting for him to decline politely, Li Zongming continued on his own: "Actually, I didn't know much about food before. It was because of Lao Ren's help that I joined the National Medicinal Diet Research Association. Through With this matter, I have a little understanding of the food circle."

   "Let me tell you, your profession is actually the same as our medical students. If you want to develop, you have to take a step-by-step examination for professional titles, and joining various associations is also a channel to accumulate contacts."

  Testing professional titles and finding ways to join relevant associations may not be necessary in the eyes of ordinary chefs, but in the eyes of this group of elderly people who have climbed up the medical system step by step through formal channels, it is very common and worthy of attention.

   After all, professional titles are a powerful proof of personal ability, and joining various related associations is a channel to open up contacts.

   Li Zongming felt an urgency to support Fu Yu, so what he said was from the bottom of his heart.

   Without waiting for Fu Yu to explain, Ren Yuchang said with a smile at this moment: "Old Li, you don't know, Xiao Fu and I are planning to join the National Medicinal Food Research Association with you."

  Ren Yuchang didn't mention this matter to Li Zongming, mainly because Fu Yu and Li Zongming didn't know each other before.

   Li Zongming couldn't help being surprised when he heard the words: "What? Xiaofu also joined the National Medicinal Food Association?"

  Ren Yuchang explained: "When Lao Liu and Lao Xiao came over two days ago, we made a special trip to the music restaurant. At that time, Boss Yao personally took us to the back kitchen to observe Xiaofu's medicinal food cooking."

   "At that time, Lao Liu invited Xiao Fu to join the National Medicinal Diet Research Association, and Boss Yao was also present at this matter."

  Multiple tasks, Yao Shi, who listened to them while driving, also smiled and said: "Yes, if it wasn't for Brother Liu's help, Fu Yu would not have this opportunity. Speaking of which, I still have to thank Brother Liu."

   Li Zongming was stunned. Fu Yu has already joined the National Medicinal Diet Research Association?

   This is a high enough start!

  But it also shows that Liu Shaoxian is indeed very discerning.

"So this is ah."

   This is too. Too fateful!

  Yao Shi smiled and made up the knife unconsciously: "And before that, Fu Yu had already joined the Provincial Food Association, and it was recommended by others, and the membership notice was received last month."

   Li Zongming was a little dazed. He didn't expect it. He thought it was just a newly discovered Maxima.

   Never would have expected that he would already be honored!

   It belongs to the Provincial Gastronomy Association and the National Medicinal Diet Research Association. For ordinary people, how difficult it is to achieve!

  Even he himself had been eagerly looking forward to it for so many years, and finally passed the application for membership through Ren Yuchang's relationship with great difficulty.

  The more Li Zongming thought about it, the more he couldn't believe it!

  This is too. so lucky!

  Li Zongming couldn't help swallowing, and glanced at Fu Yu who was sitting in the co-pilot seat, feeling envious from the bottom of his heart.

   "It's really amazing!" Li Zongming sighed, and then solemnly said: "Xiaofu, if you have time in the next year, you must come to the Chinese Medicine Hospital to see me. Let's have a good discussion on the preparation of medicinal food and related theories of Chinese medicine."

   "Although I am not as good as you in medicinal food cooking, I can still guide you a little bit in terms of Chinese medicine theory."

   As soon as he finished speaking, the next second, an electronic prompt sounded in Fu Yu's ear:

【Ding! NPC godfather Zhao Meng's long-term serial mission: complete all the set goals, surpass Che Yuhang, break all his achievements one by one, and do what he says. The established task (3) has the opportunity to learn across fields. The task has been completed, and the rewards will be: RMB +100, lucky wheel once, and level +1. 】

【Ding! The attribute level is upgraded to an intermediate chef, and the reward: memory increased by 10%]

   Ignoring the impact of the surprise chain rewards, Fu Yu focused all his attention on the matter of improving the attribute level.

  He couldn't wait to check his personal attributes.

   Sure enough!

  【Level: lv11: 62/1000 (cook in charge) (intermediate chef)】

  The attribute level of the former junior apprentice has been upgraded to an intermediate chef.

  The higher the attribute level, the better the cooking skills.

   This is the official appraisal of my cooking level!

  It has been more than half a year since I got the system, and I have already become an intermediate chef.

   If it takes another year, will the attribute level be raised again?

  Thinking of this, Fu Yu was a little excited.

   Unable to hold back his joy for a while, he then began to check other rewards.

   Lucky wheel once!

  Fu Yu didn't say anything else, and directly drew a lottery.

【Ding! Congratulations on obtaining a rare cooking skill book]

  Fu Yu was taken aback for a moment, and then his face brightened!

   Didn't follow the routine again!

  The previous Lucky Wheel rewards were not the keys to the teaching practice classroom, but various badges and honorary titles.

   This is the first time that the tome of learning skills is directly issued, and it is still a rare level!

   Fu Yu glanced at the cover, casually kept the rare cooking skill book, and continued to look down.

  【Memory increased by 10%】

   Fu Yu's eyes lit up immediately. For him who was a scumbag from elementary school, this reward is a good thing!

   For a chef practitioner like him, it is a very important reward.

   After all, he couldn’t learn enough from the few cookbooks at hand. He really wanted to read them all, and he didn’t know when he would be the first.

   But it is different now, his memory has been improved, and when he reads and studies in the future, he will definitely save a lot of effort.

   While Fu Yu secretly rejoiced, he opened the rewards he had obtained before:

  【Compendium of Traditional Chinese Medicine Efficacy List: (1) Commonly used medicines for treating symptoms, (2) Medicines for dispelling wind-heat, (3) Medicines for cooling blood, medicines for reducing asthenic fever or medicines for clearing away heat】

  My good fellow, this swipe has a total of ten items.

  But except (1) you can click to view, the others are all gray interfaces.

  Try to open it, and a prompt will appear: [Not unlocked yet]

   Fu Yu took a look at the [List of the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine (1)]

   Looking at the names and effects of the more commonly used anti-inflammatory drugs on the top, it suddenly dawned on me that maybe this is really not because the system is too picky.

  With so much content, even if he can study hard, he probably won't be able to chew through it in a year or so.

   You can’t expect to eat a fat man in one bite!

  Fu Yu has a deep understanding of this.

  However, at least I can learn the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine!

   This is a very gratifying thing.

   No matter how awesome the reward is, if you can’t grasp it, it’s useless.

  Although it is just a catalog reward, but at my own level, I can just learn to use it steadily!

   Roughly glanced at [Compendium of Traditional Chinese Medicine Effects (1)], Fu Yu felt that the efficacy of this encyclopedia was very good, so he tried to browse through ten lines at a glance, trying to see what amazing effect the memory improvement he had just obtained had.


   Nothing seems to have changed?

  The reading speed is still the same, but the comprehension ability is very good, after all, it is blessed with advanced writing skills.

   Fu Yu secretly slandered: Why is there no special effect at all? I don't have any superpowers like imagining ten lines at a glance, photographic memory, picking up a book and flicking it casually, and all the contents in it can be firmly remembered.

   Randomly read the names and effects of several traditional Chinese medicines, Fu Yu tried to recall what he had read, not to mention, he could indeed remember most of them, but that was all.

   Memory improved, but not amazing.

   Well, some improvement is better than nothing.

   After all, one must know how to be satisfied.

   While Fu Yu was sneakily checking the rewards, the three of Yao and Shi kept chatting enthusiastically.

  In the process of chatting, Ren Yuchang suddenly remembered something!

  The day after tomorrow, which happens to be Saturday, is the annual meeting of the Provincial Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine. At that time, the Chinese medicine hospitals in each city will send their outstanding Chinese medicine practitioners to participate in the event.

  At the annual meeting, several heavyweights will be invited to give lectures and academic exchanges!

   They are in the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine, and this time they plan to send Li Zongming to participate in the meeting.

  Thinking of this, Ren Yuchang turned his head and informed Li Zongming: "Old Li, the day after tomorrow will be the annual meeting. How are you preparing?"

   Li Zongming said calmly: "It has been prepared a long time ago. I just encountered two typical cases before, which can be used for exchange and learning."

  After listening, Ren Yuchang nodded in satisfaction: "That's good, I will work hard for you then."

  When Ren Yuchang was not appointed as the vice president, he was the representative to participate in activities like this.

  But now that the official position has been promoted, such an opportunity has fallen to the people under him.

  At this time, Li Zongming suddenly said: "Hey, Vice President Ren, how many places did our Academy apply for this year's annual meeting?"

  Ren Yuchang was taken aback: "What's wrong?"

   Li Zongming said: "The search team of the National Medicinal Diet Research Association has not left yet. I will definitely attend the annual meeting at that time. I wonder if I can bring Xiaofu with me?"

  Ren Yuchang's eyes lit up when he heard it: "Yes! Of course."

   As he spoke, he turned his head and asked Fu Yu: "Xiao Fu, do you have the intention to attend the annual meeting?"

   Fu Yu: "!"

   Provincial Annual Conference of Traditional Chinese Medicine?

  He is a chef to participate?

  This industry is somewhat far away, right?

  (end of this chapter)

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