MTL - Flower Master in the City-Chapter 2940 It's you who saved your life

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Hearing the sound, Xia Xia rushed out directly.

At this time, outside the Supreme Palace, stood a tall man with a horned beard, nearly two meters tall. Not only was his eyes fierce, but there were hundreds of people lying on the ground who had been beaten to the ground by him.

Among these people, Bai Tianlang is also impressively listed.

He was called by Fairy Xiaoyao to repair the palace, and by the way, he worked part-time as a guard for the Supreme Palace.

"Bai Tianlang, you are too rude." Xia Xia arrived outside the hall and said with a little contempt: "That's it, what is the name of the Sirius Demon King?"

Bai Tian's nose was blue and his face was swollen, his body was bruised in many places, and he was lying on the ground as if he was about to die.

"It's easy for you to say it!" Bai Tianlang shouted helplessly, "What realm is I, look at this person's realm, it's not easy to survive without being beaten to death."

The fierce bearded man also saw Xia Xia and pointed at him: "Are you Xia Xia!"

"Yes, I am summer, the summer of spring, summer, autumn and winter, the best day in the world!" Xia Tian said casually.

"That's good, take a punch from the old man!" The qiu-bearded man didn't say much, clenched his fist and smashed it towards Xia Tian.

I have to say that this person's fist is extremely fierce, like a cannonball.

The speed is extremely fast, the strength is extremely heavy, and there is a strange vortex of energy, no wonder Bai Tianlang can't resist.

Xia Xia did not dodge or evade, and casually squeezed his fists to greet him.


The fists touch, and the energy bursts!

A gust of gust of wind spread out, and all the people lying nearby were swept away directly.

"A little strength!"

The bearded man's eyes lit up, showing a slight expression of admiration, and said coldly, "Come again!"

The fist was punched out with the sound of drinking.

"Come on, I'm never used to messing with my idiots."

Xia Xia is also **** for tat, and every punch hits back head-on.

Two people are in front of the Supreme Palace, you punch me and punch each other.

Gang Fengqi kept blasting, directly shaking all the people lying on the ground hundreds of miles away.

"Happy!" The qiu-bearded man became more and more excited, his body actually glowed with a pale golden luster, and the clothes on his body were directly shattered, revealing a body of terrifying muscles, with distinct textures, as if every gully was hidden. tens of thousands of pounds

the power of.

Xia Xia also made some impressions. This person in front of him is really much better than those bells and whistles.

The two fought for a while, and their anger gradually soared. Seeing that they were about to be divided between life and death, Fairy Fuyao and Xiao Yaoer appeared together.

"Stop, stop!"

Xiao Yaoer hurriedly shouted, "If you fight again, something will happen!"

Xia Xia pouted: "Xiao Yao'er, don't worry, this idiot can't hurt me, I'll be able to kill him after a while." "Kill me?" The bearded man smiled, and suddenly his strength skyrocketed again. Several times, "Boy, you are not afraid that the wind will flash your tongue, this old man is the number one divine power in the alliance, even those supreme beings would not dare to take my all.

A punch. "

"Then use it, just say it with your mouth, who wouldn't?" Xia Tian pouted.

The bearded man laughed, and he appreciated Xia Xia somewhat: "Boy, although this old man still doesn't like you, but your backbone is quite good, then take this old man's punch."

"Huh?" Xia Xia glanced at the opponent's fist, and found that the space under the fist unexpectedly produced a strange distortion, and then this distortion spread rapidly, the whole world cracked like a cobweb, and there were always may crash


"Don't stop, I'm angry!"

Xiao Yaoer shouted loudly: "I won't take care of you in the future!"

Xia Xia felt a little strange, and murmured: "Xiao Yao'er, you are a little unnecessary. It's just killing an idiot. What's there to be angry about."

"Hmph, she's talking to me!"

The big bearded man hesitated for half a second, but he directly restrained his energy and snorted coldly: "You are lucky, you escaped the disaster!"

"Well, Xiao Yao'er, do you know this big muscular old man?" Xia Xia asked casually.

Xiao Yao'er was a little embarrassed: "He is my father, his name is Wu Wanyang, he is also a member of the Presbyterian Church, and the head of the Shenwu Sect."

"Your surname is not Xiao, why is your father's surname Wu?" Xia Xia said lazily.

Xiao Yaoer sighed and then said, "I was originally called Wu Yaoer, but I was selected by the Goddess Division. After multiple selections, I finally became the Taiyin Goddess, and then I was given the surname Xiao."

"What do you mean?" Xia Xia didn't quite understand. Fairy Fuyao chuckled, and then explained to Xia Tian: "The so-called goddess refers to the daughter of the emperor. Every three thousand years or so, virgins with special physiques will be screened in the entire alliance, and then cultivated and selected through layers.

After that, only one goddess will be determined in the end, and she will be sent to the Lingxiao Realm where the God Emperor retreats after the Pantao Fairy Meeting, and she will serve the God Emperor until she exits the customs. "

As she said that, she suddenly stopped for two seconds, and then added: "But for the 50,000-60,000 years of the God Emperor's retreat, those goddesses have come in but not come out, and they don't know if they are alive or dead."

"What goddess, isn't it just an old-fashioned concubine." Xia Xia pouted and said with great contempt: "What is the daughter of a **** emperor, it seems that this **** emperor is not a good bird."

"Where are you going!"

Wu Wanyang immediately stared at Xia Xia's beard, and said dissatisfiedly: "You robbed my daughter and even broke her body. If you don't use these fists to kill you, how can you dispel the hatred in my heart."

Xia Xia said dissatisfiedly: "Old man, are you alright, don't think that you are Xiao Yao'er's father, you can talk nonsense, and then slander me and beat me."

"Then give it a try!" Wu Wanyang squeezed his fists, "This old man will send you on your way!"

"Don't make trouble!" Xiao Yao'er looked helpless and explained to Wu Wanyang with a sigh: "Father, you have misunderstood. I wasn't swept over by the Lord, and the person who arrested me was Lord Impermanence."

Wu Wanyang was stunned for a moment, and he didn't quite believe it: "Fate is impermanent? Why did he do such a thing?"

Xiao Yao'er explained slowly: "He just wants to use my Taiyin physique to set up a trap and lure the Lord to the hook. As for what his ultimate purpose is, I don't know."

"But I heard from a few old friends that you were taken away by this kid named Xia Xia."

Wu Wanyang frowned tightly, and said with a dissatisfied expression: "I also said that this kid is a Chaos Heavenly Demon and killed a lot of fellows. Let me come over for the alliance to eliminate demons and defend the road and kill this kid."

"Father, you have been deceived by those people again." Xiao Yao'er sighed deeply, "Your personality is too straight, you can believe whatever others say, and you have been fooled so many times, yet you haven't made any progress at all. "

"Impossible, they are my old friends for many years, how could they lie to me!" Wu Wanyang frowned slightly, waved his hand decisively, and then pointed at Xia Xia: "Tell me, the great monk Longxiang, Tongtian old thief, did you kill them?"

Xia Xia nodded: "Yes, I killed it, and they deserved it."

"What else to say." Wu Wanyang pointed at Xia Xia and said firmly: "They are also my old friends for many years. They died in your hands. How can I not avenge them!"

Xiao Yao'er glared at Wu Wanyang directly and viciously: "Father, if you continue to be unreasonable to the Lord, don't blame me for not recognizing you from now on!"

"You!" Wu Wanyang was so angry that his lungs were about to explode, "Sure enough, the women's college didn't stay in the middle, for a stinky boy who had never met before, even dared to slap your face with your father." "If it weren't for him, I would have Died in Yuntai!" Xiao Yao'er was not at all embarrassed, and replied directly: "When I was taken away by the goddess, why didn't you show up? When I was taken away by the impermanence, why didn't you show up? I

Why didn't you show up when you were treated as an abandoned child by Tongtian Supreme and the others? Wu Wanyang was immediately speechless. He is a martial arts idiot who has fallen into an unspeakable obsession with various martial arts. Often, once he practices martial arts, he directly enters into a retreat for several years, decades, or even hundreds of years. Naturally, he ignores it. to my daughter


"If you are disrespectful to the Lord, then kill me first." Xiao Yao'er stood in front of Xia Xia.

Xia Xia said casually: "Xiao Yao'er, you think too much, he is not my opponent. For the sake of his father, I can just beat him, not kill him."

"Boy, you are too arrogant!"

Wu Wanyang clenched and loosened his fists, "Forget it, this old man won't kill him."

Xia Xia said with a smile: "It's you who left a way out for yourself!"

"However, this does not mean that the old man recognizes your son-in-law!" Wu Wanyang defended with an angry face.

Xia Tian said casually: "Whether you recognize it or not, it's none of my business."

"Father, don't get involved in the matter between me and your lord, you don't understand anyway." Xiao Yao'er said directly.

Wu Wanyang was speechless for a while, and after a while, he said to Xia Xia: "Boy, if you dare to take my daughter, even if you are not the Chaos Heavenly Demon, the old man will kill you with one punch!"

"I've always been very good to my own woman." Xia Xia answered seriously: "I don't need you to remind me about this." "Okay, very good!" Wu Wanyang didn't know what to say for a while, then pointed at Xia Xia and said, "Your The strength is good, but there is no skill in punching, and only 30% to 40% of the ten successes can be exerted. How dare you go to the gods with this old man

Wu Zong, let's learn from each other again? "

When I say this, it's actually soft.

Xiao Yao'er also felt relieved, knowing that this was actually accepting Xia Xia's relationship with her.

"Fighting or something, I like it so much." Xia Xia smiled, "However, I won't be merciful just because you are Xiao Yao'er's father."

Wu Wanyang snorted coldly and said, "I won't keep my hands, at most I won't kill you!"

"Then don't talk nonsense." Xia Tian curled his lips: "Let's go directly."

Wu Wanyang suddenly shouted: "Huoyu Kun, come!"

I saw a huge flying fish covered in fire, instantly moving to the top of the Supreme Palace, almost obscuring the sky.

"Wife Fuyao, you come too." Xia Xia said to Fairy Fuyao.

Fairy Fuyao shook her head slightly, and said lightly, "I don't have anything important to do, just go with Sister Yao."

Xia Xia didn't urge him any more, he knew that Fairy Fuyao was going back to Earth.

Xiao Yao'er looked at Fairy Fuyao gratefully, and then said, "Sister Qin, don't worry, I will take good care of the Lord."

"What are you talking about, come on up."

Wu Wanyang flew to Huo Yukun's back long ago, and urged condescendingly, "Five and a quarter of an hour, it's a good time to practice boxing. If you miss it, you can wait a few more days."

Xia Tian stretched out his arms and wrapped his arms around Xiao Yao'er's slender waist, suddenly soared into the air, and flew to Kun's back.

Soon, the big fish with only flaming feathers turned into a stream of flames and disappeared in an instant.

Fairy Fuyao watched them leave, and an imperceptible smile flashed in her beautiful eyes.

The Pantao Fairy will be coming soon, and some old accounts must be settled at one time.

This time to come early, it is really necessary.

I used to think that this place was the strongest and most terrifying place in the heavens and the world, but now it seems that it has become a bit of a force from outside.

If that's the case, then what's there to be afraid of.

The Immortal Cultivation Alliance can't do it, then let us be the masters here! Fairy Fuyao slowly returned to the depths of the Supreme Palace. After setting up a few barriers, she immediately recited the coordinates in her mind, and then disappeared.

Read The Duke's Passion