MTL - Flower Master in the City-Chapter 2930 Then they will die even worse

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Summer is indeed surrounded.

Five men in black with white masks surrounded him.

These people stared at Xia Xia coldly and asked, "Who are you, why are you here, and where did you come from?"

Xia Tian glanced at the dresses of these people, and said with some discomfort: "I also want to ask you a question, which idiot gave you these masks? Where is that idiot?"

Because the white masks worn by these people are very similar to Bai Wuchang, who had cheated on him before.

It's just that they are obviously not as weird and erratic as Bai Wuchang, and they look more like trash fish, and they probably don't have much ability. "We are the impermanent guards of the Immortal Law Division of the Immortal Cultivation Alliance." The leader of them stared at Xia Xia coldly, "The real immortal ruins here are the highest secret realm of the alliance, and there is no permission from the Supreme Being or our lord in charge. , absolutely no

People can get in. "

The other impermanence guards followed and asked, "Come on, how did you get in?"

Xia Tian curled his lips: "You all said that you can't come in without the permission of those two idiots, so what else do you ask?"

"Impossible!" The leader of the impermanent guard immediately shouted loudly: "For this mission, the supreme secret has made us the impermanent guard to be fully responsible, and we have already investigated everyone who can enter the ruins, but you are on the list. Besides, if you don't recruit from the real

, don't blame us for being rude. "

Xia Tian said impatiently: "Then you're welcome, why are you talking so much nonsense?"

"How do you think we should deal with it?" The leader turned his head and asked the other impermanent guards instead of being arbitrary.

"In order to prevent accidents and disrupt Great Supreme's plan, this person must be removed."

"But his origin is really hard to say, so he should control it and leave it to the Great Supreme to deal with it later."

"We don't have the extra manpower to keep an eye on him!"

"Time is running out, kill!"

After hearing the opinions of several people, the leader of Wuchangwei immediately made a decision. Their manpower is limited. In order not to make extra troubles, it is indeed the most appropriate to kill the person in front of him.

So, he shouted: "Then kill... ah!"

It's just that before he could finish speaking, he was punched by Xia Xia in the face, and his mouth and nose burst, spurting blood.

"With your strength, do you still want to kill me?"

Xia Tian curled his lips, "It's better to take some time to think about how to commit suicide, because you may die horribly next."


The leader quickly stopped the bleeding, reached out and touched his waist, and shouted at the others: "Bind him with the prisoner's soul lock, and then use the soul eater to deal with him."

The other three immediately took out several silver chains from the storage bag on the waist, and threw them towards Xia.

The leader of Wuchangwei felt a little strange in his heart, why didn't this kid resist?

However, now is not the time to think about this, the big tripod below will be activated soon, and there can be no longer delay.

"Release worms!" the leader immediately shouted.

The three of them untied a worm bag from their waists, chanted an elastic mantra, and released thousands of soul-devouring worms, densely surrounding Xia Xia.

After watching for a few seconds, the leader found that the kid was still not struggling, and he couldn't help but feel even more puzzled, but no one could survive the bite of the Soul Eater, and his heart was a little more settled.


After waiting for a while, I saw that the kid was directly bitten into an empty shell, and then threw out a flame, burning the remains of the body clean, and then left with his subordinates.

On the other side, in the hall.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

Yemeng's white eyes were full of coldness, and it was obvious that his patience was almost exhausted, "Don't think that you are holding me in this way, it really makes me anxious, and it's a big deal."

"When I get the things in this tripod, I will naturally let you go." Jin Mufeng said indifferently: "As for the rest, don't ask too much, and I won't answer you."

Ye Mengbai sneered and said at this time, "Then you are so at ease with Xia Wuji? Aren't you afraid that he will take things for himself after he takes them?"

Jin Mufeng does have this level of worry, but he also knows that Yemengbai is picking things up, so he said, "It's useless for you to pick things up. The things in the cauldron cannot be digested by one person."

"Since you only want what's in the tripod, you can go get it, it's none of our business."

Yemengbai was a little puzzled: "Yanran and I don't know what's in the cauldron at all, and we're not interested, so why bother."

"Because you are a tool to test whether that thing still works."

At this time, four silhouette rulers swept over and slowly landed in front of Yemengbai and the other three.

"Why did you come here?" Jin Mufeng saw that these people were not surprised, but complained instead, "Have you dealt with it that summer?"

The leader of Impermanence Guard said lightly: "It has been burned to ashes."

"That's good." Jin Mufeng nodded.

"You are so shameless!" Qu Yanran couldn't take it anymore, "No matter how Xian Xia saved your life, you actually treated him like this."

Jin Mufeng snorted coldly and said disdainfully, "Hmph, I was bitten by the Soul Eater on purpose, who asked him to save me?"

"It's really a wolf-hearted thing." Qu Yanran scolded.

"Shut up!" Jin Mufeng glared at Qu Yanran viciously, "You better be honest, or I'll scratch your face first."

Qu Yanran was as quiet as a chicken.

"call out!"

At this time, there was a strange sound in the tripod, and then the green light was blazing, turning into a beam of light, which immediately broke through the top floor of the cave and went straight to the sky.

"Dingkou has already opened, and seeing Xia Wuji's success, we have to go too."

When the leader of Wuchangwei saw this light, his heart froze, and he turned his head and said to his two subordinates: "Changku, Changlaugh, you go and control these two for Jin Mufeng."

"No, I can just watch the two of them." Jin Mufeng refused directly.

The leader sneered and said, "What do you think of the two of you?"

He glanced at Yemengbai again: "What's more, this kid's strength is no trivial matter. Even the Great Supreme once praised him for his supreme qualifications. You can suppress him?"

Jin Mufeng was obviously prepared, and took out a green bottle from his arms and threw it at Yemengbai: "Brother Ye, this is Fengmai Pill, you can take one."

When he said this, his **** clasped at Qu Yanran's throat, and he tightened by two points.

Ye Mengbai didn't hesitate, just poured out a Fengmai Pill, swallowed it, and threw the bottle back: "Is this all right?"

"Brother Ye, he is indeed a kind and righteous person."

Jin Mufeng was very satisfied, and forced another piece into Qu Yanran's mouth, and then let go of her: "Then I can't be stingy, she will be taken care of by you."

"Hypocritical!" Qu Yanran couldn't help but scolded, "Brother Ye, you don't need to worry about me."

Ye Mengbai patted her head and said, "Yanran, don't say anything, let's see what the **** they're up to first."

Several people walked slowly towards the big tripod, and then climbed up together.

In the cauldron, it turned out to be a treasure pavilion.

There are four areas in total. At the center is a circular jade instrument panel, which is connected to the layers of magic circles under the cauldron.

Outside the instrument are three connected spaces. Looking down from the top of the tripod, you can see that one is the Heaven and Earth Treasure Pavilion, the other is the Magic Treasure Appliances Pavilion, and the other is the Gongfa Jade Slip Pavilion. Xia Wuji was in the treasure pavilion of heaven and earth at this time, looking at the dazzling variety of exotic flowers and plants, he was amazed: "This is the Mysterious Liquid Grass of Ten Thousand Years, Qianyuehua, Lei Lingye, Hua Jie. Zhi... I have made my hair, now I will succeed in transcending the calamity

, At that time, neither the Presbyterian Church nor the Supreme Council will be more than a little. "

"Xia Wuji, what are you doing!"

The leader of the Impermanence Guard directly reprimanded: "Everything here is owned by the Great Supreme and our commander, and at most you can take three things away."

"Haha." Xia Wuji's expression changed immediately, and he said savagely, "With these natural treasures, I will be the Great Supreme sooner or later, what am I afraid of?"

The leader was too lazy to say anything, and directly ordered: "Cry often, laugh often, you go down and let him know the consequences of betraying the chief and the Supreme Being!"


The two Impermanence Guards immediately handed over their orders, and then jumped down at the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion where Xia Wuji was.


Unfortunately, as soon as the two of them landed, they were suddenly pierced by two sharp thorns that grew out of the ground, and they died instantly.

"Chang Left, Chang Right, you go down!"

The leader was furious and shouted at the remaining two.

The remaining two hesitated for a while, but still jumped down, but before jumping into the treasure pavilion this time, they were blocked by a layer of barriers.

"Don't waste time."

Xia Wuji sneered: "The treasure pavilion here can only be entered by three people at a time. If it exceeds, there will be a one-hundred-year closure period. Didn't your boss tell you?"

At this time, Ye Mengbai's thoughts moved, and he lifted Qu Yanran with one hand, grabbed Jin Mufeng's shoulder with the other, and controlled him, then jumped into one of the treasure pavilions.

"Catch them quickly!" The leader of Wuchangwei was taken aback, and immediately shouted at the other two men.

Chang Zuo and Chang Right were below, and immediately went away to meet Yemengbai's three people.

"Go!" Ye Mengbai threw Jin Mufeng out in order to stop them.

Jin Mufeng collided with Chang Zuo Chang right, and then fell into the third guest pavilion.

It's just that the two subordinates suddenly spontaneously ignited for no reason, and the ashes were instantly burned.

"Hmph, they're all playing tricks, but who of you can escape the Master Chief's calculations?"

The leader of the Impermanence Guard looked ashen, sneered, and decided to kill all these traitors himself.

"call out!"

However, as soon as he stood up, he saw a green light from the green beads in the instrument panel, piercing him directly.

"What, what's going on?"

A look of disbelief appeared on the leader's face, and his own body began to burn.

"Because you are already dead." At this time, a lazy voice rang out and said with a smile: "This green light seems to have a special recognition mechanism for dead objects."

"You?" When the leader saw the person coming, he couldn't help but widen his eyes, and his fear became even stronger: "Aren't you already dead!"

Xia Tian curled his lips: "You idiots are dead, and I will have nothing to do."

The leader didn't know what happened, but he also knew that he couldn't survive, so he had to curse: "Don't be proud of you, the boss and the Supreme will come over at any time to check the results, and you won't live long!"

"Then you can send a message and ask them to come over quickly."

Xia Tian yawned lazily, "Don't make me wait too long, or I'll get impatient, and they'll die even worse."

The leader of Wuchangwei really sent a talisman out, and then the person was burned to ashes and dissipated with the wind.

"Sure enough, I should kill you first. Whether it's now or 20,000 years from now, you idiot is annoying." Xia Xia looked down at Xia Wuji and said unhappily.

"Then come down and kill me." Xia Wuji was not afraid, completely different from the harmless little monk before, "It's a pity that you don't have the ability, the treasure pavilion barrier here, then It is the remnant of a true immortal, if it is the Great Supreme who has survived eight calamities

Come here, maybe you can blast it off, you, don't be foolish...Pfft! "

Before he could finish speaking, he suddenly felt a sweetness in his throat, spit out a mouthful of painstaking effort, and fell to the ground with a bang.

"This is impossible!"

Xia Wuji hurriedly grabbed a large amount of treasures from heaven and earth, and without looking at the medicinal properties, he directly showed it to his mouth, and it took a while to come back to his senses, "What the **** are you...poof!"

As soon as he said three words, he couldn't help but spit out a lot of effort.

Summer looked casual, and said casually, "When I first saw you, I gave you a shot, but you didn't know it."

"Even if it's true, you're going to kill me!" Xia Wuji became quiet after hearing those words, and directly meditated with his knees crossed, and began to search for the needle in his body.

His guess is not wrong, because Xia Xia can't use the ice and fire spirit body now, there is no robbery, and the eight needles against the sky can't work.

Therefore, Xia Xia used the ghost doctor nine needles passed on to him by Zhang Mingtuo. Although it is also very powerful, it is only a mortal acupuncture method after all, and it can be cracked soon. But it doesn't matter, here in summer, the ghost doctor's nine needles can also kill people!

Read The Duke's Passion