MTL - Flower Master in the City-Chapter 2893 Misty fairy is my wife

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"The robber, but..."

Zhan Musi didn't know what to think, and looked like he was hesitant to say anything.

"Don't say more, you go down first."

The ancestor of the Five Elements glanced at Zhan Musi and said casually: "Also, the messenger from the Immortal Cultivation Alliance can send it away. He should already know who their future enemy is."

"Yes!" James nodded and left.

Just as soon as he walked out of the closed door, he suddenly felt his heart tighten for a while, and before he could react, the whole person fell to the ground with a bang.

The ancestor of the Five Elements in Guan Shizhi heard the movement, and he couldn't help but feel a little strange. When he was about to speak out, his own heart was also tight.

"Could it be..." The Five Elements Ancestor used his Five Elements Tribulation Power, and the left hand pointed to the center of his eyebrows.

A few seconds later, a silver needle slowly emerged from the center of his eyebrows.

"As expected of the selected person, he actually has this hand!" The ancestor of the Five Elements held the silver needle and sneered: "However, you have found the wrong person. I have been stagnant for more than 10,000 years in the tribulation period. The Five Elements Tribulation Power has long been consummated, and it was only a matter of time before stepping into the gate of the real fairyland. You are so cold.

Huo Jie Li, for me, is just... too expensive? "

Before he finished speaking, his face suddenly changed greatly, and then he opened his mouth and spit out a flood of effort, and his body was aging at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"No, this, how is this possible!"

The eyes of the ancestors of the Five Elements gradually dried up with a look of despair and disbelief, and then disappeared without any sound.


In the Mysterious Passage leading to Immortal Cloud Continent.

Qiao Xiaoqiao turned her beautiful eyes, looked at Xia Xia, and asked with a smile, "How credible do you think he is?"

Xia Tian curled his lips: "It's true or false, it's all bullshit."

"There should still be some facts."

With a playful look on Qiao Xiaoqiao's face, he smiled lightly: "However, we don't have any reference to determine which is fact and which is false."

Xia Xia felt that there was no need to spend that time to figure it out, and said casually: "It doesn't matter whether he is true or not, it has nothing to do with us." "Sooner or later, we will have a fight with the Xiuxian Alliance." Qiao Xiaoqiao knew Xia Xia's temperament and never liked it. Wasting brain power on this kind of thing, but she couldn't help thinking: "Which side these people are on, we still have to find out

. "

Xia Xia yawned lazily: "Little Qiao wife, there's actually no need to figure it out. If you can't tell the difference between friend and foe, then you can't tell the difference, just kill them all together."

"Huh?" Qiao Xiaoqiao was stunned for a moment, and suddenly thought of something, "You treated them just now..."

"When I left, I gave them a shot."

Xia Tian curled his lips and said nonchalantly: "If they are honest, then it will be fine. If they dare to say bad things about us and act in some crooked mind, they should be dead by now."

"The ancestor of the Five Elements was in the tribulation period many years ago, and his qualifications are very old." Qiao Xiaoqiao said worriedly: "If he finds out, will it be troublesome?"

"Wife Xiao Qiao, you don't need to think so much." Xia Xia said disapprovingly: "It's useless to have seniority, and things like strength are not distributed by age."

Qiao Xiaoqiao thought for a while: "That's true."

"Then are there any problems with the two things he gave?" Qiao Xiaoqiao asked.

Xia Xia said lightly: "They are not that stupid, they can say half-truths, but things can't be faked."

"I always feel that there is a black hand behind the scenes, manipulating something, leading us into a trap." Qiao Xiaoqiao frowned slightly, her expression slightly worried.

"Wife Xiao Qiao, don't think so much." Xia Xia hugged Qiao Xiaoqiao tightly and said with a smile: "With me, no matter what kind of black hand or white hand, if you dare to come, you will kill it with one punch."

Qiao Xiaoqiao chuckled: "Yes, no matter who is blocking the front, we will face it together."

The voice of the voice suddenly converged, and the two of them landed smoothly and appeared in a valley.

All around are pitch-black mountains, and all the flowers, plants and trees are the color of steel, which looks quite strange.

"What is this place?"

Qiao Xiaoqiao glanced around and found that this place was quite unfamiliar, "Is there such a place in Xianyun Continent?"

"It may not be Xianyun Continent." Xia Xia said casually.

Qiao Xiaoqiao couldn't help being a little surprised: "Didn't you say that there are no problems with those two things?"

"Little Qiao wife, you are still so naive."

Xia Xia said with a smile: "There is no problem with that thing, but it is possible that the goods are not right."

"Am I naive?" Qiao Xiaoqiao giggled. Except Xia, no one probably praised her for being naive.

"Yes, you are very naive." Xia Xia said seriously: "But they are much better than the little long-legged sister's wife and Jiu Yatou. They are stupid."

Qiao Xiaoqiao wanted to say something, but suddenly frowned: "Someone is here."

At this time, dozens of black shadows flew by and landed near Xia Xia and Qiao Xiaoqiao.

"Who are the two of them, and why did they appear in the forbidden area of ​​my Holy Shadow Sect!"

One of them is about three meters tall, his body is as black as ink, and he wears a white mask on his face, revealing a pair of golden eyes.

Others didn't wear masks and just painted their faces white.

When I saw this color scheme in summer, I immediately thought of the white impermanence, and I felt very uncomfortable.

"Sacred Shadow Sect?" Qiao Xiaoqiao read the name and felt a little familiar, but after thinking about it, he didn't have much impression.

A few shadows on the side couldn't help but shouted: "The elder asked you something! Quickly answer! Otherwise, I will stab you to death... ah"

Before the words were finished, the man flew out and slammed heavily on the ground. Before he could even let out a scream, it turned into a black mist.

The white-masked man was furious and shouted, "Take it for me!"

"Wait!" Qiao Xiaoqiao let go of his momentum, shook off the dark shadows that were approaching, and then said lightly: "We come from the Xianxianmen, I don't know if you have heard of it?"

"Mischievous Immortal Gate? Never heard of it."

When the white-masked man heard these four words, he was stunned for a moment, and then became even more puzzled: "Look at your clothes and breath, you should be from outside the realm, why did you come to our demon realm!"

"Demon Realm?" Qiao Xiaoqiao finally recalled after hearing these two words, "This is the endless demon realm adjacent to Yunzhou?"

"I haven't heard of Yunzhou, we are Yuanzhou here."

The white-masked man nodded and said, "Our two domains have been unrelated to each other for tens of thousands of years. Why did you trespass into the forbidden area of ​​my Holy Shadow Sect today?"

Qiao Xiaoqiao thought for a while, and then said: "We were actually invited by the Sirius Demon King Bai Sirius, but we just got lost and just happened to settle here."

"Sky Wolf Demon King? Still haven't heard of it."

There was a hint of doubt in the eyes of the white-masked man, and then he rushed to the confidant beside him and ordered: "Send a message back to the sect and ask what it means there."

"Isn't that guy Sirius Demon Lord before?" Xia Xia was a little puzzled, and asked Qiao Xiaoqiao, "I haven't seen him for more than ten years, and he has been promoted?"

When Qiao Xiaoqiao heard Xia Xia's statement, she couldn't help laughing: "That's right."

After a while, the white-masked man received a reply, and immediately said to Xia Xia and Qiao Xiaoqiao, "I've never heard of Sirius Demon King. However, our Sect Master wants to see you, please."

"I don't know who your suzerain is?" Qiao Xiaoqiao asked.

The white-masked man replied, "Our Sect Master is the Holy Shadow King, one of the Seven Demon Kings of the Demon Realm. Haven't you heard of our Sect Master's name in the Outer Realm?"

"Like thunder." Qiao Xiaoqiao had never heard of it, but she still wanted to be polite. The white-masked man's expression was slightly better, but his expression was still serious: "I will meet our Sect Master later, you better not lie and answer truthfully. Our Sect Master hates liars the most, and he can tell the difference.

Are you lying. All those who deceived them will be thrown into the abyss by him. "

"Mystery Box?" When Qiao Xiaoqiao heard this word, he immediately thought of the Mystery Box mentioned by the ancestor of the Five Elements, which was most likely the same thing.

If you think so, Nie Zixiong is likely to be trapped here.

She remembered that the ancestor of the Five Elements said that he would give Nie Zixiong to them, and he must have said half of what he said.

Soon, the group arrived at the hall of the Holy Shadow Sect.

The man in the white mask came to the front of the hall and said aloud, "Back to the sect master, two unidentified visitors have been brought here."

Xia Xia said dissatisfiedly: "What unknown identity, didn't I just tell you our identity."

"Who knows what you're saying is true or false!"

The white-masked man snorted coldly, "Be honest, you killed one of my disciples just now!"

Xia Tian curled his lips: "If you don't agree, you can try to avenge him."

"Let them in!"

At this time, a rather empty voice sounded in the hall, with a very heavy sense of fragmentation, as if it came from a fragmented vocal cord.

Then, the gate of the hall slowly opened, and a billowing black mist appeared from inside.

"Go in." The white-masked man stopped and said to Xia Xia and Qiao Xiaoqiao, "Remember, don't lie to our Sect Master."

Xia Xia was too lazy to pay attention to this idiot, so he slowly walked into the hall with Qiao Xiaoqiao in his arms.

In the hall, the light was dim and empty, and there was nothing but black fog.

"Who are you two?" The broken voice rang out again, "Where did it come from!"

Qiao Xiaoqiao replied directly: "We are from Xianxianmen, my name is Qiao Xiaoqiao, his name is Xia Xia."

"You lie! Go to hell!"

The voice was furious, and the black mist in the hall suddenly solidified, turning into countless sharp weapons, instantly surrounding Xia Xia and Qiao Xiaoqiao.

"go away!"

Xia Tian yawned lazily, blowing away the black mist directly.

"The Tribulation Period?"

The voice showed a hint of consternation: "I haven't seen the immortal cultivator in the transition period for a long time, and there are still two. Are you really from the Xianxianmen?"

"If you don't believe me, you can take a look at this." Qiao Xiaoqiao lightly showed a token, which was specially created by Yue Qingya for all of them, so that they could walk on the Xianyun Continent.

Countless pieces of black mist stuck to the token, and soon disappeared with it.

"Hehe, it is indeed the token of the Misty Fairy Gate, and there is a hint of Misty Fairy's breath on it, but it is very light."

The voice muttered to himself, with a hint of infatuation in his tone, and then asked: 'Is Fairy Misty okay? ’

"Of course, she is my wife." Xia Xia said directly. The voice suddenly froze, and then laughed wildly: "Hahahahaha... It's ridiculous, what kind of person is the misty fairy, tens of thousands of years ago, I saw it at the Pantao Fairy Fair, what a beauty, it is simply Yan

Overwhelming thousands of immortals, this seat can't help but feel ashamed, how can I look down on a person like you. "

Qiao Xiaoqiao found something wrong: "Wait, who do you mean by the Misty Fairy?" The voice said coldly: "Of course it is the founder of Misty Immortal Sect, is there a second Misty Fairy in the world? "

Read The Duke's Passion