MTL - Flower Master in the City-Chapter 2879 Your ability to accept women is unparalleled in the world

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At the foot of the Matterhorn, the town of Zema.

The town sheriff, Pierre, put on his uniform and pistol early, and went out the door full of energy.

"Our drunk Pete, why is he dressed so formally today, is he going to a wedding?"

When neighbors saw this scene, they thought the sun was coming out from the west.

Pierre has always been a lazy person, lingering in the various taverns in the town, often getting drunk, and spending the night at the house of a pretty widow in the town when he is tired.

"Two unknown bodies appeared on the mountain a few days ago. Someone was sent to investigate. I'm going to receive them."

Pierre explained with a smile, then drove his electric donkey slowly towards the police station.

This is a fairly quiet town. Although it is a famous tourist town in Europe by the mountain not far away, it still does not have a car.

It's not that they can't afford it, but the residents here are all against cars entering the town.

Therefore, the tram has become the best means of transportation.

After leaving his house, he walked along the only road in the town, and he arrived at the center of the town in less than half an hour.

Pierre parked the battery car in the carport and looked up at the Matterhorn in the distance.

As it happened, the morning light slanted, dyeing the peaks covered with snow for a long time in gold.

This is also the most famous landscape here. Even though Pierre was born and grew up here, every time he saw the peaks turn golden, he thanked God in his heart for the gift of Zema Town.

"Look, what is that?"

At this time, a colleague suddenly pointed to the distance and screamed.

Pierre couldn't help but look in the direction the man was pointing, and vaguely watched the two shadows fly to the top of the peak at a very fast speed.

"Is it a bird?"

"The bird is not that big, it may be a flying saucer."

A man with a telescope opened his mouth wide and exclaimed, "No, God, that's two people."

Pierre was startled, quickly stepped forward to grab the telescope, and looked at the two black dots in the distance.

It turned out to be two people, a man and a woman. Although he still couldn't see his face, Pierre was sure at a glance that the two were definitely not Europeans, but Asians who often traveled here.

"You stay here and be responsible for entertaining the investigators sent from above."

Pierre made a decision in the blink of an eye, rushed into the office, and ordered to his subordinates who were also watching the excitement: "Victor, Mark, you two, bring your guns and go up the mountain with me immediately."

"Yes!" The two young people responded quickly, immediately taking orders and getting ready soon.

The three hurried out of the police station, took the battery car, and rushed to the cable car.


The summit of the Matterhorn.

Xia Xia hugged Qiao Xiaoqiao and landed directly on a flat ground full of snow.

"Looking here, it's much shorter than the Snow Mountain, and it's not as beautiful as the Snow Mountain." Xia Xia said casually with a casual expression on his face.

Qiao Xiaoqiao is a little happy. She has been trained by her family to manage the family business since she was a child, and she has very little time for entertainment, let alone traveling alone with others.

In my impression, the last time I climbed a mountain was when I was a child and went to Qingfeng Mountain to seek medical treatment, and then I met Xia Xia there.

"It's very beautiful, and the top of the mountain is still golden." Qiao Xiaoqiao said with a smile, "It's good for snow, it's very comfortable to walk on."

Xia Xia said with a smile: "Little Qiao wife, if you like it, then live here."

"That's no use."

Qiao Xiaoqiao shook his head, his expression indifferent: "The scenery is beautiful from a distance, but if you live for a long time, it will be disenchanted. What's more, we still have a lot of things to do."

Xia Tian said disapprovingly: "That matter, don't worry, it can be solved easily."

"I'm talking about the Xianyun Continent." Qiao Xiaoqiao said worriedly, "Although Sister Yue and Queen Ji have basically controlled the situation, I haven't felt at ease these few days."

"My blond wife told me about this." Xia Xia became serious at this time, "If you are worried, Mrs. Xiao Qiao, we can go to Xianyun Continent now and deal with that fairy poison."

Qiao Xiaoqiao still shook his head: "Then there's no need to hurry, Sister Yue and the others told me that we need to find out the source of the immortal poison first. At present, we only know about Pei Hongxiu who sent you to the Immortal Cloud Continent. "

Xia Xia explained casually: "The woman was rescued from a secret room at the bottom of the lake in Tianhai City. At that time, I saw that the coffin was somewhat similar to the mysterious coffin in the tomb of the extreme immortal, and I wanted to ask the fairy sisters and the others to study it first." I don't blame you, I don't need to explain." Qiao Xiaoqiao smiled and held Xia Xia's hand, "Actually, the source of the fairy poison is not only Pei Hongxiu, but also some demons and cultivators from Xianyun Continent. meeting period

The poisonous mist spread out. "

Xia Xia asked lazily: "Then kill all those monsters and monsters."

"After the immortal poison is dealt with, it is natural to clear the scene."

Qiao Xiaoqiao said with a smile: "But that's another story. The troubles on this side of the earth must be dealt with as soon as possible."

"On this side of the earth, there is a long-legged girl, a big goblin wife, and now there is a Fuyao wife, a Tiangong wife, there is no problem at all." Xia Xia looked casual.

Qiao Xiaoqiao nodded, instantly relieved: "This is, your ability to accept women is truly unparalleled in the world. Not only is it unbelievably beautiful, but also has outstanding abilities, and everyone can stand alone."

"Of course, it's my woman after all." Xia Xia smiled and said proudly.

"About the matter of Pei Hongxiu, I have contacted the good baby and Zhao Qingqing, and asked them to conduct an investigation both offline and online." Qiao Xiaoqiao stroked a few strands of hair that were fluttering in the wind, and said lightly: "There should be a result soon. Let's solve this so-called [Fool's Table] thing first. When Nie Zixiong is rescued, we will return to the immortals.

Cloud Continent over there. "

Xia Tian naturally had no opinion, nodded and said, "Wife Xiao Qiao, you have the final say on these matters!"

"Ah, here we are!"

At this moment, three figures walked slowly in the distance. They were all wearing thick mountaineering clothes and carrying small oxygen cylinders. They climbed to the top of the mountain with great difficulty.

"It seems to be a mountain climber." Qiao Xiaoqiao glanced at it and recognized it immediately: "And he speaks Chinese, so he seems to be a Chinese."

"Hey, why is it earlier than us?"

At this time, one of the middle-aged men with stubble beard looked up and saw Xia Xia and Qiao Xiaoqiao in the distance.

When the other two heard this, they turned their heads and looked over, just in line with the gazes of Xia Xia and Qiao Xiaoqiao.

One of the petite, but the most stable women shouted at Xia Xia and Qiao Xiaoqiao: "Who are you, you two, why don't you even wear mountaineering clothes, aren't you afraid of freezing to death?"

"Shanshan, keep your voice down, don't cause an avalanche, and save some oxygen." The eldest climber gasped, took a small breath of oxygen, and reluctantly adjusted his breathing.

"But they are Chinese, and it's really... so strange."

Shanshan looked at Xia Xia and Qiao Xiaoqiao very puzzled, "Without any protection and no oxygen, they climbed to the top of the mountain."

"And our team is going to the top today, where did they come from?" The bearded man also felt strange, then his body shook, and he was a little worried: "We won't be hitting ghosts, right?"

The old climber gasped for a while, and said angrily: "Okay, don't talk about it. Even if you hit a ghost, can you still run into a domestic ghost when you are abroad?"

Xia Xia was a little upset, and replied directly: "Hey, who are you calling a ghost, you deserve to be beaten, right!"

"This, this is definitely a living person." The bearded man was a little stunned, and turned to look at his two companions: "But this is too... a bit incredible."

"That's a talented person and a different person." The old climber replied softly: "The world is huge, and there are all kinds of wonders. Just don't provoke or offend."

"Hey, listening to this, it's definitely not a ghost." Shanshan was very happy, and Chong Xia and Qiao Xiaoqiao walked over: "My name is Zhu Shanshan, nice to meet you."

Qiao Xiaoqiao didn't say anything more, didn't twist, and shook hands with Zhu Shanshan: "My name is Xiao Qiao, this is my husband Xia, and it's a pleasure to meet you."

"You guys are amazing, you went straight to the top of the mountain without any armor." Zhu Shanshan praised with a naive look, "I thought we would be the first to reach the top today."

Qiao Xiaoqiao said lightly: "You are indeed the first batch. We are not here to climb to the top. As for why we are here, I will not explain much."

"No need to explain." Zhu Shanshan laughed and said, "These are my two teammates, the bearded one is called Brother Feng, and the older one is called Le Ye."

That brother Feng responded quickly: "Just call me Ah Feng."

Le Ye didn't say anything, just said to Xia Xia and Qiao Xiaoqiao, "We still have two bottles of oxygen here, why don't we go down the mountain together?"

Xia Xia said casually: "My wife Xiao Qiao and I are here to find the Stone Temple. If you want to go down the mountain, just fly down."

Brother Feng and Lord Le looked at each other and shook their heads secretly, obviously feeling that Xia Xia was bragging.

However, Zhu Shanshan was stunned for a moment, and then said directly: "When you say the stone temple, do you mean the Temple of Rabelais on Mont Blanc?"

"you know?"

Qiao Xiaoqiao's eyes lit up, and then she asked, "What is the temple like, and where is it?" "We went to Mont Blanc before, but we didn't succeed." Zhu Shanshan didn't hide anything, and pointed in one direction very frankly. Dao: "It's over there, about two-thirds of the height of the south slope. There is a temple made of stones, no

It looks terrifying in the daytime. The locals said that the temple was thousands of years old or tens of thousands of years ago. It is the temple of the evil god. It is best not to approach it, as it will be life-threatening. "

"Thank you for letting me know." Qiao Xiaoqiao nodded happily, "This is a big help for us. If you have time to go to Jianghai in the future, you can come to the genius doctor Daxia to find me."

Zhu Shanshan smiled and said, "Okay, I will definitely go."

"Husband, let's go take a look." Qiao Xiaoqiao turned to Xia Tian. Seeing that Qiao Xiaoqiao was very beautiful, the brother Feng couldn't help but think carefully and said quickly: "If you want to go to Mont Blanc, you can come with us. We plan to try to climb to the top in a few days. There is also a photo

answer. "

"No need." Xia Xia pouted, hugged Qiao Xiaoqiao's slender waist, and stood up straight from the ground.

Under the astonished gazes of Zhu Shanshan and the three, they walked away with a golden light in the air.

"He, are they immortals?" Brother Feng was astonished.

... Pierre, who was still on the cable car, also saw the scene of Xia Xia and Qiao Xiaoqiao leaving. When he predicted the direction they were flying, his face changed greatly.