MTL - Flower Master in the City-Chapter 2876 His brain burned out

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Unfortunately, in the end nothing happened.

In the room, except for the one who fell to the ground, everyone else looked at the little girl with puzzled expressions.

"how can that be?"

Tao Ruisi was quite confident in her ability, and muttered to herself: "My [Sacred Heart] has been cultivated to the strongest state, how could it be invalid, don't you have a heart?"

As he said that, a thin layer of light erupted from his body.

Her own heart was beating wildly, and this strange rhythm soon infected almost everything nearby.

Including the Divine Doctor Building, it seemed to have become a living creature, and a strange beating also occurred.

At this time, the employees in the entire Daxiali were holding their chests one by one, feeling extremely uncomfortable in their hearts, and it seemed that they might lose control at any time.

"Playing this trick in front of me, looking for a fight, right!"

Xia Xia was a little unhappy, and immediately took out a silver needle and stabbed it out into the void.

I saw a trace of golden light radiating out, covering the entire Divine Doctor Building in the blink of an eye, and quickly lifted Doris' Sacred Heart state.

The employees in the building all showed blank expressions, because the colic that seemed to be dying just now disappeared in an instant, as if it had never existed.

Of course, they didn't have time to sigh and quickly returned to work.

"You, you can actually crack my Sacred Heart?"

Tao Ruisi couldn't hold back, her eyes showed a hint of anger: "This is impossible, I don't believe it, now let you feel the real horror of the Sacred Heart."

"Little sister, don't force yourself."

Mu Han walked slowly to Tao Ruisi, smiled and reassured: "Your Sacred Heart may be useful to ordinary people or low-level cultivators, but it won't have any effect on us."

"What do you mean by that!" Doris still didn't understand: "You don't mean to say, you are no longer human, you are already gods?"

Su Wushuang said dissatisfiedly: "There is no need to tell them so much, dare to come to the door to provoke, not killing is not enough to deter the people behind them."

"What kind of thing are you, I'll kill you first!" Tao Ruisi was at an age where she was not afraid of anything, and she couldn't stand it the most. When she heard Su Wushuang's words, she rushed over immediately.

Su Wushuang watched coldly, and when she rushed to the front, he suddenly touched from the waist, pulled out a soft sword, and slashed suddenly.


I saw the fang mask on Doris' face suddenly shattered into two halves, and the stern sword edge stopped half an inch in front of her nose.

Tao Ruisi could even feel the chill of the sword's edge, which made her quiet for a moment, and then there was an inexplicable fear in her heart, and then she burst into tears: "You, you all bully me!"

"Shut up, you are so annoying." Xia Xia said unhappily.

The sword in Su Wu's hands immediately slashed towards her throat.

"Wushuang, don't get excited, you're just a spoiled child." Mu Han clamped Jian Feng between his fingers and persuaded with a smile.

Xia Tian felt that Su Wushuang had done nothing wrong, and said to Mu Han, "Blonde wife, this kind of child needs beating the most. If she doesn't learn some unforgettable lessons, she really thinks that the whole world will let her."

"If you want to kill, just kill me."

Luo Kewei confessed at this time and pleaded: "This has nothing to do with my cousin, and I was forced to pull it over. Don't anger her, her father is..."

"Who is her father, and does it have anything to do with me?" Xia Xia was too lazy to listen, and interrupted him directly: "You idiots, while I'm away, do so many things, you never thought you would die?" The matter is over, we are here to negotiate." Rockaway quickly explained: "As long as the conditions you put forward are reasonable, we will never bargain, but you have no sincerity in negotiating, so what can I do?

manage. "Qiao Xiaoqiao said lightly: "While Xia Xia was away, it was you who launched the attack; it was you who found that you couldn't beat it, and turned to negotiate peace. Haven't respected us from the beginning to the end, and still want us to accept the advice you gave

And the conditions, I don't know whether to say that you have big faces or that you are not clear. Do you really think of yourself as a beacon for human beings? "This time, I concede the verdict, and you can kill or cut whatever you want. "Luo Kewei breathed a sigh of relief and said dejectedly: "But my cousin really can't do anything. If she dies, not only you will be buried with you, but the whole earth is afraid."

All will be annihilated. "

Su Wushuang said coldly: "Kill her, the whole earth will be annihilated, why don't I believe it." "I'm afraid this kid said it on purpose." Qiao Xiaoqiao said lightly: "He knows Xia Tian's temper. , so I want to stimulate Xia Xia to do something to his cousin, this little girl is afraid that there is really some secret hidden in her body.

Killing like this, I am afraid that it will attract more forces to besiege. "

Luo Kewei didn't expect Qiao Xiaoqiao to guess his plan from just a few words of his.

"Those idiots want to come to court death, then let them come." Xia Xia looked indifferent.

"The child has a rebellious character and is bewitched by others. It's inevitable to go on a business trip. It's enough to teach him a lesson." Mu Han smiled in the summer and said lightly: "Husband, why don't you give her to me to train her? ."

Xia Tian yawned lazily: "Blonde wife, what is there to teach this kind of bear child, but if you want, then leave it to you."

Mu Han nodded, and then left with Doris.

"You, where are you taking my cousin?" A trace of panic surged in Rocoway's heart, "She is a descendant of the Protoss, and she has... In short, you'd better let her go immediately."

Xia Xia said casually: "She can't die. Although the blond wife used to kill a lot of people, she basically didn't kill women and children."

Having said that, Luo Kewei was even more worried about Doris' safety in his heart.

"As long as you release your cousin, I can let you deal with it." Rockoway had to keep his posture to a minimum, "and I can also help you clear all the remaining forces that have been involved in besieging you these days."

When Qiao Xiaoqiao heard this, she said coldly: "Death is imminent, and you are still playing with your heart. You really don't cry without seeing the coffin."

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to waste that time, I'll take you on the road directly." Xia Xia really didn't want to spend any more time with this idiot, and he wanted to set aside more time to talk to Qiao Xiaoqiao.

Seeing that Xia Tian showed a silver needle, he stabbed him and immediately said, "Wait, Xia, don't you want to know who this person is?"

"This, I'll just see for myself." Xia Xia smiled and stabbed the silver needle into Luo Kewei's Tianling cover.

Rockaway still wanted to resist, but it was meaningless.

Xia Xian quickly received the silver needle, and there was no special expression on his face.

"Does he have any useful information in his head?" Su Wushuang asked.

Xia Tian curled his lips: "This idiot has no other useful information except for parties, and he is experimenting with human bodies."

"Is there any information about this person?" Qiao Xiaoqiao pointed to the person who was not brain-burning before.

"This person should be the experimental body of his pharmaceutical factory." Xia Xia said casually.

Qiao Xiaoqiao frowned slightly: "Then how could he know the existence of Xianyun Continent?"

"That's not clear." Xia Xia said casually: "However, according to this idiot's memory, this person is an experiment sent from a church called [The Fool's Table]."

Su Wushuang said with some dissatisfaction: "There was an oracle first, and now there are fools, where can there be so many messy organizations? What are they trying to do?"

"There are too many such crooked organizations in the world."

Qiao Xiaoqiao shook his head and said with emotion, "Because people are inherently strange, not to mention that there are countless non-human beings in the world."

Then, he pondered again: "It's just a little strange. Could it be that this Fool's Table also knows about the existence of Xianyun Continent?" "That's hard to say." Su Wushuang was originally from Xianyun Continent, and he thought about it carefully. After the second time, he said again: "Judging from the current situation, Xianyun Continent is definitely connected with the Earth side, and Senior Sister Yue and the others are definitely connected.

That was by no means the first time, and it must have opened up other people's space-time rifts, and there is no reason to only appear in the country. "

Qiao Xiaoqiao's expression was a little dignified: "Do you mean that foreign countries also appear in the space-time rift that is connected to the Xianyun Continent?" "This is very possible." Fairy Fuyao also broke the silence at this time, and said softly. He said: "It's just that people in the West do not have the tradition of cultivating immortals, and their understanding of the cracks in time and space is all in the direction of religion, so they will take this

The fissures are sealed and regarded as an absolute forbidden area. "

Qiao Xiaoqiao thought about it carefully, and said with some worry: "Then we need to find a way to figure out this matter, otherwise, if something goes wrong, we won't know anything about it."

"Wife Xiao Qiao, don't worry about this, no matter where the idiot comes from, it won't do any harm with me." Xia Xia said with a smile.

"Even if it doesn't cause any harm, it still feels disgusting when you think about it." Qiao Xiaoqiao said lightly, "It's fine if you don't know it exists. Now that you know it, it's best to clean it all at once."

Su Wushuang said: "It's just that I don't have any clues at the moment. How about saving this person and asking him."

"This man was burned to death just now, can he be saved?" Qiao Xiaoqiao was a little puzzled.

Xia Xia glanced at the man who fell to the ground, and said with a smile, "Wife Xiao Qiao, what you said is wrong. Your husband and I are omnipotent. It is not difficult to save the dead."

Qiao Xiaoqiao said, "But his brain is burned out."

"Don't be afraid." Xia Xia said lazily: "If it was before, it might have been a little troublesome, but now, it's a trivial matter."

This time, Xia Xia has gained a lot in the inner world. The most important thing is to obtain the tranquil spirit pattern. This thing makes the transformation of robbery power very simple, and the robbery power also greatly improves the eight needles against the sky.

In the past, it could only save people who died normally within a few days, but now it can make the cells recover at an overspeed. Of course, this requires a lot of calamity.

Xia Xia stabbed the silver needle into the man's head, and the ice and fire robbery penetrated into the brain through the eight needles against the sky.

I saw that the brains that had been burned to ashes actually began to regain their vitality, regained their vitality at a speed visible to the naked eye, and slowly returned to their original appearance.

Other parts of the body are also recovering rapidly, and even a pair of eyes have regenerated.

"Ah—" After half a minute, the man groaned and slowly opened his eyes. After seeing Xia Xia's face, he hesitated at first, then shouted: "You, you are Xia, Xia, that's great, go and save..."