MTL - Fishing the Myriad Heavens-Chapter 97 Ancient herd!

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The ancient beast felt very wronged, tears swirled in his eyes.

"Get out, don't get out and eat you."

Putting a hundred pine nuts into the space ring with great ease, the strong man during the robbery period was in a good mood and scolded at this ancient beast.

Natural treasures such as Baisongzi have been extinct outside the world. Only some materials have been passed down. They are extremely precious. The main materials for refining the baby dandelion, once taken, can increase the chance of monk Jindan to break through to the infancy.


One ancient beast started to growl, and then millions of ancient beasts surrounded everyone in a short period of time, and the nostrils continued to emit hot air.

Now the two people of Hu Yang are dumbfounded. The number of these ancient beasts is huge, and their strength ranges from Jindan to Dujuan. The key is that the number is too large. Even if the Supreme Immortal shoots, it will be difficult to cut them in a short time. Killing, and Hu Yang's tribe may also be injured.

The calf-like ancient beast is not wronged, and feels that one side of the cow has a lot of power, swinging the tail of the cow, sticking out its thick tongue, and licking the man who robbed him of one hundred pine nuts.

Hu Shi had a bun and was licked by the cow himself!

I am a great monk who has crossed the border and is powerful. Even if he is placed in the vast vaccination, it is also an absolute strongman, a backbone, how do I see people!

No matter how strong you are? One person said that you have been licked by a cow, which is enough to make yourself unable to lift your head!

Hu Shi felt humiliated, and looked at the young calf who was licking and twirling like Huan Huan in front of him. Hu Shi couldn't help it. A flying sword appeared in front of him, and he chopped down at the young calf!



Looking at this scene, the supreme immortal of Hu Yang two roared and wanted to stop.

But it was too late, the calf was too close to Huse, a sword flashed, this calf was cut off its head directly, and one head murmured and rolled on the grass.

Many ancient beasts gathered around seemed to be scared by the death of their companions, and Qi Qi backed a distance.

Hu Shi didn't care. The ancient beasts were obviously herbivorous, docile, not too aggressive, and didn't see their sword fall. Are these ancient beasts frightened back?

"Damn, **** things, who made you shoot!"

Hu's ancestor scolded him, and his breath broke out.

"Old ancestors, aren't they a group of herbivorous ancient beasts? As for being careful? Although these ancient beasts are large in number, they are not strong enough, even those without the rank of immortal. Dibao, it is better to slaughter all these ancient beasts. As blood food, it can enhance the strength of our younger generation. "

Hu Shi didn't care about it. He died when he died. The weak beasts are strong. These ancient beasts that eat grass are all treasures. These are rare resources!

"Dare to talk back!"

Anger appeared on the face of the ancestor of the Hu family, and he said it many times. The urgent task is to start the inheritance of the Six Immortals. !!


The ancestors of the Hu family couldn't help but fell down directly with a finger at Huse. Suddenly the space around Huse began to collapse to a point. Huze was scared and full of fear.

A terrible pressure came, and Hu Hu's body cracked, and countless blood flowed out of the body!


But the ancestors of the Hu family did not stop, killing chickens and tamarins, everyone was as obedient as Huses, and sooner or later they would be killed. This is a fairy cave!

The space collapsed, and Hu Hu, who was in it, was directly obliterated, leaving no bones.

All the people are horrified to look at their ancestors.

"Keep going!"

The ancestors of the Hu family ordered, without looking at Hu Shi.

As for the ancient beasts around him, the ancestors of the Hu family did not take it to heart. Hu Shi was right about this.

These ancient beasts are a huge resource, but now there is no mind on these ancient beasts.

It's just that the two people of Hu Yang are advancing, but these ancient beasts are blocking the front, and they don't mean to step back.

"Hum, don't get away!"

The horrible breath of the two ancestors of Hu Yang broke out, and the ancient beasts were impacted in an instant, but the next moment, there were more ancient beasts to fill the gap.

"Since you're looking for death, don't blame me!"

When Yang Qianjun frowned, he immediately started to kill!

The two Hu Yangs were not afraid of these ancient beasts. The reason why the ancestors of the Hu family were angry was because Hu Hu did not obey his orders.

Right now these ancient beasts are blocking the front and refuse to retreat, so don't mind a bit of effort to kill these ancient beasts!

What a terrible late killer the Supreme Immortal, an outrageous spiritual attack erupted and swept across the wilderness!

Countless ancient beasts have nasal bleeding, twitched and fell down, and were directly destroyed by spiritual attacks!

With just one blow, hundreds of thousands of ancient beasts were beheaded and killed, and corpses were everywhere!



Watching one's companion die, these ancient beasts all made a desolate roar, starting with just one head, and then more and more!

In the end ~ ~ Only this kind of voice is left in the whole world!

The roar echoed the sky and earth, and continued to spread to the distance, louder and louder!



A group of people from the Hu family of Hu Yang and Su Yang suddenly heard screams. At this moment, a group of people who were weaker turned red, as if the blood on their bodies had converged on their skulls, which became red!

Then the heads of these people exploded, endless blood and white liquid splashed!

It was just an instant that when the strong among the two poplars were too late to respond, there were more than 100,000 people of the Dai family falling down!

This number fully occupies one-tenth of all the lines of Hu Yang's two!

The losses are heavy, these are the future of Hu Yang and two, but now they are dead here!

Under the Yuanying, none survive!

And as the roar of these ancient beasts became louder and louder, even the monks in the Yuan infant period began to feel unwell!

"Damn, what is this ability?"

Yang Qianjun was furious, but these disciples are the future. Maybe there is a generation who is amazing and talented in the future. In the future, they will have unlimited achievements, but they will die!

What made the Three Supreme Immortals strong in the late period was such an attack method, that even they and others could not defend!

"All obedience orders, shot with all strength, beheaded these ancient beasts, Supreme Immortal guarded the rest of the people to move at full speed!"

The ancestors of the Hu family gave orders and everyone moved!

The monks who stood more than three thousand crossing the robbery period came out. This was developed by the two Hu Yangs regardless of cost. Everything they used was the best. The various magical powers were horrible. They were able to superimpose each other and form a battle array!

Three thousand crossings formed a battle array, enough to counter the Supreme Immortal!

Wherever he goes, the blood is raining, killing a blood path directly at the endless beasts at a horrible speed!

Read The Duke's Passion