MTL - Fishing the Myriad Heavens-Chapter 91 Terrifying Yang Qinglian!

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The three stopped and persuaded Yang Qinglian, because Yang Qinglian's order was impossible to achieve!

Not to mention that a large number of people who have killed the gate of life will enter the vast realm, will it cause attacks from the great families of the vast realm, even if they have entered the vast realm, and they will be dead!

There is no doubt about Yang Qinglian's strength, but Yang Qinglian is not strong enough to push down the two Hu Yangs with one person!

Once the war starts, maybe Yang Qinglian can still survive, but in the gate of death, in addition to Yang Qinglian, there is only one Supreme Master in the early days. How to resist the many Supreme Masters of Hu Yang?

Although Yang Qinglian is the gatekeeper of the killing gate, usually Yang Qinglian's order will be executed by everyone, but now it is different, so that everyone cannot see the hope of victory.

Once this order is issued, no accident, maybe a small part of the loyalty of Yang Qinglian will come over, but most of the other people will oppose and will not execute at all, but they are afraid of Yang Qinglian's accounting after the fall, then the only result can be Countless killers have left!

The three behind Yang Qinglian are not absolutely loyal to Yang Qinglian. If there is a vitality, everyone does not want to oppose Yang Qinglian, but the three cannot see the slightest hope!

This is just the epitome of Yang Qinglian's order. I am afraid that besides Zhao Yan and another subordinate who is loyal to Yang Qinglian, the huge death gate will fall apart in no time!

"Are you against me?"

In the eyes of Yang Qinglian, there was a blood-red lotus flower, quietly burning, exuding a horrible force. At this moment, I saw the appearance of the three people, looking cold.

Yang Qinglian's tone was cold and indifferent, but it was more shocking than the exposed look.

"Don't dare!"

The three drooped their heads, dare not look directly, and dared to speak.

Although there are 10,000 reluctances in the heart, there is no way at this moment. Once they and others refuse, the three believe that Yang Qinglian will definitely kill himself and others here!

The good guys don't suffer from immediate losses, anyway, they just give orders. As for how many people in the gate of killing are willing to obey the orders, it is not a matter of three people.

The three of them were also thinking countless thoughts. At this moment, Yang Qinglian's mental state was obviously something wrong. The three were afraid. Following Yang Qinglian, I'm afraid they were either beheaded by Yang Qinglian or they were beheaded in the two battles with Hu Yang. There is no difference. .

The trio's drooping heads turned and looked at each other, their minds were already determined.

"Yang Qinglian, you betray your family, you know what's wrong!"

As the three were about to retreat and went to convey Yang Qinglian's order, a wave-like voice blew in the sky, echoing and spreading all around!

In the early days of the Supreme Immortal, the ancestors of the Hu family stood in the air, with unbridled bursts of breath, countless dragon monks who were not enough to repair in this city were broken at this moment, with countless deaths and injuries!

"What a courage to dare to appear in front of me!"

Yang Qinglian frowned, a fiery red palace skirt dragged to the ground, her skirt screamed!

"Why don't I dare to show up, Yang Qinglian, you are here to find your son, but it's a step too late."

Hu Sheng's face had a playful smile, and he didn't care about the horrible coercion around him.

For Yang Qinglian, everyone in the Hu family has analyzed it thoroughly and knows Yang Qinglian's biggest weakness. Now that her son is taken away by the family, it is absolutely safe for him to appear in front of Yang Qinglian!

Not only was Hu Sheng not scared at all, he looked at Yang Qinglian with interest, and sighed in his heart, "What a stunner!"

"Where is my son ?!"

Yang Qinglian stared at Hu Sheng, her voice was cold, and endless evil spirits rose against the sky, covering the sky of Longyuan City, countless blood-red evil spirits, it seems that there are countless monsters and demons!

"Want to know your son's whereabouts? Simple, stay with me all night."

Hu Sheng's heart was so hot that the more she looked at it, the more beautiful Yang Qinglian was!

"court death!"

Yang Qinglian Qiao's face was full of anger, and he did not hesitate to shoot!

"Six reincarnation swords!"

A cold voice sounded, no one saw how Yang Qinglian shot, but in an instant, a stunning knife light appeared in front of Hu Sheng!


Hu Sheng is indeed the Supreme Immortal, and the electric light and flint reacted, and a simple tortoise covered with countless lines appeared in front of him!

Unfortunately, it's useless, just a knife!

Under the stab, a crack appeared in the entire Longyuan city, and the crack was covered with intangible and indomitable sword gas, enough to wipe out the robbery period!

This crack directly divided the entire Longyuan City into two and extended to the end of sight.

Only the aftermath of Daoguang is so terrible. There are countless deaths and injuries throughout Longyuan City. The monks who blocked this Daoguang, whether they are building foundations or incarnations, have not survived. They are all swept by Daoguang. Off!

The tortoise shell in front of Hu Sheng is a heavy treasure. The Hu family considered that when meeting Yang Qinglian ~ ~ Yang Qinglian would kill, so he took it out of the family treasure house and handed it to Hu Sheng.

It is enough to stop the attack of the monk in the middle of the Supreme Supreme. If he wants to break it, he needs at least one hundred moves!

It is because of this heavy treasure that Hu Sheng is reckless and has no fear of Yang Qinglian. Even if Yang Qinglian really kills herself, with this heavy treasure, she has enough time to escape!

But now Daoguang tore the sky and the earth, and a crack several tens of feet wide and millions of miles appeared in the sky!

The crack has not healed for a long time, and there is an invisible knife gas in the crack. Whenever the space wants to heal, this knife gas will explode with terrible power and shatter the healing place again!


The crystal-like tortoise shell seems to be a combination of polyhedrons, echoing each other, and the defense is terrifying.

But now on this side of the tortoise shell, there is a crack in the hair!

The entire tortoise shell was broken under Yang Qinglian's sword. Even Hu Sheng with the tortoise shell was dull. After a short while, a red filament emerged from Hu Sheng's face. The terrible knife gas came from Hu Sheng's body. The outbreak wiped out dozens of miles!

An early peak of the Supreme Immortal, urged one side to be able to withstand the heavy treasure of the middle and upper half of the Immortal Immortal, and was directly killed by Yang Qinglian!

After half a minute, another body appeared at high altitude, and Hu Sheng appeared again. The desire in his eyes disappeared. Only in terror, he didn't even dare to look at Yang Qinglian again and turned and ran!

"Impossible, how could it be so strong, didn't the family say that this woman broke through to the Supreme Immortal? Damn, killing me with one sword, I lost more than half of my roots, and with another sword I will fall completely!"

Hu Sheng escaped without turning back, the fear in his heart was extreme!

Read The Duke's Passion