MTL - Fishing the Myriad Heavens-Chapter 4 The first fishing! ,ticket!

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In the moonlight, Beifeng looked at the big rooster caught by himself, and each chicken was so big-eyed and small-eyed that he looked aggressive.

Beifeng did not expect to be able to catch a big rooster from the well.

The big **** didn't expect to be caught in a blink of an eye.

"How long does it take to eat such a big cock? It looks delicious."

Beifeng looked at the big **** with bad intentions.

"Well, take the hook first."

Beifeng stretched out his hand to open the beak of the big rooster, and it took a lot of work to get the fish hook off.


The big **** was surprised to find that he was able to move, immediately turned over and giggled.

"Hmm? Is hooking so active?"

Beifeng suddenly felt a little bad, turning his head to look, the colorful big rooster was spreading his wings, fluttering at himself.


The big **** instigated the wings to accelerate, and the dust on the ground rose up.

"not good!"

Looking at four or fifty pounds, a big **** with a height of more than half rushed towards him, and Beifeng was scared and ran away!

I'm kidding. The big **** usually raised at home is very scary to chase people, not to mention this big cock, the beak is almost like an eagle's beak. Beifeng has no doubt. If he is pecked, he will be able to cut a piece of meat!

"Fuck! So strong!"

Beifeng was not aware of it for a while, and was shot by a big **** with a paw in the back.

The hot pain behind Beifeng came from him, as if someone had hit a board with a wooden board. You don't need to look at Beifeng to know that he must have been caught and bleeding.


The big rooster yelled loudly, and seemed to be proud in Beifeng's ears.

小 "Sample, I have been bullied by a chicken before I believe it!"

Beifeng had a temper and turned to run to the kitchen.

The big **** is chasing after him. The big **** with a height of one meter in the house chased after an adult man. He had an inexplicable sense of joy.


Beifeng ran to the kitchen and looked around, whispering to himself.


At this time, the big **** has come to the door of the kitchen. It may be that this abominable human has no place to run, and it is not anxious at the moment. It moves slowly and walks towards the north wind.

I can say that the chicken is happy and happy. The big **** holds his head upright and looks proud, as if he is visiting his territory.

"found it!"

Bei Beifeng touched a kitchen knife and kept silent, watching the big rooster walking towards himself.


The big **** walked in front of Beifeng, and then pressed hard under his feet, his wings fluttered, and the whole chicken rose into the air, and its sharp beak pecked at Beifeng's head!

"Go to death!"

The north wind is not flashing, and holding a kitchen knife that is 30 to 40 centimeters long, it is chopped towards the big rooster!

菜 This kitchen knife is different from the one sold in the supermarket. This kitchen knife is provided by itself, and then asked the people in the village to make iron.

The back of the sword is thicker and carried in the hand.

Although it has not been used for several years, it is still sharp, but there is a lot of rust on the blade, which is not good for sale.


The blade crossed the neck of the big cock, and a hot blood splashed on Beifeng's face.

The big **** fell to the ground and thumped hard, but in the end it was futile and the neck was cut in half. How could it be alive?

鸡 Feathers flew on the ground, chicken blood was everywhere, and the big **** finally fell to the ground, no longer struggling, only the chicken legs were not twitching twice.

小 "Sample! No matter how terrible it is to serve my plate?"

Beifeng came forward, looked at the big **** with a disdain, and completely forgot who had been chased by the big **** in the yard before.

看来 "It seems that the next time you catch something else, you have to be cautious. A big rooster can make me so embarrassed. If it is more fierce, I can't fight it."

Bei Beifeng touched the blood on his back and thought silently.

He then walked out of the kitchen, made a bucket of water in the well, and started washing the pot and boiling water.

At this time when the water was boiled, Beifeng started cleaning his room. He moistened the towel with water and wiped the furniture in the room.

I waited until the sanitation was almost done, and the water in the cauldron was boiled.

Beifeng threw the big **** directly into the pot. The pot was a large pot in the past in the countryside, which was bigger than the bathtub. That's why it was worth putting down the big cock.

After a few minutes of scalding, Beifeng began to pluck hair, and the feathers on the scalded big rooster pulled out a large piece with a slight force.

After half an hour, the feathers of the big **** were all pulled out, and Beifeng left more than a dozen tail feathers of about one meter long, ready to make a feather fan for himself.

Then he picked up a kitchen knife and broke the belly of the big cock. The viscera north wind was thrown directly, because the north wind did not eat the viscera of chickens and ducks.

Then use a knife to cut the big **** into a large piece, and use the dry straw accumulated in the kitchen to burn the fluff on the chicken pieces.

The whole chicken was originally hanged upside down, but the chicken was too big, and the north wind could only do the best.

The chicken was taken care of soon, and Beifeng began to make fire.

The children of the poor people headed home early, and cooking was nothing to the north wind. They took out the prepared cooking seasonings, and soon a sizzling carrot chicken came out of the pot.

Paired with steaming rice, it is a gift to the north wind that has been exhausting for a day ~ ~ 唔? too delicious! "

Beifeng looked forward to picking up a piece of chicken and putting it in his mouth, and an unspeakable taste broke out in his mouth!

I thought that such a large chicken must be a bit old and taste soft, but I did not expect that the mouth was smooth and tender, the juice was overflowing, the taste was full, and the aftertaste was long!

Beifeng said nothing, then clamped a large piece of chicken and ate it.

"Hmm? Nothing?"

Bei Beifeng stretched out chopsticks and turned it over on the vegetable plate. As a result, in addition to carrots, carrots.

Bei Beifeng felt his bulging belly and felt that he could still eat a bowl!

I thought for a while, where the chicken is, and I wo n’t run, it ’s the same if I eat it tomorrow.

But tomorrow I have to buy a small freezer first, otherwise the chicken will deteriorate soon after the weather.

Bei Beifeng packed up the pots and pans and came to the side of the ancient well. He lifted a bucket of water and began to shower.

The well water is cool all year round, but it is fortunately in the summer. Even at night, the temperature is still high.

After washing, Beifeng returned to the room and started to make beds. The most important thing before going to bed is to order a mosquito coil.

At the foot of the mountain, you can hear the humming of mosquitoes in the wings at night. If you do not order mosquito coils, the red dots will be dense and dense the next day!

Because I've been busy for a day, the physical condition of Beifeng is now exhausted. After a while, Beifeng fell asleep in bed.

晚上 Bei Feng dreamed a lot of people and many things this evening.

When Xun Meng found her own parents, she was asking why she had abandoned herself, but she entered the next dream and returned to the moment when she fell off the construction site a few years ago.

Read The Duke's Passion