MTL - Fishing the Myriad Heavens-Chapter 125 disgust

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The stargazing platform is the foundation of the entire yin and yang family. The reason why the yin and yang family can produce so many gods and demons with incomplete skills can be attributed to the stargazing platform. The yin and yang family failed in Donghuang Taiyi. Before breaking through to immortality, the strong generations of the yin and yang family are accumulating strength, waiting for the day when the Eighth Pulse Gong Fa is found.

Generations of strong people have accumulated, and the great demon realm possessed by the yin and yang family is a terrible number!

Although these strong men cannot be the same as Dong Huang Taiyi, they can break through the moment they get the eighth pulse, but it has been nearly two thousand years since the completion of the yin and yang family. This long time is enough for the yin and yang family. The hidden demon realm began to impact towards the immortal realm!

This time, the changes of the stargazing platform are not only the importance of the stargazing platform itself to the yin and yang family, but also because in the stargazing platform, three gods and demons in the yin and yang family are closing their doors and starting to break through!

At this juncture, the unexpected changes in the observation platform are likely to cause some unexpected changes, and such losses are enough for the yin and yang families!

In the entire yin and yang family, the number of great consummations of gods and demons is almost close to twenty, seemingly many, but not every one can break through to immortality. After all, the great consummations of gods and demons are also divided into many small stages, which cannot be completely completed. Integrating the heavens and controlling the power, then you are not qualified to break through the immortal realm!

The powerful men who are truly qualified to impact the immortal realm have fewer than ten in the entire yin and yang family.

As for the rest of the realm of gods and gods, they can only stay in this realm, and they can't go in until they die!

After all, there really needs to be the potential to impact the immortal world. After accumulating countless years of strength and completing the exercises, it will soon be possible to unite the strength together and launch an impact towards the immortal world.

After the north wind arrived, I saw in the eyes that a respected yin and yang family strong look dignified, like the enemy of the enemy around him.

These strong men are all without exception, they are all repaired to reach the realm of gods and demons. At the forefront of the crowd, more than a dozen horrible breathless strong men stand in the sky, looking far away, looking at a huge altar like an altar standing above the earth. General stargazing.

Just the moment I saw this stargazing platform, the spirit of Beifeng was shaking. The stargazing platform was not huge, at least not as good as the imitation that the yin and yang family exposed to the outside world.

The whole body is not so tall, and the lines like the galaxy run through the star observation platform, exuding the ancient, mysterious and vicissitudes!

The disadvantage is that this stargazing platform is incomplete. The stargazing platform was broken, breaking from two-thirds into two sections, the top is missing, there are gaps, and there are invincible gas bursts at the break. For thousands of years, the power that destroyed the stargazing platform has not completely disappeared!

Donghuang Taiyi wore gorgeous clothes and stood at the forefront. At this moment, Donghuang Taiyi also looked dignified. Although the star viewing platform has been in the Yinyang family for a long time, the understanding of the star viewing platform by the Yinyang family is still very scarce.

For a long time, the generations of yin and yang families have been exploring the stargazing platform and want to take full control of it, but after so long, the yin and yang family's control of the star viewing platform is still very shallow.

Only simple control can be achieved, such as removing the stargazing platform, or inspiring the power of the array method contained in the stargazing platform, and then using the strange power in the stargazing platform to practice.

"I've seen Lord Donghuang, Lord Luna."

The north wind was unimpeded all the way through the crowd directly, did not care about these people's curious eyes, and no one blocked the north wind. After all, the north wind practiced too fast, but it could not be concealed at all. The north wind did not think of concealment. Everyone knows the north wind.

Its own strength is horrible. In addition, Beifeng can now also serve as the master of the eighth pulse of the Yinyang family. It is the older generation of the Yinyang family who is not inferior to the status of Beifeng.

The north wind came to the front and gave a ceremony to the emperor and the moon god, and then saluted the other strong men of the yin and yang family one by one. The older strong men of the other yin and yang family did not dare to neglect. The north wind did not hide its strength. Therefore, the strength of Beifeng can be perceived by the rest of the people, and these older generations did not pretend to be pretentious because of their seniority.

Life is two, life is two, life is three!

These two are yin and yang. In the yin and yang family, the two words yin and yang also represent the emperor and the moon god. The status of the emperor and the moon **** is noble, let alone the contemporary emperor and moon **** are extremely horrible. Therefore, the north wind also pays tribute to the two strong men. As for the remaining older generations, they are almost the same as the north wind. With the strength and status of the north wind, they can be with these people.

"Contemporary Luna has already made a silent breakthrough to immortality."

The north wind is also very surprised ~ ~ I haven't heard any news at all.

"Elders, I don't know why the stargazing platform changed?"

Beifeng asked a yin and yang family strong beside him.

In the yin and yang family, the term of the lord of the star is limited. At the end of his term, he will automatically retire, become an elder, be able to become an elder, and repair to the weakest is also the great consummation of the realm of the devil. Afraid of the rot of the yin and yang family, rigid thinking, the star master has a term.

The three positions of Donghuang, Luna and Xinghun are different. Donghuang is the pillar of the yin and yang family, and believes in sheltering the yin and yang family. Unless someone in the yin and yang family surpasses the dong and has the approval of the rest, they can become Donghuang!

As for the moon god, the role of the moon **** is inheritance.

The Star Soul is protecting the way, forming a yin and yang waiter, to cut the thorns for the yin and yang family!

"The old man didn't know. Stargazing Terrace hasn't had much movement for so many years. Thanks to the efforts of countless Yinyang disciples, Stargazing Terrace has recovered a lot, maybe this time is a good thing." This old man is a previous generation. The star master has been looking for the eighth pulse technique that the yin and yang family lost that year, and has only recently returned. At this moment, his eyes are excited.

For this strong man, the yin and yang family is his home. He grew up in the yin and yang family, and now everything in the yin and yang family is developing for the better, which is very comforting to the old man.

Beifeng was not so optimistic, and it felt a bit wrong.

I do n’t know why, after entering the yin and yang family's secret place, Beifeng felt uncomfortable and instinctively developed an aversion, but he could not find the source. When he saw the stargazing platform, Beifeng raised his mind in the heart. The source of this disgusting emotion is the stargazing platform in front of it, and it may be said that it comes from the stargazing platform!

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