MTL - Fishing the Myriad Heavens-Chapter 102 Enchant

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Yang Wei and Hu Busan looked bitter, and counted to the end, but for the wedding dress of others.

There is nothing in the minds of the two to calculate Yang Qinglian's regrets and reflections. Some are just resentment, but also full of unwillingness. You should not let Yang Qinglian go out. If Yang Qinglian has been under the control of the family, what is going on?

"Where is my son and my mother ?!"

Yang Qinglian stood up and looked at the looks of the two ancestors of Hu Yang. Her heart was full of pleasure. Didn't you do everything possible to get the inheritance of the Six Immortals? Then I will destroy it!

"Give up her son and mother, don't try to resist, otherwise Hu Yang's two chickens will not stay!"

The three dragons looked at Yang Wei and Hu Busan with hesitation on their faces, and the horrible breath fell down on them, shattering the last fluke in their hearts.

"Yang Qinglian, do you think you can keep your son like this? It's useless!" Yang Wei had no thoughts about the inheritance of Liudaoxianzun. He simply broke the jar and broke the road. To open the last inheritance of Liudaoxianzun, it must be Yang Qinglian to open it, and Yang Qinglian must be cut off from her passions, and her son and mother are her most precious things! "

After speaking, Yang Wei and Hu Busan looked at Yang Qinglian with a sneer, but to their surprise, Yang Qinglian's face did not have the slightest fluctuation.


He broke out with a pair of practising exercises and directly knocked Yang Qinglian out. Yang Qinglian did not resist at all, and her mouth was bleeding, and she stood up calmly from the ground.

At this moment, everyone in the Dragon Sunflower family looked at Yang Qinglian, but "you dare to count the Dragon Sunflower family!" As soon as the three sunflowers heard Yang Wei's words, they immediately understood.

"The Dragon Kwai Family now has only two options. First, rescue my son and mother. When their life ends naturally, I will naturally open the inheritance of the Six Immortals for the Dragon Kwai Family. Second, that is, kill me now. "

Yang Qinglian smiled. As millions of lotus flowers bloomed together, she was so beautiful.

From the moment of finding the Longkui Family, let the Longkui Family sign the oath of heaven, all this is in Yang Qinglian's calculation!

"It's too naive to threaten my Longkui family, yes, because of the oath, we have to save your loved ones, but we can't do it, it doesn't mean the rest can't do it."

The queen dragon sunflower looks gloomy. No wonder this woman will make the dragon sunflower family swear an oath to rescue her loved ones, and the people of the dragon sunflower family are not allowed to shoot at her loved ones. It was originally waiting here!

But is the Dragon Kwai family a man of arrogance? It is true that he made a vow of heaven, but it does not mean that there is no way to avoid it, just find a loophole.

如 As it is now, the Dragon Sun family saves Yang Qinglian's relatives, and does not take action against Yang Qinglian's relatives, then the vows have been completed, and the Dragon Sun family cannot take shots. No, there are two Hu Yangs next to it.

"Originally served the Dragon Sunflower family!"

Yang Wei and Hu Busan looked at Yang Qinglian's eyes full of sarcasm, they are still as naive as ever!

"Very well, leave this to you, my Dragon Sun family can let you wait for Enron to leave."

Ning Longkui nodded for three lives, still very satisfied with the attitude of the two Hu Yang, do not mind letting them go.

"Dare you!"

青 The smile on Yang Qinglian's face disappeared, and the whole person appeared fiercely, like a beast protecting a calf in nature.

Unfortunately, the gap between strengths can't be offset by desperation at all. The three sunflowers shot directly, imprisoned one side of the world, suppressed Yang Qinglian, and each one of them was dazzling, carrying a chain of horrible spirits through Yang Qinglian's body, making Yang Qinglian move. may not!

"Haha, you still want to rescue your mother? But you didn't know your mother was dead when you married into Hu's family. Before your mother died, she still missed you!" Yang Wei looked at Yang Qinglian with a mad breath , Could not help but sarcastically.

As soon as Yang Qinglian stayed, she seemed to have lost her soul. The ferocity of her body disappeared, but soon, Yang Qinglian seemed to remember something, her eyes were red, she stared at Yang Wei, her voice hoarse, "What about my son? How is my son ?! "

But the three sunflowers are watching with great interest, like watching a good show, but also can't help raising the chill. The two poplars are really cruel enough, and their eyes are full of sarcasm. This is the Xiaoshijia What's the difference with a hegemon like the Dragon Crow Family!

For the inheritance of the Six Immortals, the two Hu Yangs are so **** their own, but if some of the family members of the dragon sunflower family have been inherited by the Six Immortals, then there are only two possibilities. The first is that the family will fully cultivate him. Otherwise, this group of people are dissatisfied with the family and have irreconcilable contradictions. They will be beheaded and killed directly, leaving no future trouble!

For the Longkui family, the inheritance of Liudaoxianzun is just icing on the cake, not a gift in the snow. With the strength of the Longkui family, the inheritance of Liudaoxianzun is not indispensable to them.

What the Dragon Kwai family lacks is the transcendental powerhouse, and the inheritance is just the inheritance, which may be able to create a lot of supreme immortals, but it cannot let the supreme immortal break through to the transcendence. Dibao can only increase some chances, but it cannot directly make a Supreme Immortal break through to transcendence!

"Your son is okay now ~ ~ but something will happen soon."

Yang Wei's yin voice sounded. Looking at Yang Qinglian's appearance, her heart was full of pleasure. It was this woman that made Hu Yang and two completely lose hope of rising. Now she can make this woman.

People saw the tragic death of the son who regarded Ruobao as being in front of them, and also slightly annoyed Yang Wei and Hu Bu.

For a long time, the three sunflowers have not moved at all. In the long time, I have seen too many, experienced too many, and there are few things that can make the three sunflowers vivid.

As for Yang Wei ’s statement that Yang Qinglian ’s mother died long ago, this does not affect anything. In the Tiandao vow, although it is the family of the dragon sunflower that wants to save Yang Qinglian ’s relatives, but now Yang Qinglian ’s mother is dead, that ’s not natural. Already.

As for Yang Qinglian's son, the two Hu Yangs gave them to themselves, and then the two Hu Yangs shot again, completely in the loophole of the Tiandao vow.

青 Yang Qinglian's breath is a bit unstable, and the entire body is filled with black mist, which is a sign of enchantment!

Here is a fairy cave, a world destroyed by the demon world!

Although it has been countless years since the world was destroyed by the Demon Realm, when the Demon Realm invaded, the portal was opened, and a horrible amount of pure magic energy poured into this realm, with the countless demons coming. Powerful energy level. When the passage started, the power of the horrible world had already infected this world, changed some rules of this world, and made this world similar to a vassal, or the lower world of the demon world!

Read The Duke's Passion