MTL - First Law-Chapter 531 Capture the Lord of the Far Eastern Continent

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"It's kind of fun if we think of the Wheel of Time as a giant Ferris wheel."

"That's right, few creatures can enjoy the constant repetition in the long river of time."

"Haha, it's interesting to make an appointment now. It turns out that Vanessa looks like this, like a big tree."

The fear brought by Vanessa slowly disappeared on the Aegean Continent, especially when the true face of this woman was revealed. Many creatures have completely regarded this matter as a pleasure.

Their fear of Vanessa is far less than their fear of Karen. In this round of purges, Karen directly kicked three million people out of the Aegean Continent.

Even the mainstays of the two mages, Cabras and Colbert, were not activated in the end, and were replaced by a group of young creatures.

They have more prominent ideas, and they will adopt more adventurous methods in this dilemma, especially now that the entire wheel of time is full of phantoms of the Aegean continent.

They directly applied the shell technology developed by Colbert to the Aegean Continent, and used all the remaining energy and materials to replicate the Aegean Continent.

As a result, Vanessa is busy, she must constantly identify in the river of time, and even use more energy to detect the authenticity of these replicas.


Vanessa felt that she was blurring, and her energy was passing away rapidly. Not far away, three Karen were walking in the sea of ​​gods with smiles, not taking Vanessa's appearance seriously at all.

If it was before, Vanessa would have rushed up long ago, this Karen is like a loach, constantly rowing back and forth in the river of time, whenever he wants to catch it, he will always slip away from the palm of his hand.


I don’t know how many times I have shouted and scolded. The three Karen didn’t leave anything in his devouring power. He regretted that he shouldn’t have turned against Karen so early. If he used a more gentle method in ancient times, Maybe also the solution.

But he couldn't bear Karen's profanity and disrespect, and he couldn't bear the other party looking at him like a beggar.

She is the true master of this world, and all creatures here must obey her.

But he couldn't deny Karen's talent. From the age of the ancient gods to the present, only the whole person can keenly detect the flow of divine power, so as to build the ancient road of the gods and explore the real world of divine power.

Vanessa needs divine power too much, he must use more gods to feed the creatures, let these creatures continue to mature, so that he can continuously gain power.

This is the root of his existence. If he has no power, he will slowly perish like those ordinary creatures, and then she will no longer be eternal.

"I will definitely find you!"

Vanessa thought about the next Karen to chase after her. She didn't notice that a figure slowly appeared on the ancient road of gods at this moment. On the somewhat sluggish Lord of the Far East Road.


Karen smiled triumphantly. Vanessa controlled unparalleled power, but because she was too concerned about herself, she ignored such a big loophole.

"Do it!"

With an order, Campas led the bone warriors to directly set up the Far East Continent. The strange thing is that the other party did not respond at this moment, and the majestic master of the continent was moved into the Aegean Continent like a brick.

To be on the safe side, Karen also deliberately condensed a rope with the power of bones. When this scarce existence entered the center of the Aegean continent, creatures appeared from the foggy continent, their eyes were red, as if It's like seeing a stunning beauty.

Of course, this is not a stunning beauty, but a treasure that allows them to stay in the Aegean Continent, and is the key to whether the Aegean Continent can escape from this endless loop of time.

"We should cut off his contact with Anisa first, so as to prevent that hateful woman from finding us."

"No, we should create a new master of the Far East Continent, so that we can confuse that woman without limit."

"You all? We should search his memory first. This person's memory has been modified by Anisa. If we can restore his memory, there must be something good."

"His body is also different. It seems to be able to resist the passage of time. This is simply the most perfect physique. It is stronger than the dragon, and the phoenix is ​​more resilient. If this disaster escapes, I must say such a body." .”

None of these magicians had a body, but what they said alarmed the sluggish Lord of the Far Eastern Continent.

The Lord of the Far Eastern Continent looked at the grimaces constantly churning in the mist, and subconsciously held Rolling Thunder, but it disappeared completely after just a spark.

"Haha, this kid still wants to resist!"

"I don't even look at what is here, except for the pure bone power, all power is nothingness."

"Boy, stop playing with your little thoughts, and tell us obediently, what did that woman Vanessa do to you."

"Do you still need him to say, you can directly use the soul search, we have the most sound soul search technique here."

Hearing the words 'soul search', the lord of the Far East Continent trembled in fright, trying to mobilize the strength in his body, but every time a trace emerged, it was sucked away, as if staying in an ice cellar, and it was still a bottomless pit.

"What are you going to do?"

Backed away in a hurry, grimaces appeared one after another, everyone was like a devil in purgatory, "Are you all devils?"

"Demons? Haha!" Everyone burst out laughing, "Boy, a demon is just a low-level creature, an immortal existence in our department."

"You little boy, you know how to lean on Vanessa's back, but we really admire you in terms of women, and you can bear that kind of woman."

"He is an extraordinary person, otherwise we wouldn't need to spend so much effort."

The originally noisy situation suddenly became extremely quiet. The Lord of the Far Eastern Continent looked towards the end of the mist, and saw a figure in a black robe walking slowly, and the arrogant faces around him were like a mouse meeting a cat. It's incredible.

"Didn't you do anything to him the most?"

"No, boss, no one will do anything without your order. This is a big fish." A phantom said excitedly.

"It didn't take much effort in the middle."

"No, Vanessa helped us a lot. She fastened this man up. We used to be like fools." The voice was very obedient, "But there are four or five memories in his mind, as if he was forced It is blended together, and there is an energy sensing point in the very center, we suspect that this is Anisha's method."

After Karen briefly understood the situation, she went straight to the Lord of the Far East Continent.

With a fair face, handsome cheeks, jet-black hair and a pair of pupils, he looks a bit like a magician in the research institute, but with a special melancholy, like a bard.

He is not very handsome on the surface, but combined with this melancholy temperament, he has a special charm, and he seems to be conquered by the other party's temperament at first glance.

This is not the first time Karen has met each other. When Qatar took him to the Far East, he met him in a tower of thunder.

With just one glance, Qatar fled in despair. It is said that this person controls the ultimate thunder power, which is comparable to the power of the ancient **** king.

If in the former Far East Continent, the real first person, but for Karen now, it is a piece of cake. The so-called thunder is just a child's play in front of the bone fracture.

This kind of power can only exist in living Those at the level of Vanessa and Karen are many times behind.

As for the second time, when Penny was at the starting point of the Ancient Spiritual Path, he claimed to be his own brother at that time, and the tears and tears were really touching. Thinking about it now, it should have been just acting, and he already knew that he already possessed extraordinary power at that time.

As for the third time, the time when Vanessa Penny sealed her, that was the time Karen hated the most. He had never seen a man so cowardly.

That's a man!

In his impression, shouldn't men be upright?

But he can feel that Vanessa has a love for this person, a kind of pure liking. Although this person is very incompetent, Vanessa has not killed her. The so-called seal is just a temporary memory of him. Blocking it did not erase it, nor did it directly erase the other party.

This is completely incompatible with the female devil who chased and killed him.

Now he wants to see what charm this person has?

Read The Duke's Passion