MTL - Finest Servant-Chapter 685 Sea cave

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The departure of Li Xiangjun and his team made Lin Wanrong feel a little bit surprised.

I don't know how many years I can see each other. Life is short, such as Bai Ku has a gap, how many reincarnation can go through such a parting and waiting?

Fortunately, there was a young lady sitting around, sitting on the deck with her back to back, watching the sunset in the distance, listening to the gentle whistling of the sea, and countless seabirds hovering overhead, his mood gradually improved, and he took Yuru's little hand She lied in her ears and secretly told some half-baked jokes, watching her beautiful earlobes scorching like fire, and suddenly she felt that the days of life could not be better.

Seeing that it was dusk, he and Shi Changsheng discussed the march of the sea. Everything was properly accounted for, and then he entered the cabin.

Miss Miss is huge and has many cabins. The room between him and the young lady is on the top floor, quiet and elegant, and there is no outsider to disturb.

The sea breeze learns, and the sound of the ebb and flow of the waves echoes in my ears, like a pleasant music. At the door of the young lady's room, two bright red lanterns hung high, and they were swaying gently with the sea breeze. The dim light was reflected on the white window paper, the indescribable warmth.

With a warm heart, he slowly touched the door with both hands, and with a little force, the door leaf opened silently.

The windows in the room are bright and clear, and the layout is simple and warm. Several small wind chimes hang in the valance. As the ship sways slightly, it emits crisp and sweet bells.

On the table in front of the window, a pair of red dragons and phoenix candles were burning, crackling sparks, like light strings, hitting atrium. A few silk-like musk fragrance, brushed silently in front of the nose. Alluring.

His mouth was dry and he whispered, "Miss. Ms .--"

There was silence in the cabin. No sound was heard, but there was an indescribable tenderness.

He hurried forward, silently raising the curtains. The lights in the account were faint. Sitting on the front of the bed was a beautiful red makeup woman, and the delicate body she had just bathed exuded a faint fragrance. Wet hair fell silently over the plump chest. She was short of breath. Mai Mai bowed her head, and her cheeks were crystal clear. Fiery as if dripping water.

"Yu Ruo--" he murmured, his excited heart jumping out. Opening her arms suddenly. Leaped in joy.

He is so happy when people are happy. Floating a little underfoot. This foot is not strong. I slipped. He fell on the bed like a head of onions.

"Oh," Xiao Yuruo hurriedly looked up when she heard the scream. I saw his whole body poking into the bed, his head was covered with the red brocade, and he couldn't get out for a long time.

The young lady smiled. Blushing and pulling him up, "How can you not go the same way, you?"

"Yeah yeah." He managed to get out of the quilt. He breathed a long breath and grinned, "I have seen Miss, I don't want to leave in my life."

"Fun!" Xiao Yuruo shouted shyly. Holding his hand, he never let go.

The bed was fragrant and full of fragrance. Covered with fiery red and brand-new quilts, there are dozens of beds. Lin Wanrong was stunned. "Miss. Here. Where did this come from?"

Xiao Yuru blushed like blood, and yelled, "Where can I come from? Not my mother ---"

She covered her cheek fiercely, and did not dare to speak any more.

Before thinking of leaving, Madam Xiao repeatedly went to the carriage to Riga. Lin Wanrong suddenly realized. It turned out that the wife had long expected that the ship going to the sea in Korea would be a blessing for me and the young lady, and she was ready for everything. It's a mother-in-law Moruo!

"Well, Madam really cares about us!" He put his face in the young lady's ear. Tian shamelessly shouted.

"Dare you say that ?!" The young lady twisted his arm fiercely. The ears burned: "My mother knows it-I'm ashamed!"

He and Miss Xiao were married couples, and they went to sea together. The distance is long, the two get along with each other day and night, the love is sincere, the fool knows what will happen. Mrs. Xiao prepared all this for them, but was also a distressed young lady.

He smiled and grabbed Yu Ruo's small hand: "We are husbands and wives. What can be concealed? I will go out to sea with you. If it is innocent, will the lady believe it?"

The young lady was ashamed. Holding his arm tightly, he said, "I don't care, it's you who hurt me! In the future, my mother-in-law wants to ask, you mustn't talk blindly!"

Women are masters of covering up their ears, and Lin Wanrong laughed and nodded.

Xiao Yuruo cuddled in his arms silently, his slender neck was already red and transparent, as if coated with a bright layer of fat powder, charming and indescribable: "Do you remember the scene when we first met?"

"Remember, remember, Master and I went to Miaoyufang for academic exchanges—"

The young lady chuckled softly, and looked at him gently: "Good academic exchange! You bad guy, speak lightly and punish you with twenty-"

This is the first sentence that Xiao Yuruo said to him when they met. It was thrilling and unforgettable. Although a lot of time has passed, it still seems like it happened yesterday.

His heart was warm, and he blinked, "Well, let's ask Miss to do it myself!"

Xiao Yuruo pressed lightly on his face, both helpless and joyful: "I would have known you would be bullied by you today, and the day I met you, I would heal you, huh!"

The young lady was also happy and indifferent, as if returning to the happy and simple time of the Xiao family.

In his heart, he gently and quietly tightened Yu Ruo's hand: "If God gives me another chance, I hope that I will meet the same you at the same time and in the same place!"

If Xiao Yu heard it, he cried with tears in his cheeks, and plunged into his arms, holding his chest fiercely: "You, this one, was born to lie to me! From the time of the signing outside Lingyin Temple, I Got it!"

"Really?" Lin Wanrong laughed, holding her in her arms, and taking off her brightly embroidered shoes.

"You, what are you doing?" The young lady was blushing, her heart trembling, and she was lying weakly in his arms. Little feet

Randomly kicking.

"Don't move!" He sounded a little solemnly, Xiao Yuruo didn't dare to move.

On her white ankle, the two bright red ropes danced silently, as if the most beautiful color in the world.

Feeling his rough big hand rubbing lightly on his ankle, Yu Ruo's heart was crisp and itchy, he had no force at all, and was gasping. Murmured: "You, what are you doing?"

The feet are warm. Her tender feet have been put into his broad arms. That is the warmest harbor in the world.

The young lady's eyes were moist and dart into her arms. "Just call my mother jokes, I'm not afraid of anything! The miss is our sea cave-Lin Lang, Lin Lang, don't you love me?"

This sound was like a vigorous torch, and the sky and ground fire were ignited instantly, and he roared. Rolled up Yu Ruo's body and rolled away towards the big red brocade cluster.

Luo shirt light solution, jade body horizontal Chen, that crystal clear Jiao body. Under the yellow light, it was undulating like a rolling mountain, quivering silently, drawing an extremely moving curve.

Think of Miss Shiji at first sight. Strong and beautiful, unattainable. Today is to become his wife. A fire was burning in his heart. Staring blankly at her exquisite plump jade body, her mouth was dry and her eyes could not bear to blink.

Xiao Yuruo's weak, boneless arms wrapped tightly around his neck, trembling, and spit out Ru Lan's fragrance in a bright red mouth: "Fool. What are you waiting for!"

Lin Wanrong slammed into his head and turned over fiercely. He kissed the pink cherry lips fiercely. The big hand was silent, covering her plump and delicate like a jade waist.

"Well," humming, the huge missing number seemed to shake silently. Xiao Yuruo bit his chest hard. Breathing and calling, "Bad guy, I want you to be frivolous for life. Do you agree?" ...

As the lady said. Huge Miss is their sea cave. The vast sea is their eternal witness.

In this vast and boundless ocean, there is no outside disturbance, the two of them are embracing each other, loving each other sweetly, watching the Hongxia hand in hand, admiring in the twilight, and springing endlessly.

Xiao Yuruo was also the first time to go out to sea on a big ship. At first, she was a little dizzy. Fortunately, the size of the Miss is huge, and the waves of the Yellow Sea are relatively stable. Coupled with her husband's standing on the side, it was the time of the newly married Yaner that the power of love was immense. It turned out extremely quickly.

This trip, which should have been dull on the sea, suddenly turned into a honeymoon trip for two people. With endless love, I hope this road is as long as possible!

The fleet followed the waves in the Yellow Sea. I didn't know how many days had passed, but there was no sign of landing.

The young lady followed Husband's side, with the backbone of the main body, Lin Lang stood on top of the sky, she took all the burdens down, happily hovered every day, and did not care much about the landing.

Lin Wanrong did not dare to carelessly. Starting from Lianyungang, he went straight through the Yellow Sea. Dozens of large ships and sailors numbered five or six thousand could not reach Korea. If that's the case, he'll find a piece of tofu and run it by himself.

The sailor commanded Shi Changsheng looking at the restless coach sitting beside him, and laughed: "Lin Shuai is anxious. In the past few days it was foggy at sea, we can only slow down. From this compass, the direction is correct. I used to travel the Yellow Sea in the past when I trained sailors. Although I haven't arrived in Korea, the distance is not far away. I can't go wrong! "

When it comes to sailing on the sea, Shi Changsheng is an expert. Lin Wanrong dropped his anxiety slightly and smiled. "Brother Shi, last time when we were fighting with Turks, we invaded Korea in a big way. How did we return later? You are in Shandong It should be heard, right? "

Shi Changsheng put down the compass in his hand and said with a smile: "It was a miscalculation by the Tatars! They originally thought that Turks had invaded Helan Mountain in a big way. My Dahua had no soldiers available and would certainly be unable to look eastward. They could pick a ready-made straight Korea! I do n’t know, Lin Shuai, you have come up with a clever plan for recruiting troops on the spot. The new group of Dahua loyal troops is stationed directly. Although the combat power has not yet been formed, the deterrent effect is huge. If Dongyu wants to do it, no doubt It is necessary to declare war on Dahua. This is not a small matter. Even if a daring person is bold, he must look ahead and weigh it carefully! With such a delay, their amazing strategy has lost the most critical word! "

These are all in the calculation, and it's no surprise that Lin Wanrong nodded: "Later Dongdong grabbed the beach and landed, fighting fiercely with the Korean Navy and our loyal army for days and nights. What's going on?"

"This is indeed the case." Shi Changsheng said: "Marshal Lin annihilated 40,000 Turks at the Five Forces, and the country was boiling. At that time, Dongying's forces were overwhelming the Korean Peninsula, and it seemed to be about to start, but was shrank back by the news. Go by hand ~ ~ Later, Lin Shuai went deep into the grassland and got no news. My Dahua and Turk were also in a stalemate in Helan Mountain, unable to enter again. The people of Dongqiang thought the time had come, and they went from Busan, Ulsan, and Gwangju. Road, took the opportunity to launch a beach landing offensive. "

"Koryo mobilized the whole country, and 80,000 strong men went to the battlefield, plus the 60,000 children of the Dahua loyal army, and they fought fiercely against the 100,000 people who landed on this beach. This battle lasted for three days and three nights. The blood stained the sea water. "

Shi Changsheng was amazed. He was in charge of the Shandong Marine Division, and it was not far from Korea. The scenes of the past were naturally very clear. Although Lin Wanrong had the results of the battle, he didn't know the specific details, so he asked each other.

He frowned slightly: "Why did the Tatars suddenly retire?"

Shi Changsheng said positively: "In the first instance, the resistance they encountered was extremely tenacious. Sixty percent of the 80,000 Koreans suffered a battle damage. Seventy thousand of my loyal soldiers were killed, while the Tatars left nearly 50,000 corpses. Second Point, and the most important point, the news from the front line, Turkic Khan was captured by my Dahua! "

That's what happened! Lin Wanrong snorted heavily, and before speaking, Xiao Yuruo on the lookout platform suddenly waved the telescope in his hand and was excited: "Korea, I see Korea!"

Read The Duke's Passion