MTL - Finest Servant-Chapter 683 It ’s the armored ship

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Lin Wanrong listened funny, this Tavoni was also a genius for acting. It was clear that the last time I visited the Lin government, I had met the young lady, but this time I deliberately said these nice words, all that was to slap.

"Yeah, yeah, I always think so." Lin Wanrong smiled and touched his nose. "Tavoni, isn't your boat in Shandong? How did you get to Lianyungang?"

Tavoni said: "Dear Lin, with your referral, I have met Your Majesty the Emperor of your country in your capital. You have also reached an agreement on the trade between the two countries and the tariffs on foreign trade. His Majesty the Emperor of your country , As savvy as you. Our French fleet earns most of it back to you Dahua, oh! "

Could it be savvy, imposing high tariffs on the French fleet? In the old man's mind, who can play him.

Master Lin patted the shoulders of the French people with a long heart: "Tawoni, don't say that. Well, the trade is mutually beneficial. Our silk tea perfume soaps in Dahua are all good and in short supply in Europe. Do n’t worry if you ca n’t sell it. It ’s a good idea to collect more tariffs on you. These goods will be sold to Europe and they will definitely make a lot. It ’s true that you have two British and Portuguese fleets in the last few days. Fujian and Guangdong have landed on the shore. I heard that they also came to expand trade. "

Tavoni was shocked. It must have been false, as it had been spoken out of Mystolin. Britain and Portugal are both maritime trading powers, and it is not surprising that commercial ships came to Dahua. Unexpectedly, the business with Dahua has not yet done a few orders, competitors have come to grab food.

"Lin, this agreement was reached by France first." Tavoni grabbed his hand nervously: "Have your country have integrity!"

Lin Wanrong said hesitantly: "Relax, rest assured. The tariff level now given to you. It will never change in three years. Even if Britain and Portugal want to do this business, the tariff will definitely increase. Tavoni, this gives Your friend price! Replace it with someone else. But I don't speak so well, haha! "

Dahua's tariffs are high, and the price of the corresponding goods in Europe will naturally increase. The European people will pay the bill, and Tavoni and Emperor Louis will naturally not lose money. Both Lin Wanrong and the French knew this, but they didn't know it.

Tavoni smiled bitterly: "Then I hope you will take care of our French fleet in the future. Her Majesty Louis also asked me to convey my sincere invitation to you and your wives. If you are free next year, you are welcome to take your whole family to France as a guest , Take a look at our Marseilles, the Louvre, and the high towers. Her Majesty Louis will personally welcome distinguished guests from the far east and will surely make you and your family have a pleasant time. "

He casually compiled the British and Portuguese caravans. It gave Tavoni a deep sense of anxiety, and he couldn't wait to add more.

Unexpectedly, accidentally, it became the first person of Dahua officials to study abroad, or it was a drag-and-roll. Lin Wanrong couldn't help crying and laughed casually: "Again, say it again! Tavoni. I asked you how to get to Lianyungang, you haven't answered me yet!"

"Yes, yes. I have reached a tariff and trade agreement with the emperor of your country, and I have collected enough goods to go back to Europe from Shandong. Ms. Xu Yunqing who listened to your country in Rizhao said that you are going to board the ship from Lianyungang to Korea. I have received the enthusiastic care of adults in your country. Of course, I have to come to say goodbye to you, without telling you that we have been here for two days just to see you. "

French people are full of affection, but secretly rejoice in their hearts. Fortunately, they stopped at Lianyungang and met Master Lin, otherwise. How would you know that the British and the Portuguese have come to grab business, fortunately. Fortunately!

Lin Wanrong sneered. The old boy lied and didn't spit out his bones. Obviously because of the 30 teenagers I sent to France to study, I am currently practicing on an ironclad ship in Lianyungang. He had to stop here, but said he wanted me. I levied a heavy tax on you and knocked on your big bamboo stick. Do you still miss me? Is it irrational?

"Tawoni, you're so polite." He smiled and said, "We're old, we don't need to see this way. By the way, are you going to leave now? Oh, I haven't had time to ask you What about eating, sorry, really sorry! "

If you treat guests to dinner, it will be me who pays for it! Tavoni knew well and said busyly: "It should be me asking you, but unfortunately, I have visited your house in recent times, and the adults are not at home. When it comes next year, I will definitely bring His Majesty Louis. Chef, invite you and your family to have the most authentic French meal! "

"Really? Oh, I recently went to Turkic. You also know that the battle was won, but there are a lot of follow-up things to be dealt with, don't you? After playing with Turkic people for so many years, I suddenly lost my opponent and kind of missed it. I do n’t know who the next place to fight with us will be? Oh, Tawoni, do n’t get me wrong, I ’m not a militant, I just do n’t like others to bully us, haha! ”

Listen to Master Lin's speech carefully, otherwise, there is really no way to determine which sentence is true and which is false. The poor Frenchman was dizzy and confused, and only remembered the words of the Misto Woodland: Do not bully the big Chinese!

"By the way, Lin," Tavoni suddenly reached into his ear, mysteriously said, "The two little French ladies I gave you last time were still waiting for you in the house! Don't you Wasted, one of them is our queen's sister, more beautiful than the queen, and even Her Majesty Louis treated her-啧啧-"

Lin Wanrong hurriedly looked at the young lady around her. Fortunately, it was in English, she didn't understand it, only opened her eyes and looked at him blankly.

"Tawoni," Master Lin hurriedly corrected his color, and said with a serious face, "I'm not such a vulgar person! Beautiful to me, no different from the poison of a skull!"

"Understand. Understand. Seeing the ladies, you will know that you are already very poisonous!" Tavoni sneered. "So, I suggest that you might try poison with poison--"

Attack with poison? Lin Wanrong glanced at him, and the two laughed at the same time. All men in the world are really one

So insignificant!

After speaking the conversation, two iron armored ships came to shore in succession. Tavoni brought four iron armored ships. Because the flagship was acquired by Mr. Lin at a high price of twelve silver dollars, only three ships were returned.

Lin Wanrong pulled Xiao Yuruo. Slowly stepped forward and looked at the Western armored boat carefully.

The captains of these iron armors are about twenty feet in length and two feet wide. It is two stories high. The hull was extremely hard. He knocked it with his hands, and a dull sound echoed in his ears, which was cut from a whole steel plate.

There are four crossroads on the deck, including wheelhouse, rest cabin, and ammunition cabin. Behind is the living area, each with a large sail. On the left and right sides of the iron armored ship, there are more than ten plywoods and more than twenty large pulps, in the middle. More than ten black muzzles were extended, and a few rough western artillery pieces extended. The workmanship is extremely fine. On the sides of the hull, there were another forty or fifty musket gun holes.

Lin Wanrong sighed a few glances. This is a genuine iron armored ship, not as rough as iron armor wrapped around the wooden side. Can cut and assemble the iron sheet. The Westerners' mechanical level has indeed developed to a certain level. It was only the big pulp on the sides of the hull and the sails on the bow and stern that made him feel a little bit lucky, and the Western Ocean had not yet fully entered the steam era, which was an opportunity to catch up.

Seeing the astonishment in Mystolin's eyes, Tavoni smugly slaps Metro A behind him: "Lin, how about it. This is our French armored ship. No artillery can penetrate it in this world."

"Really?" Lin Wanrong laughed, drew a golden scimitar from his arms, and stabbed forward.

It squeaked softly, and the iron armor was broken through a small hole. Tavoni's face paled, "This, how is this possible?"

It is your iron armored ship! Lin Wanrong's face turned red, holding the knife in both hands, and the ability to suckle milk was brought out before he could break a small hole in the iron armor.

He didn't dare to tell Tavoni to see the flaws, and hurriedly collected the golden sword, calming the disordered breathing, Haha laughed: "Brother Ta. The iron armor is just average, not even the small knife in my hand. Talk about what artillery can't penetrate! "

The golden sword in his hand was a gift from the little sister. It is Turkic's supreme national treasure, which can be described as blowing hair and cutting hair, cutting iron like mud. The iron armor of the Westerners was almost unbreakable, and the steel plate was hard to see.

Tavoni didn't know this. When he saw a knife casually, he could pierce a small hole in the iron armor that France was proud of. In horror, his tongue couldn't stand straight: "Lin, Lin Do you Dahua have such a weapon for piercing? "

"Of course," Lord Lin laughed and patted him on the shoulder before stabbing the iron armor with all his strength, his arms were sore: "So, be humble. Behold, we have this in Dahua Earth treasure, but never publicized it, this is the subtle beauty of our Orientals. Alas, if you have met our Dahua's armor-piercing weapon, cough, cough-man, your gadget needs to be improved. what!"

He took the golden sword back into his arms and thanked his little sister for a thousand times and ten thousand times. In the face of Tavoni, his words were uncovered and his eyes were unpredictable.

Seeing him so "implicit", Tavoni resignedly lowered his high head: "Lin, I have to say, you are really mysterious in the East! When I go back, I must recommend to Her Majesty Louis that your two countries should come and go And establish a long-term friendly cooperative relationship. Let's be friends with each other, and no one will fight anyone! "

"Really, let's think about it." He hurriedly took a long time, and Tavoni was shocked. Master Lin was posing again, and next time it looks like he will send some more diamond beauties in hopes of the two countries. Fix it.

Lin Wanrong narrowed his eyes, looked at the sails on the ship, and smiled, "Tavoni, do you sail across the ocean relying on the sails and oars? Is there any other power, for example, machinery that smokes ? "

The Frenchman jumped in shock: "Will smoke machines? How do you know?"

"What?" Lin Wanrong was even more surprised than him: "You, you really have steam-oh, that smoke machine?"

Tavoni nodded, "I only heard about the smoke hood before I came to Dahua. It was invented by a miner in France, called Safry (Note 1), and I heard that it can be used to draw water from the well. It's only been a few months, and I didn't expect adults to be thousands of miles away, I already knew. "

I know that fart. Lin Wanrong was relieved for a long time. It turned out that Westerners had just begun to study steam technology. It will take at least two hundred years for them to truly enter that era. Too late to have everything!

He laughed and nodded: "I just guess whatever ~ ~ Tavoni. You don't have to take it seriously, just treat me like nothing. By the way, which ship is my ship? I ’m a bit more affluent, and raised another twelve dollars, and I want to buy again— "

"This ship, this ship, I'll take you to see it!" The French looked so frightened that they turned and left. He had a deep understanding of Master Lin's instinct, but if the king of bamboo bars really took out thirty-two more silver, he and everyone would probably only be able to walk back to France.

The iron armored boat purchased by Mr. Lin spent twelve giant silver is the flagship of the French, and it is the one that finally docked at the dock. The body is larger and the decoration is the most luxurious. There are dozens of square feet in front of and behind the boat. Dozens of young people with yellow skin and black hair are busy on the deck.

After so long mixing, I finally have a cruise ship! Lin Wanrong took Miss's hand and stepped up to see this huge ship, and suddenly laughed.

"Brother-in-law,"-the group of teenagers suddenly sounded a clear and delicate voice, a beautiful figure, hurried to him.

Note 1: For the sake of writing, this article sets Saffrey as French. Friends who know the history of the steam engine do not have to argue about their nationality.

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