MTL - Finest Servant-Chapter 671 The more depraved, the happier

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As soon as I stepped into the grassland, I entered Bayanhot's territory.

It was here that the first battle to enter the grassland was started, and Lin Wanrong was naturally unforgettable.

Hundreds of miles of vast green grass are free trade areas agreed upon by the two countries. Less than two months since the signing of the peace agreement, it has begun to take shape. There is a constant flow of caravans, and Dahua's silk tea leaves are continuously transported to the Alxa steppe.

Due to the preferential tax-free policy, countless Dahua merchants voluntarily transported various necessities of life to Bayanhot, and started barter exchanges with barbarians who came from the wind. Inns, tea houses, restaurants also came into being. Raw.

Various construction and agricultural techniques have been brought to the grassland, free trade has flourished, people in the two countries have become more aware of each other, and friendship has gradually been established. The whole Bayanhot presented a thriving scene.

Practice is the best teacher. Bayanhot's prosperity radiates the Prairie Quartet. Turkic people have received huge benefits from it. Opposition voices are gradually diminishing. The win-win situation between the two countries has gradually brought people out of the shadow of war.

Looking at the epigram "Dahua Linsan came here" on the broken city wall, An Biru laughed abruptly: "Little brother, you are chic!"

"Really?" Lin Wanrong laughed. "This is the best sentence I ever wrote!"

Above this tower, little plums pierced through her heart, and Sister An helped him to stab Rabri, and the past was so memorable. His grand saying that "you have to build it again, and I will swim again next year" has already spread across the rivers and rivers and has become a beautiful thing for the people of Dahua.

Today Bayanhot is busy with trade. The number of Dahuas is increasing, and the arrival of the two has not attracted special attention. Sharpened on a newly built restaurant. Although it is still early, it is already a crowd gathering. The Dahuas and the Turks are sitting next to each other, calling friends and friends, so busy.

"Treasurer, won't Turkic fight with our Dahua?" Lin Wanrong whispered to the guy in the running hall.

The man laughed and said, "You guest, are you from a foreign country? Our Marshal Lin of Dahua has signed a 50-year truce agreement with the Hu people. This Bayanhot is now the place where our two countries do business. What battle is still going on? "

Lin Wanrong said, "This is Hu's territory after all. Is there no one to make trouble?"

The guy looked around and lowered his voice, "Don't tell you, it must have been in the first place. At the beginning, there were often casual soldiers from His Majesty Wang Youyong who came here to make trouble. Look at our restaurant, which is all made of wood. .It took a full month to build it because of that. "

"What happened then?" Sister An asked.

She looked so fabulous, the guy looked at the ground, and hurriedly said: "Later, Turk Khan issued a decree, there were those who dared to disturb the people in the trade zone, punished severely! Zuo Wang feared Khan's prestige. Only slowly Convergence. You see, our shopkeeper has now hired a number of Turkic people to help! "

He pointed it out, and sure enough, among the busy folks, there were a few Hu figures who were very happy. An Biru daqi: "Then you are not afraid of them?"

"Without concealing my wife, we were a little scared at first. After all these years of fighting with Hu Ren, their brutality has been heard for a long time." There is such a beautiful lady talking to herself. The guy knew everything and said endlessly: "But I have been with them for a long time. Everyone has found that although these Turks are more vicious in appearance. They speak louder, but they are not bad people. They are upright in character. It ’s easy to get along. It ’s easy to get along with each other. In the next two months, everyone is already familiar, and they do n’t feel that they are terrible. Everyone is the same ordinary person. ”

Sister An nodded and smiled at the younger brother: "You think the land is really good. Once the two nations get along and get together, it won't be so easy!"

Lin Wanrong made a noise, looked at those busy Hu people, and said without hesitation, "Want these Hu people to work in our restaurant, would they be willing?"

"Why not?" The man replied, "Here we run the hall here. The salaries are all ready-made silver. They take silver every month. You can ask our big Chinese to build a strong house for them. You can also buy it on this street. Eating delicious food, adding clothes, cloth and rouge to women, it is much better than wandering and grazing where there is no place to stay in the four seasons of that year! I do n’t know, many Hu people are rushing here now! "

Lin Wanrong laughed. Although the words of these guys were simple, they revealed one of the most obvious truths. The common people always yearn for a comfortable and comfortable life. No matter the Dahua or Turkic people, they can't escape this law.

"If you happen to be a coincidence," the buddy said, as soon as the conversation box was opened, "If you come early one day, you can see the prairie sweat on the grasslands!"

"What?" Lin Wanrong stood up, his head was dizzy, and he could hardly stand still: "You say it again! Which Khan?"

Seeing his horror, the guy said busyly: "It is the Golden Sword Khan! I heard that she subdued the Youwangdi tribe a few months ago and visited Bayanhaote in person a few days ago to punish the murderers who came here for trouble. Even Zuo Wang was honest and did not dare to squeak in front of her. Hey, you official, you have n’t seen it, the humorous woman Khan, the beautiful one--

Lin Wanrong's excited heart all jumped out and grabbed the man's shoulders: "She, where is she now?"

"Oh," he was so excited that he couldn't bear it? The guy screamed in pain, and the whole man went short. An Bi patted his hand as quickly as possible, comforting silently.

"Sorry," Lin Wanrong also came to his senses, hurriedly lifted up the running hall, and shoved a piece of silver into his hand: "Brother, I'm too reckless. You say this golden sword is khan, I admire it too, but Don't know where she is now? "

Although the guy suffered some pains, but for the sake of the silver, how could he embarrass him: "That ’s why you two are late. The Golden Knife Khan has finished his inspection and left for Wang Ting yesterday. . "

gone? !! Lin Wanrong

Sit down, empty of mind. The younger sister walked on her front feet and I came on her hind legs, but the difference was only one day. It ’s heaven and earth, is this God punishing me?

"Little fool," An Biru grinned, holding his hand: "But it's only one day! Let's hurry up with a whip. Will we catch up?"

Yes indeed. I am silly? He suddenly came to realize, grabbed An Biru's hand, and ran wildly.

After crossing Bayanhaote for a day, I arrived at the Daranza tribe that had been attacked in the past. It was here that he threw copper plates to play tricks and silently let off three thousand Turkic women and children. I still want to come to this day, and still feel emotion.

Since then, people have become increasingly scarce. Occasionally, Dahua and Turkic mixed caravans can be seen driving forward with mighty momentum. Go straight to King Ting Kizil. After the truce between the two countries. People-to-people exchanges resumed. It is not uncommon for large Chinese to appear on the grasslands. Lin Wanrong stepped forward to ask some questions, but he had never seen a big khan drive.

This is strange. How could Yuga go faster than me with a lot of followers? Did that guy lie to me? Or is it going wrong again? He shook his head blankly, deeply regretting that he hadn't asked clearly that day.

Night fell slowly, and Haoyue was empty. Baixing is silent. The vast grassland seems to be connected with the sky, making people unconsciously be in it.

Lin Wanrong looked around carefully and suddenly jumped up with joy: "Sister. Isn't this what we are looking for?"

This is the grassland where the two met again, and the paradise in their dreams.

"Did you see it?" Sister An glanced at him whitely and said gently, "Brother, come here. Let me take advantage of you!"

This is what she said when she was pregnant that night. Although the two have become husband and wife, when they think of that warm night, they are still excited and moved.

Suddenly, I felt a soft, boneless body with a delicate fragrance, slowly falling into his arms.

"Sister Master—" He had a dry throat and was about to speak. Two green fingers were slowly pressing on his lips: "Little bad guy. Don't talk!"

An Biru lay on his back on the soft grass and hid silently in his arms. Jiao's body trembled gently.

The two are already married. Feeling her unusual excitement, Lin Wanrong hugged her tightly: "What's wrong?"

An Biru shook her head slowly. Suddenly quieted down, eyes were like water, staring at the deep starry sky, plump chest slowly.

Looking at her silhouette from the side, it looks as if it is ethereal, such as Lingbo in the West Lake and the smoky rain in the autumn mountains. People are afraid to look squarely.

Lin Wanrong lay beside the master sister, looking at her pure face as beautiful as a fairy, suddenly forgetting to breathe.

"I'm finally back here!" Sister An stared at the night sky, smiling softly and murmuring, "The grassland is so vast and wide, it can tolerate everything in our land, whether it is right or wrong."

"Which is right and which is wrong?" Lin Wanrong held her hand and said lazily.

An Biru shook her head silently: "How can I simply distinguish right from wrong in the world? Just as I am a fairy's master, but I marry you as a wife, do you say this is right or wrong?"

Lin Wanrong wins. Sister An was hearty and charming, never touching the identity of Xianer before him.

It now seems that she did not care, but just buried in her heart silently and never revealed it. This is also in line with her temperament.

"Sister--" Lin Wanrong felt guilty and took her hand, trying to persuade.

An Biru raised her head and smiled charmingly: "Little brother, don't be afraid! As soon as I marry you, I won't be afraid of insults from the world. Whatever happens, I fall into a brighter light! People, I do n’t know how to be hundreds or thousands of times stronger. Those who spurn us are either hypocritical or jealous, and where do I fear him ?! ”

She smiled, as if the peony bloomed in the winter, the stars of heaven and earth suddenly overshadowed.

Lin Wanrong's heartbeat stopped immediately, and she suddenly held her hand and laughed: "Sister said well, those who scorn us are either hypocrisy or jealous! Happiness is not surnamed 'good' nor surname 'evil', I Fallen, so I'm happy! "

"Really?" An Biru floated a bright reddish pink on her face, her eyes were foggy, and her eyes were silky: "Little brother, I have a great dream!"

"Sister, you're already great!" The younger brother stared at her plumply **** and laughed slyly.

"Hate!" An Bi giggled as joyfully, water-like tenderness in his eyes, snake-like arms tightly wrapped around his neck, and a fiery breath with a fragrance like blue: "Heavenly bedding, earthly bed, I It's your bride! Little brother, do you like to be in the cave here ?! "

My mother, Lin Wanrong banged in his head, and his whole body burned like fire.

An Biru snuggles in his arms ~ ~ The cheeks are red, and the Luo shirt is half-stretched. The crisp and long **** and legs that are as smooth as jade are seductive under the moon.

"This dream is too great !!" Lin Wanrong's throat was as dry as a fire, pressing her under her head fiercely.

"The more depraved, the happier!" Sister An held her tightly, her **** pressed against his chest, gasping, her eyes gleaming like spring water in March: "Little brother, I want to have a baby for you !!"

What could provoke a man's emotion more than this hot words, Lin Wanrong was full of heat, spotted the pant cherry, and kissed fiercely ...

That night, the two cast aside all the shackles, and then rolled under the starry grassland. Sister An's charming and full-bodied appearance is fully displayed like this vast grassland. The taste of bone-bite can only be tasted by the younger brother ...

Waking up the next morning, the aunt was still asleep, with a few drops of morning dew on her hair ends, two bright pinks hanging on her cheeks, and her **** looming in the newly-rising colorful clouds.

With a tender kiss on her forehead, Lin Wanrong stood up slowly, her eyes slightly swept, and her body trembled suddenly, standing still.

Read The Duke's Passion