MTL - Finest Servant-Chapter 658 Helping Brother

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The bonfire was burning everywhere, and Aring had been joked by the girls of the Miao family, and a wall of people separated from him and the aunt.

An Biru was dizzy on her cheeks and her pulse was bowing her head. Mickeys surrounded her, singing and dancing, the atmosphere was hot and warm.

"Brother, brother--" Yi Lian looked at the idiot, muttering to herself, tears flowing down the string. The michels in Yingyuewu sighed together and turned their heads silently, unable to bear to look at her again.

"Sister, please do something, please help me!" Yi Lian uttered a voice, holding Zitong's hand tightly.

Looking at the crystal tears in Xiao Amei's eyes, Zi Tong nodded hurriedly: "You said, Sister A must do it for you!"

Yilian found a piece of bamboo from the seedling bag and hurriedly put it into her hand: "Please go and give this to Brother!"

The bamboo sheet was full of folk songs, and Zitong was puzzled by it. Yilian eagerly said, "The aunt is going to sing with him, but I have n’t taught that song just now. I ca n’t get it. With this, , He is not afraid! "

"Yilian, are you crazy ?!" Zi Tong jumped up and said indignantly: "When is it all the time, you still need to help the cowardly person like this? If you ca n’t connect, you ca n’t connect, so that the aunt looks down on him It has nothing to do with you. "

"Sister, please, help Brother!" The girl hugged her shoulder and choked her head desperately, "I just want to watch him happy all his life, nothing else, nothing!"

"Silly girl," Zitong heard a sore nose, and sighed helplessly: "Our Miao family girl, met this cruel Huajialang. To be tortured by him like this. The generation is owed to him by his last life!"

It was getting dark, the bonfire was lit, and the blind date would officially begin. Thousands of Miao girls are dressed in silver and accompanied by Lusheng wooden drums. Step on foot. The young and beautiful body is beautiful and touching, and the bright flying song sounds in front of the trees in the mountains. A laugh.

The hillsides, bushes, and forests can be seen in pairs and pairs, and the beautiful singing is pulsating on Wulian Peak.

"Well, what are you doing--" Lin Wanrong hasn't figured out the situation yet. It was swarmed up by a group of beautiful Miao girls. Laughed and pushed aside ← dancing. Anxious.

"What else can you do?" The girls laughed. "Of course, I have to ask Arin to accept the test! If you can't catch the sacred mountain song. Then surrender and surrender. Come again next year!"

Sing folk songs? Lin Wanrong looked bitter. Which pot is not open? I did not have a few songs with Yilian. It's almost forgotten now. How do I connect? If it's a sing-along. It barely managed to ← shook his head. But saw sister An in the distance winked at him. Slightly chuckled.

The Miao family thinks that the two of them are far apart. However, she still looked in the same vein, showing a sincere affection, and suddenly laughed: "Holy aunt, sing fast. Let us look at Alingo's ability! He has no ability. But we can't marry our aunt!"

Folk song is the most favorite way of dating the Miao family. An Biru is so capable. But I can't get around this hurdle ↓ flushed. Glancing at him. With soft lips, she sang softly:


I have a home and I have no home,

Lonely Skylark Going to the End of the World!

Brother is not with me,

Throwing a single thrush

—— "

The Miao family would have been able to sing and dance. An Biru is a unique aunt in Miao Township. This is the leader. This song is crisp and bright. For example, the oriole came out of the valley, and the sounds of the lingering beams reverberated in the mountains for a long time.

Lin Wanrong listened to his heart. Unexpectedly, the elder sister was actually the most beautiful Bailing in Miao Village, even Yilian was compared by her. It seems Xianer sings a small song. Sister An really did it.

The eunuchs sang in love and all the Miao family members applauded and laughed. The atmosphere was extremely warm.

"Alin. It's your turn!" The Miao girls huddled around An Biru. Shouted his name.

sing. What i sing Seeing everyone's eager anticipation, Lin Wanrong's forehead was sweating. The vest was soaked for a moment. Hit the horse, go to the sword mountain ← not even frown, just sing love songs. It really killed him. There are only a few folk songs. Sister An sings this. Elaine never taught him.

"Sing. Sing!" Seeing him silent for a long time, he laughed all around. No one thought of it. Aringer, who has strength, courage and wisdom, cannot even sing folk songs. This was supposed to be the best thing for the Miao family! This is too dramatic!

"Kill you cowardly!" Lin Wanrong was hesitant, and suddenly heard a anger and tenderness, a piece of bamboo with a whistling wind, smashed directly to his chest, Yingyue dock Zitong frowning coldly Glancing at him, he turned and ran quickly.

Lin Wanrong winced, catching the bamboo slip in a hurry, glanced slightly, and his face suddenly surprised.

It is a folk song made by Yilian! He hurriedly looked up and looked at the vast sea. Where can I find the whereabouts of Xiao Amei.

Seeing him not squeaking for a long time, there were whistle whistling around, the boys laughed: "Alin, you still have to surrender, come again next year!"

"Who said I'm going to surrender!" Lin Wanrong grinned, holding the bamboo slip, his heart was wide, and he let out his voice loudly:


The sun came out red,

The moon came out misty;

Sun moon i don't love,

Just wait for Amei to fall in arms.

—— "

"Okay!" This one was really shocked. Aringer was hidden from the air. The girls laughed and thundered. The guys who were still hopeful for the aunt were suddenly discouraged!

This little brother does not know where to learn from! An Biru grinned, pulling a few girls around her to dance softly beside the campfire, turned back in the fire, looked at him charmingly, her face was a bright red, and the beautiful singing echoed in her ears: " The sun came out to shine on Baiyan, and the girl got up to dry her shoes. The shoes were hung on the slate, and she came as soon as she was drying! "

If An Bi is a daughter of the Miao family, of course the folk songs come from the open mouth, but the poor younger brother is an authentic Huajialang, who is best at eighteen minors, but this love song is crowded and not one.

Seeing the master's sister's eyes flushed and smiling, she was really happy and sad. How can this folk song be grounded

"Alinger, hurry up!" Mimi villagers in Miao Village guessed, surrounded by the aunt, urging with a smile.

Don't I want to be fast? But I won't! Brother Arin was so anxious that there were sweat beads on his head. When he was spinning around, he felt a light breeze and threw a piece of bamboo on him. Zitong in the crowd gave him an indignant look.

Yilian. Yilian again! The gratitude in his heart was beyond words. Anxiously picked up the embroidery, looked at it without singing, and sang: "Several younger sisters sit in rows, which one looks up and which one is good. Which one looks up and which one is good, but the key is not open-"

As soon as Fang finished singing, he felt something was wrong and slammed his leg. His face suddenly changed: "Well, it's oolong!"

There was a burst of laughter in the crowd, and Arin was really brave. In the face of the aunt, he dared to sing everything. This folk song is right, but it's a confession of a fancy little brother.

"Sister, this is not what I gave him!" Yi Lian in the crowd saw him embarrassed and stomped anxiously.

Zi Tong smiled grinningly: "Really? Oh. It may be that I got it wrong. But. This mountain sings so well, it is the best I have heard Aringer sing, probably because he is the most authentic inside Take a picture! "

Needless to say, I knew that it was the sister-in-law's hands and feet. ↓ I deliberately rectified Brother Alin. Yilian shook her head with a bitter smile.

The campfire was burning, and the girls pulled the eunuchs together, laughing and bewildering, "Sir eunuch, how can Aringo do this, he is bullying you!"

Anti god? Before you enter the door of my Miao Village, dare to choose three, four and five? Sister An gritted her teeth and chuckled, looking at the little brother charmingly, her eyes fluttering. Lin Wanrong's vest looked cold: it was over, my sister was about to blast me!


A brother is a good friend of my sister,

Shoemaker awl wants to be a needle (true),

Only learn to red to the end,

Don't make peppercorns black

—— "

The aunt's beautiful singing came with the wind. This was a serious warning to Brother Arin so that he didn't take care. The Miao family was able to sing and dance, and they couldn't understand the meaning, and they laughed suddenly, watching with interest how Aringer responded.

I'm bitter, I was fooled by Zitong! Looking at the smile of Master Shi's smile, Lin Wanrong retracted his head obediently. What a ugly face in front of so many people? Sister An is not a fuel-efficient lamp!

Feeling distressed, a light breeze struck again, and a piece of bamboo slip fell gently at his feet.

Zitong, dare you come to play with me? He hesitated, picking up bamboo slips and about to throw them back, his eyes glanced up at him, and he suddenly made a noise. This time he could see clearly, his heart was instantly rejoicing, holding Zhu Jian and waving vigorously towards An Biru, letting out his voice and singing:


Loving Amei, rest assured,

Do not look at people from the crack of the door,

Brother is a banana tree in the backyard,

Changing the leaves every year does not change the heart.

—— "

"Wow——" With laughter and thunderous applause, Arin and the aunt, the wonderful song of the folk song, persuaded, humorously, and put the little accident to nothing.

Seeing the smile on Sister An's face, Lin Wanrong let out a sigh of relief: Thank you, Yilian!

A pair of bright eyes in the crowd looked at him, smiling with tears.

Aringer went on to meet three folk songs in a row, and it was indeed good. The Miao girl giggled around An Biru with a grin: "Sir, do you like that Aringer?"

Although the aunt was always charming and generous, she was surrounded by many people and asked about the life-long event, but she couldn't help but look shameless, wondering whether she should answer it.

"Don't speak, that's promised!" The girls smiled and beckoned to Lin Wanrong: "Alin, do you like our aunt?"

Brother Arin listened refreshingly, his eyebrows flew up, and he jumped and shouted, "I've liked Italy for hundreds of years!"

"It's been hundreds of years?" Guess giggled, pushing him forward: "What are you waiting for?"

All Dimitsu guessed that it was split into two spontaneous, and jokingly pushed the two of them to the middle, whistling and cheering all over the mountains. Looking at the sacred aunt surrounded by tribe, with a shameless face, who didn't dare even lift his head, Lin Wanrong could hardly believe his eyes: Is this still the fox elder sister who looks so cute, how did she become like me Pure?

The distance from Sister An is getting closer and closer, and she can be expected to see her jade skin and flower-like beauty. Lin Wanrong is full of brilliance, and Zhang Kaihuai pounces vigorously: "Sister Master——"

"Well, you can slow down!" A young Miao girl stood in front of him with a smile, blocking his arms, and blinked mysteriously: "Alin, do you really like my aunt?"

"Do you still need to ask?" Arinko blinked anxiously: "I like the aunt, more true than gold and silver!"

The girl nodded, took out a piece of paper from her arms, and laughed, "The previous few times, the aunt hurt you, and couldn't bear it! This is the last stage you should be careful about. This folk song was selected by us. Yes, the aunt did n’t know anything about it. If you ca n’t pick it up, hehe, we represent the aunt and kick you back! ”

No way? Lin Wanrong trembled in his heart. When is this time ~ ~ Do you still have to embarrass me? Miao Village is really harder to break than Longtan Tigers!

This is called Xi Qinglang, and it is also a traditional project in Miao Village. Mi guesses smiled and handed the note to An Biru. Sister An glanced, her cheeks blushed, it took a long time to dare to open her mouth, and the natural female voice wafted in everyone's ears:


Piles of wood leaves on the mountain,

It's a pity that my sister won't blow.

One day my brother taught me,

Only wood leaves are not required

—— "

No wonder the always generous elder sister would be so coy, this is obviously a confession to ask for a marriage. According to Miao Village's rules, regardless of whether Aringo agrees or rejects, he must respond to the song.

Sister An's voice was infinitely soft, as if falling into the earth's heavens, but Lin Wanrong didn't dare to say a word: Where is the most critical time, where can I find a folk song to show my heart? Should Yilian save me? ,. ,,,

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