MTL - Finest Servant-Chapter 650 Souls

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Yilian, Yilian— "he hurriedly yelled. The girl was like a wind, and ran away without even returning her head.

When the boys in Yingyuewu saw him ruthlessly rejected Yi Lian, he was angry and surrounded him with a roar, and Kun Shan flushed his eyes. He pulled out the hatchet and rushed up.

"Alin, how can you do this to Yilian ?!" Only the fiercest **** who guessed was Zitong, who was familiar with Lin Wanrong along the way. She was so angry that she gritted her teeth and wanted to bite the meat on him. Come down: "Yi Lian is thinking of you every day, thinking of you, waiting for you to come back every night without sleep! She is willing to do everything for you! But you, you treat her like this-are you still our Arin brother? ! "

Lin Wanrong waved his hands in a hurry: "Purple Tong, it's not what you think, you don't know what's happening in my house-"

"What is he calling him, Arin," Kun Shan roared, holding a hatchet and pounced: "I want to hack this Chinese dog!"

The girls in Yingyuewu hurriedly stopped him. The talking Zi Tong stumped indignantly, and said loudly, "The mother in the cottage is right. Huajialang are all ruthless and ruthless. They will only deceive us. Miao family girl, just hate that we didn't see through it earlier! From then on, you are not our Allin brother, Ying Yuewu will never have a friend like you, Adi Amei, let's go! "

"Purple Tong, listen to me--"

How could the young man in Yingyuewu patiently listen to his explanation? Qi Qi sipped at him, and the water in the bamboo tube was thrown on him severely, and then his face grew scornful.

This time the change is extremely fast, and has not yet reacted. People around the building have gone to the sky, and the young men and women in Yingyuewu have long disappeared. ← Friends who have been in Miaozhai for dozens of days have cleared the boundaries with him. In a blink of an eye, he was restored to become Lonely.

Lin Wanrong sighed silently, not knowing what to say. Unconsciously, his eyes fell on the grass in front of him. The jade belt left by Yi Lian was clearly in his eyes. He gently picked it up and held it in his hand. The belt was soft and fragrant, and he took the girl's temperature. A pair of pink butterflies in the middle of the bamboo danced. Extraordinarily beautiful.

He could not tell the taste, carefully folded the white belt into his arms, shook his head and smiled, but it had a bitter taste.

The high chief hurried over and murmured in his ear, Lin Wanrong nodded slightly, the response was flat.

While talking. Suddenly listening to the noise in front of them, the two teams of black seed guards held a hatchet and rushed violently, and surrounded them in groups. The leading place was Zhaguo's brother Zhalong.

Lao Gao blinked and smiled, "Here's the look!"

Zhalong stepped over and waved the hatchet in his hand, looking vicious. Pointing at him crackling roar. Lin Wanrong Gao Gao looked at each other ← Both of them are Xibei goods, and that Miao language did not understand.

Lao Gao was accustomed to big scenes and he grinned. He suddenly pulled out the hatchet, sulking in his mouth, howling and rushed up. This move was greatly unexpected for Zhalong. They were used to Miao Xiang, and no one dared to challenge them! This dark-faced man alone is not only obscure in Miao language, but also has the courage to excel.

Zhalong hurried back a few steps, waving his hands, watching the two sides are about to fight, and suddenly heard a clear drink: "Stop!"

A thin old Miao family man came from afar, his eyes widened, his face full of anger, Zhalong shuddered, and hurriedly called, "Uncle Hannon!"

Hannon snorted and said in Mandarin: "Zhalong, what are you doing?"

Zhalong's eyes turned around and dodged shimmeringly: "Uncle, these two red seedlings did not obey the rules. Just now, they guessed the manual foot on the mi in our cottage. Now they threaten us with a hatchet. And the younger brothers had to start defending themselves! "

"So, we have fewer people, and have more people bullied you?" Lin Wanrong grinned.

Zhalong looked sternly: "Why, can't it ?!"

*, There is more shameless in this world than me! Lin Wanrong hesitated, but didn't dare to laugh.

"Stop!" Uncle Hannon trembled with beard and pointed at Zhalong's nose. "Your brother is better than a man, but you bring a horse to find him. What kind of skill is this? If you have a kind, then Win back ?! Brothers, you really lost all our faces! "

This face was scolded and scolded, but it was really fierce, without losing face at all. Miao's parents are orderly, Hannon is also the elder of Megatron Miao Township, everyone respects, how can Zhalong dare to speak up with so many people? His face was red and white, his teeth creaked, and Lin Wanrong glanced viciously before turning away.

Seeing the elder's complexion and panting, Lin Wanrong hurriedly grinned: "Don't be angry, the black horse is just an individual, the folks of the Miao family are all good people!"

"You're not a good thing, either." Zhalong left, Uncle Hannon glanced at his face, and then cast his anger on this fake elder brother again. Approaching the aunt, what are you trying to do ?! "

Lin Wanrong blinked and said anxiously, "Uncle, I really came to see the aunt, didn't she tell you ?!"

The elder snorted and looked at the red seedling shirt on his body, and then the anger came again: "You come to see the aunt, how about Yilian ?!"

Elaine? Lin Wanrong sighed, wondering how to speak.

"Huajialang, where did you hide Yi Lian? Did you bully her? Hurry up!" The beard was so cold that it was cold.

"It shouldn't be bullying," Lin Wanrong lowered her head carefully, and said softly, "It was just a little bit, a little contradiction, she secretly hid and didn't want to see me!"

The elder looked at his dodgy look, shook his head silently, and sighed, "Come with me!"

Hannon turned and walked away with a determined attitude. Lin Wanrong looked at him and hurriedly stepped on him: "Uncle, where are we going?"

Uncle Hannon snorted, his face was cold, and he didn't answer at all. Lin Wanrong asked the boss to be boring, so he had to shut up obediently.

The Huashan Festival has already resumed the liveliness, singing and dancing everywhere. Laugh and smile ← hit the high platform.

He whispered something, and An Biru, who was sitting beside him, was gone.

The elder took me there, did Sister An want to see me? His mind turned, and the more he thought about it, the greater the possibility, and he immediately frowned.

The two walked a bit, but they went up the mountain. Identify the direction. Actually went to the cottage hanging on the mountainside. The Baimiao cottage in Blue Rock is built on the peak of the peak. I don't know how long. He felt cold and cold, and his neck was filled with cool white air and white mist. It's like stepping into the cloud.

Lin Wanrong hurriedly shrank his head, and then dared not look down and looked up. But already on the highest peak of the Miao family cottage. Uncle Han stopped in front of a hanging building and hummed at him: "You, go in !!"

This hanging tower is inlaid in the rock wall and has a unique shape. It was extremely quiet inside, no sound could be heard. Not yet approaching, they felt a chill burst into their hearts. Lin Wanrong vest was cool. Busy: "Ah, uncle, here, where is this?"

The elder was mild, and smiled at him, "Go in and know--"

"Can you reveal a little bit, just a little bit!" He opened his eyes and bargained.

Hannon hesitantly stretched out his hand: "If you dare not enter. Then please come back!"

This is the radical method. I won't be fooled by you! He slipped his lips secretly, hurriedly raised his ears to listen, and dangled himself in the building. No voice, no breath, like an empty city, only the chill, continually hovering in my heart.

The elder looked at him with a smile and groaned silently, but Lin Wanrong was straight hair that he was staring at: What do you mean? What does Uncle Old bring me here for? Where is Sister An? Do I enter this door or not?

He was undecided for a while, and Uncle Hannon said, "I'm counting three now! If you shout to three and you haven't entered, then when you give up yourself, don't blame me then! One!"

The elder actually talked about it, and immediately began counting! Lin Wanrong throbbed in his heart, and his forehead was sweating. This set of psychological warfare was his masterpiece, but he did not expect it to be applied to him by Uncle Hannon today.


The elder's voice was sick and loud, as if it were a life-saving sign. Lin Wanrong gritted his teeth and shouted, "I'm in--"

Hannah laughed, yanked the door open, and kicked his leg to bend: "That's right! Come in, Huajialang!"

Unexpectedly, this tall and thin Hannon was actually a master of martial arts, which was fast and ill. Lin Wanrong was caught by surprise and was kicked into the room.

The room was dark and the wind was overflowing. Lin Wanrong had just fought a cold war. Then he heard the sound of cracking behind him, and the door was locked from the outside.

"Hey, Uncle, what are you doing?" He jumped to the door in a rush, struggling to pull his hand. I don't know what the wooden door is, it's thick and heavy, and it's tight, it doesn't reveal any light at all.

The middle of the room was already dark, and the closing of the door made it impossible to see the five fingers, and he could see nothing. The room was extremely empty, and death was silent all around, except for his heavy breathing, he could hear nothing.

He said it was quiet, but for some reason, he always felt in this room that there was a gloom in the room, without a breath of living, like a cold spiritual house. ,

Haunted house? With this thought, his hair was upside down, and the cold sweat brush on his forehead straightened off ← the heart was beating, and the atmosphere did not dare to spit it out.

I don't know where a cold cold wind came from, blowing human horror ← I breathed in a hurry, slowly slowed down, my hands kept groping forward, and carefully moved forward.

The more I walked, the more I was shocked. I didn't know how big the room was. It was quiet and gloomy. There was no table or chair. There was no trace of living creatures. The thick fear was like a ghost, wrapped tightly in my heart. .

"Squeak-" A scream came out from under his feet, and in this dark and gloomy ground floor, it was as fierce as a ghost.

His heart was already very tense, and this took away his seven souls and six souls. He sat on the ground with a slump of his buttocks, and the sweat flowed: "Who, who--"

The trembling voice wandered around in the empty room, and the echo gradually rose, hovering over his ears again and again, breathing heavily, holding back the huge fear in his heart, and slowly reaching out his hand.

There seemed to be something under the front foot, and he trembled and stroked it up. The first thing to start was a human foot.

"Hum--" The corner of his mouth twitched, his muscles trembled, and his heart was about to beat out.

After a moment of silence, something suddenly felt wrong. How could this person's feet be soft and soft like a puppet? He gritted his teeth and stretched out his hands, touching the man's feet all the way up, with arms and legs, nose and mouth. He was really a tall puppet!

He jumped up and burst into anger, "Who, who is playing me ?!"

"Slam ~ ~ All the candlesticks in the room suddenly light up. His beautiful candlelight can't open his eyes. ← He jumped two steps in a fright, and quickly covered his eyes with his hands:" Who? Don't scare me! "

The room was still quiet, but the feeling was completely different. There was a light breath behind her, gentle echoing in her ears, full of the warmth of life.

He opened his eyes suddenly, a charming and charming Miao family woman, coquettish, looking at him with a smile.

"Sister Master!" He cried in surprise, hoping to hug her.

"Shh!" An Biru pressed her forefinger to her lips, her face solemn, and she slightly shook her head.

"What's wrong?" He stayed amused and looked at Sister An in wonder.

An Biru held his hand and slowly turned around, but he looked completely still.

The only furnishing in this empty house was a tall ark of God, which was filled with spiritual positions from high to low. An Biru fell gently on her knees, her face flushed, her hands folded slowly, her eyes murmured, and she muttered to herself, "Fathers and fathers, father and mother, the daughter has brought you to see you!", . ,,,

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