MTL - Finest Servant-Chapter 628 first name

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Cannons ring? twin? !! His mouth was round and his eyes widened, and all of a sudden he was foolish!

"Master Ma, master Ma, you see, this is the second master, who looks so handsome!" The midwives rushed out, and he was happy to put Lin Erlang, who was just born, into his arms.

The two babies in the puppet had not opened their eyes, the fine fetal hair was stuck on the hair, their faces were pink and pink, and their small mouths squirmed slightly, looking like two weak kittens.

"I'm a dad! I'm a dad!". With their own veins, feeling their weak breath, they couldn't say anything excited. How can outsiders understand the experience of being a father for the first time in two lives? !!

Coincidentally, a few people rushed forward to see the two pink-carved babies, and they were screaming with joy. Yu Shuang stretched out her hands and exclaimed, "Cute little baby, bad guy, I want to hug, I want to hug!"

Ninger carefully looked at the two babies, and suddenly clapped her hands and smiled, "This is really strange! The two children of the Lin family are twins born at the same time, but they look like sisters and one looks like big brother Do you say it is strange? "

The young lady and Qiaoqiao stared at each other for a few moments, and nodded joyously, echoing Miss Luo's opinion!

Luo Ning is right in saying that the twins of other people were born exactly the same, but this Lin Dalang and Lin Erlang can tell the difference at a glance! Both can have the shadows of Xiao Qingxuan and Lin Wanrong, but Lin Dalang, who was born in the first place, has fair skin and is gentle. It's like Miss Xiao's temperament.

The Lin Erlang had wheat-colored skin, and he kept shaking his head and twisting and struggling while he was still alive. At a glance, he knew that he was not a fellow, and he was alive and well.

Lin Wanrong took a few glances, and he couldn't close his mouth: "Really? That's great, one looks like father. One looks like mother. Both are the best inheritance in the world. I like it very much, haha!"

"Wow-wow-" He didn't say a word, the brothers cried loudly and cried loudly one after the other, almost breaking the eardrum! That Lin Erlang is really more lonely than his brother. Not only was the crying loud, but the delicate calf couldn't wait to kick it up.

His dad was frightened: "My son is good, don't cry. My dad is here. Dad buys sweets for you!"

The helpless appearance caused a few ladies to giggle. Xiao Yuruo took Dalang from his arms and shook back and forth slowly, shouting: "What a stupid father! The baby is only a few years old, except you buy candy gourd, you will Will you teach something else? "

"Yeah!" Yu Shuang had already snatched Erlang, and pecked at that little face happily: "Bad guy, don't you know what your baby likes to eat?"

Lin Wanrong winced and stared at Miss Er's chest. Suddenly, she applauded, "Yeah. They want to feed! Son. Quickly!"

As soon as he said this, there was a sudden laugh in the room, and Luo Ning and Qiao Qiao couldn't even get their waists up with laughter.

The two Miss Xiao families had a big face, and Qi Qi was annoyed and glared at him. Both of them are still yellow-girls. Where can I breastfeed the children?

Lin Wanrong rejoiced for a while. Suddenly startled: "Qing Xuan, what about Qing Xuan?"

The mother-in-law hurriedly bowed down: "The princess has no worries. She has only been in pain for a long time, and the house is being cleaned up!"

Lin Wanrong let out a long sigh of relief, took out a few silver tickets from his arms, and smiled and handed them to them: "This is for a few mother-in-laws, you worked hard! I was a little worse, just now, please Excuse me, everyone. "

Master Ma is so good at talking, and the midwives are happy. For a while, he put the silver ticket into his arms.

Several young ladies were holding their two little boys to their feet, and suddenly a weak call came from the room: "Lin Lang——"

Lin Wanrong's ears stood tall. Hearing and shouting, he hurriedly exclaimed, "Qing Xuan. I'm here! Mother-in-law who delivered the baby, can I come in now?"

The midwives had already packed up and naturally stopped him. Lin Wanrong was overjoyed and rushed in.

The sandalwood in the house is quiet and quiet like water. Miss Xiao was lying weakly on the bed, her face was a lot thinner, her cheeks were pale, her red lips had not seen a little blood, and her plump chest was rising and falling, her breathing was short, her hair was soggy and cluttered. Fall on the pillow. Although she had packed it up, she could vaguely see the tremendous pain she suffered in her production.

"Green spin!" His nose was sore, he took three and two steps to the head of the bed, lay down in front of her, and clenched her hands.

The back of Miss Xiao's hands was pale and silky. She shivered and rubbed his cheeks. The crystal water mist covered her eyes, but a gentle smile: "Lin Lang, I'm fine, don't worry about me!"

"Huh, huh!" Lin Wanrong nodded desperately, burying her cheeks in her warm palms, and refused to raise her head for a long time.

Xiao Qing gently wiped off the gray stains on his face and sighed sadly: "You're afraid that you have eaten all the hardships over there, how can you lose weight like this!"

Lin Wanrong grinned and laughed, "It doesn't bother you, this is what you think, and it will be restored in a few days! Don't believe you will hug me when you do, let me hold you!"

Miss Xiao grinned and flicked off his forehead: "You just say something funny, even if you weigh ten times more, I can hold it!"

"Wow, wow!" Two crisp babies wept, and Xiao Qingxuan looked tight. She clenched his hand and yelled, "Child, our child?"

"Sister princess, the baby is here!" Yu Shuang and Yu Ruo, hugging the two Erlangs in their arms, hurried to her.

Miss Xiao stared blankly, her body trembled, and her tears of cheeks were instantly rejoicing, her fingers pressed tightly into his flesh: "Lang Jun, this is our child, this is our child!"

"Of course!" Lin Wanrong laughed proudly: "Wife, I'm not bragging about you, you are too capable, twins, I never dreamed of it! But I'm also very powerful, the firepower is fierce enough, haha!"

With these two little guys, much misery is worth it! Xiao Qingxuan's tears of joy couldn't stop. Hug the two sons, kissed on the little face, eyes could not bear to look away.

Qin Xianer has always been with Xiao Qingxuan, using Zhenli to support her, if not, Miss Xiao will not escape the dystocia.

"Just these two little guys. They almost killed their mother!" I saw the two babies in my sister's arms. She also shed tears of joy, and suddenly stunned again: "These two twin babies, one is Swen like an elder sister, the other is exactly the same as Xianggong, it's strange!"

Everyone says so! Lin Wanrong laughed, Miss Xiao gave him a happy look. Lightly: "Lang Jun, our two sons, which one do you like best?"

He didn't think about it. He answered directly: "Of course I like the white one. Looks as pretty as my wife!"

Xiao Qingxuan ate his horse ass, and rejoiced in his heart: "No favoritism! Although our Erlang was born a little bit darker, but looking at it, I'm afraid he will be worse than you in the future. How can you not like him ?!"

Lao Tzu is bad enough. This kid is worse than me. What would it look like? He laughed so tightly that he couldn't close his mouth!

Looking at the two little guys in the pink carvings, Qin Xianer was very envious, holding his hand and shouting, "Xiangong, I want to have a son too!"

"Ok. Ok. Born."

"Well, don't be partial! I want to be two at a time like my sister!"

"Uh-" Seeing the young lady Ninger, they were equally shy and expectant, Lin Wanrong opened her mouth, but it was! Although he claimed that the firepower was fierce, but such a fire and double-throw, he begged, if he could do this every time, he would become a monster!

Miss Er giggled and relieved him: "Sisters. These things make the bad guys difficult! Let's be serious now! Sister Princess gave birth to two little babies, and always have to be named, this is A big thing! "

Give your baby a name? This thing is so meaningful! The Yingying Yanyan in the room immediately rejoiced.

Xiao Qingxuan glanced at him, and there was some inquiry in his eyes. Lin Wanrong nodded and laughed: "Wife, rest assured, I promised my husband that I will never forget it. This Lin parents, with your surname Zhao, the name is also determined by the father! What do you think?"

Miss Xiao was surprised and delighted: "You, are you really willing?"

He looked right and solemnly said, "Is your husband such a narrow-minded person? No matter the last name is Lin or Zhao, he is our son. He can still spend money and add a big family for us. Isn't it good ?! "

He was so enlightened, all the ladies were happy, Yu Shuang rushed to speak, and said, "I will come first, I will come first. I will not take the big name, but the little name is good at it. Let ’s just sort them by numbers , Lin I, Lin II, Lin III, one by one, easy to remember-- "

She whispered softly, like shooting a machine gun, everyone covered her mouth together, and worked hard!

Lin Wanrong's old face was as black as carbon, almost exploding: "Lin Yi, Lin II, Lin San? Miss Er, is this my son or my ancestor?"

His bandit, Lin San, is spread around the world. He wants to let people know that his sons Xiao Ming Lin Yi and Lin Er don't make people laugh at big teeth?

Yu Shuang said "ah", covered her mouth in a hurry, and laughed, "Otherwise, they are called Lin Sanyi, Lin San Er ...

Rowing down like this, I must have a son named Lin Sanwu, maybe there is another Lin Sanba! He squeezed Yu Shuang's little nose and gnashed his teeth a few times: "You, honestly listen to my sisters!"

Ninger laughed: "Since our name is determined by the emperor, we will only take the name of Erlang! The big brother rushed back from the border to rush to the ground before his sister gave birth. In my opinion, he called him Lin Chong, just in time! "

The cold sweat of Lin Wanrong's forehead brushed off, Lin Chong's father? My mother, this name is what I can bear: "No, no, take another one! It must be simple and easy to remember, so that people will not forget it!"

Parents in the world give their children the same name! The young lady groaned for a while, seeing that the sky was gradually getting clear, and dawn was approaching. She suddenly blinked her eyes and smiled and clapped her hands: "It is better to be called Lin Ying! He was born before dawn, and will be out for the day. According to all things, it exactly corresponds to the late word in his father's name. It not only embodies the time and character, but also the homophony of the word "spin" with his sister. The name of the father and mother is very meaningful! "

"Lin Ye ?!" Xiao Qingxuan was pleasantly surprised: "This name really makes sense, and it's loud when you shout! Lin Lang, what do you think?"

Me and my son, morning and night? The name that the young lady took was indeed a bit of a way of saying, Lin Yi, easy to remember, implied deep meaning, shouting out there is momentum, should not humiliate this kid!

"Wife, I listen to you!" He grinned and betrayed.

Qin Xianer nodded in agreement, and Qiaoqiao was also happy to applaud. Ms. Xiao touched Erlang's cheek, and said joyfully, "It will be a day soon, proclaim all things! Then Lin is called! Sister Yuruo, I really appreciate you It's up! "

The young lady was very happy, holding the black-faced Erlang walking back and forth, smiling: "Lin Ye, Lin Ye, your name is much stronger than your bad guy! Just ask you to learn from him in the future. Woe to women everywhere! "

My son's name is really a little bit better than his father's! But I wonder if he hurts women, is he better than his father? Lin Wanrong laughed.

It was getting clear, Xiao Qingxuan was already in a drowsy state and fell asleep. Brother Lin Yan was hugged by the grandmother and enjoyed the first meal of their lives. Yu Ruo and Qiao Qiao couldn't sleep excitedly, surrounded by embarrassment and laughter, and kept talking, but all It's about having children!

Lin Wanrong went downstairs. Although he didn't sleep all night, he was refreshed at every happy event and saw no sleep. The servant women cooked the eggs early, and all of them were red with red paper!

Gao Jie waited in the garden and hugged his fist and laughed, "Brother, my brother is here to give you joy! It's really amazing!"

"Tongxi, Tongxi, haha!" Lin Wanrong grabbed a hot red egg and stuffed it into his hands, Lao Gao took it.

"Three brothers, three brothers," Si De rushed in: "Luo Master Humanities Department is happy!"

Lord Luo? He hadn't even noticed it, and there was an excited voice outside the door: "Brother, Brother--"

Two people marching outside, and the young man who rushed forward was rushing over like a gust of wind. I haven't seen it for more than half a year, and this boy is quite strong. Lin Wanrong said with joy: "Xiao Luo, why are you here?"

Luo Yuan hugged his shoulder in excitement, and laughed, "I'm in Beijing. Why can't I come? Brother, are you going to fight this time, isn't it exciting? Why not take me?"

Lin Wanrong suddenly remembered that after the eradication of Cheng Cheng, before the emperor had left Beijing, the emperor had promoted Luo Min to take charge of the office, and Xiao Luo naturally followed the capital.

"What an excitement to fight, I almost lost my life!" He patted Xiao Luo's shoulder and smiled twice, seeing the fat man behind Luo Yuan, and hurriedly bowed: "Master Father, we haven't seen him for some time It's up! "

Luo Min swept away the decadence of Jining when she was exiled, with a smile, and her stomach became taller and taller: "Don't be so polite! I heard in the middle of the night that the princess gave birth to a pair of lindens, and I couldn't wait for your good news. Then came hurriedly. To give birth and have children, the members of our court have never seen a few, you are the first person! This is heavenly auspiciousness! "

Lin Wanrong laughed twice, and was about to invite his father and son to sit in the hall, but heard anxiously calling from the door: "Brother Lin, Brother Lin--"

Xu Wei stepped in, hurriedly holding his fists: "Congratulations Tim Ding, congratulations Tim Ding!"

Lin Wanrong rushed forward: "Brother Xu-"

Lao Xu's eyes glared ~ ~ laughing with a smile: "Brother Lin, I'm afraid this name is useless!"

Ms. Xu apparently has returned some messages to Beijing, and Lin Wanrong embarrassedly clenched her fists: "Xu-Master Father-in-law! Hey, I haven't told Qingxuan about this yet!"

"Good vibes!" Xu Wei smacked his shoulders proudly: "If you want to wait for you to say, it's the year of the monkey? I've taken care of these things one by one with the princess! Well, I want to say that for you, that It really broke my heart! "

What's wrong for me, Lin Wanrong secretly whispered, you want to marry Miss Xu out, so that you can feel at ease!

"Brother Luo, we're leveling up again now!" Xu Wei shouted at Luo Min, his excitement overflowed with words, and the two old guys obviously had reached some kind of tacit understanding.

These two are Laozhang, and no one can offend him. He just followed him and asked the two old foxes to enter the house. Before they took a few steps, they heard the gongs and drums on the street and the ceremonies rang, and they arrived in a blink of an eye. In front of the gate. A sharp voice sang loudly: "The emperor-up-drive-to-"

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