MTL - Finest Servant-Chapter 624 poison

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The people's team drifted away in the misty song, in the last cloud of smoke by the golden tent. He was infatuated and didn't know how long he had sat down. A gentle jade hand slowly pulled his arm, and a soft voice rang around him: "You fool!"

Looking up, she saw that Miss Xu had no clue when she came up, her eyebrows were tender and she sat slowly beside him.

"It's a bit silly!" He sighed softly and grabbed Xu Yuqing's tenderness: "When she spoke to me this morning, the look was already obvious, but I hated me but didn't notice it at all. This girl is deceiving At the same time, it's true and false, as smart as me. "

"Blow yourself!" Xu Yanqing looked at him with a few funny eyes, his eyes fell on his hands and feet, the scars scratched when the horse crashed were clearly visible, and a little bloodshots overflowed, which was a real fall. There was a pain in her heart, and she hurriedly reached out, stroking the scar gently, and said, "Does it hurt?"

"No pain!" He shook his head in a hurry.

The female military sighed slightly, slowly wiped the dust off his face, and said softly, "It's not painful, I'm afraid it's covered by the pain in my heart."

She whispered softly, wiping the dust from his face with a gentle motion. When Lin Wanrong was hit, she met her tenderness, and her nose suddenly became sour: "Miss Xu, you are so good."

Xu Yiqing was both happy and ashamed, and couldn't help but give him a few white glances: "You have been made like this by another woman, but now you come to remember me! How can I recognize you as an enemy!"

This seems to be a bit unfair! Lin Wanrong felt soft. Hurrying to squeeze her jade hand, "You are my wife who hasn't visited yet. I will treat you well!"

This sentence. As sweet as it sounds, all of the sweet words work, Xu Yanqing hummed. Tears appeared in the eyes. She suddenly laughed. Qianxianyu poked a few times on his forehead: "Say you're stupid, you still don't believe it! What a ten-year appointment. That's just a cover!"


"I don't understand?" Miss Xu was envious and could make Lin Sanbencheng, the world's smartest. Crescent was dead even then. It ’s also a happy death: "What ten, eight, or five years. That line is all in your hands. When did you release Saermu. When did they get married? Or will they marry willingly, joy Smile! "

Lin Wanrong wins. Suddenly realized. Is n’t that only if I let go, she would marry! This is called the authority fan, the onlooker Qing!

Xu Yanqing glanced at him. Shaking his head softly: "Look at your beautiful Golden Sword lover's crazy look at you. Say she can hold acacia for ten years? Everyone in the world laughs to death!"

The military division said it well. Jin Dao Khan is passionate and passionate, forcing her to endure the pain of Acacia, which is more uncomfortable than killing her.

Lin Wanrong laughed. My heart was sour, bitter and sweet together. Crescent words and deeds, and a smile appeared before his eyes. Can't disperse for a long time.

Xu Yanqing looked at him. I knew what this man was thinking, and he couldn't help but twist it on his arm. "Don't patronize her. You should think about what you should do! Your little sister is a smart man. She took all The problems are left to you! "

Yes. What to do with this Turkic little khan right now. Really a big problem! Lin Wanrong was heartbroken. Sad and happy. It was painful and happy for a while. I don't know how to choose!

When they returned to Xingqing, the news of the signing of the agreement between the two countries had long gone. Li Tai personally welcomed everyone. People suffering from the war have taken to the streets. Cheering and jumping, scrambling to witness General Lin's grace.

The general patted his shoulder heavily. Excited laugh: "Okay, okay. Lin San. You are my eternal hero in Dahuadi!"

Such an eternal hero. At the cost of Crescent Heartbreak. What the **** is going on with me? !! He gritted his teeth tightly, and his nose hummed sourly.

Li Tai knew it well. Shaking his head and sighing, "This is the end of the matter, you can only look at it for a long time. Come and see! Now the agreement between the two countries is signed, but how to implement it. But you still have to decide!"

Lin Wanrong was frowning for a moment. Nodded: "The first. Armistice and peace agreement. No damage to the two sides, there will be no major problems! Second. Compensation and affairs, to Turk Khan's cleverness, she will not preach, and will likely be secretive . Then tell Turkic Khan and a few people who know this. Hu Dahua will use all this money to build the free trade zone. Flat land, build medical houses, plant seedlings, and build houses! Turks are busy in the pasture period and not in the pastoral season. We can hire them on site. Give them wages. Let them build with Dahua artisans. All the costs are listed in detail. Regular announcements! "

He said, the clerk had long recorded these one by one. Li Tai and Xu Yiqing both nodded in agreement.

"With regard to the free trade zone, there will certainly be opposition from Turkic, but only a few people can see the key areas of interest. You can make a public announcement in Xingqing Prefecture, Wuyuan to Bayanhot, and let businessmen People bring this news to the grassland. With immediate effect, I Dahua promotes and encourages trade, migration, intermarriage, navigation, and free exchanges with Hu people! Whether it is Dahua people or Hu people. Whoever trades prominently. Reward! Two-ethnic intermarriage Congratulations to the Red List and congratulations to everyone! Anyone who is willing to go to the Bayanhot grassland to participate in the construction of the land, reward the money and give free homes! At the same time, at the junction of the two countries, hoard a large amount of tea, silk and other trade goods. Free trade zone transactions. All trade within the region will be exempted for ten years! "

He said so much in one breath that it was both rewarding and exempt. The central meaning could not be more clear. It was to use trade as a bond to quickly break down the ethnic divide and let the two nations coexist together! As long as the people on the grassland get tangible benefits. With the improvement of life, it will naturally cause a huge radiation effect, and there is no reason to oppose the trade zone!

Xu Yanqing nodded. There was a little anxiety on his face: "This free trade is excellent! But it also needs some support! My only concern now is whether Yu Jia can control the situation on the grassland? Don't forget. And the Turkic Left King Look at it! "

Speaking of Yuga. Who else can

care? Lin Wanrong snorted: "So. I hope that the three big brothers from Zuo Qiu and Gui Gui will lead a heavy army to the town of Helan, stretching all the way to the grasslands, and drill a lot of military exercises. Pull the artillery to the border to practice. On the one hand, ensure free trade Order in the region. In addition, it puts heavy pressure on the Hu people. It made Baderut dare not act lightly and nailed him here! "

"What about the right king?"

"Well, Tusuozuo will stay in Dahua forever!" He sighed slightly. "His tribe. Give it to my little sister as a gift!"

Crucifying Badroud on the border made him afraid to raise soldiers without authorization. Crescent Moon in Wang Tingdi is the safest place! The Silver Knife Right King has become a wasteful man and a captive in Dahua. Its tribe is already scattered. Yu Jia and her father Khan have huge prestige and prestige among the prairie people. If she doesn't know how to make good use of it. Then she can't afford the four words of Jin Dao Khan!

Xu Yiqing gave him a helpless glance. This guy talked about it. It's all about decompressing Yuga! But remembered the sacrifice that Crescent Moon made for him. It is completely understandable. This is to pay for it, to pay for it!

Li Tai nodded: "Everything is difficult at the beginning, early in the agreement. It is necessary to send heavy troops in case of accident! But what about the last condition, what should Turkic Khan do?

This is really not a pot! Lin Wanrong rolled his eyes, not knowing what to say!

Miss Xu knew what he was feeling and said busyly: "This matter is very important. It is not easy to decide for a while. Let's wait until the class teacher returns to the DPRK."

The battle is over. It is natural to go back to the ground. But this walk. Isn't it getting farther and farther away from the steppe and crescent moon? She didn't even have Salm, the only place to talk, and she had to support the big picture on the grassland alone. Whom should I tell the loneliness in my heart? This emotion. Suddenly hesitated. Anxious to fly to Kizil with wings!

After finishing the assignment of the class teacher. It was late at night, and there was no one on the long street. Back to that humble house. See the dimly lit field in the house *. He seemed to be brightened in his heart, and happily pushed in the door: "Sister. Sister Fairy. I'm back!"

"Footsteps are like bricks. I heard it early!" Ning Yuxi walked out of the back room with a smile. Take the hot towel and gently wipe the dust from his face.

He breathed in comfortably: "Sister. How nice you are!"

Fairy chuckled sneer: "Not as good as your little sister!"

"You. You," he widened his eyes, and was surprised and happy: "Aren't you saying that?"

Ning Yuxi's cheeks turned slightly red, and she turned her head and said, "I didn't even think about going. I was only afraid that you would be attacked by the Huren, so I occasionally turned to the desert!"

"Understand. Understand!" Lin Wanrong hugged her tightly and moved: "Sister often, occasionally, I'm used to it!"

The fairy smiled and touched his cheek, looking at the warm cabin in front of her. Eyes flashed with nostalgia and perseverance. Every bit of this place is carefully arranged by the two of them. She and the thief lived in seclusion here, with him wounding, living with each other and sleeping together. Although simple but happy, she also willingly fell from fairy to mortal.

"Thief, are we really leaving?" She buried her head on his shoulder. Sigh gently. Yiyi's feelings overflowed with words.

"Well!" The thief was lost for a while, and then he smiled suddenly, "But why, this place will always be the same!"

Ning Yuxi opened his eyes and looked at him beautifully: "Why?"

"My fairy sister, in this world, there is one thing called trading!". Rong proudly kissed her face and slaps a few deeds into her hands: "I declare that there are six houses in this alley . It's all our land! Sister, you are now the landlord, congratulations, congratulations! "

"Really?" Ning Yuxi rejoiced.

Lin Wanrong Zheng Jianzheng headed: "I said the real land. Of course it is the real land! This title is in black and white, and the high emirate handles the land by himself! Speaking of it, it is not easy. At first, people were asking for the price. One hundred and two. The high chief is famous for serving people with morals! I was really annoyed when I heard that my sister and my fairy sister lived in a snail house. Can that be valued by silver money? It is too vulgar and too bad! So, when I was angry, I- "

"Have you hit someone ?!" the fairy was shocked.

"No, I gave him a thousand and two!"

Ning Yuxi smiled and tapped his forehead gently: "Tell you to make a fool! If you come to coax me like this, is there something you want me to do?"

"Sister, how do you know?" He opened his eyes suddenly.

The fairy smiled, "Is it related to your little Crescent Moon sister?"

"Huh, huh!" He nodded hurriedly.

"Are you asking her poison?"

Lin Wanrong burst into tears and completely worshiped: "Sister ~ ~ You are a fairy in heaven and earth, you know everything! What kind of poison is that poison needle in Yujia? Is it worse than Mongolian medicine?"

"I'm afraid you'll be disappointed this time," Ning Yuxi shook her head gently. "It was An Shimei doing hands and feet on Yu Jia. I only knew she was poisoned, but I didn't know what poison it was."

"No, aren't you taught by a master?" Lin Wanrong was horrified: "At least I know some clues!"

The fairy smiled: "A master teaches it is not fake, but her elderly have never taught us how to use poison. Master An is a Miao, and her method of making poison is a secret secret in Miao Village. How can I know? To save your little sister, you have to go to her! "

It turned out that Sister An was a self-taught student, which is troublesome now! Yu Jia only had a few months to die. Although she hadn't mentioned it when she left, it was all to relax my heart! Fei Fei also discussed what a ten-year covenant is, basically, a fantasy dream!

He couldn't help but sighed to the sky: Sister Master, this time you miserable me! *

Seeing that everyone is arguing about the little sister, hasn't anyone thought of her being smart? Ha ha!

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