MTL - Finest Servant-Chapter 620 wild ambition

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This is really the most beautiful accident in the world! Crescent Moon looked at him lightly, with asham and joy. Lin Wanrong was silent, and turned her head silently, avoiding her eyes.

"Wo Lao Gong-

"Please call my Dahua name!" His heart trembled, his face cold.

"Lin Sanwo's old attack--"

It ’s human life! He took a quick breath and slowly turned around, shaking his head solemnly: "Big Khan, I must remind you of something! We are negotiating now, not talking about anything else, please be serious!"

Yu Jia gritted her teeth and lowered her eyes silently: "Do you really want to negotiate with me?"

"I didn't think so, this thing was originally proposed by your Turkic people!"

"That's good," Jin Dao Khan banged the table angrily and stood up: "Ben Khan will answer you now! Master Lin, I will not agree to any of the four conditions you listed!" "Are you sure?" Lin Wanrong smiled coldly.

Looking at his dark face, Yu Jia's figure trembled suddenly: "How can I be sure? Salmu, as the son of Vega Khan, sacrificed for the grassland, that is his glory! For the happiness of my people, Yu Jia It's better to be broken in pieces than to be incomplete, and you won't be beaten! "

Looking at her tender and trembling body, Lin Wanrong suddenly smiled to the sky: "Well, it's better to be jade broken than to be full! Da Khan, these bright words, just coax your Turkic people, don't start in my face --- Lin does not eat this set! I can say rudely that if you have the courage to give up Salmu, your father will not put this heavy burden on your hands! "

"You--" Yu Jia's face turned pale, her teeth creaked, her **** undulated, her fingers trembling.

Lin Wanrong didn't seem to see her eyes. She shook her head and sneered sneerly: "Take 10,000 steps, even if you really sacrificed Salmu. Can your people get happiness because of this? Will the fight be not? Will the **** person die? This is a very funny hypothesis! Ms. Yu Jia, deceiving others is hateful and deceiving herself, but it is pathetic and sad! "

He uttered a cry, as cold as ice. However, Yu Jia's lucky thoughts were picked up instantly.

Golden Sword Khan closed his eyes weakly. Suddenly sitting on the chair: "You, you have already spotted my dead spot!"

"Just one another, you have to talk to me alone, why aren't you looking for me to die?" He shook his head slightly, and suddenly smiled silently: "Maybe. You should now understand that I am alive, not your happiness!" "

"Isn't it my happiness, don't you ask!" Yu Jia gritted her teeth and raised her head suddenly, her eyes glowing with cold light: "Since this is the case, let's open our words! Your four conditions, one More harsh than one. Not only me, my Turkic people will never agree! "

"Not necessarily!" Lin Wanrong said leisurely: "As long as Khan can sit down and talk. There will always be a solution! I wonder if you want to--"

He sat down intently, staring at Crescent Moon. Without saying a word. That deep look made the crescent moon hate itching teeth. Give him a punch in front of him.

"I counted three times. If you haven't sat down, you don't have to talk!" He spread his hand and smiled slightly: "One! Two!

"Do you dare?" Jin Dao Khan snorted softly, his face flushed red, and he turned the bench upside down and sat down with his back to him.

Such negotiations are rare in the world! He shook his head and smiled bitterly, but so did his wish. If he is facing Yu Jia directly, he can't be sure whether he can deal with his heart when it comes to the key points.

"Four conditions, we can talk one by one! Regarding the first point, is there any objection from Da Khan ?!"

Compared to the other three, the first point is simply generosity! Yu Jia snorted and said coldly: "I agree to the truce! But it was a embarrassment to tell the world! What's more, a piece of paper can last for fifty years? I wonder if you are really stupid or fake ?!"

"So how many years do you want to take care of ?!" "At most thirty-" Yu Jia froze, suddenly slap the chair handle: "Come on again! You cunning liar!"

Lin Wanrong sneered: "Big Khan, everyone is an eye-catcher! It's hard to say who lied to anyone!"

Yu Jia stubbornly bit her lip and sighed slightly: "Smart liar!"

"The so-called proclamation of the world is just a few words and tricks that can be written so impressively. I don't believe you can't even draw such a few words." Lin Wanrong waved coldly: "Just frankly, the first One point, does Khan agree? "

Crescent Moon resolutely shook his head: "After all the conditions have been discussed, I will think for myself. You can ask me now, and it will not do anything!"

This girl is very clever. She deliberately wants to integrate the four conditions into one point, to take the maneuver, to pressure the opponent and force him to make concessions.

Lin Wanrong did not pierce, and said lightly: "That second article, twenty years of confession--"

Yujia stood up, turned her head and looked at him coldly: "Up to a year!"

"Twenty years!"

"One year!" Yu Jia patted the chair in anger!

Lin Wanrong slammed and slammed on the table: "I said twenty years! One year is not too much!"

"Then you kill me!" Yu Jia yelled loudly, kicked the chair beside her angrily, and bumped into the negotiating table. They both opened their eyes wide at the same time, glaring at each other, like two angry lions, no one would give in!

The outside listened to the loud noise in the long shed, deafening, as if the roof of the shed was to be turned down. It was not like negotiation, but it was fighting. It's just that the coaches on both sides have not spoken, and no one has the courage to go in!

"Don't scare me by killing, that's not glorious!" Lin Wanrong sighed and killed you once! "Yu Jia turned her head away, and her tears floated:" Five years! " This is my limit! "

"Ten years! This is also my limit!" Lin Wanrong looked faint, and did not give her the opportunity to refute: "The third condition, south of Bayanhot--"

The Golden Sword Khan slowly calmed the excitement, and his eyes were as cold as ice: "You want me to mow the land? I advise you not to dream! The grassland is the world of our Turks. Honestly, even if you have it Bayanhot, how many days do you think you can hold ?! "

Despite her disdain and contempt, she was telling the truth.

"Can you keep it? That's my business, don't worry about Dahan Khan!" Lin Wanrong calmly said, "I just want to remind you that you have no choice now!"

Yu Jia was full of grief and indignation, her fists clenched tightly: "I also tell you this cruel man, if you cut the land, you and Salmu will become sinners on the grassland. No face to see my people, to see me My father Khan, if that is the case, it would be better for me to die with Salmu! "

When it comes to this, it seems to be a dead end, and there is no way out. Lin Wanrong exhaled a long breath: "Okay. I can take a step back and Bayanhot can not leave Turk—"

Yu Jia froze: "You, what you say is true ?!" He Zhengjian headed: "What I said naturally counted, Bayanhot is still your Turkic land, but Da Khan will promise me one Conditions-Although the land hundreds of miles south of Bayanhot will still belong to you in the future, you must plan to turn it into a free trade zone for Dahua and Turkic! "

"Free trade zone?" Jin Dao Khan was startled. "What do you mean ?!"

"In this free trade zone. The two sides are not allowed to station troops, they only remain in **** to maintain law and order! Dahan Khan will be determined. Allow Dahua merchants to conduct free investment and goods transactions here, and allow people of both countries to move freely. Trade, marriage, Through mail and navigation. Allow the free spread of culture between the two countries! At the same time, our Dahua sent special personnel and brought some migrants here .—— Teaching poems, paintings, etiquette, farming and sowing, building works and other excellent skills of our Dahua, Turkic People also have to teach us riding and shooting skills! In addition, we will build a large number of houses and pavilions in the trade zone for the people of the two countries to live in! In return for the land provided to Turkistan, taxes in this free trade zone can be divided between two The country is divided proportionally! "

What a clever figure, Yu Jia, turned pale after hearing a few words! She shivered and pointed at his nose. "What a free trade zone! You, your wolf ambition.

Lin Wanrong shook his head silently: "I don't understand what Da Khan said! I make this suggestion, which does not require you to cut the land, but also improves the lives of the Turkic people and restores the relationship between the two countries. It is a win-win strategy. Where is the wolf's ambition?"

Yu Jia sighed with sorrow and anger: "I only understand now that your request to cut the land has put on a compassionate face and said that it is a step back. This is simply your calculation. From the beginning, you did not intend Occupy Bayanhot, because you know it can't be occupied. You are for this so-called free trade zone! That ’s great, what investment trade, cultural dissemination! You want us Turks to read poems, plant land, and live in lofts. Once we accept this kind of comfortable life, who will be nostalgic for tents on horseback, nomadic drift? With the radiation of this trading area, the entire grassland will not be peaceful, and more and more people will like this life! When we left the horseback, Turks were self-defeating martial arts.

"And your so-called business, marriage, and navigation are to make Turkic and Dahua merge and imprint each other. From then on, Bayanhaote stretched for hundreds of miles and became a natural buffer zone between Dahua and Turkic. Our Turkic Tieqi, can't rush anymore! You want a book of great profits and never to suffer the future, this is not the wolf's ambition, what is it? "

There is no such thing as the crescent moon in the world. How much better than occupying a piece of land!

"Wolf's ambition?" Lin Wanrong suddenly laughed, shaking his head, looking at the indignant cheek of Jin Dao Khan.

Although he laughed wildly, his eyes were clear, and his pupils reflected a beautiful reflection. Yu Jia stared at him dumbfounded, suddenly heart-stretched: "You are not allowed to laugh!"

Lin Wanrong glanced at her and said leisurely: "Da Khan, you told me in the past that Turk attacked Dahua because it was unfair to heaven and gave fertile land to Dahua, so you must grab Dahua's Jiangshan, isn't it for your people to lead a happy life? "

"So what?" Crescent Moon gritted his teeth.

"It's just fine." Lin Wanrong smiled coldly: "I would like to ask, Da Khan, have you ever thought about it, if one day, you really laid down Dahua's mountains, what will you and your tribe have to do This kind of life? Will they stay on the grassland to ride horses, shoot arrows, and stay in tents, as before? "Yujialue thought, his face was white.

"Don't dare to answer ?!" He laughed angrily: "Let me tell you ~ ~ They will read poems, plant land, live in lofts, and enjoy that peaceful life as they enter the customs! Hundreds of you! The dream you have been pursuing for the past year, and what you call the happy life of your people, I do n’t need a single shot, I can give it to you now! Why do n’t you dare to accept it? Is it fun to hit your own face? ”

Jin Dao Khan was indignant and shameless, but couldn't argue with it. In his anger, he kicked the crumbs of the wooden bench and smashed him hard.

"It's useless to be angry or angry," Lin Wanrong said slowly, with an old face, "don't say that I didn't give you a chance! I have taken a step back, whether to cut the land or establish a free trade zone, you choose!"

These two paths are all traps set by him, and there is no choice at all! Yuga looked up angrily, her eyes flashing with tears: "What if I choose neither ?!"

He said softly: "Negotiations are back to negotiations, but my patience is also limited! I hope Da Khan understands!"

"Do you know how I feel now ?!" Crescent Moon looked at him silently, his face paled gradually: "In the past, I wanted to see you every day and dreamed to talk to you! But standing in front of you today, I hope Quickly die yourself! Only then will you not bully me! "

Read The Duke's Passion