MTL - Finest Servant-Chapter 607 Broken city

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Outside Kizil.

night. Dark and silent. No flare. No hoof sound. Far from the horizon. There seemed to be a floating cloud, wandering silently.

Burning torch in the city. In the icy prairie night breeze. The flame floated and oscillated until it went out slowly. The remaining * is only 20%, and the dim yellow light is shining on the city wall, condensing the city head, and the distance from the sight is only a hundred feet.

As the warriors entered the palace. The atmosphere of carnival in Kizil has weakened a lot. Although still singing and dancing. The girls have gradually dissipated, originally crowded streets. It gradually became looser. It was the Turkic soldiers who defended the city. Only this year they had a chance to carnival once. One carried roasted leg of lamb, the other carried cider, excitedly dancing and singing. In a day like the Lao Yang Conference, everyone was cheering, and no one would blame them for being paralyzed.

A small black spot was wedged on the wall like a spike. not moving at all. Looking away. Like a gecko climbing a wall. No one found his presence in the dim light.

Less than half a foot above him. It was the port of the city wall with a torch hanging diagonally. It will go out, and the fragrance of horse milk will come along with the Turkic singing. The whole Kizil was in joy.

The individual fighting power of the Turkic people is really outstanding, but as prominent as the fighting power, it is their loosely disciplined nature, and the nomadic people's sloppyness. The Turkic court is located deep in the Alxa steppe, next to Altai Nature Insurance. It can be described as the most stable rear of the Turkic Khanate. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, Turks have conquered North Zhang and unified the grasslands. There are no less than a thousand battles, but Kizil alone has never been intruded. This gradually made their nerves numb.

"Well," the light was dim. There seems to be a clear breeze. The torch went out. The gecko crouching on the wall climbed the wall and walked. Silently jumped into the duo. Hidden in the dark.

"Mom, why is it off again?" A Hu Ren guarded. Coming over with wine and scolding, he didn't light up. Then he heard the crack of his neck crackle softly.

The high chief took a deep breath, and set the corpse's corpse in a dark corner. At the same time, several geckos fell silently beside him, four or five apart The Turkic guard grabbed the leg of lamb, and pointed towards the street. Unscrupulous laugh. I do not know which Turkic woman was fancy, they were on their sides. It is the wall leading to the tower.

Lao Gao hesitated. The bright scimitar in his hand made a fierce comparison, and the brothers behind him understood it. Several attacked at the same time. Rushed up like a civet cat.

High chiefs have the best skills. Just a few feet away from the blink of an eye, moving fast like lightning, pinching the necks of the two Huren fiercely from left to right, the two Turks were frightened and were about to yell. But he felt hoarse and couldn't shout anymore, looking down. A cold steel knife holder was around the neck, and blood ran out of the throat.

Two Dahua generals and strong men chose these people to live in the wall of the city wall. He drew his head and made a drunk look, and the other guard guarded him a few glances at this side, and then burst out laughing and cursing.

"The agency is over there!" Several people crouched down, exhaling a breath, a brother responsible for observation. Pointing at a huge ground wheel above the guide wall. Said down. That organ is about five or six feet away. Hidden in a round stack. There are retaining walls around it, and dozens of Turks are guarding it. Looking at the shape of the body, it is obviously the best among the Hu people, and Kizil's heavy city gate. All * this organ pulls,

Counted people. There are ten Hu people guarding the agency, and there are seven elite brothers around him. The high chief nodded slightly, looking at the sky. He was about to wave his hand and suddenly heard a Turk shout loudly: "Look. What's that ?!"

The Turkic finger was pointing out of the city. A large cloud of dark clouds,

Silently approached Kizil. Looking at that distance, it is only a few miles away. The ground trembled slightly. But drowned in the city carnival.

"It's a cavalry!" A head of Hu Ren with excellent eyesight and a rich array of battlefields looked for a moment, and suddenly exclaimed.

His voice didn't end, and a few frightened shouts suddenly uttered on the streets of Kizil: "Come on, run away. The horse is shocked!"

Two or three Turkic horses flaming with flames, sighing in pain and leaping constantly. Spread your hoof along the street. Several Hu people haven't had time to react. He had been trampled under his feet. The flames flashed on her clothes. A mournful wailing sounded.

The Turks on the street came to their senses. Howling and fleeing, although they are the best horse trainers on the prairie, who dares to grab their edge in the face of such a wild Malaysian who is on fire?

"Come on!" Taking advantage of the fact that all Hu people are in a daze. Hu Bugui waved his hand, and seven heroes shot like arrows. The Hu of the guards heard the sound of footsteps behind him before turning around. Then I saw snow fluttering in front of me. A dark sword. Cleave straight to your head.

There were screams in the splash of blood, and the Turks heard the reputation, and saw a few masked black shadows rushing into the hub like wolves into a flock of sheep, dancing with machetes and setting off monstrous blood waves.

"Kill!" Seems to echo Gao Yaoyao. The slowly floating clouds outside the city suddenly rolled up like wild desert sand. Countless war horses, black, white, and yellow, merged into one. Soaring torrent. With the momentum of the wind and the clouds, it came straight to Kizil.

The sword is shining. In the earth-shattering killings, Xu Zhen and Li Wuling looked countlessly young and angry. See so clearly.

"Brothers, Kaicheng gate !!" Lao Gao split open the stubborn enemy with blood on his face, and he slammed the handle of the huge roulette wheel. Several brothers behind him yelled and heavy Kizil's gate said "Yeah", revealing a thin gap.

Outside the city, in the city, on the city. Three people were attacked at the same time, and the Turkic people just woke up. The shouting leader of the Hu people shouted, "The enemy is coming! Kill, kill them !!"

Thousands of Turkic soldiers rushed up the wall of the city frantically, and their arrows shot like raindrops towards the Chinese people rushing down to the city. There was a muffled sound in the sound of "噗" and "噗", and dozens of Dahua soldiers rolled down and fell to Malay.

The dense arrows of the people were mostly blocked by the dugouts around the roulette, and the seven warriors in the city grasped the roulette. Opened his eyes. At the same time, he yelled and pushed hard for the organization, "squeak and squeak". The stone gate slowly pulled open.

Countless Turks were rushing madly towards the duokou. All seven people will be killed. At the same time, there were hu people downstairs. Waving the machete to cut the huge rope that was slowly pulled.

"Kill!" The twenty or so Dahua soldiers who sneaked into the city with Yue's family were facing them, and the two sides fought together.

There are more and more Hu people surrounding Duokou. The soldiers were stained with blood, but the turntable was getting harder and harder. The city gate pushed a half-shoulder wide slit and could not move any more. Seeing Xu Zhen and Li Wuling were about to kill below . Dozens of other brothers fell from Malay with arrows, and Lao Gao's eyes cracked. I was about to give up my life, and suddenly heard a woman's hastily voice from outside the city, drinking, "Go away!"

A white shadow rushed through the crowd like a meteor, and shot straight towards the city gate. The crazy arrows of the Hu people seemed to flow like locusts. Whistling away. The woman was in constant shape, with the sword in her hand waving like a thunderbolt and thunder. Straight to the city gate.

"Boom!" The walls seemed to be shaking, and the gates of the city cracked heavily. The rubble was flying all over the sky, the dust was diffused, and the city gate on the left was shaking. Crashed to the ground.

In that huge shock. Masked woman in white. His body stagnates suddenly. There was a subtle sigh in his mouth. It bounced off like electricity and stood a few steps before landing. Crisp chest panted sharply.

How thick is the Kizil city gate. Who can break it with the power of one person? This blow is like a stone breaking the sky, shaking in everyone's heart-

Although the gate fell only one. The passage to Kizil is completely clear.

"Brothers, rush with me and kill Kizil. Capture Turkic Khan alive !!" How did Xu Zhen and Li Wuling give up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The excited faces of both of them turned red. In the boundless arrow rain, Qi Qi roared and struggling to mention the stables. The steed almost took off, flying over the gravel and rushing straight into the Turkic court!

The Dahua Iron Riding behind them seemed as if the word torrent flooded. Blasting open the remaining broken ground gate, flooding and killing it. That invincible momentum. Even the fierce Turkic people are intimidated!

The endless arrow rain rolled down, and the Dahua knights running down the city kept falling, but more people rushed in instantly. Killed in Kizildi. Keeping the watchtower is meaningless. The Turks turned quickly. Gush down the walls. In an attempt to intercept Dahua people in the alley.

"I know, Brother Lin must have a backhand !!" Excited by the high chief, he flew off and kicked the bulky roulette. Leaped forward to the high dug hole. The scimitar dripping with blood in his hand fought hard. Howling like a wolf: "This is the court of the Turkic people! Brothers. Close your eyes and chop hard. We only earn nothing!"

Fang Cai was still at Yinggeyanwudi Avenue, and instantly became a sea of ​​blood. Forty or fifty ignited ground fire horses ran wild in front, as if spinning ground flywheels. Anyone who comes close. It was burned before being stomped, and poured into the Dahua Cavalry. Followed the fire horse. At the speed of the wind, the Turks who had gathered and resisted merged into a continuous torrent. This was the best trick the Turks used to break through the Dahua city pond, and today the Dahuas returned it intact.

"Oh!" A sounding arrow cut through the sky outside the city. Blooming colorful fireworks.

All Turks in the hall were shocked at the same time and had not realized it yet. Suddenly heard the loud noise, the fire rack hanging sheep in the field was pushed down at the same time, the Yue clan held the machete by hand, as if the wolves were surging. The ground rushed towards the throne, and the Turkic princes who had been seated before they could react, they were put on the neck by the steel knife holder, and they slightly resisted, and were immediately killed by Yue's mercilessly. Blood splattered. In the first place, the Hu people panicked, but the warriors of the lambs reacted most quickly and rushed up.

"Salmu, be careful !!" Jin Dao Khan exclaimed sternly. The scimitar broke out of the sheath in his hand. With a swipe, the wind splits. At the same time jade hand stretched out. Going to pull the little Khan.

"Dang," Jin Ge Jiao Ming struck a harsh sharp sound, dumbly grabbed a knife. He was standing in front of her, his eyes bright. She stared at her fiercely.

Still bright eyes like that. But it was already a terrible difference! Yu Jia's spirit was long and lingering. She spoke to him a few moments ago, and her heart seemed to be choking. The pain is gone.

"You're not dumb, who are you! Why are you lying to me?" She mumbled at him, her eyes dull. Suddenly angrily roared: "No matter who you are, I will kill you. Kill you !!"

"Dang" "Dang" "Dang". She widened her eyes as if she was madly panthering. Hold the knife in both hands. Instantly captured three records, subtle records. Daodao keeps his key, when he was a captive. This girl hides herself very well, she not only has archery skills. The knife is also extremely hot.

Lin Wanrong took a step back. Hold the knife she stabbed to her heart. Poker face. His eyes were cold.

"Kill!" Crescent Moon suddenly gave a coquettish whisper, and his fifteen fingers moved as fast as lightning.

This crazy wild horse! Lin Wanrong was finally provoked. "Yeah," he boxed heavily on Crescent's wrist. Yu Jia groaned. Retracted.

Lin Wanrong stepped forward. She slashed her head with a large knife in her hand. "Ding", Yu Jia went all out to hold his blade-

"You must know who I am ?!" Lin Wanrong brushed and tossed out the top cover and threw it out. "Okay! Then you look at me. You look at me !!-If you recognize me, I Let you kill today! You recognize it. You recognize it quickly! "The forceful pressure on Yu Jia in the corner. His eyes were wide. Almost roared and roared. Panting heavily on Yu Jia's face, panting, slamming.

Wearing this **** mask, everyone was suffocating to death. This relief, he suddenly exhaled a long breath, easy to express freely.

"Lin, Lin San-" Zhao Kangning hiding under the table. Looking pale. Murmured his name.

"Go to your mother's place!" Hu Bugui slashed the table. Spitting saliva cursed, and the little king recoiled his head obediently.

Yu Jia shook her head. Eyes widened. Keep his eyes firmly on his cheek. She didn't dare to move, the atmosphere seemed to freeze, and doubt, sorrow, helplessness, and sorrow flowed from her eyes in countless moments.

Silent for a long time. She trembled slightly, her eyes rising slightly with xenon and argon. The little hand holding the gold knife unconsciously stretched forward, but stopped for a moment. She lowered her eyelids and said softly, "Can you tell me. I am forgotten to be a good person or a bad person ?!"

"No effort to answer your question!" Lin Wanrong threw her aside. Turn around and leave!

"I killed you despicable man!" Yu Jia drank violently behind him, and the cold wind drew from the gold knife in his hand, slicing directly to his back.

"Ding!" Lin Wanrong turned around and hit, two swords together. The crescent moon held the scimitar in both hands. Teeth clattered and stared at him. Rather die than take a step back. The two face to face. The cold blade scratched his face and it hurt.

A tinge of red blood drew through his lips, and Yuga looked at the scars of the crescent moon in his hands, tears streaming down her face.

"Sister-" A clear, terrifying child voice, sounded in the hall.

"Salmu!" Yuga was startled. Use your strength. Picking up Lin Wanrong's big sword, while staturing like lightning, he rushed towards Xiao Khan.

"Yu Jia Da Khan. Please calm down." Hu Bugui stepped on Tusoso's stomach. The other hand, with a glossy scimitar, was placed around Salmu's neck.

Yu Jia hurriedly stripped her body. A flash of light flashed in his eyes: "What are you doing? Who would dare hurt Salmu. I make him regret his life!"

"Sister, Salmu is not afraid. Kill them, you will kill them!" Xiao Khan yelled, raising her head, and tears began to swirl in her eyes.

The situation in the hall at this time. However, the earth-shaking changes have taken place. Although Dahua only had a dozen people, it was prepared and caught off guard. There were more than twenty princes sitting on top. Except for those who were slashed on the spot, fewer than twenty people remained. They have all fallen into their hands, and even the little Khan Salmu is no exception.

The swarming Turkic guards swarmed behind Yuga and surrounded the Dahua groups.

"You, why don't you talk ?!" Yu Jia gritted her teeth and held her dumb. Asked sharply.

Listening to the rumbling hooves outside the palace gate. Lin Wanrong sighed slightly: "At this time, it is more appropriate for the knife to speak."

"The banquet is big Khan, and the big things are not good. The city is broken. The big Chinese have entered the palace." He said nothing. A Turkic guard came in panting, the sound of the knife at the gate of the palace was so clear.

Golden Sword Khan's face flashed a dark tint. Looking at Lin Wanrong, you quietly said, "Do you think that you can win me this way? Don't forget. Kizil has 20,000 elites. And my countless people, they are coming from all directions. Ground! "

"How much elite has nothing to do with me." Lin Wanrong smiled coldly: "Blood, fire, fear. What the Turks once gave us, of course I hope you can taste it yourself."

"Kill!" The tick sounded like a rush of rain. Xu Zhen and Gao Jie excitedly and boldly voiced. Immediately before, countless Dahua cavalry swept through like winds.

Yuga's eyes were cold, and her sword twitched. The archers, who had been waiting outside the hall, launched all at once, and the dense arrow rain seemed like a locust. The cavalry shot straight. There were endless screams.

In this final battle, there are no shortcuts. Whoever is more fierce can win. Lin Wanrong gritted his teeth and said nothing. Yu Jia's fists squeezed tightly. The two eyes met in the air, but they quickly turned away.

"The banquet is a big khan, ten thousand wolf riders have arrived from the back door, and it will be a moment!"

Yu Jia nodded and looked up at the dumb glance, but saw that his eyelids were drooping and indifferent. He didn't seem to be scared at all, and suddenly remembered that he didn't understand Turkic.

This is the only bit of happiness. He told him to enjoy it, and Khan bowed his head. Eyes sometimes hate, sometimes gentle. unconsciously. Tears fell on her cheeks.

Hu Bugui was in a hurry ~ ~ They broke into the palace alone. Even the little Khan was captured. Wouldn't it be a great regret if they couldn't take it out? But at this moment they had more captives than their own, otherwise they would have been pledged and killed.

The shouting sound was so anxious that he couldn't wait. Lao Hu let out his throat and shouted, "Lao Gao, hurry up, Crescent Moon promised to warm General Lin!"

"Hoo!" The high chief roared. Braving the dense arrow rain, and rushing into the Turkic camp with hundreds of horses behind, the blade was waving. There was blood and rain everywhere.

at the same time. A thunderous hoof sounded behind the hall. Tens of thousands of Turkic iron riders stepped in like storms. Look at that momentum, much stronger than the Dahua people. The two armies advanced at the same time. Just don't know who can take the lead in the hall.

"General Lin--" Xu Zhen's roar came in with the sound of a knife. The Dahua cavalry entered in blood, at almost the same time, the wooden door of the palace was blasted open, and Turk rushed in like a wind, and protected behind Yu Jia.

"Dumb I, you are surrounded!" Jin Dao Khan said lightly.

"Contrary to your imagination," referring to the Turkic elites around, shaking his head with a dumb smile: "I think. It's never been safer than it is now!"

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