MTL - Film Emperor’s Adorable Wife From Ancient Times-Chapter 67

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"Well, I am blind. I can't see it when I am born." Ke Mengyu said calmly, and his expression didn't have much ups and downs, but she was used to it when she was six or seven years old.

Yang Anyu couldn't help but feel a bit sad. She quickly smiled at her and praised: "You look so cute! Although our meeting is a bit unique today, I am very happy to meet you. I still have you like me. Little fan."

Listening to Yang Anyu said, Ke Mengyu slightly lowered his head, and some were embarrassed.

"Right, your surname is Ke? Your father is..."

"His is Ke Qin."

"..." Yang An Yu thought about a turn, and sure enough, but he did not expect Ke Qin's legs and feet are not good, her daughter is a blind person, then their family should not be easy.

"Dream, then you should know soup too?"

"Yeah." Ke Mengyu nodded again and again. "Actually, I will like you Xiaoying's brother. It is also because of the relationship between Auntie and I. I watched the program "Challenge firsttime" that you participated together."

"You read?"

"Accurately, it was listened to the whole process. Xiao Yu brother, I told you ......"

Then, Ke Mengyu began to talk about the causes and effects.

Ke Mengyu followed his father, Ke Qin, who lived in France all the year round, and Tang Yu knew him there. As a foreign student, Tang Wei helped the blind little sister Ke Mengyu in a volunteer activity, and he had a fate.

As a result of Ke Mengyu, Tang Yu gradually came into contact with the family of the small blind woman, and also knew that his father turned out to be Ke Qin, the singer who had already withdrawn from the music industry for many years.

Later, Ke Mengxi learned that Tang Hao had become a star, and also participated in the very popular variety "Challenging firsttime" in China. The little girl was very interested and wanted to take a trip.

However, she was originally directed at the soup, but she was suddenly powdered by Yang Anyu.

Ke Mengxi is blind and can't watch videos, but she can listen. He likes the voice of Yang Anyu, especially his hearty laughter. In the various programs that Yang Anyu attended, whether it was Yang Anyu jokingly telling a piece, or occasionally making a small piece, she liked it very much.

Of course, Ke Mengying will also "see" TV dramas and movies starring Yang Anyu.

Listening to Dad Keqin to describe the picture in the play, the little girl understands the plot, she will feel bad about the killer Aken in "The Heart of the Heart", worshiping the "stolen heart" of the ancient spirits, and also likes "Love 29" In the sky, the young master Du Yi and so on.

Ke Mengyu even loves the house and Wu, and even the actors who have given Yang Anyu a voice are all concerned. As soon as she hears the sound, she can easily distinguish it.

When I heard "Yu You Companion", Ke Mengying was even more happy. The little girl was so simple that she was so stupid.

"Xiao Yu brother, although my eyes can't see, but I can listen, I can think, just like Dad and Auntie often tell me, I can still see the world with my eyes."

After listening to it, Yang Anyu was distressed again. He smiled and nodded. "Well, nightmare, you are right."

In this strong and optimistic girl's heart, there must be a better world.

Yang Anyu praised her again, Ke Mengyu smiled.

At this time, Yang Anyu tried to move his wrist again, but the rope was tied a lot, it was very tight, he was not easy to break.

If it is normal, he can play with this little fan for a while, but at the moment, Tang Yu is very likely to use him to threaten Yi Chenyan, he does not want to let Yi Chenyan worry, so first have to find a way out.

"Dream, is this the home of Tang Yu?" Yang Anyu turned his eyes and asked.

"Well, this time I followed my father back to China, and then a few days, Auntie brought you to me, Xiao Yu brother, I am really happy."

"But..." Yang Anyu frowned, and said, "We seem to be locked up."

Yang Anyu looked around and saw that there was only a small window in the room, which was closed and dark curtains. They might have been locked in the attic.

"It doesn't matter, Auntie is afraid that you will run around, let me chat with you first, he will come over later."

Tang Hao, his guy is really... Yang Anyu licked his mouth and frowned deeper: "But I am tied, this look..."

"Sorry, Xiao Yu brother, are you very difficult?" Ke Mengyu also could not bear.

"Hey, I’ve been **** for a long time. It’s definitely uncomfortable. My nightmare, your teacher must have taught you. It’s wrong to treat guests like this? Can you help me out?”

"But..." Ke Mengyu hesitated. "But if Auntie says that he will solve it, you will run away."

"Reassured, the door is locked, I have no key, I can't get out." Yang Anyu's eyes turned again and smiled. "Dream, say you like me so much, I want to sign you a name." ”

"Really... Really?" The little girl was heartbroken.

Yang Anyu raised his eyebrows: "Of course it is true, not only the signature, but we can also take photos. After all, you are my fan."

"That... that's alright."

Ke Mengyu nodded and groped around the back of Yang Anyu. She couldn't see it. She could only use the little hand to help solve the rope.

Who knows that just loosened a bit, there is a sound of unlocking outside the door, and anyone is coming in.

Suddenly, Yang Anyu’s eyelids were a jump, and his intuition told him that it was very bad!

"Dream, stop, go to the sofa and sit down." Yang Anyu hurriedly called.

"Good... good!" Ke Meng groaned, but also very obedient, quickly sat back to the sofa.

The door opened, and Wu Shao came in. There was a cruel smile on his mouth.

"We met again, Yang Anyu."

"..." Yang Anyu did not say anything, but blinked his eyes. Unlike Tang Wei, he was purely disgusted with Wu Shao.

Taking advantage of his abominable eyes, Wu Shao did not mind, he locked the door again, and then sneered and stepped closer to Yang Anyu: "Oh, your eyes now look like the best of the year." Chen Yan..."

"Wu Shao, when you used Chen Yan, did you regard him as a money-making tool?"

"Yes, so he can't sing. When it's useless, I'm going to take Ke Qin. The reason is that simple." Wu Shao shrugged and shouted.

"But after Yi Chen said that he was red, he came to target and retaliate against us, not only made me become nothing, even... even Rose was dead..." At the end, Wu Shao’s expression became painful.

At this time, Ke Mengying, who caught the word, said: " mother's name..."

"Mom?" Yang Anyu was shocked. "The original Ke Qin and Ning Weiwei they..."

"Yes, they are actually together, haha!" Although Wu Shao was laughing, his facial expression was very embarrassing. "At that time, Rose was still pregnant with Ke Qin’s children. They looked at Yi Chenyan and stared at me. All the people!"

Yang Anyu heard something wrong: "You... Do you like Ning Weiwei?"

"..." Wu Shao defaults.

The relationship between these people is really complicated, but once the love, I am afraid it has become resentment and obsession.

"Yang Anyu, I don't want roses to like me too, but...but she is dead!" Wu Shao shouted excitedly. "So I hate Yi Chenyan and hate Ke Qin, they are killed." Wei!"

The anxiety in Yang An’s heart has intensified. He feels that Wu Shao’s mood is getting worse and worse, and he is likely to suddenly make any crazy moves.

"Do you want to use soup soup this time?"

Yang Anyu asked, trying to gain time for himself. On the other hand, his hands tied behind his back were secretly moving, eager to untie the rope.

"Yes, I found Tang Yu, cheated him, and gave him a lot of half-truths. For eight years, I want Yi Chenyan to become nothing. I want to see Ke Qin’s pains. Look like!"

Next to Ke Mengying, they cried, and pulled forward Wu Wu’s clothes corner: "Uncle Wu, you... what are you talking about?"

"Shut up!" Wu Shaoyi slammed and pushed Ke Mengyu.

The little girl was caught off guard and fell to the ground all of a sudden, and the tears suddenly came out: "Hey, Dad... Dad..."

"Wu Shao, you are crazy!" Yang Anyu was shocked and stared at Wu Shao.

"Yang Anyu, Yi Chenyan likes you very much?" Wu Shao also looked at Yang Anyu, with mockery. "I didn't expect him to have such a favorite person now."

"Tang Yu always does not want to move you, he is always soft, but I am different!" After all, Wu Shao suddenly caught Yang An Yu's neck.

"Cough! Wu Shao" Yang Anyu coughed out uncomfortable, and Ke Mengyu on the side heard the movement, and became more confused. "Xiao Yu... Xiao Yu brother, what happened to you?"

Yang Anyu slammed his lower lip and condensed the internal force to break the rope, and then suddenly slammed Wu Shao with his head!


Wu Shao, who was suffering from pain, stepped back a few steps. He didn't expect Yang An Yu to be so strong, so he could immediately pull out the saber in his trouser pocket.

When the knife flashed, Yang Anyu hid his head sideways. He moved his body and grabbed Wu Shao's wrist in the next second. Then he twisted and twisted, and instantly, the crisp sound of the bone was broken.

"Ah!" Wu Shao couldn't control the screaming, but also wanted to fight back. However, Yang Anyu would not give him any chance to shoot. He had a look and a knee bend. Yang Anyu topped Wu Shao's stomach. Then he was deducted to the ground.

A few moves are quite fast and powerful. To deal with Wu Shao, such a person, Yang Anyu is certainly easy to get.


In the next second, Ke Qin, who was panicked, opened the door.

On the side of the main hall, Tang Wei still questioned Yi Chenyan.

"Yi Chenyan, you kidnapped his friend Ke Qin, who broke his leg, and also killed Ning Weiwei, which caused a family tragedy. How can you still feel so at ease?"

"Ke Qin and Ning Weiwei, they chose to be together, it is a tragedy." Yi Chenyan cold and cold.

"What are you talking about!" Tang Yu immediately frowned.

At this time, Yang Anyu’s voice suddenly came over: “Chen Yan!”

"Xiao Yu?" I saw Yang Anyu, Yi Chenyan's eyes were soft, and the frost on his face also disappeared.

Yang Anyu also smiled and threw himself into his arms: "Hmm, it is me, I am fine."

Tang Yu was shocked. When he didn't respond, he saw Ke Qin and Ke Mengyu who came slowly. Ke Mengying's little hand was held by Dad. The other little hand covered his eyes: "Hey... Hey, Auntie..."

"Auntie, don't be impulsive, listen to me first." Ke Qin looked awkward. "There is no more, the truth of many things, and only two people, I and Chen Yan, are clear."

When Ke Qin and Yi Chenyan debuted together, but with the reputation of Yi Chenyan gradually rising and gaining a large number of fans, Ke Qin’s mentality gradually began to change. He began to learn the talents of Yi Chen’s words and the terrible brain. More and more thoughts, he thought more than once, if there is no Yichen in this world, just fine.

Yi Chenyan was poisoned by anti rice. It was Ke Qin who sent him to the hospital for gastric lavage for the first time. However, he knew that the drink was poisonous and deliberately looked at Yi Chenyan’s drink.

After that, Yi Chenyan missed the opportunity to sing for the film composition. Ke Qin was at the same time, and also copied the new song that Yi Chenyan had not released yet.

These things, female assistant Ning Weiwei is also informed, but she is very tormented and embarrassed, and soon resigned.

After the most difficult trough, Yi Chenyan was signed up to Shang Hao, and as an actor, he became angry again. He retaliated against Wu Shao, but the person who kidnapped Ke Qin eight years ago was not him. It was Ke Qin who had offended the black. - The people of the road.

On the day of Ke Qin’s accident, Ning Weiwei, who had been missing for a long time, suddenly appeared. He also tried to help Yi Qin to help Ke Qin. Therefore, Yi Chenyan stunned the people who were still stunned, and saw Ke Qin again.

Friendship has suffered a huge betrayal, Yi Chenyan has become cold-hearted, so he did not intend to let Ke Qin, want to pass Ke Qin to prison through legal channels, after all, those poisoning and plagiarism once Exposure, Ke Qin will be defeated.

"That night, when I drove with a rose, the car turned over, my leg was hurt, and she suddenly became a small producer..." Ke Qin faintly recalled, recalling the past, but his eyes were full of sadness. .

Ning Weiwei unexpectedly produced small products. She also cried and pleaded for Yi Chenyan over and over again. She knew that she could not live. She really didn’t want this child to be born, and Dad would go to jail.

Her words at the time also became the last wish.

After the event, Yi Chenyan did not pursue it again. He even left, and even asked people to deliberately suppress this storm, so that the media knows very little about it. The death of Ning Weiwei also made Ke Qin repent, and he took the initiative to leave the circle and took his daughter abroad.

"Auntie, so these things simply do not blame, it is all we have to do."

Many times, Ke Qin often thinks that his legs can't be cured. He will be disabled in the latter half of his life. His daughter Ke Mengyu can't be seen from birth. It may be retribution.


After listening to these, Tang Yan’s face has become pale, and he has been unable to speak for a long time.

"Chen Yan, I really thank you that year! Also, I am sorry, this almost hurts you." Ke Qin’s face is a deep apology. In fact, he does not want to return to China. He also has no face to see his old friend Yi Chen. Words.

"If you still want revenge, I will accept it."

"..." Yi Chen said no words. If there was such an incident, he did not expect to see this person again.

After taking a picture of her daughter Ke Mengyu, Ke Qin said again: "Dream, you also go to say "I'm sorry" with Uncle Yi."

The tears on the face of the little girl are not dry, some are in the direction of Yi Chenyan, weak voice: "I am sorry... Uncle Uncle..."

Yi Chenyan looked at Ke Mengyu and found that her eyebrows were like Ning Weiwei. It was a moment of mixed feelings. At this moment, Yang Anyu smiled and took his hand.

"Nothing, Chen Yan, all the unhappy things have passed, and now I am with you."

In a short while, the police came to the villa in the West District and took away Tang Yu and Wu Shao on the grounds of illegal detention.

I stayed in the police station for one night, and the next day, Tang Yu came out.

His background is hard, and the star status is special. This matter involves Yi Chenyan and Yang Anyu. Therefore, they are secretive throughout the whole process. They don't want to make a big noise. Otherwise, they are known by the entertainment media. Do you still know what will be misinterpreted?

It’s not just soup, but it’s definitely bad for Yang’an and Yi Chenyan.

However, Wu Shao had intentionally forged a lot of information and information, and with violent means, there was a crime of intentional wounding, but it was not so easy to come out.

Out of the police station, Tang Wei looked down at the two encrypted photos in the mobile phone album. This is a photo of him and Yang Anyu. One is in the "Challenge firsttime" program, and there is another one, he and Yang Anyu last year. The company family photo was taken at the party.

There should be no more nostalgia, and finally I took a look and Tang Hao was decisively deleted.

After just deleting it, his head was knocked heavily: "Idiot! Is your IQ a dog?"

Tang Wei looked up at Xiao Yan in front of him, this is the director of Liang in the famous Zhengyang consortium.

"I am not on a business trip for a week. As a result, you are good. Don't welcome me at home. Instead, let me go to the police station to see you?" The 35-year-old director Liang was handsome and handsome, but at this time, his face was black. terrible.

"Sorry, Xiao Yan."

"Tang Yu, you used to be a nosy person, but now I am screaming at this ridiculous thing!" Director Liang was taking another shot of his brain, angry. "In the beginning, you met the blind person. Little girl, then when I chanted her all day, I felt that something was wrong. After the debut, you suddenly asked for a change of broker, hey, Wu Shao that scum! I am mad at me!"

"..." Tang Yu was speechless and silently lowered his head.

"Look up!" Director Liang grabbed his ear, and his heart was angry and anxious. "How many times have you said it? If you have something to say, can you still use my words as a whisper?"

"No... no."

"Your parents are not there, I have been taking care of you all the time. Are you a little girl doing this?"

Tang Wei: "..."

When you are angry, you will have a lot of words, and the furnishings will not be so much.

"In short, I will listen to you in the future! Don't touch the messy people anymore. Otherwise, I will find someone to abolish them and go home to clean up!"

"Oh, I know."

"That, can you bother?"

When Yang Anyu came over, he just saw this scene. Hey, it turned out that there was such a fierce embarrassment in the soup house!

I learned that Tang Wei would come out of the police station today, and Yang Anyu thought about coming to see him. He had a good greeting with Yi Chenyan in advance, and let Tang Guo drove him over.

Yang An Yu wanted to talk to Tang Wei alone. The angry director of Liang had to wait by the side. The assistant had been persuading him to persuade him to dissipate his anger and not to ruin his body.

"Yang Anyu, I am sorry." Tang Yan’s face did not have the elegant smile that was put on, and the voice seemed very weak. "You must also think that I am ridiculous, stupid."

Since his debut, he has been vying for the upper position. He wants to force Yi Chenyan to go down from the position of the Emperor and leave the circle. He thinks that the people who use the dirty means behind them are not worthy of such heights. stage.

But unconsciously, he himself has become a person who constantly plays the game and makes the means.

"..." Yang Anyu licked his lips and thought about the past.

Tang Yu had a misunderstanding of Yi Chenyan. Yang Anyu also had a prejudice against Tang Yu. He always thought that he was not good at everything. Indeed, Tang Yu secretly broke the bad, but also helped himself several times, such as in the "Fal" cast. When they were filming in the lake, Tang Wei saved Yang Anyu, who was almost drowning.

After thinking for a long time, Yang Anyu suddenly said: "I prefer to be friends with idiots than people who are especially smart."

Tang Yu instantly caught it.

Yang An Yu’s smile: “Tang Yu, after this incident, I suddenly discovered your potential attributes.”

"Potential attributes?"

"You are actually a loli control."

Tang Wei: "..."

Two nights later, the villa of Beixing District, Yichenyan.

Tonight, the starry sky is shining, and under the stars, Yang Anyu and Yi Chenyan stand side by side and are watching the stars on the balcony.

However, Yi Chenyan is quietly admiring the beautiful starry sky, and Yang Anyu is transformed into a little idiot, enjoying the "beauty" of the people beside him.

Taking advantage of Yi Chenyan's side face, Yang Anyu secretly sighs, his house shadow and even his face are so beautiful!

Yi Chenyan's eyelashes are very long, his nose is very strong, his expression is no longer indifferent and cool, and his lips are slowly rising. Suddenly, Yang Anyu has tears in his eyes.

Thinking of Yi Chenyan's experience so many, the death of his parents, the deception of his elder Yang Peng, and the betrayal of friendship, etc., Yang Anyu felt a distress, tears unconsciously flowed down.

"Xiao Yu, how are you crying?"

At this time, Yi Chenyan noticed, slightly surprised.

"Hey? I..." After he reminded, Yang Anyu realized that he actually cried. He just wanted to reach out and wiped out. Yi Chenyan suddenly took his face and kissed his tears gently.

"My little feather, how did you become crying?" Yi Chenyan smiled softly.

"I... I was crying by your beauty."

Yi Chenyan: "..."

"Haha, I am teasing you to play, it is a joke." Yang Anyu broke into a smile, and took the initiative to hold the waist of Yi Chenyan, "Chen Yan, sorry, I... I am late."

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