MTL - Film Emperor’s Adorable Wife From Ancient Times-Chapter 62

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In Yi Chenyan, he was recuperated for more than two weeks. After a few days, Yang Anyu finally returned to the "Crazy" crew.

The film has been put on hold for too long. It is known that Fu Cheng’s director has not changed, but has been waiting for himself. Yang An’s heart is both moved and very apologetic.

Therefore, the loss and cost incurred in the process, he can not let Fu Cheng wish the director to bear, he also gave a part.

The other actors’ films have already been filmed before, and now only the male actor Yang Anyu is left, so he is very busy these days.

On this day, the last important cry was over.

Fu Cheng is willing to know that Yang Anyu is not good at crying, but he also said that he first shot "Ming Heart Carving" and he used it for a long time when he contacted the role of Kenn. Fortunately, Yi Chenyan in the crew gave a lot of guidance.

Later, in "The Heart of the Heart" and "Hidden Love 29 Days", Yang Anyu also thought that the part of the crying was difficult to grasp and did not perform well.

But Fu Dao still smiled and patted Yang Anyu, encouraging: "Come on, Xiao Yu, you have always been the best actor in my heart, and I can certainly interpret the meaning of the story of ‘blurred.’

"Well, I try to be." Yang Anyu nodded.

Before the car accident, Yang Anyu used Mo Fan and Mo Yuan as two people with the same appearance and different internalities to interpret, but in fact only half of them, they are not the same, but they are a community.

The protagonist Mo Fan often plays as a younger brother. It is a manifestation of fear and escapism. He hopes that he can have the courage of his younger brother and envy the bold rebellion of his brother.

The psychology of Mo is distorted, but at the same time, he also has brotherly love in his heart, and he wants to be able to live well with his brother.

Before Yang Anyu did not understand this kind of feeling, but after losing the part of the memory, he suddenly realized that he often thought of Da Yu.

Fu guide shouted and the game was immediately played. The show officially started.

On the rooftop of the hospital, all the murder evidence now points to Mo fans, and the fans who want to sneak away are forced by the police.

Mo fans grabbed their hands-guns, and they were facing the police. They were crying for a while, but they were laughing again. One person said to himself, and the personality switched back and forth between the two brothers.

"Small... small away, I... I miss you!" Mo fans whimpered, and the next second changed his face, his eyes were cold, and his mouth was sneer.

"Brother, I am here, can't you see?" He wiped his tears for himself, and he was madly crying. "All the people who bully you are damned, so I will kill you!"

"No... don't do this!" Mo fans shook his head and cried again. "Small away, I just want stay with me, can always stay with me..."

"Yeah, let others die! Only I am with you, how good, hahaha..."

"Mo fans! Mo fans!"

Opposite him, the police chief led by the police chief shouted, trying to call back his reason and communicate with him.

Luo Yu, who was hiding in the dark, was the male No. 2 played by Tang Wei. The gun in his hand was also aimed at Mo Fan, but he was unable to aim.

As a classmate of Mo Fan, he had a complicated love for Mo, and Luo Yu’s inner struggles were all shot. After all, he shot two shots at Mo’s knees. The child fell to the ground.

Upon seeing it, Sergeant Luo immediately stepped forward to grab the Mo Fan, and the younger brother who was fascinated by Mo, also collapsed in an instant...

"Small away, are you leaving me again?" Mo Fan's eyes were full of disappointment.

"Sorry, brother, I don't really exist from beginning to end. Please do it yourself later."


In the end, the film ushered in the end of the cry in Moss...

"Haha, it's great! Xiao Yu, I really didn't look at the wrong person!" The ecstatic Fu Dao suddenly rushed over and hugged Yang An Yu.

There were no ng many times. The final result was very good. It completely missed Fu’s expectations. Other actors also applauded. This play is really shocking.

In the story of "The Lost", the actor’s eyes have always been blurred, but can he finally find a lost heart in the end?

The exact answer is not given at the end of the film. This is a question left to the readers to think about. Different people have different understandings, so the ending is not unique.

After the killing, Fu guided the guests, the starring of the crew and the staff finally gathered together, everyone had a good meal.

After the meal, everyone left, and Yang Anyu went to the toilet conveniently. When no one was around, Tang Wei looked for him alone.

"Xiao Yu, is the body still okay? This time is busy, you are seriously ill, I am afraid that you are tired again."

Yang An Yu stunned, and Tang Yu’s tone was as friendly as ever, as if they were really familiar and very good friends.

"Nothing, thank you." Yang Anyu shook his head, and his tone was obviously perfunctory.

"I also went to the hospital to see you before."

During Yang An’s hospitalization, Tang Wei did see him twice.

But in the second time, Yi Chenyan showed great hostility, not only for Tang Wei, but also for Wu Shao, the agent behind him.

Regarding the care of Tang Wei, Yang An Yu is still a faint "oh".

The dawn of Tang Yu faded.

"Tang Yu, isn't that about you in March?" Yang Anyu asked him at this time.

"..." Tang Wei did not answer, it seems to be the default.

"I will know." Yang Anyu smiled coldly, and his eyes immediately cooled down: "I'm sorry, Tang Wei, I think we can never be friends."

Tang Wei just smiled. He suddenly changed the subject: "Yang Anyu, do you really like Yi Chenyan?"

Yang An Yu is a bit unclear, but he still nodded affirmatively. He said it is also very straightforward: "Of course, Chen Yan is unique and my favorite person."

"Okay, I understand." After the speech, Tang Wei left.

Tang Yu hates the self-righteous, too smart person, of course, does not like to be too stupid, Yang An Yu is just right, whether it is a delicate appearance, or a feeling of sincere warmth, he likes it, however...

Yang Anyu’s song, invited Yi Chenyan’s help, “Yu You Companion”, Tang Yu listened a lot, and the more I heard it, the less it tasted. Oh, when did it start, he also became self-abuse.

"You should die now?" Seeing Tang Yu came back, Wu Shao asked.

"Maybe I shouldn't have hoped for a long time." Tang Yu smiled.

"I don't care what you think, in the critical moment, you can't be soft!" Wu Shao stressed.

"You can't remind me of the turn, I have my own size."

I was too lazy to ignore Wu Shao. Tang Wei walked forward and then sat in her own nanny car. He took out the recording pen hidden in his pocket. The last sentence of Yang An Yu was clearly recorded by him. Come down.

A week later, Yang Anyu and Gu Xin went to Paris, France.

They are the spokespersons of a perfume brand. This time, the advertisement was just about to come here to capture the scene. By the way, Gu Xin also attended the fashion show.

In the hotel, Yang Anyu is driving a notebook and is making a video call with Yi Chenyan.

"Xiao Yu, are you still there?"

At the end of the video, see Yi Chenyan's smile is particularly gentle, seeing the little idiot Yang An Yu's heart is fast, and I can't wait to smash the prpr's screen.

But he restrained his inner impulses and smiled happily: "Very good, the advertising was very smooth, and I was very happy with my sister Gu Xin."

"Oh." Yi Chen said faintly, he heard the names of others.

Yang Anyu, who smiled at him and paid special attention to every small expression and movement, of course, smelled a bit of vinegar for a moment, and quickly stressed: "But I still like to play with you."

Wen Yan, Yi Chen Yan bent his lips and corners, his Xiao Yu will use this kind of child to swear to him, but he just eat this set.

"Xiao Yu, I also like to play with you, especially on the bed." A certain movie star smiled meaningfully.

Yang Anyu: "..."

It was such a carelessness that I was teased by someone who was black.

"Right, Chen Yan, I heard Qi Ge and Tang Guo said that Yu Siyuan was threatened and threatened in private, even his agent Yan Feng was secretly beaten, haha, not my brother, so Is it your word?"

"..." Yi Chen said without a word.

Yang Anyu and Gu Xin’s perfume brand endorsement, the original male spokesperson was Yu Siyuan, but when the final decision was made, Yang Anyu, who was in a car accident, woke up. After the body was raised, the advertisers found someone on the door. It directly replaced Yu Siyuan.

So Yu Siyuan was upset, Yan Feng also immediately bought the water army, speculating on the topic, inciting fans to cause war.

Last time because of Yu Siyuan's leg injury, Yang Anyu replaced him as the hero of "Love 29 Days". This time he actually robbed his endorsement.

Yu Siyuan's fans are indignant, there must be something dirty behind this! Yang Anyu is a great brother when he is a brother. It is a bully, and the company is treated fairly, and the public opinion is flying again.

But this incident, Yang An Yu obviously lay down again.

The advertiser originally intended to cooperate with Yang Anyu, but Yang Anyu was in a car accident before retreating. Yu Siyuan and they had not signed any contracts and agreements before, and they could temporarily choose other more suitable stars.

And Gu Xin’s best partner in his heart, of course, is Yang Anyu.

Yi Chenyan sees everything in his eyes. He can tolerate it twice and twice, but if he has more words, especially those who care about him, then I am sorry.

Yang Anyu and Yu Siyuan are both artists of Shang Yi. Shang Yi’s top executives also hold Yu Siyuan. Sometimes Yang Lan is not convenient to come forward, but he does not care.

After all, now Yang An Yu is Yi Chenyan in the first place, the person who dares to move him is to find death.

"Chen Yan, thank you, you really is very powerful." At this time, Yang An Yu looked at the video in Yi Chenyan smiled.

"The Mr. Yu stupid has always been sensitive to IQ, and he is always confused. If he does not teach him a lesson, he will definitely continue to die in the future, and will be blocked sooner or later."

"I really want to do this." Yi Chenyan raised a brow and looked quite domineering.

"Chen Yan, don't dirty your hands for this kind of person." Yang An Yu, pinched his little fist. "If he dares to provoke me, I will do it myself."

Yi Chenyan: "Yeah."

"Xiao Yu, before you left, I put the gift in your suitcase, have you removed it?"

I don't want to mention that kind of person affects the mood. Some movie actor now enjoys a minute and a second with Yang Anyu.

"Of course, I can't wait to tear it down, look!"

After all, Yang Anyu took the fluffy dog's earband out of the headband and swayed in front of the notebook screen against Yichen.

"Hey, let me say that you bought me a lot of dog things for me."

Yang An Yu said again, think about the towel blankets at home, pajamas and pajamas, my t-shirts, slippers are all with puppy patterns and patterns, even the small cocoa at home is Yi Chenyan specially back, let the two Raised together.

Yang An Yu thought that he already liked dogs very much, but now he has met the real dog control.

"Put it on your head." Yi Chen said with a smile.

Yang Anyu nodded, and suddenly put the headband of the puppy's ear on his head, and blinked at Yichen, selling a cute.

"Good-looking? Meng is not cute?"

"Yeah." Yi Chenyan's smile is deeper. His family's Xiao Yu is really suitable for these things. One day, I can try to buy another set of love-fun suits.

"Hold it, twist your buttocks and dance to me."

"Hey?" Yang Anyu stayed asleep, suddenly a little embarrassed.

"I don't want to? Is it embarrassing?"

Yang Anyu is slightly distressed: "Hey, then if I jumped, you can't make a joke to me."

"Well, I can't bear to laugh at you."

Yang An Yu’s heart is warm, although this kind of dance is still a shame-shame, but who calls the other is Yi Chenyan, who is his favorite person in the world.

So, Yang Anyu went out, facing Yi Chenyan in the video, shaking his head for a while, driving the two dog ears up and down, and then twisting the waist and buttocks, but it is like a big dog that has been alive.

Moreover, he has had the experience of doing dogs anyway.

This time completely satisfied the evil taste of a certain movie emperor, Yi Chenyan smiled with satisfaction.

And the next second, the door was opened -

"Young master, that..."

Tang Guo froze in place, and Yang An Yu’s shame-shame action also lags behind.

"I... I didn't see anything, Master, you continue!"

Tang Guozhen’s screaming, and quickly closed the door, who knows that when he turned back, he hit the oncoming Qisen.

The taller Qisen bowed his head and saw the Tang Guo who had his forehead on his chest.

"Oh! I am sorry..." Tang Guo was shocked and stepped back and forth.

"What's wrong?" Qisen was puzzled. He sometimes felt that Tang Guo was shocked and not like a bodyguard.

"No...nothing, brother, you still have to wait in later, save you from disturbing the young master and Mr. Yi." Tang Guo, who had just been seen by the husband and wife, had a hard time.

Qisen instantly disappeared and nodded slightly: "You can't really see more of this kind of thing. Let's go, then I will take you out to eat."

"Thank you, Qi Ge, you are so good!" Tang Guo immediately grinned.

But suddenly thought of something, Tang Guo quickly pulled out the phone: "But can you wait? I want to call my mom first."

"Yes, do you want to report peace with her?"

"Yeah." Tang Guo nodded. "This time I went abroad, I was farther away from her. She hasn’t been to France yet. I want to tell her about everyday life, and the interesting things that happen. Happy."

"You are really filial." Zisen said lightly.

"No, I don't think I am doing enough."

Who knows, Tang Guo shook his head and looked a little low. "Qi Ge, in fact, my mother's health is not good, but I can't always take care of her. I have a special career and often go out, every day. I have to stay with others and protect others. Every time I think of her, I will..."

Hearing this, Qisen couldn't help but reach out and touch Tang Guo's head: "She will be proud of you. Since you can protect others, of course you can protect her."

A warm current wrapped the heart of Tang Guo, and he couldn't help but smile. He completely ignored Zisen's hand and still touched his little head.

"That... that, this time, is it because I bothered you?"

At this time, Yang Anyu, who opened the door, explored half of his body and asked.

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