MTL - Film Emperor’s Adorable Wife From Ancient Times-Chapter 52

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"Xiao Yu..."

I don't know who is calling myself, Yang Anyu has shrunk into a small group, and seems to have entered his own brain.

"Yang Anyu, Yang Anyu, Yang Anyu..."

Sound over and over again, Yang Anyu is looking for the master of the voice in the chaotic memory labyrinth.

"Who? Who are you?"

Yang Anyu shouted loudly, he could not go out, and hoped that people outside the maze could save themselves.

"Who am I? Hehe..." Someone outside sneered, and suddenly asked, "Can't you hear it? Xiao Yu."

"This... is this?" The brain was extremely painful. Yang Anyu turned pale and fell to the ground and muttered to himself. "This is obviously my... my own voice..."

In the center of the villa courtyard, see Yang Anyu suddenly fainted to the ground, Yi Chenyan rushed over and picked him up: "Xiao Yu! Xiao Yu!"

Yi Chenyan yelled eagerly, his face completely disappeared from calm and calm. Fortunately, for a while, Yang Anyu’s brow suddenly twisted and opened his eyes.

"Chen... Chen Yan?" His eyes were full of confusion and embarrassment. "I... What happened to me?"

Yi Chenyan’s eyes quickly flashed something, gently touching Yang’s cheek: “You just fainted.”

"Ah?" Yang Anyu was shocked.

“Is it okay now? Is there any uncomfortable?”

Wen Yan, Yang An Yu licked his temple: "Hey, the head is still a little painful, but there should be no big problem."

After all, Yang Anyu rushed to Yi Chen’s sweet smile, but Yi Chen’s words were not laughable, and his expression was still dignified. He hugged Yang Anyu and decisively said: “We went to the hospital.”

s city, municipal hospital.

In the ward, Yang Anyu, who had already hit the needle, slept, and outside the ward, the male doctor and the family members confessed a few words, and then they left with the two nurses, so there are still Yi Chenyan, Li Wei, and Yang Lan who came over.

When Yi Chenyan and Yang Lan were in the same place, I don’t know if it’s because of the inconsistency of the characters, the atmosphere is always cold, especially when the two don’t talk, it’s quite a bit of a slap in the face.

In order to alleviate this embarrassment, Li Wei had to smile a little forward: "Chen Yan, Yang Zong, the doctor said that Yang Shaoye is not serious, you should not worry."

From the doctor's mouth, they learned that Yang Anyu is a kind of vasovagal syncope. When people's emotions are unstable, they are under considerable pressure, extreme fatigue, painful panic, or being placed in a sultry space.

Before this episode of syncope, blood pressure or heart rate may sometimes slow down; sometimes, without any signs, it will suddenly occur, causing a temporary loss of consciousness, but it will recover on its own for a few minutes or a period of time.

Yang Anyu obviously belongs to the latter. Because of his good physical condition, he soon woke up after coma.

Li Wei was the first to break the silence, but Yi Chenyan and Yang Lan still did not say anything.

Seeing Yi Chenyan's look calm, Yang Lan is unhappy with the Mr. Yingdi, Li Wei really has some headaches, but still politely smiled: "Yang Zong, suddenly rushed over, you have worked hard."

Yang Wei waved his hand in disappointment, and his eyes turned into the ward, looking far away from Yang Anyu lying in bed.

Seeing through Yang Lan’s thoughts, Li Wei and his comfort: “Yang, you can rest assured that Young Master Yang will be safe.”

"Yeah." Yang Lan nodded slightly.

Doctors have also said that there are many ways to treat vasovagal syncope, which varies from person to person. Most patients can be cured with special exercise, and a few need to be treated with drugs or pacemakers.

Yang Anyu was the first episode, and the condition was mild. It was probably caused by emotions. The doctor was prepared to let Yang Shaoye stay in hospital for a few days. If he was recuperated, he should be fine.

And Yang Lan, Li Wei, they are different, Yi Chenyan's expression at this time does not have the slightest ups and downs, but the eyes are dark, it seems to be thinking about other things.

Seeing this attitude of Yi Chenyan, and always saying nothing, Yang Lan’s brow wrinkled and wrinkled, and finally he couldn’t help it: “Yi Chenyan!”

Yi Chenyan immediately lifted his head and looked at Yang Lan.

"Although I am Xiaoyu's brother, I can't think about everything thoughtfully. It will inevitably be negligent. Dad that time..." When it came to this, Yang Lan couldn't help but stagnate, which evoked his bad memories.

"Forget it, now, I don't want to care about anything with you." Yang Lan changed the subject and said seriously. "Although I have always opposed you all together, Xiao Yu is sure that you, Yi Chenyan, if When Xiao Yu is hurt because of you, I will not let you go!"

The light of Yi Chenyan has changed and still does not say anything.

"..." Li Wei could not help but lick his lips.

Yang Lan has always disliked Yi Chenyan. Since he took over from Shang Yi Media in the hands of Yang Peng, he has done a lot of hard work on the surface, but in private he almost ignored Yi Chenyan.

If there is a work-related reason, Yang Lan is forced to helpless. In fact, he can't see Yi Chenyan forever, and he doesn't know him at all.

But now, at this moment, Yang Lan’s attitude seems to have eased.

However, in order to let Yang Lan, the big nephew, and other Yang family accept Yi Chenyan, they still need a long-term process and they are not in a hurry.

"Yi Chenyan, Dad chose you at the beginning, Xiao Yu is now, I hope that you can use more practical actions to prove that you have not lived up to their choices, you are worth it." Yang Lan firmly stares at Yi The words of Chen Yan said.

He thought that Yi Chenyan was still too lazy to give any response. Who knows Yi Chenyan is a nod.

"it is good."

Yi Chenyan quickly agreed to come down.

In an instant, Yang Lan and Li Wei were shocked.

After that, in order not to disturb Yang Anyu's rest, it happened that Yang Lan had something to do, and Li Wei sent Yang Lan to leave.

In the ward, Yang Anyu was still not awake in bed, Yi Chenyan was alone to take care of him.

Yang An Yu pays attention to physical exercise and has a martial arts foundation. It is reasonable to say that lively young people in their twenties are unlikely to have this kind of vasovagal syncope.

Unfortunately, there are exceptions to everything.

Yi Chenyan gently held Yang Anyu's hand and quietly stared at Yang Anyu's sleeping face. This face is eye-catching and looks very well-behaved, but he still prefers Yang Anyu's laughter. Two cute little dimples hang on his lips, and the eyes are sparkling, like a star.

And when it comes to the appearance, wasn't that Yang Anyu used to be like this?

Yi Chenyan's fundus gradually darkened and darkened. His heart rose with a trace of resistance and fear. His eyes moved down, staying in Yang Anyu's white and clean wrist, and did not disable the fingertips on it.

At this time, Yang Anyu’s hand could not help but tremble, and people slowly woke up.

"Wake up, don't you sleep?" Yi Chenyan immediately scraped the past, faint smile, before Yang Anyu finished the needle, finished the medicine, said that he was dizzy, so he slept for several hours.

Yang Anyu’s mouth rose and he smiled “Hm”.

"Sleep for so long, should the stomach be hungry?" Yi Chenyan asked again.


"I think the food here is not used to the hospital, so I told him to go ahead. He will wait for the food to come back, let's wait a little longer, okay?"


Soon, Yi Chenyan got up and peeled the oranges, and then he was fed to Yang Anyu.

In the process, Yang Anyu's eyes are full of love, and the obsessive dawn is like the body of Yi Chenyan. Wherever he goes, Yang Anyu sees where he can't leave for a second.

"After the illness, you seem to have changed?" After that, Yi Chenyan pinched the face of Yang Anyu.

"Yes? But I have always been very embarrassed, Chen Yan." Yang Anyu immediately retorted, but the next moment, the dawn turned dark, but also stretched out the hand-drawn La Yi Chen Yan's clothes corner, my heart was awkward.

"Chen, sorry, let you worry, I..."

Yi Chenyan immediately reached the mouth of Yang An Yu with his fingers, did not let him continue to say, "Don't say ‘sorry’, obviously I didn’t take care of you.”

Yang An Yu stunned, he looked at Yi Chenyan, he really wanted to stay with this man, want to stay longer, longer.

After the year, everyone began to invest in new life and work, and Yi Chenyan and Yang Lan were worried about Yang Anyu's body, so he let him rest for a week.

A week later, Yang Anyu’s itinerary has piled up a lot.

Qisen couldn't help pinching his eyebrows. He had to figure out a reasonable plan as soon as possible. After a few months of silence, Yang Anyu still needed new film and television works to hone his acting skills.

Excluding some endorsement activities, many TV drama directors fancy Yang Anyu, intend to contact him, and even have two movie invitations, but what to choose is a problem.

""Wolf Wolf Forest" and "False", which one do you want to shoot?" On this day, Yi Chenyan called and cares.

"Not yet." Yang An Yu answered truthfully, and his expression was a little bit tangled.

"You think you can try "Shalf Wolf Forest", so that you have the opportunity to cooperate with Meng, do you know him?"

"Yeah." Yang Anyu nodded. "The new movie star is surprised, the acting is super good, and the son of the child star Mengnuo is also super cute! But who is the mother of Xiaomenuo? On this point, it is the unsolved in the circle. The mystery."

"You are very clear about these gossips." Yi Chen said with helpless smile. "More than that, Meng is surprised that he is very good at crying. If you can play against him, it will definitely help."

"Yeah." Yang Anyu responded, suddenly turned a corner, "The Shadow Wolf Forest" this magical blockbuster, Chen Yan, is it in your middle bridge lead?"

This kind of 3D commercial blockbuster starring is Meng Meng, and there are many big cafés to join. Yang An Yu thinks that the director will not think of himself as a newcomer for the first time, so he guessed that it was Yi Chenyan's help.

Yi Chen said, he immediately admitted: "Well, Xiao Yu, sometimes it is not enough for your own efforts. It is always necessary for some people to understand that you are my favorite. The backing is not just Yang. Home only."

This circle is not simple. Many people are now staring at Yang Anyu. Everyone can rely on different things, there are bright faces, there are also people behind them, and the means are endless.

Even if you know that Yang Anyu may be angry, there are some things that Yi Chenyan must show his attitude.

But this time Yang Anyu is not angry, he can understand Yi Chenyan, but there is still some concern: "Chen Yan, you are so petting me, will it be too high-profile?"

"Reassured, I know the size, smart people will naturally understand." Yi Chen said, and suddenly asked, "Xiao Yu, what if I want to do higher-level things in the future?"

A higher-profile thing? Yang Anyu’s eyes turned and he thought about their current identity and relationship. He probably understood.

"Nothing, I am not afraid! As long as you are willing, I will accompany you." Yang An Yu said.

Yang An Yu's tone of voice, could not help but make Yi Chen's heart warm, he smiled: "True."

"Chen Yan, I know that you want me to shoot "The Shadow Wolf Forest", but I think "Blur" is very special."

Unlike the commercial blockbuster "Shalf Wolf Forest", "False" is a dark and black literary film. The director Fu Cheng is also very young. Just twenty-six years old this year, his first film was on fire. He seized the current hotspots and contemporary issues, and won a high box office and reputation with low-cost investment movies. "Fal" is his third film, and he has new ideas and breakthroughs.

"Chen Yan, the afternoon guide will come to talk to me, I want to hear what he said." Yang Anyu went on.

"Well, I will respect your choice."

Yi Chen said faintly, he does not mind Yang Anyu to shoot literary films, although he may not be able to sell as much as "Shalf Wolf Forest", but he hopes that Yang Anyu can choose what he likes and is happy to play each role. .

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Fu Cheng is willing to arrive on time.

This new director does not have any shelves, wears a pair of glasses, and has a gentle personality. As far as age is concerned, it is equivalent to Yang Anyu’s brother.

"Psychopathic distortion, suicidal tendency, and the dual personality of the male lead?" After a brief understanding of the plot, Yang An Yu said, while looking at the opposite Fu Cheng wish, "Fu guide, why do you think I am suitable?"

Fu Cheng smiled and said: "First of all, Xiao Yu's appearance and temperament are very consistent. Also, I have seen several of your plays before, and your acting skills have obviously improved. I believe that you can play my actor. ""

Seeing others exaggerating themselves, Yang Anyu smiled embarrassedly: "Thank you."

"Finally, it may be my instinct."

Fu Cheng wishes to mention the last point. His dawn has become deep and dignified. "Yang Anyu, I wanted to see you before. I finally saw you today. This makes me feel that your eyes are like two worlds." ""

Yang An Yu instantly said: "..."

"Yang Anyu, so is there two worlds in your heart?"