MTL - Film Emperor’s Adorable Wife From Ancient Times-Chapter 29

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In the Beixing District of the city, Yi Chenyan currently lives in the forest villa, and finally, Yang Anyu still chose to stay.

He took the initiative to call Yang Hao, explaining that the snow is now too big, and he is not convenient to come back.

Yang Hao’s hearing is of course very uncomfortable. He has always disliked Yi Chenyan. At this time, he feels that his younger brother is “the sheep into the tiger’s mouth”. It’s not a good idea to have a lonely man and a man stay together for one night!

"Xiao Yu, do you want to stay with the guy yourself?" Yang Yu hit the nail on the head. In fact, many reasons are excuses. He is very clear that Yang An Yu’s heart has always been biased towards Yi Chenyan.

"..." Yang An Yu is slightly embarrassed, and some can't refute.

Yang Anyu, who saw the phone, didn’t say anything. Yang Lan was too lazy to ask. What to say, the two are currently married, and Yang Anyu is now more sensible. He sometimes manages people too tightly. it is good.

Yang Xiao sighed: "Well, I will drive you in the morning to pick you up."

"Well, thank you brother." Yang Anyu smiled and then hanged up.

It is reasonable to say that the relationship between Yang Lan and Yi Chenyan should be quite good, but...

It may be that Yang Lan has any misunderstanding about Yi Chenyan. It seems that he has to find an opportunity in the future to let his brother know more about Yi Chenyan and eliminate his prejudice.

Outside the window is the heavy snow, the snow flakes are getting denser and denser, slowly woven into a white large net, covering the ground. The air conditioning in the house is warm as spring.

Yang Anyu, who took off her coat, wore a white turtleneck sweater and a cute cartoon on her chest. Yi Chenyan was different. His gray v-neck sweater was simple and generous, and he looked a little thin. Yang Anyu wanted to ask him if he was cold or cold, but he turned to think about it. Every time Yi Chenyan held his hand, the palms were thick and warm.

While Yang Anyu looked at Yi Chenyan, Yi Chenyan naturally secretly observed Yang Anyu.

After filming "Mingxin Carved Bone", Yang Anyu was finally able to eat well, and dinner was no longer a fruit. He could eat meat every meal, so the meat on his face grew back later, not so thin.

After that, Yi Chenyan simply asked him about his arrangements after the year. Yang Anyu also answered them one by one. He is now a newcomer with little fame and no work. Of course, it is not as good as the first four years of running, especially busy Chen Yiyan. .

In the study, I heard that Yang Anyu is playing with very few mobile phones. Instead, she loves to read physical books. So Yi Chenyan has found several books on performance techniques, especially what he thinks is more useful and gave it to Yang Anyu.

Yang Anyu took it, nodded gratefully, and then glimpsed inadvertently, noticed that there was a small table in the corner, and a crystal chess was placed on it.

Suddenly, Yang Anyu came to the interest, he pointed to not far away: "Is that?"

Yi Chenyan followed the direction pointed by Yang An Yu, a slight glimpse. This is the birthday present given to him by Yang Peng Yang Peng when he celebrated his birthday two years ago. After that, Yang Peng died of illness.

"It was your father who sent me. I used to play chess with him." I have hidden too much mood, and Yi Chenyan is just a faint statement.

Yang Anyu "oh", he felt that something was wrong, Yang Peng helped Yi Chenyan out of the trough, and then he was all the way to red, and now this crystal chess, Yi Chenyan seems to cherish.

He chose to put it in the study room where he often went in, and at this moment he was placed in an unsolved endgame. It would be meaningful to delay the next step.

"Can I have a look?"

Yi Chenyan heard, and the color of surprise appeared in the eyes: "Do you understand?"

"Slightly understand a little."

After all, Yang Anyu went up two steps. He turned his black eyes and carefully observed the game at the moment. Then he slowly reached out and carefully moved a piece.

The endgame has been broken.

The surprise of Yi Chenyan’s eyes is deeper and his mood has become complicated.

"Actually, I am better at chess. For this kind of chess, I only studied it for a while and I have no practical experience."

Yang Anyu explained with a smile. In ancient times, the general also liked to play chess. He was watching from an early age, so he also learned a lot of skills and strategies.

"Yi Chenyan, let's play chess."

Yang An Yu said that while sitting down, Yi Chenyan should also care about Yang Yang, the father of Yang Peng, but unfortunately he also passed away, and now it is really rare to really accompany Yi Chenyan’s relatives.

Yi Chenyan nodded slightly, and this person in front of him touched the softest place in his heart again.

After a long while, a few consecutive rounds, Yang Anyu, this newcomer lost to Yi Chenyan, has not won yet.

"Ah, I lost again." Yang Anyu sighed, but the next second was again spirited, and his eyes were sacred. "Come back! Let's come again!"

"...well." Yi Chen said that he was laughing.

In this part of the game, when the second half of the game was carried out, the situation was generally able to be seen one or two. Yi Chenyan was still in the upper hand, but he saw Yang Anyu thinking hard and thinking, and occasionally scratching his head, he could not bear it.

His mind turned around and gave up the "image" that he intended to go, and chose to move the "car."

But Yang Anyu instantly saw that it was wrong, and looked up at Yi Chenyan: "You deliberately let the water!"

Yi Chenyan’s hand is a stiff: “...”

I don’t see this silly boy so savvy.

Yang Anyu shook his head and frowned. "Yi Chenyan, you don't need to let me, it's not fair."

At this point, he was really an accidental reluctance. The dawn of Yi Chenyan has changed: "Are you angry?"

"..." Yang Anyu stunned, was he angry now? It seems that there is such a little emotional fluctuation.

If it is the generals of the past, he can't have this kind of emotion, but now the face of Mr. Yingdi, the situation is obviously different.

Seeing that Yang Anyu has not responded, Yi Chen said in his own way: "Sorry, then we will come back again."

At ten o'clock in the evening, Yang Anyu did not win, but he and Yi Chenyan could not kill each other's "king", so they became a draw.

"Not too early, it is time to sleep." Yi Chenyan reminded that Yang Anyu nodded obediently and planned to go to the room.

Yi Chenyan shook his head and brought Yang Anyu to his room: "You sleep here tonight."

There was no guest visit here for too long. Even the owner Yi Chenyan just came back to live, the room was inevitably a little messy, and now the aunt who was cleaning was also on holiday, ready for the New Year, and no one cleaned up.

"This... not good." Yang Anyu shouted, and stunned his eyes. "If I sleep inside, what about you?"

"This is my room, of course I am sleeping here too."

A cheeky shadow of a certain emperor still does not change color, just to take it for granted.

"..." Yang Anyu completely stunned. What is the situation? !

Quickly shaking his head, Yang Anyu wants to leave, but Yi Chenyan grabbed him: "Yang Anyu, don't forget what we are now?"

Yang Anyu: "..."

"We are already married." Yi Chenyan stressed that he was on the eyes of Yang Anyu.

But he obviously doesn't love himself, is it now...

Yang Anyu immediately stopped the thoughts in his mind. He didn't dare to think about it. He tried to move his wrist. He found that Yi Chenyan was very tight and didn't intend to loosen it.

Feel the uneasiness of Yang Anyu, Yi Chenyan slowed down the tone: "You sleep peacefully, I will not do anything."

At night, on the same bed, there is a distance between the two, and Yang Anyu is still facing Yichenyan. His nerves are in high tension, how can he be uncomfortable, and he can't sleep for a long time.

I didn’t expect that the day I shared the bed, it’s still coming!

After another hour, about a little more, Yang Anyu heard the shallow breathing of Yi Chenyan, and determined that he had fallen asleep, Yang Anyu quietly turned around.

In the darkness, Yang Anyu can't see the appearance of Yi Chenyan, but Yi Chenyan's outline of the whole face, Yang Anyu has been deeply engraved in the mind.

This quiet night is very suitable for people to think about something. Yang An Yu’s heart is “jumping” and all the signs seem to indicate one thing to him –

He likes Yi Chenyan.

Facing the immediate shadow of the Emperor, it is not the respect of the past in the past, nor the worship and obsession of the idol, but an admiration.

It turns out that my "like" is like this.

Finally, I determined that I had been confused before, and Yang Anyu slowly closed her eyes.

However, what he did not know was that after he fell asleep, Yi Chenyan, who had fallen asleep, suddenly opened his eyes. Yi Chenyan bent his lips and put Yang Anyu into his arms, holding it gently...

Some time ago, Qin Nuo, who was brought back to the city by Yang Lan, took a few days off, and then issued his own apology statement on Weibo Twitter and related forum homepages, mentioning the reason why his father was seriously ill in the previous game. .

For a time, everyone began to talk again. Regardless of the outside world's public opinion, Yang Lan signed Qin Nuo directly, and Shang Yi combined with several fair media public relations, and all made relatively positive reports.

At the same time, the finals of "The Voice of Tomorrow" came to an end. The champion is no suspense is Tang Yu, a "gentle prince" who is balanced in all aspects, while Shen Donghao and Huang Chuan are runners-up and runner-up respectively, and all three of them have become artists.

In fact, since Qin Nuoxi took the initiative to withdraw, most of the netizens have already guessed this result.

After that, Tang Wei did not fade out of people's vision, and then issued the first album after his debut, which is also his personal New Year's greetings to fans.

Another week, New Year's Eve.

Yang Anyu was received by Yang Lan from the Yangjia Villa in the eastern part of the city.

After Yang’s dinner, Yang Anyu and his brother Yang Lan put fireworks in the yard at night. Yang Anyu likes to watch fireworks from an early age. When the dazzling fireworks light up the sky, his heart seems to be illuminated. .

Mrs. Yang, who always likes to be quiet, has no objection. Zhang Guanjia and Zhao Ayi also laughed. They only thought that the young master was young and young, and sometimes he jumped and made the family a lot of fun.

At nine o'clock, Yang Anyu sent a message to his relatives and friends, and finally sent a voice to Yi Chenyan on WeChat.

"happy New Year!"

Compared with the beginning, they are now close to a lot of relationships, so they exchanged various contact methods. Now it is not just a text message.

Yi Chenyan also said the words "Happy New Year" through the voice.

Yang Anyu feels warm, but when he and Yi Chenyan are clearly defined in a city, they are so far apart, and they are a little lost.

"Are you alone tonight? Will you be lonely?"

"I am used to it." Yi Chen said faintly.

Yang An Yu was suddenly silent.

I can't wait for Yang Anyu's reply, Yi Chenyan is afraid that he thinks more, and said: "I have seen me in the morning, and I also have a lot of fans who care about it, it doesn't matter."

"I will accompany you in the future." Yang An Yu suddenly blurted out.

Yi Chen said: "..."

"Oh, I mean..." I noticed that this is strange. Yang Anyu was embarrassed to explain, "As long as you have time and welcome me, we can eat and eat like the day before the heavy snowfall." And then play chess."

"Okay, a word is fixed."

Yi Chenyan showed a smile across the screen of the mobile phone.

Nowadays, both the Yang family and the former students of the school have changed their attitude towards Yang Anyu. Yang Anyu made friends with Qin Nuoxi and Guo Lixu. After entering the circle, in addition to Yu Siyuan, other seniors he knew were also very friendly to him.

I have to say that this is very lucky.

Before going to sleep at night, Yang Anyu thought of the original owner. At first, he felt uncomfortable with everything around him, and spit out the original owner's temper, but now he is more and more grateful to him.

Was the original Yang Anyu reincarnation? Some of the knots left in his heart, sooner or later, Yang Anyu vowed that he would definitely help him.

In any case, Yang Anyu also wants to say something to him - Happy New Year.

After the year, Yi Chenyan went abroad, and Yang Anyu started the film propaganda activity of "Mingxin Qiu Bone". He and Ye Lin, Dou Bin, and other performers of Kang Yu and other crews followed Xu Xuan and ran several big domestic ones. city.

Qisen helped him to pick up some advertising and endorsement activities, basically in line with his sunny and fresh image. However, for some less important trips, Yang Anyu uses weekends or vacations. He also needs to take care of his studies and make up for the lessons he has owed before.

On this day, Yang Anyu received a call from Qin Nuoxi.

"Xiao Yu, can you do me a favor?"

"Okay!" Yang Anyu agreed.

"Oh, I promised so soon, you don't ask what is it?" Qin Noxi wants to laugh a little.

"It’s exactly what Nosh you are asking, for a good friend, of course, you have to cut the knife."

"You, sometimes I really want to open!" Qin Nuoxi smiled. "However, I don't need your knife to be so serious. You star in my song mv."

Yang Anyu: "Hey?!"

Before Qin Nuoxi’s disputes, it was inevitable that there would be more black powder. He and Yang Lan were very clear. They wanted to completely eliminate public opinion. To truly change some people’s views, they must rely on their own strength and work.

After Tang Yu, Yang Lan obtained the consent of other senior executives of the company, and was also preparing to create his debut album "promise" for Qin Nuoxi.

In conjunction with his name, the word promise has the meaning of "commitment, hope", and Qin Nuxi is also making an important commitment to his fans.

This album contains four singles. The main song is Qin Nuoxi's own composition, and the other songs are also produced by a professional music team.

After Qin Nuoxi and several music teachers discussed it, he also planned to add an ancient style song to it and add features. After all, Qin Nuoxi’s play is also very good. The ancient songs he sang before in the game were well received. .

One day later, after Yang Lanyu arrived at the recording studio in the building of Shangyi Media, he listened to Qin Nuoxi’s storyline about the ancient wind mv and began to worry.

"Noch, I am more likely to dance, but this kind of dance, I am a man possible-"

Qin Nuoxi interrupted him and patted him: "Xiao Yu, don't be so embarrassed, your body is so flexible, has a dance talent, and has a strong learning ability. I believe you are fine."

"Noch, do I have so many advantages? I didn't listen to you so much before."

"You have, but you didn't care." Qin Nuoxi still smiled. He looked at Yang Anyu's face. It was really more and more sensational. He was looking forward to his costume style.

When Yang Anyu was still in distress, the voice of his brother Yang Lan suddenly passed.

"I have already arranged it. There will be a professional dance teacher in that area to teach you tomorrow." Yang, who took the time to look at someone, is quite calm.

Yang Anyu: "..."

Usually, his brother’s business is not necessarily positive for Yang Lan.

A month later, Qin Nuoxi released a new album, and Yi Chenyan also booked a ticket for returning home.

While waiting at the airport, he listened to Li Wei, saying that in Qin Noxi's last single "Double Play", Yang Anyu's friendship appeared, and Yi Chenyan opened the ancient wind mv for more than four minutes.

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