MTL - Film Emperor’s Adorable Wife From Ancient Times-Chapter 15

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"Yang An Yu, do you want to divorce Yi Chenyan?"

Yang Wei listened to Tang Guo. After that car accident, Yang Anyu took off the ring from his hand after returning from the hospital. He had never worn it.

Now, Yang Anyu will not be like the name of Yi Chenyan in the same day. He will be drunk and crying and crying. He is no longer idle, and with the goal of chasing, he tries to sing and dance and wants to enter the entertainment circle.

Yang Anyu’s wishful thinking, is it already at the end? Yang Lan guessed that if the younger brother could completely let go and end this ridiculous marriage early, it would be good.

"..." Yang Anyu stunned and then fell silent.

Indeed, he also had this idea at the beginning. Although he and Yi Chenyan are married, there is no love between them.

He knows that the original owner likes Yi Chenyan, but Yi Chenyan obviously does not like "Yang An Yu". He himself is also a kind of respect and worship for Yi Chenyan. He wants to be his friend and has no other ideas.

They can be master servants, friends, but Yang Anyu never thought that they would become lovers.

"Brother, if I divorce him..." Yang Anyu's dawn faded. "Is it impossible to live with him again, and can't you see him often?"

When the chest suddenly became sullen, Yang Lan was angry and felt ridiculous.

"Do you see him often now?"

Yang Anyu: "..."

"Wan Xin Jing Yuan over there, is your home? Yang An Yu, has always been you alone." Yang Hao also called.

Nowadays, Yang Anyu has gradually changed, but Yi Chen’s words are cold and cold, and he still looks like he is always busy with his work. There are only a handful of days to accompany Yang Anyu at home.

Half a year ago, Yi Chenyan’s contract with Shanghao Media expired. Yang Peng also died of illness. Yang Lan thought that Yi Chen’s words would leave Shang Hao, but who knows Yi Chen’s renewed contract, but also Yang Anyu is registered to get married.

Yang Peng left Yang Anyu with a lot of assets, and the shares of the two added up, making Yi Chenyan one of the shareholders of Shang Yi.

Yi Chenyan is a very talented person. Of course, he will not easily reveal his own nature and real thoughts. Yang Lan can't guess his mind, and especially hates him.

"Yang Anyu, you really is a stupid! Yi Chenyan, what kind of **** attack has any good love? He doesn't like you at all. If he is married, he will definitely leave with you."

"..." Yang Anyu stunned, yes, this is a matter of time.

He also vaguely felt that one day in the future, Yi Chenyan would leave, and he would really leave him and never return to their home.

"You think about it yourself, don't be stupid again. Instead of waiting for Yi Chen to abandon you, it is better to marry him first!"

Yang Anyu nodded. Suddenly, what he thought of, he quickly found paper and pen, and wrote a mobile phone number.

"Brother, do you know this mobile phone number?" Yang Anyu handed the paper to Yang Lan.

Yang Lan was somewhat puzzled. He took out his mobile phone and looked at the address book. He found that it was...

"Yi Chenyan." Yang Yan frowned, I really hope that the film emperor has changed the number.

In an instant, Yang Anyu lived.

For this strange number, Yang Anyu has made a lot of guesses. He knows that the other party must know himself. Who is it?

Yang Anyu has thought of Yi Chenyan countless times, but she has never been sure.

"Brother, I don't want to divorce for the time being."

Yang Yufu amount: "..."

This younger brother is really persistent! Losing him thought that after the car accident, Yang Anyu’s brain was opened, but it seems that he is still stubborn in Yichen’s affairs.

"Brother, I want to go home."

“Hmmm?” Yang Lan seems to be unhappy. “This is not your home.”

"I..." pinched his hand, and Yang Anyu firmly said, "I want to see him."

The "he" is naturally Yi Chenyan.

Yang Hao’s eyes are fierce: “No!”

Yang Anyu’s eyes on Yang Lan looked pitiful.

The younger brother is so obsessed with the scum attack! Mr. Yang is even more depressed, but he has also stepped back: "At least not now, the sky is already dark, and there is heavy rain outside, so let’s talk about it tomorrow."

"Thank you brother!" Yang Anyu smiled and smiled.

After Yang Lan went to the study room, Yang Anyu didn't bother to continue reading. He flipped through the text message on his mobile phone and only felt warm inside his heart, and his smile on his lips was getting deeper and deeper.

At this time, Yang Anyu’s button group suddenly jumped out of new news.

The group owner "Sister Sister" bubbling, informing everyone that there will be an event for Yi Chenyan tomorrow, to fly to the city of B.

[咩姐: The boss is the plane at 7:00 in the morning, we need to organize the airport (*^__^*)]

Yang Anyu is now a member of the Yichen Fan Support Club. He had answered a lot of questions related to Yi Chenyan before, and after a lot of review, he entered the fan base.

As soon as the news came out, some people in the group responded quickly.

Nikita: Well, I know.

Hey: Add me a ~\\(≧▽≦)/~

Big brother's long legs: Wow, don't run the two cannon goddesses in front!

Nan Nan: Sister Jie, I will go too, but the boss is so hard, flying around at three days, a big distress!

Doudou Jun: Well, but there is no way for it. Tomorrow, everyone must keep order, don’t add confusion to your brother.

After reading these, Yang An’s smile is a bit stiff, and Yi Chen’s words are leaving again? I don't know how long it is this time.

At ten o'clock, the rain outside the window is still very big. Yang Anyu clenched her mobile phone and squatted in the room for a while, then decisively dialed the phone.

"Young Master Yang?" Li Wei was a bit surprised.

"Mr. Li, didn't bother you to rest, I want to confirm one thing. Are you and the predecessors leaving the city again tomorrow?"

In front of others, Yang An Yu still shouted "easy seniors", he felt that this is the basic respect.

Slightly stunned, smiled: "Well, yes, we are probably in the city of b for a week or so."

Yang Anyu gently "oh", the mood is lost, it seems that there is no need to go back tomorrow, anyway, Yi Chenyan has to leave.

"Young Master Yang, are you still in Yang Family?"


"Chen Yan is waiting for you at home." After thinking about it, Li Wei was mentioned.

"..." Yang Anyu was stunned and thought he had got it wrong.

With a sigh, Li Wei continued: "In fact, these days, Chen Yan has been waiting for you at home. You haven't seen you for a long time, at least before he leaves, see him."

"I know, thank you!"

After Yang Anyu hangs up the phone, he hurriedly put on his coat, carrying a backpack and ran out.

s city, Wanxin Jingyuan.

I have to leave tomorrow, worrying that Yang Anyu has nothing to eat at home, Yi Chenyan left enough food in the refrigerator and a puppy apron on the sofa.

Compared to eating out, Yang Anyu now prefers to cook in person, and will make new dishes in the kitchen. There are many strange ideas in his mind, and there will always be a variety of dishes.

Also, he likes dogs.

Two smiles, Yi Chenyan felt that doing so was superfluous.

When the luggage has been packed, Yi Chenyan is preparing to go back to the room to sleep, but suddenly received a text message from Yang Anyu.

【wait for me! 】

Twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, Yi Chenyan stared at the screen of the mobile phone for a few seconds, did not want to understand, who knows the next moment, the doorbell rang.

Yi Chenyan opened the door and saw a "falling dog" standing at the door of the house.

"Easy... Yi Chenyan, I, I..."

In the clear mind, I had a bunch of words, but Yang Anyu had stuttered when she saw Yi Chenyan. She couldn’t say a complete sentence for a long time.

Yangjia Villa is in the east area of ​​the city, and Wanxin Jingyuan is on the west side. It is almost at the two ends of the city. It is such a long distance, and there is heavy rain outside, but Yang Anyu still rushed over.

I want to see him! Suddenly want to see him!

I can't say why, and I have different feelings from the past. The strong thoughts made Yang Anyu unable to attend other things. He didn't have time to tell Yang Lan, and hurriedly ran out of Yang.

When he hit the car, the driver's master drove to the West Side, but he accidentally encountered a road closure. After blocking it for a while, Yang Anyu became more and more anxious. He simply got off the bus and ran all the way.

"Auntie!" Yang Anyu sneezed and seemed to have a cold.

Yi Chenyan’s dawn changed and took his wet and cool hand: “Come in.”

For a moment, Yang Anyu felt that it was not cold at all. He couldn't help but smile, and it was all worth it.

Subsequently, Yi Chenyan promptly called Yang Hao to report the peace, Yang Hao was too angry to decide, and decided to "educate" his younger brother in the past.

Yang An Yu was a little feverish. After Yi Chenyan gave him medicine, he fell asleep unconsciously.

When Yi Chenyan covered his quilt for him, he was caught by Yang Anyu. With his eyes closed, his lips are squirming, ambiguously asking: "Yi Chenyan, we... can we be friends? Always... good friends who play together."

Yi Chen said a word, did not respond, but gently touched Yang An Yu's face with his fingertips.

This face, in fact, he saw it a long time ago...

In his sleep, Yang Anyu returned to childhood.

Playful, he climbed to a peach tree in the backyard of the General's House.

The breeze smashed, and the petals of the petals fell like rain. Under the tree, the generals of the robes of the robes, the jade crowns, the hairs of the front of the forehead fluttered in the wind, and the eyebrows were gentle.

"Xiao Yu, come down, I will follow you."

Xiao Yang An Yu nodded, and was easily embraced by the Yi General when he jumped.

Xiao Yang An Yu Lai refused to come down in Yi Chenyan, and his big eyes were clear and bright. Suddenly he asked: "General, can we be friends?"


"Yeah." Xiao Yang An Yu looked innocent, "a good friend who has been playing together."

Yi Chen said that he licked his little head, and a smile shook his face, and the wind was bright and clear, as if he had overcome all the beauty of the world.

"We are family members."

Yang Anyu tightened him tightly, only feeling warm and warm, warming into the bottom of my heart.

The "Boxer" drama was reviewed very quickly, and several TV stations also bought the right to play, so it was officially launched soon.

Only two episodes were aired, and "Boxer" received rave reviews and quickly occupied the major entertainment sections. These two days, the hot topic list on Weibo is almost all about this drama. The headline is initiated by the fans of Yi Chenyan. #姜海大师嫁我可好#

The second place is #拳师电视剧#, and the third place is a topic that suddenly popped up #萌帅萌帅的身身小哥#, hard life will #思源 you are the best Jiang Yunxue # pressed to the fourth.

As a result, everyone has poked the topic of ranking third.